(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi allynn, welcome! of course u can join us. we also like to meet more and more mummies. u want to start by posting a message abt bb Loewe and some updates??
hello nana thks for recommendations.. look nice too w r u planning yr bb birthday party? im thinking of doing hello kitty/ minnie mouse? btw any mummies bought party stuff from bp babyterror online? also any mummmies giving bb ,multivit?

welcome to our thread allynn..the mummies here very helpful
Hi Gamze,

My little Loewe whose born in 14 Feb 2009 - Valentines' Day, a very special gift, a bb girl after having 2 elder boys. She's an happy and active 10.5mths old.

With soft toys and dolls surrounding her, she ends up playing with her koko toy cars... haha...

Wow, I can see most of the mummies here have already started preparation for their bb 1st birthday.. you all really put in effort with lots of great ideas too... cheers....

Hopefully I can really "get along well" with all mummies here..

Hope to hear from you all...
Hi gerly26,

I'm really glad to hear that mummies here are helpful...

Actually I'm a lousy mummy, alot of things I have to learn from you all after going through the posts here... haha... I have not think of where to celebrate my bb birthday coz 14 Feb is 1st day of Cny in 2010 so is also quite difficult, everybody busy "Bai nian". So any suggestion before or after???
arghhhh there goes the long weekend!!!
nvm .. this new week will be a short one too! heheheehe!!!

welcome aboard!
wow .. how u managed 3 little one around?? my sil is already fainting with 2 at hand now. u are good!!!
how abt holding bb's birthday celebration on her chinese birthday? this way it wont crash with CNY or V-Day celebration?

think our aug gathering's decor was from babyterror. u wan to check with pumpkinseed on the details and etc? think she sponsered it
multiV - nope ... din give bb at the moment!
btw has any mummies feed bb with Lao Huang Gua (Old Yellow Cucumber) soup that has been boiled with pork ribs for more than 4hrs? No salt was added lah. isit ok for bb to drink this soup at their age? Cos mil told me that bb can drink this soup but I hadnt find any info online on this yet. Anyway bb dun like the taste at her 1st try, as expected. :p

Oh I finally learnt how to cook pork porridge for bb yesterday! heee ... I know it is very simple but for someone who dun like to step into the kitchen to cook ah, abit hard to get started lah! :p But for bb's sake, I must do my best! homecook meal is still better than bottled food jar lah.

Bb was quite gracious to her mummy's 1st attempt at cooking. In fact, she finished up an entire rice bowl full of porridge! Even 'complained' that I din cook more! I'm so happy!! *proud mummy!* This is the 1st time my fussy bb ate so much! a big encouragement indeed :p will try to cook again tmw :p
thts nice lonerunner!jiayou, nw ur baby seems more willin to acpt new food tts great!

as for the soup..hmm i think old ppl wil giv quite alot of thgs for baby to try?
aiya i posted smthg here jus nw but forum gt prob! nw lazy to type liao..cos quite long... in short i was askin any baby here nw scared wen go ppls' hse., mine was bad , cry n cry kp cling to daddy
mine mine! my bb super anti social when go to unfamilar hse! kept fussing! they are just feeling unsecure bah. wat to do. have to give them sm time to settle down

no leh, my mil has lotta 'rules' one. lotta times we crashed becos we have diff opinion on wat can n cannot give bb to eat. think she is just trying to be double play safe lah.

hope tat chi mun can learn to eat more things faster. after 2 weeks of eating more food like porridge, veg and fish, she is now weighing 8.3kg liao! up from 7.5kg. finally put on some weight! now can see some fats around her cheeks. haiz.
Good morning,

I drag my feet to work this morning... i hope the day can pass very fast...

anyone got 'remedy" for heat rash? this is the 2nd time my boy gets heat rash, esp bad on his arms.... put aloe vera gel, take some days to subside. my boy sweat easily and his arms and hands always get very wet, plus all the crawling and drooling.. trying the Pigeon medicated powder.

