(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

ok lah, me not too gan jiong... cos get my fren to bring back for me, still have to wait!

my gal still likes to put things in her mouth... she oso likes to crush e pgs of bks tat are not board bks... so no choice, gotta buy board bk...

thanks sheepish ...will check it out


i guess he has had 6-in-1 and he had measles alone ..he needs to have mumps and rubella and prevenar i guess...he is 13 months already .....
u are been extremely helpful .... Thanks a lot ...this information is enough for me to talk to the doctor in india...am looking for another doctor

am looking for another doctor now ... its just that some Pd and doctor are very very insensitive here...esp when we say that we have come down from abroad ...some have a lot of aura around them..... useless docs ...he upset us the whole day...anyways i cannot wait to get back
Thanks for your support, Deedee!

Whitegalz, my boy is using 5 springs! Before he broke the old one, yes, he broke 1 metal frame of the old sarong which was a hand-me-down but shaped like an 'r' and then I changed to this like a house metal frame with the sping in the center so weight is evenly distributed. We did not use those drill holes ones as then we will need to be stuck in 1 room, but I hope this one can last. But PD did mention not so good to sleep in sarong, so we only use mainly in day, then nite after he is sound asleep, then we will bring him to the mattress, but occassionally, when we want to have a 'smooth' sleeping through, then we let him stay in the sarong until he cries for milk, sometimes until morning.

But according to my MIL, my niece sleeps until 4 yrs old! OMG. Then how to bring overseas? Bring metal frame???!
oh dear, my boy also took rotarix at 2 and 4mth, and I changed pd due to distance, so not sure if he got the jab from the affected batch...better check with the clinic tomr. But what side effects ah?
u er xin leh .. 3 weeks MC!! So shiok!! hahahahahaa!

my bb 'smashes' the rice using her gums ... or so it looked like that :p she takes rice with soup too, especially the soup that my mil boils. her favourite! Her teeth are still very very short!

ei why the local doctors dun like ppl who have returned from abroad? so strange one...

yeah ur tomato soup sounds delicious! :p
my girl now trying to exert her independence liao lor, especially now that she can walk rather steady with her hands by her side instead of skywards. She knows which is her territory (bed) and will just head there when she feels sleepy when she's with us or my mil. But to my mum whom she can bully easily, she wants my mum to pacify her then wan to sleep. *shake head*

on the bright side of things, at least the apple is cooked sufficiently before consuming. That maybe had killed off some of the bad baterials already. :p anyway how u know ur boy has stomache? He may be reaching the next milestone so might be at the stage where he considers sleeping as a terrible waste of time tats why he wan to sit uprite to crawl and play?

nice hor to be on leave? :p envy envy!

hey, congrats to ur 1st launch!!
Lonerunner, I also thought to myself that he might have reached a new milestone. But his cries were very loud and he has never cried like that before according to my MIL. And today, he napped from 9.30am to 1pm, then 4 to 6.30pm again! I think he may want to make up for yesterday! Ha ha, poor boy yesterday cannot sleep although eyes show he was tired.

Iceblue, u got bigger sizes for the pants and socks? My boy big in everything, so need bigger socks as I already started giving him those socks for 12 - 18mths at 6 -7 months, he has big legs. :p
wait for my orders!!! I going to ask my collegue tmw if she wants anything too :p hehehehe ...!
me super busy in office today. no time to even go toilet, let alone view forum! hahahaa!

teething maybe? observe longer and see how things go. if upset tummy, sure got watery poo one. If he is still active, think he'll be ok. Apply Ru yi oil if u suspected is tummy ache or got wind. U can put 2nd n 3rd finger together, with the other palm already placed on tummy, gentle tap at region near the belly button. if can hear hollow sound that means got wind.

get size 100? think is for 3yrs old. shld be good for ur boy.
hi liting, socks i think wun fit our baby liao hee. as for pants 95 shld be ok, im taking 90 for my own gal keke, my fren's son 2yr taking 95 frm me too.

thks lonerunner! hee i be waiting.

haha socks think vry common,so not popular..so far disney pants are the more pop ones

wat r the side effect of rotateq? we had rotateq for bre & we werent told of any side effect by the PD. i am getting abit worried now.

didnt know u got chix pox... if u have a heavy outbreak, do nt worry. just need to watch ur diet. u can apply vit e (prick from the capsule) on the pox to prevent scarring. i've read from somewhere if its just mild outbreak, possibility of having shingles in future.

take care dear...
Thks everyone for the wishes,jus brought Bryston to the pd this morning and his fever was gone because he had his medicine before that. Doctor say to monitor his condition still because he only had fever and no other symptoms so afraid that might be bacteria or watsoever...

