(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

i bought clarks shoe at first and quite good. then sandy recommended pediped and i bought 2 pairs fr Mothercare. mothercare is now having DBS card promotion at 15% + member gets additional 10% discount.
wah lao .. after 1 week away from work, email bombed until I just finished clearing! having a headache now

think there was a discussion on the items to pick sometime last min. a nice mummy had copied the entire list here. hard to miss it cos got chinese characters too. check out the archived threads

me no such luck leh. still FTWM although I tot I will be a SAHM by beginning of this year. my company decided not to retrench me so no big package to stay at home. :p
hello mummies, bk to pre school...i finally decide sending bb to gd school after sub $770 quite reputable n lucky got vancany..heart pain $$$ ..luckily working mummies so long as yr job clocks 56hrs u get subsidy.. n some schools allow pay by baby bonus...
Mibebe... Tats great! Then can consider carefully which one more suitable. Hope u make the right choice!

SIGH... Still battling with my boy's illness. Fever on off fr tie nite til now. This morn went GP, he suspect infection in nasal area causing fever, cos my boy runng nose 3weeks aldy. Gv him antibiotics. Today whole day on off fever too... Really hope the fever will go away soon!!
Congrats lonerunner!!!
can imagine ziman walkg like a drunkard.. Haha

re: shoes
Bought this pair call Bical from novena sq 2 for my boy. It's like socks on top, rubber sole below. V comfy I find. Spring Maternity sells too. Think Tangs also. $39.90 per pair, much cheaper than pediped or clarks..
LOL at digging ur eyes n mouth... haha...

sheepish & iceblue:
at least ur babies like cot/playpen... my baby thinks playpen is her prison... will scream n scream til we get her out... hahaha sometimes bath also difficult.

iceblue, ur girl so smart, mine was taught to go down legs first or else she'll knock her head n hubby, MIL n dad will all take turn to scold me

hi... welcome!!! good method u have there
but my maid watch tv at night
dunno how that would work sighhhh... i hope one day whe'll skip tv, i really wanna test ur method... i am desperate, can u tell?? haha
Overload... I saw the tip toey joey shoes at one of the children shops at vivo. Can't rem the name. But rem it's smwhere near mothercare, one of the kids clothes shops there.
you'd got mail!

speaking of shoes, bb's godmother bought her a pair of shiny purple shoes from FOX as birthday present. and guessed wat? the moment bb saw it, she cringed to me in fear and cried! oh my goodness! we tot it's just coincidence, but after a few attempts that end with the same reaction. we gave up. *scratch head* maybe she not used to anything shiny yet?

aiyo ... the moment I turned my head, bb has crawled away and is now ... inside the bathroom having fun watching her dad bathing!!! oh my goodness!!! she actually managed to slide the door open and enter! I can hear her slamming her hands on the top of the toilet bowl like a drum now! *faintz*

wat a peeping jane ...
talking abt buying shoes...
Wa... so fed up. The ones i like, it's out of size. Otherwise, it's either design not nice, too hard to wear or too hard. It's really v hard to get soft soles, comfy shoes, for BOYS!!
I m made to choose from a limited range of BORING designs. I just gave in to a pair of soft leather loafers from Colettee. I gave up and just settled for this pair after hunting around so many shops. My boy has got a big, broad and meaty feet. I bought a pair of Tollyjoy pre-walkers for him, i think it's a bit too tight in front that his big toe nail went red and then few days later, the toenail dropped off...*ouch* My MIL bought a really nice and cute pair of Asics from TW (don't see them in SG), but he's really outgrowing it soon. How i wish he can continue to wear that for another year....

i hate shopping for BOYS (and Man). I can grab anything for a girl with my eyes closed! X_X
my colleagues say lucky my first child is a boy, otherwise i would have to declare bankrupt by done. There's once i even wanted to buy a galgal dress at FOX sale, just to keep it. Cos i can't resist... = p that's how crazy Catmomo can be...
Dear mummies, I have been reading silently all these while, been too busy and tired to post. Bb been sick since Feb, and then me, my maid, hb, then bb again, ding ding, dong dong, now hb and bb sick again, and with work piling, very difficult to maintain sanity sometimes.

My boy has been having runny nose and cough on and off, so sad and heartpain. He vomits quite frequently now, can hear the phlegm sound when he coughs. Already booked appt to bring him to see TCM to see if they can help strengthen his lungs, so scared he will get asthma as he has ezcema, pd says more risks of getting childhood asthma.

