(2009/03) March 2009 MTBs


I tot website say that the 1900*1300*15 FP is sold out? Me blur cos i want to order that too but put sold out..

Have decided on my design too

WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK
3 Kome Serangoon FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar
hey...another gathering!!!
can i join u guys this time?
will u bring bb as well? I've to bring mine..and pardon me if i need to go outside the restaurant to put bb to sleep hee...

Waruku Jap/ Pasta @ Heeren
Please indiciate prefer date 18Aug(Tue) or 19Aug(Wed)

The Hereen

1. Inya (Tue/ Wed)
2. Alfafa (tue only paiseh)
3. Annmelody ( Tue/ Wed)
4. Queenie (KIV)
5. Jo (KIV)
6. MissyCandy (kiv tues)
7. Pumpkinseed (KIV)
8. Ivy (tues)
9. Mangogal (tues only)
10. sinmey (Tue/Wed)
11. babydreams (Tue/Wed)
12. miss83 (tue/wed)

whom shall i contact when i reach there? I've never met anyone of u though I have been on this thread since last aug kekeke..this will be my first gathering to meet u all
so excited!!
asura - u knw my HR always knw how to eat us... like that time ML once hit 36wks no longer is MC is considered ML... so i lugi 1 week... they very calculative la.. bth...
spoken to HB. have decided. wont stay on in the co. not worth it. will work the new schedule til i leave though...

anyway my colleague called me jus now... she's pregs... guess she will understand how i feel liao... and she mentioned that boss spoke to her... she didnt wan to reveal too much but in a nutshell.. basically when boss needs you, she wil treat u damn well.. when she doesnt, she will treat u like dirt... like duh... of cos lor... anyway made up my mind... shall look for greener pastures.... 3 days work week here i come !!! yipeeeeeeeee!!!
WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK
3 Kome Serangoon FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar FP 1900*1300*15mm

yeah... such companies, no point staying.

Oh yah... u know my INBeauty package? I called them n told them tat it was wrong to send me such a letter cos my package got no expiry date. They claim tt they were only trying to remind me then i told them tt their english must be really bad cos the letter din remind, it was a notice to invalidate my package! Then i told them that if i got no faith in them already, dont want them to say tt my package is still valid n only to receive another "reminder" months later. I wanna refund else i am going to report to CASE n write to papers n go to their shop n ask customers not to buy their package. So they called me today n offered to refund me the value of my unused package in cash... heh... i blow my top out telling them all these... lucily, it end up wat i wanted... heh
WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
3 Kome Serangoon FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar FP 1900*1300*15mm
WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
3 Kome Serangoon FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar FP 2300*1400*15mm

sounds like your company is not a great one to work with. I sympathise with all the crap they are giving you and all the stress you must be facing. Hope you can find a better employer who truly values its employees soon!!
alfafa, sinmey n ann... wow looks like very good gains what you girls are doing. looks like i should over come my investment phobia and earn some chanel money hahhaha
<font color="aa00aa">Hi sunshine..
Happy BIrthday!!! Hope u hv enjoy yourself today...

queenie... congrats to yr boy flipping.. u must be very happy to see him flipping.. me was so excited when i saw my boy flip for the first time too... but now it getting uncontrollable when is diaper time.. haha..

congrats on yr new found job.. think u must be happy tat u found something tat u like so soon after juz leaving yr ex company.. at least u hv a gd break b4 embarking on the new found career..</font>
Think i will not order this time round. Will wait for new designs.

WOK Bumper Playmat:
Mummy Location Design Size
1 vernice80 AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
2 Asura AMK FP 1900*1300*15mm
4 Pinksorbet Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
5 Pumpkinseed Bukit Timah FP size TBC
6 Sung Sengkang Sweet Bear 2300*1400*15mm
7 Blurjen
8 blurgal Sengkang Sweet Bear 1900*1300*11mm
9 Jojo Hougang
10 Reverie Island Paya Lebar FP 2300*1400*15mm
here's another..