I m nearly driven "mad" by him the past 3 nites. I m not sure isit because we've been going out alot during the christmas period. He gets too distracted. comes at nite, he refuse to sleep even though he is so tired - red puffy eyes already.(I purposely cut his evening naps). He can wake up half way after falling asleep "unknowingly" and then will start to scream and cry for at least 1 hr. I really mean SCREAM, literally. Shake, pat, sing, feed, give water, coax- all no use. He just refused to stay in the bedroom. Simply refuse to sleep. Wants to go out and play.. and if we give in to play, he can play past midnite.... He's very strong-will. Refused to give in. Even beating, scolding and i even shouted at him. He just wont give in. As soon as we bring him out of room to another place, he stops. Really stretched my patience to the limits.. I brought him to the bathroom yday to show him his crying face and scold him, he dun even dare to look at me or himself in the mirror when i scold him, and give the "as if nth has happened" face. I m quite sure he knows what is going on, but just didnt want to face the fact.
I didn't wnat to give in because i hope he can cultivate a good sleep routine now. Previously he will just crawl ard, but this time, he actually knows how to use his crying and wailing to control us.. I tried using the "soft" ways, he dun take it. Scream at him, also no use. Out of my wits... DUno how come he suddenly turn this way..
Today we brought him back to my mum's place after 2 wks with us. I hope he dun do that to my mum....
Hello Ladies,

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Thxs =D
oh dear. tat sounded like a very bad weekend for you. ya sometimes due to a change in routine, bb tend to be fussy at nite.
For my bb, we'll let her exhaust her 'batteries' by letting her play until she tired. After some nites of 'cooling down period', bb understand tat she wont be going out that often and wont wan to fuss at nite. Then I'll slowly ease her back to normal sleeping hour. Otherwise I'll make myself miserable trying to get bb to bed while this bb is very insistant to get her ways.

scolding method - my hb tried this method to discipline bb too, but it din work cos bb still continued to cry and scream. Then hb applied the deprivation method - only comfort bb after she stopped crying. duno isit she cry until tried liao or wat but usually she stops after an hr. either tat or the method worked. But mummy's heart nearly broke during tat 1hr+ lah while bb was screaming like mad. But mummy n daddy had an agreement not to interfere with each other's teaching method while other party is in progress so me no choice but to keep quiet lor. I also tried the mirror method. doesnt work for nites like this too.

heat rash - usually I use water to wipe bb when she perspire, esp at the rash zones. no choice. weather sometimes very hot then my bb super active too.
catmomo, i usually use johnson's baby lotion when my gal has heat rashes, usually next day will be much better. Ya like wat lonerunner said, try to use wet towel to wipe bb often when perspire.
hello sandy n lone runner? any recommed brand for multivit???

hello lonerunner thks for info.. gd attempt cook for bb.. like playing masak w bb coz w we cook the quantitiy very little .. wah yr gal bigger than mine.. think she is the smallest 7kg..btw im stopping bf soon ..wat fm r u feeding bb?

hello catmomo.. i can understand the tiredness in you.. our xmas too.. bb was down w false mealses bb cranky all night refuse drink milk n cry in the room only when she out ok?? drive me nuts hardly splet more than 5 hrs

sorry i duno wat remedy for heat rash maybe other mummies can help..

hello allynn, wah yr bb double happiness n angpow..u can do all the works during cny or celebrate early
in fact, the last 2 weeks, we took him back, me and hubby felt more tired than working days. I cannot afford to do my own things too.. So this Christmas, i really no mood and energy to do much. Didnt prepare gifts too... haiz.. This baby really a challenge for me. But I m learning day by day to be a better person and a better mum.
Hope all of us can endure and support one another.
ha! today's pork porridge din turn out as good as yesterday's. Too watery :p nvm I'll readjust the water again next weekend :p
hey good work .. not easy to BF until now. do u wan to reconsider BF until bb is 1yr old? it's just 1mth+ more away. I'm giving bb bellamy FM. But when I stop BF, I might need to switch FM liao ... Bellamy is expensive to sustain if full time FM feeding lah.

life is like this when bb is with us one. tats why I think SAHM are great, cos it's lotta hard work and no personal time. 24*7 on call with no MC, AL or time off! :p But we are much happier when bb is around rite? especially when they flash their sweetest smile at us?
catmomo....."But I m learning day by day to be a better person and a better mum. " - Well said! I feel exactly the same way as u!! Even though my boy doesnt wake up and demand to go out and play, but there are areas which I know I need to improve and need to find solution to! Eg. Sitting in carseat, me as human pacifier...These are issues which I started out wrongly and trying to find solution and improve on them now.
Sometimes, I also very tired taking care of my boy. But I rem u said before a looong time ago that no matter how difficult and tiring it is, when we see them sound asleep at night, their innocence, their sweetness, what else can we ask for? I was very touched by what u said then and always rem it.