He is taking less milk now, maybe bcoz sick and dun noe y he has been having his 8teeth (4 up and 4 lower) but still does not want to really bite things. He has been taking only porridge (with threadfin fish, lean meat and spinach), milk, sometimes little plain bread. He has been sticking on to the same porridge menu for the past 6mths since he started eating porridge, sometimes change spinach to pumpkin or carrot. Potato is also commonly put, but now, only pork for better taste. But he does not take the pork, it is just for the taste. Not sure if he is getting enough nutrients as his weight is stagnant since 9mths or 10mths, but since he is born big, pd not too worry. I have bought the Step 3 of FM, going to start him once the Step 2 finishes, but not sure if he is getting enough nutrients from just porridge. We do not give him much fruits as scared he will have phlegm like at 8mth plus. He is quite slow in learning the "good" things like clapping, still dun want to clap now, but very fast at learning the "bad" things eg. smucking lips, digging nose then put into mouth and diggging nose, and no one teaches him!

Still crawling only, can stand up by himself with support but for a short while only and cannot walk yet. Can only say "ga ga" and mumbles to himself something like bb language. He loves tearing books,and eating the hard-cover ones. Haiz.

I am quite worried if he is developing slower, anyone has any advice?

Regarding school, I am thinking of sending him to Shichida method for enrichment, so far, no one has replied to my earlier post on comments, and Little Skool House for playground and nursery in future, but both are very far and no school bus from our house, not sure if still can send due to transport.

Gerly26, which one are you sending ur child to?
One more thing to check, if is it better to send them to non-airconditioned schools as less risk of getting germs compared to air-conditioned ones?
hee se lang chi mun! *joking*

wah hsaoj: u so lucky leh baby dun wake up early! wat time baby wake up?

overload: haha precious grand child mah of cos if fall dwn wil xin tong. i also dunno y my gal suddenly decide to cm dwn herslf n surprise us.. funny.she's lucky she gt it rite n well
Hi Mibebe, I also thinking of installing CCTV at home to watch if maid will bully bb, but hb and MIl disagrees as they said whether I will have time to watch or not, quite true since I have to be working usually 12 hours or more. So sad. So I thought only way is to "bribe" maid. I told my maid nothing is more important than my bb and so far, there were some minor problems as she starts to "eat snake" after about 9mths with us, and we kind of caught her, though she denies. I just told her to work better and take gd care of my son and I will reward her at the end of her service, not sure if it works, it can be very stressful and taxing when we find something that we cannot trust her on. So difficult for FTWM with a bb. So tough to be a mum!
liting: can change maid ? actly if u can install its gd( if she gets worse, n do w/out her knowledge), at least she wil be scared, dun dare anyh do thgs
catmomo:haha im goin to be bankrupt soon! jus nw wen 'mini princes' get one bag of stuffs for my gal! haha gt discount so the % sign PULLEd me in : P
hi mummies, grace reporting after a super long mia. :p

lonerunner: han is opposite lor, super like bling bling things. so 'lian'!
han also like the toilet, cos there is where he can play with water

am so thrilled when i heard han says 'ok'.
but he still cant walk as yet... just attempted but din succeed

sheepish: these few days han also keep crying before going to sleep or cry in the middle of the night... cant find out why. yest he was still awake and crying at 1am. till i buay tahan bring him for a car ride and he z right away.

shoes: bought a pair of china made shoe in one of the shop at tampines mart. it was on offer $5 per pair and the material is quite soft, but china design lah. han is still ok with the shoes, cos he din keep trying to pull it off, unlike the other pair that my friend got him for his birthday.

pre-school: will just stick to the infantcare which then he will upgrade to toddlers care when he is 18 months. the place is too convenient for us to consider any switch. sigh... lazy parents... :p
wah grace 1am u took him out fr car ride?! steady.
think he wants to hav fun, bu she de sleep. my gal also bu she de sleep have to struggle, flip etc half hr then willing to sleep
hi liting,

I sent my elder son, now 5yo to Shichida b4 when he turns 2yo. It is a good experience. But as I am not expecting my son to be a super genius, and the fee is so expensive, he stops going after one year. After that, I just buy flash cards or learn from other mummy to do some exercise at home.

But I found a cheaper alternative for his enrichment, ROS School House in Pasir Ris. Her class combines different methods of teaching. My son loves her class and had attended from 3 to 5yo. I can see that he benefitted from the class.

Every baby development is different. My baby tmrw turn 1yo, is also crawling alot. I must say it is good that he crawls alot now to develop his hand leg coordination and will good for brain.