Silly mummy only got to know how to compress her pic after so many trials.

i know she has been sleeping during all the gatherings that i have been, many mummies don't get to see her .. keke.. so here goes
asura - hahaha! some ppl mus scare them then they wil have some action. if not, wil jus eat ppl. think cn anyhow eat ppl. tsk tsk.

pei - thanks. very hard to find gd employer la. lol!

lenny - wow yes. true. she's usually slping. dont get to see the face. finally cn see the face. hee. cute. looks like HB is it?

Yah... but i am really going to do what i threat actually... cos i think it is ridiculous to invalidate a package just cos the person din go for a yr. Like i told them, it is my money... and my package, i like to go then i go... since no expiry date, the package should still be there waiting for me whenever i wanna go unless their shop close down then i bo bian.
WOK delivered my mini mat. It's great for placing next to the bed so that baby has a slight cushioning if she rolls over the edge. Saw the FP rainforest newest small size (which is running low in stock). It's good for small areas. Looks really nice in real life. Will wait and see if we are really moving in Oct before I decide on size. Think you girls go ahead without me.

Kome, 11mm seems quite thick... good for playtime but if Anver is going to take naps on it, you may want something thicker.

prosper, congrats!!!

sunshinebaby, happy birthday

teddybaby, I encountered this rouge estate agents recently while enquiring about rentals. Talking to them was such a pain in the tushie. I wonder how some of them even make a living.
"hallo, ah, what you want. Rent ah? No more no more. You call me back next week la" ?!#$%@

scrumpee, yeah there was a feature the other day that one minister was very active on FB.

vernice, what is land of incredibles??

Lenny, I like the lilac Bumbo, so pretty...

missycandy, when it's time to move one, it's time!
Waruku Jap/ Pasta @ Heeren
Please indiciate prefer date 18Aug(Tue) or 19Aug(Wed)

The Hereen

1. Inya (Tue/ Wed)
2. Alfafa (tue only paiseh)
3. Annmelody ( Tue/ Wed)
4. Queenie (KIV)
5. Jo (KIV)
6. MissyCandy (kiv tues)
7. Pumpkinseed (wed)
8. Ivy (tues)
9. Mangogal (tues only)
10. sinmey (Tue/Wed)
11. babydreams (Tue/Wed)
12. miss83 (tue/wed)

I have been missing too many Tues gatherings with this other bunch of mums that I hang out with so have to opt for Wed.
Hi Pumpkinseed,

Can try Tuesday for this outing? Seems like most mummies on Tuesday and me trying to include all leh :>

You got PM!
Ann, oh I may be able to make it Tue after all. Didn't realise it's 12pm. They usually meet at 2pm.
In any case, just go with the majority. This HDB tai tai can always meet up with you girls another time.
land of incredibles: I*dia.

ann n mummies, wonder if i can entice you all to go Bakerinz instead. They have set lunch at $13.90 ( main course + 1 drink) and for month of aug, all classic dessert is at 50% off...yummy...haha.
And think paragon is very baby friendly too!
<font color="aa00aa">mummies

prosper, alfafa, p3, bbdreams, misscandy, lenny, princess, pumpkin
10 Q for yr birthday wishes!!!

<font color="aa00aa">
congras!!! welcome back to work force!!! ^_^

got playmat as a gift la...
wat abt snake?? tot of designing 1???

u forgotten me lei...

how's their charges like?? mayb i'll do pedi only... 2 wks later then do my mani...

my boi oso likes to frown since birth... he'll always frown when he saw the camera... tink he dun realli like the 'black thing'... LOLx</font>
morning mummies...


jojo - i'm interested to know the mani/pedi charges as well...if too exp, mayb i jus join u gals for lunch or if u gals keen on shopping, i'm in as well...hehe...paisei, need to have some financial buffer already...hb gave me the red light warning i have been spending too much...

mayb we can also come up with a list on 11-sep? wow there's so many gatherings here its seriously getting abit confusing...