So anyway have to keep a watch till wednesday... else have to go back pd to check again


clever girl buy the book fm US hehe luckily u have ppl to bring back for you else you have to spend alot on the book which is available here at a much lower rate...

thanks, ok shall try out your suggestion!!! Go get vit e hehe


take care and hope it's not virus infection, he shd be fine since fever go down liao...
Afternoon mummies!

WAH... I was only on leave for one day and my mailbxo went over the quota. Spent all morning clearing and arhiving until I almost lost my mind. On leave in person but the mailbox is still working. Can die.

Now still struggling to clear emails!!!

Hopefully can finish in time to leave on the dot today... tml will not be seeing my beloved Mer and doing OT... sighzzzz....

Wishing all mummies happy tuesday!

ya.. my gal has an "interesting" routine due to a lazy mummy.. hehe

"Ants on the Apple" is an alphabet animal phonic song book. its not a bedtime storybook but after "Zig zag zebra.. z.z.z..", she will automatically lie down, indicating shes going to sleep. but again, pattern "liao liao" too!

today she's weird... for the 1st time, rejecting my breast! her last latch was 7am, then lunch & no milk till now. normally she'll want to latch to sleep but today, she'll whine & then next moment when she found her "spot", she fell asleep.

i applied vit e when i had chix pox.. think after u had partially recovered by 3rd week, its best not to get near to xavier till u had fully recovered. i remembered i got it from my youngest bro when he was almost recovering in his 3rd week. i know its hard to resist to ur little darling but its better to play safe than sorry.

the side effects are during the 1 week after vaccinating..so compared to rotarix, rotateq has higher chance of giving fever, diarrhea , irritability and poor appetite within 3 to 7 days after vaccinating but its long over for breana :p
Hi Mummies,

Im on mc today! had 2 upper wisdom teeth removed yday. luckily it was not tat painful as i thought. 1 lower wisdom tooth need surgery so wait till i m more prepared!

im going to fully utilise my mc today since no pain/swollen. early morning alrdy brought my gal for pneumococcal booster. after lunch, going for massage, facial and manicure! evening go ikea get a little sofa. oh yah, pd told me abt rotarix. he said european medicines agency have lifted the suspension on rotarix and advise doctor to continue to use rotarix. the virus has always been existed, it was not detected at tat time due to the technology, and so far no side effects on babies who took tis. with new advance technology, so now they r able to detect tis virus. so the virus is not harmful to human body. here's the update fr gsk website


Unfortunately, I cant stay away from my boy from tmr night onwards... My mil threw in the white flag already as she is tired out from taking care of my boy and my hb nephew and also cooking lunch and dinner for me everyday for the past 1.5 weeks.... So hb gonna bring him back tmr night, but GP say can look at him but just dont touch him until after the 14th day, which will be this Sunday... Hope he dont kenna lor.
so quiet today...

how do you mummies feel abt your lil tods walking ard independently on their own these days, not sure if its because i havent been with xavier for the past few days to watch him grow out of his dependence on us, but just one week ago, whenever he saw mummy, he will stick to me like anything and want me to carry him, but now... he just tods ard and don need mummy anymore, he can walk independently in and out of the room to the living room...

somehow, i felt happy for him that he had became independent, but emo and sad at the same time, for my little boy has grown up and no longer wants mummy and daddy to be by his side to carry him, it seems like only yesterday that we just gave birth to them, every single step they took will be assisted by us, and they stick to us like anything, but now he seems to have his own character, dislikes and likes, hmmmmmm not very used to it and kinda miss his younger days, and makes me think abt his future that he will increasingly rely less on us...

not sure why, i know i shd feel happy, but..... anyone feels the same way? =P
yoyo all :D I am a Nov09 Mummy. I had gathered a whole list of pre-loved items from the other mummies and posted it on my website http://www.ministryofbabies.com ^^

Contacts of the mummies are stated in the website :D U can contact them directly if you found anything you will like to purchase.

And if you have any pre-loved items you wish to be included in the website, you can email me the product description, price and your contact number/email to be posted in the website. All postings will be FREE ^^ Just hope to help everyone gets rid of their loots :D

ya, after i google.. i realised i worried for nothing.. hehe...