Lonerunner.... The trip to JB was quite good la =) Raph not very cooperative, keep wanting to get out of carseat and drink milk! He seems to know that if he drinks milk, he no need to sit inside, so he keep wanting to drink milk =( Anyway, nowadays, I will put him inside and play with him. If he wants to get out, will take him out, carry awhile, and put him in again and the cycle repeats. I feel less stressed compared to letting him cry n struggle all the way. In any case, he has learnt how to come out of the carseat even with seatbelt buckled...
We went Pulai Springs Resort. Suppose to be like a 5start resort, but the cleanliness was not very good. I had to borrow the mop from housekeeping and mop the whole unit myself! Cos if Raph is going to crawl around, I wanna make sure the area is clean.
hello lonerunner... u might wan consider cook porridge in slow cooker no need watch fire n water... im targeting bf till 1yr but seem bm getting lesser can only sustain 1 day supply no xtra to store... can drag till 7hrs before next pump
Hi Sandy

How do you zucchini? I bought one that day and boiled with porridge. Correct. Need to remove skin right? keke

Hi Lonerunner
I also cook porridge in slow cooker. I prefer the texture of porrige that was cooked in slow cooker.

Bdae for babies
Are u busy w bb 1st bdae? geez.
wah, u have 3 kids... we shd be learning from u!

i juz started giving my gal abt 1 wk back, pd prescribed... cos hor, he still not satisfied wif her growth... saying we can help her a bit, tis multivit will increase her appetite...

but hor, she oreidi very gd appetite to begin wif! before we give her, she oreidi starting to look plump... dunno wat e pd wans man... anyway, my gal became super active after starting on it... dunno if it's a coincidence... but she sleeps lesser and always very excited... she din use to be like tat...
if u wanna use e "deprivation" method and let bb cry, need to be consistent hor... cos if not, bb is confused and doesn't noe wat to expect from u...

my gal goes to sleep on her own now, been abt 6 mths liao... initially, she oso protested like mad... cried for 45 mins or so, then slowly lessened... now whine for abt 30 secs then sleep liao..

of cos there are times when she will try again, crying and wailing... those times make me wonder wat went wrong and i even questioned myself if she is teething or unwell... but think i quite hard-hearted, still let her cry for 15-30 mins before checking on her... those times when she's testing my boundaries, she needs to noe who's boss... haha...
got leh! I cooked the porridge in slow cooker! (otherwise I sure forget to check on the water level, fire etc!) But the water can disappeared one! Strange. I tot tat happened to the normal rice cooker only. hahaha! think the rice also soaked up the water quite abit.

my BM express time is around 7.15am, 11am, 5pm, 10.30pm. needless to say, my BM vol is dropping steadilly as well! hehehehe ...! I'm still trying to keep at 4 sessions per day. If not enough, bb will be on FM then. no stress
Just give wat we have to bb.

wah! bb Raph is smart leh! knows how to prevent being buckled into carseat for long! hahahaha! like tat how are u making Raph stay in carseat if u are driving next time?
Hey next time u can try Avillion chalets. if u dun mind driving further down, the one at Port Dickson is very charming! On-off there will be promotions for a stay there. I love the place. http://www.avillionportdickson.com/

me too! I'm still learning to be a better mum too! must learn to dote on bb lesser, and START COOKING!

