(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

maybe I walked too much during pregnancy days... now chi mun super active! :p

hahahaa .. in office I just pour hot water over the pumps and etc only! where got time to sterlise properly. ok lah. the water in singapore quite ok one.

wah kao ... just now I applied for 1 day leave on monday. ganna questioned like mad by big boss and also cc everyone in dept in his email. I got backup wat. he can go on leave for 3 weeks but the rest of us wan to take only 1 day leave also cannot. if down period like now also cannot take leave, then we can forget abt taking leave during peak period. nvm. at the most I take urgent leave on monday only. there are ways to go abt things one. hahahaha!


long time no see!

hows life? i havent been to your place yet leh... keke

yeah, christmas upcoming and i am fuming mad at work
btw mummies, survey question - which playgym to date is more fun in your view? Gymboree, JWT etc?

just 1 day more .... hang on!
this morning my collegues and I were having a discussion on Primary 1 & 2 English. They were complaining that the syllabus is totally out of their knowledge so they are now forced to learn together with their kids.

To demostrate how difficult English is at P1 and 2, we ended up having a Q&A session by these collegues for them to demo how hard P1 and 2 English are.

"what's the pural form for 'Loaf'?" - loaves
"What's the young of a kangaroo known as?" - joey
"What's the male of a goat known as?" - Billy goat

as the session went on, we ended up trying to outdo each other to see who get the most incorrect answer! the session most prob will continue tmw, after the daddies go back home tonite to revise their children's textbooks for more 'bullets' to 'shoot' at the rest of us. hehehe ...

christmas mood :p

I wonder how we will react next time when our babies start primary school ....
sheepish and snow:
yes yes, i use the boiling method until now, and i dont want to buy a sterilizer after this point. bcoz once she turns 1 year, i will stop sterilizing. as of now i have decided not to leave the kitchen for any reason until finish boiling : )

i still remember how u used to climb the stairs up and down when u were pregnant. no wonder chi mun is so active..

I went straight to gymboree cos of convenience. Naomi enjoyed it alot cos there r many obstacles for her to go around n over. Shes always in high mood when shes there n i feel its a good place for her to make full use of her physical stunts. U'll be amazed with what our babies r capable of keke. U can watch the video i posted on my fb.She also gets excited seeing other kids running around n she'll point point at them keke.
wah, u very hardworking leh... for convenience sake, we bought e steriliser... okie lah, served us well... now lend to fren, hopefully still working well when i have #2!
Merry Christmas to all!! Am so happy that Christmas is round the corner.

less than 2 months and our babies will be a year old. Time flies!!
hehe my sterliser used to belong to a friend whose bb is now a 6yr old kid. it is still working fine, so think ur sterliser shld last! :p

yalor. time flies leh! our bb going to be 1yr old liao! last nite I was going thru bb's newborn photos. she looked so different now! I wonder how we managed to pull thru the 1hr+ or 2hr interval feeding previously! kekekee ....

woah u solid leh! u really can ton the entire nite partying ah? not bad siah!

Gymboree ah? hmmm .... that sounds great! think I shld let chi mun try out a trial session to see her reaction. btw which activity is naomi now on? the play and learn one or music class?
Hi Mummies

ho ho ho...merry xmas to feb 09 mummies!! Our first xmas w our bb. BB Sarah is so fortunate. Spotted a few pressie for her given by parents in law and aunties.

Just wanna share sth interesting. I have been teaching Sarah how to clap but without success. Who knows we brought her out with another bb ger who is 2 mths older than her. And she learnt clapping within minutes seeing her clap.
* faint *
hi mommies,

merry xmas too all ...may we all have a blessed christmas and many fruitful ones to come


she upgraded to level 3 play and learn and music is level 2.


haha..actually they know how to do but they're not motivated i guess...maybe she didnt want to lose out to that bb ger haha...we are also waiting eagerly to let naomi open all her xmas pressies sitting under the xmas tree..she has alot too heh heh
Dear mummies, enjoy your 1st Xmas with your bundle of joy! Best wishes for the coming New Year too!

I bought the Playskool Explore and Grow Walker and Rider and the Avent Magic Cup last night. Disappointed when my boy dun really like riding on it and needless to say, he dun really like using it to walk either. And the more irritating thing is that my MIL was gloating over it as she disagreed with my purchase. I must make sure my boy learns to play with it well and show her this can really help him to walk earlier. Still waiting for surprises from my boy.....

Avent Magic Cup will leak ah? I have not tried it but the salesperson told me it has the non-spill rubber to prevent water from coming out when the bb is not sucking leh. Yet to try it, but when I tried to fix the handles to my Avent bottle, trying to get my boy to hold it to train him, he simply refused. My boy cannot do anything, except put everything into his mouth. He always enjoyed "eating" his diapers at every diaper change as he will refuse to stay still to let us apply the nappy rash cream, and will reach out for the nearest thing available and start "eating".

I wish he could be as clever and obedient as Naomi and some of your little ones. Haiz, wonder when the day will come....my Xmas wish!

Enjoy yourselves, mummies!
Hi all!

Gerly...I have booked Pariss already. The manager rems u, but he cant give me any discount cos my pax not as many as urs, n I am first time booking too. U paid deposit already?

Sandy...Guess wat, I showed my hubby the videos u took of Naomi in gymboree...and instead of seeing how cute she is playing, he commented that the video quality very good and asked me to ask u which videocam u using! =p

Brought my boy for his thrid haircut yest at Supercut. Cost $16 for normal seat, and $21 for special children seat with TV...(I chose the normal seat one) I was quite disappointed with the cut. IN fact, after the cut, I was very sad for whole nite. It wasnt as nice as the one he had at Junior League, which cost $20. Will definitely go back to Junior League for his next hair cut! Will be bringing him for photoshoot in early Jan, so I even more sad that this cut not nice. Hoping that his hair will grow quickly so will look nicer by then.