U shld be like ur nick! HAPPY!! u shld be happy tat xavier is independent. an independent child is a confident child. he is confident of himself, knowing he can do it, tats y he dun need u temporarily. u must encourage him in this character building. be involved in all his growing phase & u will feel its a wonderful feeling watching him grow from a mummy's boy to a suave young man

my bre is opposite.. she was quite independent during younger days & dun look for me except during milk time.. now she dun wan BM but wants me to carry & cuddle her especially sleeping time! faint! i miss the way she look at me when i latch her.. tat's the only thing i misses now..
yeah I share your tots too. my girl has her own mind now. I'm still trying to get used to it :p

I also missed the look during the days when bb will still wan to latch on. haiz.

haha .. u sure can really run around for someone on MC hor? :p hehehehehe....

our lil ones growing real fast hor, yah I know I shd be happy but I think maybe because I wasn't with him for the past week and he happens to be growing up during this period hence I feel rejected and dejected bah lol... Okok must be HAPPY!!
Happy: guess baby getting independent is part of the growing up. It will only get “worse” when time goes on. When he has his own circle of friends, when he has girlfriend or even get married. :p
I guess that’s part of motherhood.

Lemont, lonerunner: I’m missing the bf days. :p time to bond with bb and if express, I have got more time to surf than compared to now.
missing all the sharings.
Hi mummies,
Sorry to interupt. I am from June 09 mummies and
I'm planning for my 2nd daughter's 1st birthday. Interested in taking up birthday party packages for party entertainment. Eg. Magician/Ventriloquist/balloon sculpturing. Anyone had engaged anyone with good reviews? Here are some I shortlisted. I've never engaged anyone before. So would like feedback & reviews from mummies who had took them before recently. Feel free to drop me a PM. Thanks in advance.

woah ... today hb n I took bb out for lunch and shop around. since bb was eager to walk walk today, we decided to not bring her carrier out and let her walk while holding onto her hands.

while browsing at a food selection counter, suddenly bb shook free of daddy's hand and half walked/ran out of the shop into the crowd before daddy can react! luckily daddy managed to catch her before she got lost in the crowd! the other day while in mrt the same thing also happened. when the door opened at our stop, bb figured that that must be the best time to make her move - she just half walk/ran out of the door without waiting for us! goodness! we must "update" our mindset that this little terror is no longer the dependent little bb but is a toddler who is capable of making her own decisions.
Hi mummies,

sorry to gate-crash your thread. I have 2 packets of unopened Pet Pet Diapers (L-size) to sell as my girl has moved on to diaper pants for toilet training.

Please PM me if you are interested to buy them.

Thank you!

ya, expected he'll get the pox cos it transmit thru air. however, not to worry cos the younger they get it, the faster they heal. food wise, he might not be chosey now, so its easier too. just keep him occupied to distract him away from the pox on his hands & body.

take care...
Morning mummies... all of u must be supr enjoying the long weekend! Never see much posts online! :p

Happy, oh dear, please take care... you need all the energy to look after Xavier now. Hope he does not have much pox and wun go and scratch them. You take care ok? He will be fine very soon!

Mummies, any of you sending baby to playgroup from 18 mths ah.... sian leh... i wanna send Mer but my parents as usual not supportive. And my sis says its not worth it to send them for 2hrs a day and end up catching all sorts of germs home. But Mer is so active and so receptive to new things now mah.... shd be a good idea to let her go learn stuff and make frens at playgroup mah... sigh... one more dumb qn to ask my PD again. Sometimes I think he must feel like he is the parent of Mer instead of me. :|

I bought the healthy times vanilla arrowroot cookies for Mer to try last nite... oh man.... its realy v sweet... compared to those Morinaga cookies, these are even sweeter.... looks like I have to eat these cookies instead liao... dun want Mer to develop sweet tooth...

Any mummies tried the organix ones? I saw them at Cold storage, thinking of buying but afraid it wud be sweet... and also dunno if it will be as crumbly as the organix teething cookies I tried long time back when Mer was teething... that girl simply made a mess all over whenever she had them. I had no end of nagging from my mum until the bx was finished lor... LOL.

DeeDee, saw one of your posts on food for your girl... how do you plan such that each day its something diff? mer now takes rice with soup and I dunno how to make diff soups everyday to keep her from getting bored leh... thinking of going to the bookstores to find recipe books.... but tot I will ask u and rest of mummies here first... kakaka... I only know how to make abc soup lor... and sweetcorn soup and lao wang gua soup.... planning to try watercress next week then my mum says bittergourd soup also can... what do you mummies give baby leh?