1st Birthday:
for me, nothing special being planned. on bb's actual bd, hb and I intend to bring bb to Fidgets at Turf City to play. At nite go mil's hse for dinner and cake cutting. Will be ordering Swnsen's icecream cake for bb (it's her mummy's fav! opps!). on the weekend before tat, we'll go to my parent's hse with a small swensen's cake for a family celebration as well! This is the best plan I can come up with. Otherwise ah, I duno how to divide bb's time equally between the 2 sets of doting grandparents leh! haahaa!

ya I wished that's the case too! hahahaa! But no lah. her mum is really hopeless at cooking one. din burn down kitchen very good liao. tats why daddy would rather buy mummy a more expensive oven with auto electric cutoff feature than to risk having a burnt kitchen. (oh, think baking chocolate rice cookies is the only thing I can do properly!)
yeap yeap agree with u ... must be consistant on the usage of deprivation method!
wah! btw wat multiV did PD prescribed ah?? I must avoid giving bb this multiV at all cost! if bb suddenly decide and wan to be more active ah, I think I sure 'beng' liao. cannot cannot!!
very easy to dwindle supply one ... just skip a pump session for a day or 2 is enough to cause 'damage' liao! hahahahaa! ok lah, at least for myself :p
at least u noe how to bake! e last time i baked was during sec school when i learned e rubbing in method... never knew how to use mixer! my cake using manual mixer din even manage to rise lor...
i see, i see... cos i never had as much milk as gerly26 mah, so i understand for myself when e milk supply dwindled... but hearing tat from her sounds distant to me, hehe...
lonerunner: nowadays i no use slow cooker liao, cos i dun put outsi aft use i kp i use pot over stove, slow cook for 1 hr then its as gd as slow cooker which tak longer time
sorrie mummies, does anyone know how to use this Avent Variable flow teat ah? it is for use on any normal Avent bottles rite? not a special bottle for this teat hor?

orrrrr ... icic! aiyo bake cake ah? dun remind me. I nearly failed my home econ in sec school. my teacher already written me off as hopeless! it's a miracle tat I managed to clear the subject! hahahaa! :p
btw now that you are no longer BF, do you find that you have more time for yourself? or isit still the same ah? *doing survey .. heehehe!*

orrr .. u are using the stove method ah? u good leh! if I cook porridge this way, tmw u sure see news report of my flat on fire in the newspaper liao. hahaha! slow cooker 'eats' more electricity lah, but for me is no choice. better start somewhere safe first until I can train myself to stay in kitchen until the task is completed! :p
sheepish, i think its faster lor, but haha busy mus kp walk over n see.
lonerunner: i usually prepare lunch for baby , so quite hard to hav few hrs to cook then giv baby . by time i settle her prepare n cook few hrs think she alrdy have her aftn nap le.
orrr ... maybe it's becos of the way I cook the porridge lah. after I wake up in the morning, I just throw the pork in, add rice, add water and tats it! so by lunch time, the porridge is nice and ready to eat! I just cook for 2hrs only. maybe next time when I steam fish or add other veg inside then I wont have enough time liao. see how things go.
gd morning mummies yet another never enough sleep dae...

hello sheepish yeh i give away milk till the bb turn 1yr old then i reduced pump session till 3x a day nw just enough for my bb somehow the milk machine allow m to drag time longr not so painful as before btw r u still feeding bb w enfa or change brand.. im decideing which brnd to use for bb soon.. just check fm so $$$ hw much u mummies spend on fm a mth?

hello lonerunner yeh the water will evaporate a little but i fine porridge tastier but use more electricity

hello mummies will babies refuse milk from time to time due to teething? find my gal not wanting to drink milk as before n also more int in seeing wat we eat
Usually bb is on FM once a day. Or when we go out, she'll be on FM too. So 1 tin can last around 1mth. So mine wont be a good gauge to estimate total $$ spend on FM per mth. :p
refusing milk n seeing wat we eat - my bb does tat!
gerly, will it be the first time u're givng ur bb FM? maybe must trial and error, when i started giving my gal FM to drink she rejected mamil gold and PD suggested Nan HA 2 cos taste wise more similar to BM and my gal take it well.
i'm now giving 1 feed of FM daily and i'm using the small 400g tin and last 2 weeks.

I cook my porridge in stove also. Soak the rice in water for abt half hr then cook for half hour, faster than last time since i'm now giving my gal thick grainy porridge...