Program: Lunch + Mani/Pedi? OR Shopping?
Venue: TBC
Date: 11-Sep (FRI)
1) sportyger
2) sun96
3) cindy
4) vernice
5) kome?
6) jojo
7) pinksorbet
Good morning mummies,

TGIF! I feel so tired even thought it has been a 4-day work week.

I am fine with just lunch and shopping too hahaha. Just want to take a break from work.
Thanks mummies..

yep.. she is sleeping most of the time during our gathering cos its her nap time.. from 12.00pm to 2.15pm / 2.30pm..

but she tend to sleep longer when she is in her carrier. was hoping that she will wkae up and socialise though
sportyger - yes i agree with u, so tired even if its jus a 4-day work week?

lenny - brianne is v pretty! wow...i tink i saw yr hb's photo in fb...looks like yr hb rite?
Lenny:: looove brianne!! She's soo sweet!!

missy:: if say you take up the new work schedule, can change your mind if still not suitable ma?
lenny/sportyger - if i have a gal like u, i'm gone case already cos there are so many sweet little stuffs to buy! even now i have a boy, my mum asked me how come i buy so many things ah...say if i have a gal, sure jialat one...

i oso think so la...haha...but i still wan to have a gal!
<font color="aa00aa">sung
take care n get well soon...

dun tink i can reach bugis @ 12.30pm... but will try my best to reach asap... aft mani/pedi session, will go jalan jalan if still got time huh...

brianne so pretty!!! like mother ya... ^_^</font>
thanks mummies.. i got her dress from one of the shops in Bali airport May last yr.. before she was born.. i kiasu... hehe..

the socks are tippie toes.. got it from robinsons then found out thagt i can get it cheaper online
<font color="0000ff">A YOUNG woman hawked branded accessories and handbags at bargain prices on her blogshop.
But Diana Koh, 21, never delivered the bags, even though she pocketed over $1,000 in total from close to 40 women who responded to her online offers of bags, jewellery casings and make-up pouches.
Yesterday, Koh was jailed for three months for cheating 37 victims in March.
A district court heard how one of her victims had ordered bags from her via the website, k-sayuri.blogspot.com
The site has since been shut down.
In early March, the victim had been drawn to the website while surfing the Internet and ordered five bags. Koh promised to mail them to her home.
The woman went on to transfer $87 to Koh's bank account but the bags never came. Her subsequent attempts to contact Koh were unsuccessful.
When contacted, another victim, a 24-year-old who bought a handbag from Koh for $19, said other sellers had priced it at almost $50. She said Koh claimed she was selling it at a discount as she had to migrate to Australia soon.
Asked if she had smelled a rat, the woman said: 'Yes, I did suspect at first. But human beings are greedy and since it's not a huge sum, I decided to try my luck.'
Koh is not the only one who has been jailed for an online scam involving the purchase of branded goods. In March this year, the police arrested a woman who went off the radar after collecting over $30,000 online from buyers to make bulk purchases of branded Coach and Kate Spade handbags. She was later jailed.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">mummies
gd new to share w u all... my boi finally flip yesterday!!! so sad i'm not ard to witness but happy he gave me a surprise bd present!!!
sun - congrats...! my boy flipped too but one of his arm still stuck underneath his body and he can't take it out...does this mean he has successfully flipped? i oso not sure...haha
sianz... zac's jab is schedule on the 28th... then i just received an email from boss that there's an event that need us all to attend on the 28th...
thinking of writing back to him to excuse me..
as long as he can flip unassisted, i consider tat as successfully flipped lei... my boi oso... one of his arm still stuck underneath his body... lolx
Er..dun kill me for this.
But i rem someone posted a list of 1st food to intro to baby. I copied but deleted it in the midst of cleaning up the office lappy..
Can someone post again? Thanks!!!
Hi Ivy,

Copy and paste from previous post.

