(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

ramy and sandy,
thanks for the encouragement and listening to me. i really hope is teething problem causing her loss of appetite not other health issues or eating problems. i mus know how to accept and learn when times bb reject food. now i know being a mum is not easy at all... BTW, my gal did take plenty of soup and corns (her favourite). for the past 3 days i have made 'Liu Wei' soup, Lotus Root Soup and ABC soup.

Re: Soup and Toddler Recipes
I picked up some recipes fr tis website. i find it very useful. oh yah, i learnt baking muffin fr tis website


yalor, my gal see the cereal on the spoon she turn her head straightaway. i think she's sick with the smell of cereal. ended up i giv her bread with banana smoothies with honey. no allergy reaction on honey. so i guess honey is ok for her. u give cornflakes to naomi? wat brand? i jus bot 2 small package of nestle's honey star and corn flakes but yet let her try.

sandy is right. i remembered once my mum said if bb got thumb sucking habit, the older ppl will put 'Ru Yi' Oil or 'Feng Yiu' or Chili on their thumb so they know sucking their thumb is terrible.
oh deedee, in that case you have no worries...cos its not like she didnt eat at all, just didnt eat what you have expected from her...i think at times we are the source to our own problems or worries..we dictate what they should eat and how much they should eat..when they dont eat, we think they have a problem...so i think the kiddos are trying to tell us that they have their own minds and they will eat what they want and when they want..hope u feel better soon
she ate very very little only not like usual days eat a lot and variety of food. when u talked abt bring her out to eat outside food, my sista oso said the same thing... she said gal's 'kou wei' - taste is heavier than boy. so she asked me occasionally let her eat food like 'wanton' noodles, minced pork noodles etc. i hesitate to do it sia. did u try giving naomi stuff like these???? i worried i giv her once then she'll never eat her usual food liao.

after throwing out my worries and sadness i feel better lah..... thanks..

taking care of bb is no joke sia... one moment with sleep problem then next moment eating problem. one problem goes away and the other problem comes. haiz..... how long can i tahan!??
deedee, heh heh i dont have wanton noodles and bah chor mee here but give her vietnamese pho (aka kway teow soup but theirs is alot stronger taste)..and i give her bak ku teh, dim sum restaurant's fish porridge, agadeshi tofu with rice, miso soup..i also had the same concern as you ..worry that she wont eat her food after trying outside food but i decided not to think so much and venture out..plus my pd says i should let her eat everything ..so far after eating, she still eats the food i made for her so i guess it doesnt matter , as long as its not daily n not main staple, should not influence their food preference
Hi Deedee,

Wah, dun cry... as long as bb is still happy, active and playing, I think shd be no problem. Sometimes, it could be they are just bored with the food we give them le. It happens to Mer too... then I just alternate the food types around lor, one day kway teow, one day porridge, one day rice... and just try to guage her ever-changing preference...

Hmm... I think wanton noodles can let her try but just abit for taste... because yellow noodles are known to be harder to digest than the rice noodles that we now give our bubs... so go easy on that...

I let Mer eat almost everything now... as long as it is not too salty, not too oily. She even tried chilli before. Just to let her be more adventurous with food so she wun become choosy next time (I hope la). But usually I will still tend to veer towards chinese and japanese cuisine la... because they hv tofu, eggs and fish which I find easier to feed as well and not so heavy on the stomach.
dj hi 5!! i also dap chilli on naomi's tongue lol..first time, she came back for more..then she felt hot and really choking hot then she stopped coming for more..then the next time she forgot the previous experience so came for chilli again and it continues haha
Djmama, sandy, Deedee
I also let thooyan eat anything but take care that its not spicy or oily . He eats corn flakes, biscuits , our regular food, soups and cereal . I keep alternating for him so that its interesting . Some days he will just refuse solid but will.drink mill juice and have his fruits . I just let. Him be . This boy bites and tastes everything that's what I need to be careful about
i noe how u feel... i used to marvel at my neighbour's kid, why take so long to eat/dun wanna eat? until my own gal oso gave me prob...

so, oh well... it's a phase bah, for watever reason... it'll pass soon!

my gal is oso thumb-sucking! suck till her nails are peeling... i oso dunno how... am thinking to wait till she can communicate wif me before i try to wean her off... my pd still says it's ok...