Anyone planning to intro rice yet? i tried to cook the rice soft and serve with dishes but she rejected. sigh think rice too bland, i'm still trouble shooting see what i can give her for lunch cos i dont wanna give porridge again scared she get sian of it since eating porridge for dinner. She also rejected pasta... sigh think i must crack brain think of other methods of cooking it.
my bb is eating it. but cos she dun have teeth yet, so I smash/cut it to tiny pieces first then give her. usually I give her together with veg from my plate cos she'll demand to eat what I am eating
lonerunner....WOW! U still pump 4 times a day!! Very good! My ss drop so much these few days..Now I pump zero or 1 times, depending on how much my boy latch through the day.
And yes, Avilion Port Dickson is really really beautiful!! Went there last yr Oct with another couple fren and we enjoyed the stay soooo much! Thinking of going back there again when Raphael is a bit older and can walk. There is this mini animal enclosure which I think little kids would like =)
Well, if I drive, I need someone to be behind with him to entertain him. In that case, he cant drink milk already lor...I seldom drive la.

Eating rice
My boy is very interested in adult food too. Whenever he see me eating, or when he see food, he would smack his lips, indicating that he wants to eat! So when we are eating dinner and he comes asking for food, I will feed him a little rice. Then he will go off to play and when he finishes the rice, he will come back for more! The same thing happens when he sees me eat bread in the morning.

First Birthday
After ordering cake and booking venue, I very lazy to think about the deco. Maybe will do without deco. Themed balloons cost a lot!
hi mommies,


I think naomi is tam jia keke. I've been giving her rice for awhile not as meal but just few spoons of plain rice each time for fun n she likes it. I didnt add anything or make it wet.

Ginn, did u add anything to ur pasta? Maybe she likes more taste?
yah, think e avent variable teat is for use wif e normal bottle... no need special bottle!

erm, more time ah... i dun pump leh, so dun really spend a lot of time pumping... my gal can finish feeding in under 15 mins last time when she latched, so really not much time saved... well, i probably get an extra 10 mins or so to laze in bed wif her instead...
yah, my gal still on enfa... now she totally on fm, she uses abt 5 400g tins a mth... if u base on forum rates, tat's abt $60 a mth... if u base on supermarket rates, tat's at least $80 a mth!

anyway, can give stage 3 once bb turns 1... will be cheaper then!
yah, i oso give my gal rice at times - when she finishes her food but we are still not done wif dinner... dunno if she's full oreidi or not, but she'll still eat! so think she's tam jia like naomi! :p
sandy, ya i added pork and veg leh but she spit it out.. same goes for the rice... booo.. so sad think my gal really fussy. For the pork, i use pork stock, onion and steam it with carrots all diced and minced, pretty tasty leh but she dont want, in the end i ate it myself. And now she dont seem to like cereal as much.

Think i shld give her more table food to try now to let her get use to more taste.
think parris provide decor one. u wan to check with mr wong on this?
I love the water chalets there ... is so nice! oh I din know there is a mini animal enclosure there! if we go there w bb, will definately visit it

me no choice got to pump lah. bb refused to latch on leh, so gotta be very discipline to pump n pump. u very lucky leh .... raph can latch on

hey u wan try give bb pork first, then next time pork with onion, then another time pork, onion and carrots? at least for my bb ah, if give too many flavours at one time, she'll reject. so need to slowly intro one new flavour to the old flavour at a time. then she'll eat the food. duno why. btw if u wan to give bb table food, maybe u wan to choose those that are not so salty. not good to take too much salt contents.

no need special bottle ah? aiyo I headache. how to adjust the flow ah? I twist here and there still like the same flow leh!


u must be so sian right...so much TLC but baby dont eat..is it the onion?? my niece also rejected onion. for pasta i use green peas and pork, steam already i just press flat and stir in pasta. the green peas act as pesto sauce and it sticks to the pasta. there is pork juice after the steam so i add in, so its not too wet kind. my baby rejected cereal since 8 mths old.


actually i dont want to give her table food yet because i dont want to let her have salt and soya sauce and all that till later time. i guess i will only intro our normal food when she rejects all "baby food" keke. theres still lots of food to intro her leh..my latest intro is xiao bai cai.