If your baby got eczema, I strongly rec you to give them goat milk instead of cow milk. All my boys got eczema, and through so many years of experience, we confirm that cow milk is not good for human body. Thus I have been giving my 1 yo Karihome Goat milk only since he turn 3mo. So far, no phlem, no rash (not even nappy rash and we do not use any cream on the nappy area and he wears PET PET).

As for school, I prefer those that does not on their air-on whole day and got good natural air ventilation. Less risk of germs trap in the air-con room.
iceblue: yah lor, bo bian leh. else he keeps crying and points to the door.

he always 'gair gair' dong until cannot dong... sigh.
in the end, the super good daddy entertained him until daddy is sick.
haha talking abt go schools..i nvr let her attend any study types of thgs yet.. cos me n hubby is the type an kids hav fun wen they are young ..so far my gal has only gone for 1 trial music class.. maybe academic wise future she may nt as gd, hmm dunno, or mayb no impact, but at least she would be happier ..tts wat we think..haha super lax parents?
Oh on CCTV, go and install. Can get the D-link camera and watch via internet. You just need to buy the camera and ON the modem at home. I do not watch all the time but will log on and check whenever I want to just spot check. It is ok to let maid know you are installing one so they dun "play play."

If maid is not suitable or give problem, just change them. No need to tolerate their unreasonabale behaviour or request. But you have to understand that if they are taking care of baby (alone) then it it not easy to ensure the house is sparkling clean. I try to put myself in their shoe..."Will I be able to do handle the task, if I am the one taking care of the baby?"

At first when I got my maid, initially I also not happy why she did not get some housework done. Cos she told me she put the baby as priority and do not want anything to happen to him. Thus sometimes, I can see that she can sit with the baby most of the day to "entertain" him and cannot do the housework. So I just close one eye lor.

But still must give them a bit of expectation la. Like I will tell her to plan her schedule like clean certian area of the house once a week.

I will reward her if she does well, like buy her phone card or give her some extra pocket money.

So far mine is good in helping take care the night feed, else I will be "dead" tired for work.
my gal liks to talk to herslf n sings too haha. so far she can only say few wrds not alot, but im contented.. she knws to say byebye(her 2nd best word), jie jie, di di , ah ma, ma ma...the word tt i nt vry shuang is her no.1 best word is PAPA! argh! y nt ma ma *super jealous*..

then she knw xiao ding dang is which one..cos her mummy alwys tel her xiao ding dang( doraemon is mummy fav)
grace: haha u nvr knw de lor.. han might hav 1book of vocabs etc in his mouth jus tt he dun 1 2 say yet.. last time my cousin also lik tt haha worst is al scare she is it gt proble talkin..wah sudly 1 day she talk non stop haha we al faint!
Evening mummies.... wah.... so man posts in one day...

Super tired today. I think my dark eye rings hor, if can sell for money, I may become v rich. sigh. Look so gross now leh. Last nite Mer insisted on sleeping with me again. So I end up not sleeping much with her tossing and turning around me...scared she roll off, scared she not enuff air... scared I throw the comforter over her, so I slept on the comforter and caught a chill AGAIN. Think its the gazillionth time I caught a chill this way. SIGH.

So, went to work in a state of daze. With messy limp hair cuz I din hv time to work my perm into something decent...and really puffy eyes from the lack of sleep.... and all the admin stuff just drives me closer to ZZZzzzness in the ofc!

So nice that some of our bbs can vocalise actual words now. Mer is still speaking alot of bb gibberish... hahaha.... entertaining but wonder when she will say something hor... hahaha...would be quite a treat... hahaha....

Grace, 1am go car ride.... steady la.... if Mer 1am still hvn sleep, I think I wud hv gone to bed first.... and tell hb to take care... LOL...

I really wanna bring Mer home with me every nite leh....sigh... she is sticky to me, I am equally sticky to her. Sigh. Today I told HB we go par tor and watch movie, so we wun go see her after I knock off....then by 4pm I was sneaking into the toilet to view pictures of Mer in my HP. I hv no idea how I am going to survive my upcoming business trip ....hv to be gone for 7 whole days... dunno how to survive... sigh...

Shoes: Lonerunner, think hor... the purple shiny shoes hor... Mer has the gold ones leh...wahaha....its her fav shoe now leh.... cuz its the right size, and its airy, light and pretty comfy... not too hard, not soft either... but the quality abit shitty....silly shoes keep hvg threads come out along the seams.... otherwise, pretty value for money if u ask me... give Zimun sometime to get used to it bah....maybe she will enjoy wearing it like Mer!

I am interested in the Bical shoes... saw them at Great World sometime in Jan but din buy cuz Mer was not with me and I had no idea wad size to get... can just dump in the washing machine n wash rite.... hahahahha...