blessed u! naomi is such a gd gal... enabling u to do much wif her! my gal is still biting many things, so always have to keep an eye on her... cos she luvs bottles (moisturiser/cream/etc) and oreidi noes how to flick e cover open wif her teeth, i gotta watch her oreidi... cannot imagine giving her paint/crayons/colour pencils...
PlayGroup - I might be starting my girl on playgroup for 2hrs or halfday pre-nursery school comes Aug10 cos my mil is quite pro on this idea (I think my bb's got a kiasu grandma!). I have shortlisted abt 4 centres near my and mil's hse - Edufarm, Artkidz, MMI(Montessori) and Odyssey. School fees ranges from $175 per mth to abt $800, depending on the curriculum (if there are class like integrated arts, yoga, violin, gym etc being included). Would require a schoolbus for 3 of 4 centres.
Personally I'm more keen towards playgym which is like once a week, maybe at SportyJoe Gym. I dun really wan to send my girl to school at such as young age. Wan to let her play more. Lets see how things go nearer to Aug lah. No point pushing her if she is not ready or does not have the potential for. It'll kill her interest.
I also let my girl does drawings on blank papers. Hasnt let her try cryons yet or watercolors. Think she'll eat up the paints more than the paper does! :p
Soup - hahaha ... my soup list is the same as urs :p I'm a bad cook!

teething-no fix duration for my bb yet. But when it does happen like now, she'll put her fingers into her mouth or she would wan to bite us on our hands, shoulders, fingers etc. Her saliva will be drooling like endlessly. she'll reject BM and opt for FM or solid food instead. sleep pattern also change. I'll let her eat what she wants (as long as is not junk food!) as she wont be eating as much. Once the teething duration is over, I'll fatten her up again
bb wont starve themselves one. they'll eat when they want to. I'm also letting bb have a little bit of wat we are having, as long as is not salty, oily or spicy.
Remember - kids are here to test our patience!

I gave bb pacifier or wet cloth to bite whenever she wants her fingers. so far it worked lah. otherwise as sandy suggested, apply lime on finger? my cousin used chili :p
hahaha .. speaking of keeping a watch on our toddler, my girl just developed a tendency to sneak out of the hse if the main gate's open (e.g. when we happen to be bringing out the trash). Then she'll head for the stairs and start climbing upwards. Very dangerous. If she has her socks and shoes on, she'll be busy 'parading' along the corridoor first (to show off her socks and shoes) before making for the stairs.
Tik this little inspector got bored inspecting the hse so wan to go and inspect the block now.
wow lonerunner, chi mun's heart is really out there..that sounds dangerous! my main door is always close so when naomi wants to go out, she will bring me her shoes and make me wear them for her. and then she will go to the door and tap tap tap..lol..i think the kids are really bored at home!!!! yesterday was even cuter, i refused to bring her down because i was busy, so i didnt put her shoes on for her..but she went to her stroller and push it towards the door. just then, hb came home and he couldnt open the door because the stroller was behind it..when i opened the door..the little girl quickly go to daddy and ask to be brought down...hay..these kids
sandy / lonerunner
i think our todds wants to have a "social" life! haha! if cas wants to go out when she's bored, she'll head for her shoe rack and point to it and say "ish" (for shoes)! hehe! when she has her shoes on and the door is open, she'll half walk, half run to the elevator and press down...if the door opens and we're inside, she'll press "1"! if i forgot and press the buttons myself, she'll look to me with that annoyed looked in her face! hahahaha!
wah, ur gal really is independent leh! yup, sounds dangerous... now u really gotta keep en eye on her!

nowadays, my gal doesn't wanna go home after going to grandma's place... i tot cos she still wans to play... until my sil commented tat my gal gets to watch tv there when i told her i seldom let her watch tv at home now... now i noe tv is e reason!
Hi Sandy, i am new to this thread. I was surfing for information on strawberry hemangioma which lead me to this thread and your past postings last year, together with postings from Haydensmum. My girl is also suffering from strawberry hemangioma on her face just below her eye. I have been trying so hard to find parents in Singapore whose child has this condition but to not much avail. You mentioned you have a friend whose baby has this. Would you be able to share with me about your friend's baby's case? Is he residing in Singapore and if so, which doctor did he see? Did his baby go for any treatment and is it effective etc etc??

Not sure if Haydensmum is still active on this thread? I would also like to find out from her if her baby's hemangioma is getting any treatment etc??

FYI i am following up with doctors in KKH and my girl is already receiving oral steriod treatment. However, i dont see much progress.

Any info you can share is greatly appreciated.

Selling 1 unopen GNC Childlife Essential Fatty Acids Natural Butterscotch flavor.
Expire date: 23 Oct 2010

For infants 6 month old up to 12yrs old kids.