Best First Food for Baby
Ripe avocado, ripe banana, Iron-fortified infant rice cereal, cooked, pureed sweet potatoes

Best Foods for Beginning Eater
Single grain fortified commercial infant cereals: barley, millet, oatmeal
Cooked, strained fruits: apricots, nectarines, peaches, pears, plums, prunes

> 6months
Homemade whole grain cereals: brown rice, millet, oat
Raw mild fruits: mango, papaya, pears
Winter squash/pumpkin
Whole-milk yogurt

> 7months
Homemade mixed cereals
Tofu, cottage cheese, hard-cooked egg yolk
Cooked, pureed: asparagus, carrots, green beans, peas, squash, white potatoes
Diluted, strained, mild fruit juices: apple, apricot, grape, papaya, pear, peach, prune

> 8months
Tahini, ground nuts, ground seeds
Brewer’s yeast, powdered kelp
Apricot, apple, kiwi, plums, watermelon, peeled &amp; quartered grapes, honeydew
Cantaloupe, broccoli, okra, cooked parsley

> 9months
Dried beans, lentils, split peas (ground and cooked)
Brussels, sprouts, cauliflower, spinach, beets, kale, eggplant, rutabaga, rhubarb, turnips
Finely chopped raw parsley
Cooked greens, cooked onion

> 10months
Thinned nut (peanut after one year) butters
Homemade bulgur cereal
Cooked whole grain cornmeal with the germ
Whole grain pasta
Ground spouts
Finely grated, raw: squash, carrots, greens, sweet peppers

> 1year
Cow’s milk
Citrus fruits &amp; citrus fruit juices
Tomatoes &amp; tomato juices
Hard-cooked egg white
Strawberries, blueberries, and other berries (not whole, cut into small pieces)

Summary schedule for Introduction of Foods during Baby’s First Year

For Beginner eaters – mix finely pureed food with enough liquid until it pours off the spoon into baby’s mouth. Food should be only slightly thicker than breast/ formula milk.

For 6-7months – Food should still be pureed or mashed until it is a smooth and lumpless consistency. Food can be slightly thicker than beginners – the consistency of thick cream.

For 8-9months - Gradually increase thickness, then chunkiness of food. Offer bite-sized pieces of soft finger foods. Watch very carefully for choking or gagging.

For 10-12 months – Foods should still be fork-mashed or pureed. Never leave your baby alone while eating.

bb is 5mths old now, just went for pd for jab and was told that he is ready to start his solids (tho i intending to delay abit more..) Oh ya, he is 8.4kg! my cute fat botak! haha..

<font color="ff0000">jojo</font> - wa..like that eddric will win quite a few categories liaoz..heehee

<font color="ff0000">asura</font> - that design currently OOS. I spoke to WOK n she might be bringing in end of this month if there is stock. So can still choose but got to see how we liaise with her lor.

wa...not bad leh still can refund for unused package heehee..better still right!

<font color="ff0000">missycandy</font> - eh i think most bosses are like that leh...normal lah. anyway look forward to ur 3 days week!

<font color="ff0000">lenny</font> - baby B looks big n tall leh...doesn't look like 4/5 mths but she very pretty in that outfit...so envy... heehee

<font color="ff0000">pumpkin</font> - heehee u have been wanting a lilac bumbo so much..saw someone in wts selling at $20 leh.

land of incredibles - Ixdia (their tourism tagline)

<font color="ff0000">sportyger</font> - no TGIF for me! it means another 2 days in SG only..urgh!!!

<font color="ff0000">pink</font> - the price for a designer bag is ridiculous. even if the seller delivers, it might be fake. ooh...i read abt the Coach BP one in our forum, didn't know she was jailed!

<font color="ff0000">sun96/pink</font> - CONGRATS on ur boys flipping!

<font color="ff0000">wintertime</font> - they not SAHM..just eating more snake during lunch time heehee