Liting, you sound really tired. Do take care. All bbs will do funny things here n there la... Mer also dunno y will dig her nose... no one teach her that too... she also dun like to clap hands... and likes to make silly faces and get herself into all sorts of trouble. She also dun like typical toys and prefer cardboard boxes, newspapers, magazine and silly cheap stuff. In other words, she is a pretty typical baby.... so dun feel worried or stressed over your boy la... he is merely exploring his surroundings, expressing himself and learning to do stuff lor...

Re full cream milk... Mer dun seem to enjoy fresh milk leh....always use it to rinse her mouth after a few sips.... think I will change a brand for her to try and see what happens... hahaha... it'll be SO CONVENIENT if we no longer need to bring FM out.... go buy a bottle of fresh milk and feed them when we r out sounds like such a convenience! HAHAHAHAHAHA....

OK OK... after a day of me, looking at my work desk screen and not much talking, I am yakking a lot.

Am heading to bed now... good nite mummies! Wishing all mummies and babies great health and a smashing week ahead!

i was working full time too, till end last year, but it was crazy! Working 12 hours a day, dan come home still da pao "homework"! Simply didnt have time for the boy. Even when i come home, it was as if he didnt recognise me! So now I m at home with him (just for a year lah)... Alot less stressful and it really helps with the bonding part! But... sometimes... I really dunno wat to do with him at home leh...
haha, DJ, I am like u too..
Now that my Mum moved nearer to us, we can have the luxury of bringing him home almost every nite. But I tell my HB, let's not bring Caleb back home tonite, we go do this, do that. By 430pm, I will call him, "Meet u at my Mum's place. WE ARE BRINGING HIM HOME." Kekekkekeke...

just co-ordinate with your maid lor, say switch everything off for awhile till bb slps lor. I mean itz abit troublesome but the BABY in the house rules! =)
dj: u are totally right!
i was already z while the super good daddy entertained han.
then han cried until i buay tahan, have to wake up, cos the daddy also buay tahan already.
so brought him for the ride. :p
luckily the ride made him z.

then i was complaining to my collegue and she taught me to sing when han can't z. i tried it out tonight and it seems to work. :p
hsaoj: r u a teacher?

grace: u no nd to hum /sing lullaby, rock him he wil auto sleep?so gd
i have hum, n rock her...smtims hand suan wen she struggles..but enjyg the rocking swayg stil

baby wakes up for real around 9.30am, active and energetic lar. he does wake up around 6 plus to 7plus for some milk but would fall back to slumber after that =) wah! your girl can say so many words already??? woo! boyboy on says "mum" keke
hsaoj: whao 930am! super envy ! my gal likes to say mum mum (eating) alot..cos she is super greedy... nt considered alot of wrds ba.. prob sm other babies can say more.. mayb bcos her mummy vry naggy alws talk n talk to her so she hear til sian, dun go in also cant
haha cos teachers vry gd lor, only teachers hav the luxury to rest so long!.. gt frens also like tt, same rest 1 yr, then mum's fren daughter, quite a senior teacher she rest for 6 yrs! at the end stil decide to quit, then nw she has to return back sm of the time she owe first b4 can really leave..smthg lik tt

haha u know sometimes i dunno if my boy calling me or mum mum (food) haha i juz take it that he's calling me keke more comforting that way.

well, rest longer, faster become obsolete leh esp in that profession. i mean my other frens (in other sectors), can finish work and then go home play with kids but i couldnt lor...
woah i am so shocked to find so many posts... really cannot finish reading... :D sorry if no respond ha... me a bit dizzy, having sore throat n cold now... just wanna share this funny article about breastfeeding LMAO...


at least han said "ok"
my baby's favourite word now is "no no"
baby sleep? ... no no
baby eat? ... no no
baby poo on toilet seat?... no no...
u prefer ok now, right??? hahahaha
ok i really give up liao... intend to read but my eyes r complaining oredi...

i think ur boy is very curious... curious is a sign of intelligence! dun worry too much la, my baby also dig my eyes, mouth and kick my face before she sleeps (sheepish... c why i laughed?? haha) she is also pro in making brrrup brrup sound n smack lips and making funny faces.. they r still exploring their new world mah.. my baby likes to bite (my nipples) and pinch me, my maid, my sister and later on say "no no"... some people say naughty but we see it as she is smart lo!!! hahaha faint right? (yes, me very thick skinned one)

oh ya happy:
my "finally" (still remember?) come yesterday night!!!!
ur baby better now??