Product detail: http://www.childlife.net/node/53/

Original price: $ 43.50
Selling cheap now: $ 35

Pls PM me if u keen. Collect at my blk (hougang). Thanks!
I think we have to just wait it out. My pd also says its ok. We can wait and see if they understand and then stop putting their thumb . I tried lime but it goes off soon and he starts off again. We will keep sharing and waiting .

Sandy , lonerunner

My boy also brings his socks and shoes when he wants to go out. Also he will bring his floater and point to the swimming pool . The kids want a lot of change and they quite know well to communicate
My boy also has a tendency to bite . He lovingly bites us also. Gets excited and expresses his love like this sometimes . Doesnyt do it always but sometime he hugs me tightly and has a tendency to bite. Also he bites and keeps toys in his mouth too . any one with same experience ?? Pd says its ok . Now all babies life is centred around the mouth . So I left it .
Sandy , Deedee , djmama
I applied lime in my boy thumb and when he put it in he did not like the taste so he took it out . After four five attempts the lime goes off and he starts . Its tough to always keep applying . Whenever I can I apply but not continuously . Lets see . Atleast it stops him a little . Thanks .
Hi mummies... today I took leave for qing ming to accompany my parents and grandma in pay respects to our loved ones gone. Weather is really hot man and I caught the flu bug again. Super sian... tonite going to pop a flu pill and sleep it off.

Brought Mer to Liang Court to shop ard in the afternoon... hahaha...this girl, simply ran amok all over the mall! We had japanese for lunch and Mer had some jap rice mixed with chawanmushi, tofu, miso soup and pork ramen soup base... hahaha.... we let her chew some of the sushi rice off the california temaki as well... hahaha... she had a glorious time lor... then we went to buy pet food for my Dusty, shop somemore and I bought an essential oil burner to try the eucalyptus aromatherapy in our room to chase away mozzies.... in the end we spent so much we redeemed a free waffle at gelare... which Mer also had some with my fav strawberry ice cream... hahaha...

By the time we got hm, I was sick enuff to go lie down and make her slp so I can rest. Mer slept till 7pm and I woke her up to eat dinner... let her try my grandma's pork stew with fried red snapper fish and steamed threadfin. Think she quite enjoy today... kaka...

Lone, if I dun rem wrongly, Saro n I also got consider Edufarm... must go and ask her if I rem correctly anot... if send them for playgym, we got to be with them right? But like u, i also dun wanna do anything now, too early and my parents are still grumbling lor...

Mer also likes to go and get her shoes to bring to us so we will take her out... sometimes she will take our keys and go to the door to poke the door... so funny when she does that... she is with my parents at the shop in the day and my mum says she has run off quite a few times to the nearby supermart for "shopping"... hahaha... so now my parents and neighbors spend some of their time in the day running after my runaway girl... lol...
hi virgoaries, my friend is residing in singapore and his daughter has been receiving treatment for quite awhile..the last i saw them was aug 2009 when she just started her laser treatment..she just turned 2 yo then..her hemangioma is right on her nose..i haven seen them since so i wouldnt know if the laser treatment is effective..but its definitely a series of laser sessions..they are seeing a plastic surgeon for the laser treatment in sgh

Don't worry getting it early is better i felt and easier to take care of them i guess??? Just only to mind their itchy fingers.... Hope Xavier get well soon,take care ya...


Oooo i love the website you gave lo...wa the pineapple tarts...Oops haha suppose to be food for tots rite LOL ...those pictures that she have posted arh make me feel like makin them lo..... buey tahan....


Wa you better keep an eye on her lo else hor u nvr knw one day she learn hw to open the door and really get out lo....scary leh really runaway girl leh...faint...


Naomi gd la dun put things in her mouth...Bryston hor simi also put in mouth crayon also wan to...So hor even thou i love crayola alot i still have not buy their stuff to let Bryston play.Except i have one which i am still thinkin if i wanna open anot but confirm i nid to sit with him to play de...

Plus my floor all carpeted even worse hw to play water colour and stuff LOL...Only in bathroom,my entrance or outside my hse on the floor... =.=

Hmm nid to plan properly LOL....Crayola even have those crayon or paint to play with in bathtub and washable.....ooo so tempted..


I have been letting Bryston suck on his thumb if required before i came over to USA because i die die dun wanna let him have pacifier...