Maybe we should share all our soup recipes here .... add together, think can have at least 20 recipes, no? :D
hi djmama

my hb is also not supportive in letting me bring naomi for 18 mths playgroup
so we will just continue twice a week gymboree until she goes for nursery in june next year ..he says she should stay home and enjoy "relaxing one corner"..the earliest he will compromise is june 2011 for nursery (cos thats no choice lol)..anyways, i give naomi lots of activities so that she gets to learn ..i also feel that shes bored at home already and needs more stimulation..maybe u can try?? i buy her coloring books, crayons and watercolors..then i give her those rootcrop like potato and i cut patterns to let her dip into the water color and patch on big white drawing block paper..alot of work though when its cleaning up time but i made her clean up with me lol..
Hi Sandy...

WAH... really alot to clean wor I imagine... haha.... I dun hv the energy for that yet... nowadays running after Mer and keeping her from stuffing the wrong things in her mouth is work enough for me ah... hahaha... Naomi is advanced I must say... Mer is not so cooperative when it comes to us teaching her stuff... she has her own mind... lol... but I will try when I am not so busy after April... hehehe...shd be fun!
Hi mummies,

sorry to gate-crash your thread again. I also have 2 packets of unopened Mamy Poko Value Pull-up Pants Diapers (L-size) to sell as my girl has allergic reaction to this brand.

Please PM me if you are interested.

Thank you!
Hi Mummies,

hope everyone had a wonderful holiday.

I was crying when i drive to work jus nw. my gal has not been taking solid food well since friday. she ate very little only and she puked out food after mouthfuls. she rejected everything including cereal and bread. i dun know is it teething or not. she is still a smiley and happy baby, as always. nothing seems wrong to me. tis morning nanny saw her 1st thing asked me why she lost weight and her face is slimmer

mummies, can i know if ur bb is teething, usually for how long they loss of appetite?
My boy suckles his thumb always that it had made an impression on his thumb . Tried all things it is becoming more if o try to stop. Doctor asked me to leave it off. Here in India people ridicule or even remark when he puts his thumb . I ended up scolding people, he is just a child but the social stigma here is too rampant . Well I don't want to stop because people say just for thooyan sake am asking methods to reduce . I don't care about people I will bash them if they talk about my son

U are right . I think we can share baby soup recipes


Hi, do not worry she may be teething .my boy went on only milk for five days . As long as they are comfortable and happy u don't have much to worry . May be give more milk and. try mixing with milk and keep trying even little intake is ok rather than nothing . Do not get. Upset , babies have theory own moods . She will become alright

Am still in India so am not sure about sending him here to playgroup. But as u say they get very bored so have to keep them busy . My son is still in the stage where he keeps everything in his mouth so don't want to get him colors . How doyou manage . Well thooyan also has his thumb on his mouth always that it has made an impression .what to do now.

Well located a better doctor and got his immunization schedule I feel relieved now . Well one more thing is how to make baby take his thumb from his mouth . It has already made an impression on his thumb


usually when naomi is teething, she will lose her appetite for 1 day or 2 because if she refuse to eat , i just let her be until she wants food she will come to me..when i talk about food in this case is food like rice and main dishes or porridge..when shes teething she usually reject food like this..but even if she is teething, she still eats her favorite yogurt and cheese, and bread rolls and fruits, bite on her corn and potato from the soup. so on teething days, she eats all these because she just dont want main meals..i learnt to accept that there are days when our babies just dont want to eat ..some times us adults also have days like this, dont feel like eating but only want snacks..so i guess our babies do that too...dont worry so much ..if she doesnt want main meals, give her favorites and healthy snacks pack with calories..did u try letting her self feed? naomi refuse to eat when i feed her but eat when she eats on her own. or bring her out for meals and eat outside food? it also works for me..but i choose healthy food..these babies may be bored with their food..or u give her cornflakes and milk?? i also give that to naomi alternate with her multigrain cereal..if she eats the same cereal everyday, she will also protest after awhile..

hi ramy,

i dont have much experience with thumb sucking but hope this article can help? http://www.ehow.com/how_2086362_stop-thumb-sucking.html

Naomi doesnt put anything into her mouth (other than food) thats why i can do many things with her.i even use sanitizer with her or give her the bottle of sanitizer, she only do the action of pouring out the alcohol and rubbing her hands. so i can play paints and crayons with her..i guess its a real challenge for babies who put things into the mouth..have to distract when he do it..i dont know if this is relevant but my mom told me when i was 1 yr plus, i like to bite my sister..so my mom apply ointment on the arms of my sister and when i bite, i cried because it burns my lips..maybe u can try putting something bitter or something spicy on thooyan's thumb so he will associate the action with the unpleasant taste? u can also try lime?