where r u????
Hi Overload,

aiyo the lullaby short-lived arh...i think prob it is jus a phase.. eh hw many nap she takin during day time?
hehehe ... thx thx ... actually hor, tmw then is her birthday. kekeke ... remember, that time I was in labour since noon 1yr ago until hours after midnite then deliver? ;) nicole and chi mun are born 5 days apart

chi mun's daddy is even worse. bb dun even like to say papa. she likes to say zaizai (her cousin) each time daddy wants her to say papa. so her daddy is getting real jealous already, so he has been trying to teach bb to say papa for past few nites :p

ya agree with iceblue. sometimes bb got tons of words they already know but dun wan to say. like my bb, she suddenly can point to a ball and say 'ball!' for that 1 time, then dun wan to say anymore.

hahaahahaa .... aiyo u poor thing! next time mer wan to sleep with u, maybe just put her higher up than yourself on the bed and tuck a booster/pillow between u and her. this way, u dun need to worry abt rolling over or throwing comforter over her.

shoes- oh I'm still trying to get used to the straps that buckle up in opposite directions. bb is still refusing to set her foot into the shoes :p

yeah I was working like 12hrs and on weekends a few mths back until my health went haywire and bb cant be bothered with me. I'm determined that I will try knock off like 7pm. But this current job is abit hard for me to do so. Seriously considering changing job to have something more scheduled.
but u have a tougher time than me leh! 2 kids! wow!

wahahahahahaa .... I love the way u put across the words "no no"! Super funny!

u are really cute leh! baby blues woah :p

check out kiasuparents.com for reviews on the 2 centres u were mentioning. the sgparents link that I'd posted before also got review.
there is also a thread in this singaporemotherhood forum that talks abt little skool hse under "Advise by the experts"

Of course I remember hehe!!! And I am really happy for you as you can now say "FINALLY"... that kind of feeling is so shiok and rewarding right? keke ;)
Thanks for asking, Xavier is still not well yet, still coughing with phelgm, and often waking at night to cough, sigh, so poor thing... maybe my decision to bring him to HK was bad, didnt expect the weather to be so cold... sigh sigh sigh

Re bbs sick,
Hope all bbs recover soon, it really pains parents to see our bbs unwell, sigh, but cny festives period is usually the season of flu and cough virus, so do take care of yourself!

Re bb talking,
Wow, iceblue bb can say so many words, so envy hehe, xavier can only go ma ma ma, mum mum mum, pa pa pa, ga ga ga, but nothing concrete yet, its all bb talk with only occasional ball ball and nono lol, and aiai (byebye) if he feels like it ;)

I did prefer a OK too than a nono, because this xavier super like to shake his head with NONO, everything also NONO, eat/sleep/drink/play/medicine ALL NONO sigh...
then these few nights he suddenly decide he shd only sleep at 1am, last time was ard 12, but now is 1am!!!! my dark rings are getting really BLACK lor
yesterday night i asked him can u go to sleep already, he shook his head, then i carry him into the room he cried, he kept gesturing to get out of the room... i got angry and told him to stay outside while i close the door, then he cried loudly haha, after that i open the door and he crawl in immediately, but still undecided where he wants to be, so he sat near the edge of the doorway looking inside, then looking outside, before he finally KO at 1am, FAINT... sigh... We switch off all the lights, play lullaby, sing to him, rock him, carry him, all no use, he only sleeps when he wants to sleep....

Btw, do you mummies "scold" your babies? I do say NO firmly to xavier, then after that he will push me away and dont want me for a while... sigh, it seems he knows how to be angry with me leh...


My boy also cant walk yet, and crawls most of the time and cant stand well unsupported yet, and cant say many words, dont really like to clap his hands... but if you do bring him to PD for periodic development assessment, and PD says he is ok then he shd be fine, dont worry so much ok?
Oh I received a 25% off EVERYTHING voucher from Robinsons, which is applicable on top of the pre-existing discount, but only limit to $200 worth of purchases, hb got one and i got one, so today we are gg robinsons to shop, one evening rest from bb keke ;)

hi mummies,

For those of ur bb sleeping late, how many naps do they take per day and when is the last nap?
Think for them at this stage, they hv lotsa energy. My gal can last for 8 hrs of play without sleep... so maybe u all can refrain them from taking nap late afternoon? keke if possible lah.

Re school, hmm my fren was saying put at half day child care is better than just playgroup, more activities and they'll also help potty train, more ex but maybe gain more too? Some playgroups dont really teach much and only 1 teacher and 1 assistant attending to bigger group of kids, so they may not be able to control the class.... Any thoughts?