So when i came here and heard a fren saying that his teen boy still suckin on thumb on leisure hor i wanna faint.. So i let him suck on pacifier whenever he feel like suckin his thumb.

Then i slowly reduce it to only nap/sleeping time then he will have the pacifier.So i must say that he is no longer suckin his thumb now..Maybe you wanna try pacifier??


Aiyo u hor really prone to flu leh...but i think maybe yr body is not getting enuf rest therefore catching these bugs easily...Pop more vit C ba and drink more water ya....Gd to hear that your life have become easier becos Mer are allowed to eat more table food hehe....Bry also love to walk around lo and if i nvr keep an eye on him he can dunno run off to where already...
dj: hi5, am also down with sorethroat and running nose.

lonerunner: chi mum is really exploring!
sandy, mibebe: guess the kids have stayed 'months' in the house... now they can talk, can walk, etc. sure want to explore more.

sheepish: han is a tv addict. no choice mummy and daddy are too.
he is super jialet lor. last weekend wake up from his nap and points to the tv liao.
haahaaahaaa ... now we know why naomi's daddy got locked out! kids these days ah .... heeheeheee!

wow ... cas already knows which button to press!! smart !!

ya man ... I got myself a runaway girl!!

hey hope that u r feeling good now!
yeah playgym one parent must be with them.
Oh ya I think there is one edufarm near where saro's staying. how's do you gals find it? environment ok?

u take care woah ....
cas also likes to bite...but she only likes to bite mommy! dunno why! one time we kissed on the lips and then i thought she wants to kiss me in the cheek so i gave her my cheek...and then she bit me! she even bites my thigh, feet, hands, tummy!

at first, she was "watching" us on which button we will press...and then one day she just did it herself! i guess our little ones are very observant and good at imitating people

hope u feel better soon!
haahaaa .. ! u have many love bites!! u got try bitting cas back teasingly see whats her reaction? :p
my girl just started to learn how to press the up/down button at the lift lobby. luckily she's not tall enough to reach them too often! hahahaaa!
yes, i do try to bite her teasingly, and she will just look at me like saying "watcha doin mommy?"

head butt
last night, cas and i are playing...i was lying down and she was sitting on my tummy...then she suddenly hugged me so she hit her forehead in my upper lip! ouch! so now, my lips are still swollen from the head butt! so painful! and this little terror didn't even cry or anything!
lonerunner, mibebe: thanks gals.
but i think i will be down with MC tomorrow. super headache, bodyache, etc.
still got meeting to attend later... *yawn* zombie... :p
my girl head butted me too! My eyes teared after that but she was still bouncing around the bed.
Also she's been so good with food, eats everything I make. But the last 2 days, she's been a terror. 'no no' at my carefully prepared food, threw the bread n eggs all over the floor. At bath time she screamed non stop. I smacked her bum for the first time and she sobbed uncontrollably. Feel so bad even though she's been sleeping since 2.5 hrs ago.
One of those rare days that I am not enjoying parent hood
Iift buttons, mine presses them too but does so indiscriminately. Have you ever wondered how dirty lift button can be? Then baby will put finger in mouth. Have to keep telling myself, she wi have to build up immunity ha ha
hohoho ... our tods can sure headbutt very well! :p I also ganna that before. my lip was swollen for a few days but her head seemed ok leh.

hahaha! I share ur tots too. so each time after bb had pressed the button or touch any surfaces in public or lift, I will use a wipe to wipe her hands. hb thinks that I'm over reacting. I think I may be, but my stand to my hb is that if she puts her finger into her mouth and happen to get sick, he sure wont be the one who will be having sleepless nites looking after a sick n screaming bb. I dun wan that so I will take as many precautions as I can. :p
Hi Mommies,

Cheap Huggies for Sale

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Huggies pullups - $14.50 per pkt
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Hi Mummies,

MIA and back, have been following thread but most of time to busy to post... keke...

Lonerunner, haven checked out Edufarm during operation hours but the one near my place looks pretty ok from the outside, but i sending Joel to the one at MIL place. Will check out in May on 1 of my off-days, then i found out there is another plyagroup near my MIL place, called KiddyABC, will also check it out to single out which one to go.. i am not that particular about the cirruculum cos its playgroup and they are suppose to play and interact more than actually studying. Will try these neighbourhood playgroups to see how Joel likes it and then if really anything negative, i can still make changes.

Joel got a nasty knock on the head and a big BALUKU on the head when he knocked against the baby cot, haiz, looks like a 1/2 a fishball on the head, i was so worried cos it swelled immediately... brought him to doc and doc just asked us to monitor for any symtoms.

So, i decided to do a BP for baby safety items, haiz.... to childproof my place... BP will be up tomorrow, any mummies interested let me know, will post BP here or PM me...

Cos Joel has also started ACTIVELY opening drawers so its a matter of time he "KIAP" his fingers.... currently we use tape to tape it, dun think its going to last.... faintzzzz........

And my boy also will bring his shoes when we going out, haiz... then reach home i will ask him to sit down and take out shoes, which he will sit but duno how to take out yet.. hehe so cute, mine the heart also outside, stick the leg out of gate and everything......

Sandy, strawbery hemangioma issit like the called "strawberry mark" in layman's term ? Cos my niece has it when she was young too, its on her cheeks and now shes 4 plus, its fading (still little bit visible) but much better than when she was a baby, when she was less than 1 it developed from a light brown mark to red protuding mark with veins, 1st PD said to leave it but on 2nd opinion at KKH, they said actually should have removed it when she was younger (2nd opinion sought when she was about 2.

In the end, they didnt do anything about the mark and now its almost negibible...
hi quennie! welcome back!

just want to share..this morning when we were about to go out to the playground for Cas' morning play, i put on her silver shoes as her crocs and ipanema slippers are still a bit wet (i asked maid to clean it this morning). then this little terror sat down and began pulling her shoes, keeps shaking her head and doing a fake cry! yes, she doesn't want to wear that shoes to go to the playground! have to change to her crocs so she would stop whinning! this girl sure knows what she wants! lol
hi gals, wah... all the mummies are so busy.
last sat i went ir again. haha. think han should just blacklist this mummy from going to ir. :p
looking forward to sands one opening on 27 leh!

so we asked SIL to help take care of him.
and he ended up with a korean name...

surname is 金 Jin, for an obvious reason for those whom know how I'm generating some passive income and also typical korean surname. and his other name is Bo Eng... all in called Jin Bo Eng (i.e. very busy). :p
cos he was busying walking here and there, touching this and that, until my SIL buay tahan. :p SIL actually wanted to go gym for some workout and in the end she din go, cos tired out.
so funny... :D

and this time round, i win $500 lor. haha... 1st time win so much. happy!
but as usual still net loss lah. as the saying goes 10 gamble 9 lost, but still want to go ir.
grace.. so cute.. nice name leh.. Jin Bo Eng... haha... then when u got a gal gal can call Bu Hui Ting (cannot stop) keke..

wow so long didn't come online to say hello to all mummies...

update on noel.. he finally can walk.. busy boy.. think i chosen worng name for noel.. he should call naugthy instead.. nowadays he is so so naugthy.. purposely make me angry then laugh... i scold him.. he scold me back... faint..

now he everyday wait for me to return home and point to the doorway and say "playground" he simply love to go the playground.. but so tiring to follow the unstable fellow up and down.. backache leh...

i have start looking leh.. will it be too late...
any gd perschool to recommend in Sengkang..
mummies, i need help.. all relative is saying noel is so skinny now... for months he didn't put on weight instead he lost weight from 11kg drop to 10.4kg lor.. and my mum say his face abit yellowish... not like last time rosy rosy one... wad should i do to pump him up and get his rosy cheek back... now his milk intake is like only 150ml for 4 times a day.. beside that will be 1 cereal in morning and porridge in after and evening.. is it enough...
tat's abt e amt my gal takes as well leh... my gal is putting on weight gradually, so shd be enuff bah... maybe cos ur boy very active? so all e input became output liao...
Grace/Mrs Lim,

lol, so funny, jing bo eng and bu hui ting, i think our little tods are growing by the days, and getting more and more active, my boy also NON-STOP!!!!! keep wanting to go gaigai, even when he was down with chicken pox, kept asking me to wear shoes for him and then point to the door, he will cry when i dont bring him out, faint...

mrs lim,

i think its normal to lose weight, because they can walk now, so more active and walk non stop, sure to lose weight, for xavier he hasnt put on weight for the past few months, but no lose weight... he drinks abt 130ml for about 5 times a day too, but i dont give him cereal, just 2 servings of porridge at 1.5bowl of the green pigeon bowl each meal...

mrs lim,

naomi also gain very slowly but no lose..she eats 3 meals a day n snack in between but only gain 100g in a mth or so..is noel eating yellow veges daily? if he is, that might be the cause of his yellow skin..if his eye whites never turn yellow, he shld be fine