SY.... Sarah so cute! I agree that babies seem to learn a lot when they intereact with other bb and see what they do!

Lonerunner/Sandy... Brought Raph to gymboree trial last sat. He did Level 2 instead of Level 3 cos the teacher say first timer he should try Level 2 instead, even though at 10 months, its the transistion between level 2 and 3. I find it so-so only leh... Maybe its not the right level for him. Anyway, I find it too ex to bring him for "exercise" every week...haha
Sandy...I saw the videos u uploaded. I feel that the facilities there are better than here!

Here's wishing all mummies, babies and their daddies a BLESSED CHRISTMAS!!! =)
lonerunner: bo bian leh. all my girlfriends have different schedule.
so in the end, we meet after babies went to z.

last time can tong better... now old liao, end up today super tired!

blueb, SY, sandy: yah, totally agree that babies learn more when they interact with other babies.
though they cant really communicate, can feel that they are happy to have their little friends
hello blueb wah so many mommies book the venue btw w is yr date??? wat theme u wana used for yr bb ??? have u ordered cake??? i thought of going next week to view n c him..wow the haircut very $$$...

merry xmas
woah .. my neighbour gave bb the toy which looks like a box with holes for bb to put in diff shapes of object. we played with it tonite. unfortunately bb is more interested in bitting the diff shapes instead of putting them via the correct holes into the box for now. :p nvm .. must slowly teach her ...:p

It's Christmas in another 25min!!!

hey must tell us how naomi reacted after tonite! did she manage to tear open all her presents??

hahahhahaa .... bb Sarah is so cute! I also think bb learns more from each other!

hehehe .. guys tend to notice technical stuff more than wat we want to show them at times! :p
oh btw if hair not long enough during photoshoot, nvm one. ask the lady to use photoshop to touch up for a quick hair makeover! kekekeke ...
btw which Gymboree u brought Raph to? The habourfront one or tanglin mall?

not bad siah! thats another idea for a gathering without bb tagging along! :p now we older liao. harder for our body to adjust bodyclock back :p

give ur boy sm time. dun stress yourself out cos diff bb grow at diff pace
But ya, sometimes we really wan to wipe out the gloating grin from ppl who gloat at things which din turn out as we wanted. :p
or if u like, try bring him along for a bb gathering or to the playground? maybe once he see how other bb are working out on the walker, he 'automatic' will learn how liao :p
oh my girl also likes to chew on a diaper during nappy change time. and yes, she will turn over n crawl away the moment her back is on the changing mat! :p
lonerunner: guess u meant shape sorters. my gal prefer to throw arnd smtims, but mostly she use them to bang each other one in each hand, but smtims she get the same color/shape. but she lik simply refuse to put them in , evryth i show her she jus wans to tak out frm the box.haha nvm i let her be, slowly then teach her agn
oh the proper name is called shape sorter ah? hahaha now I know! (I threw the box away!)
yalor. hard to guide them to put in an item leh!
Just dropping by to post a quick one before retiring for bed...

Merry Christmas to all mummies, babies and daddies, may you have the most joyous and blessed one... Have fun with your little one this yr, our first christmas with our babies and they are so fortunate! My boy has lots of pressies too. Goodnight
hee its tt if i dint remb wrg.

Xmas loh!nice i like!

my neighbourhood here wah noisy rite now so many ppl's voices shouting , cheering etc.. alrdy pass 0000hrs stil so excited
hi mommies, merry xmas to all

Blueb, ur hb very funny leh haha.. Anyways it's not a videocam!! Its the Satio, the sony ericsson 12.1mp smartphone. How much does gymboree sg charge? I agree that the facilities differ. It is franchised so i guess different management.

Lonerunner, we just got home n she only managed to unwrap 5 present n she got impatient. Will continue later today keke.
hi mommies, merry xmas to all

Blueb, ur hb very funny leh haha.. Anyways it's not a videocam!! Its the Satio, the sony ericsson 12.1mp smartphone. How much does gymboree sg charge? I agree that the facilities differ. It is franchised so i guess different management.

Lonerunner, we just got home n she only managed to unwrap 5 present n she got impatient. Will continue later today keke.
Merry Christmas everyone!!

bb dun wan to sleep .. kept kicking n tossing around so woke us up from the coolness of the nice cosy bed. We are bringing bb to botanical garden this morning! let her exercise her energy off. hehehehe ...!

ur side so nice. my block area here super quiet! one of my neighbour just moved away last week. the corridoor became so quiet! else we sure will gather gather outside our flats to chitchat one.

hahaha ... naomi is good leh! chi mun just threw her entire present away when presented to her!
Hi Sandy, I just found out the charges for gymboree:

Play and Learn Classes- 12 sessions at SGD$399, 8 sessions at SGD$360.

Music classes - 12 sessions at SGD$270, 8 sessions at SGD$224.

Trial lesson for Play and Learn is SGD$40, Music is at SGD$28.

Mummies, did someone organise a mass trial session sometime ago?
My facebook account not set up properly in the past, now cannot get in. Maybe I set up again then let u know? your video in facebook?
lonerunner: haha those celebration nt involve me leh its the surrounding, al those youngsters .
gt nice neighbours is gd. my side the 2 neighbours are arnd our age or abit older so can chat, i lik my place( of cos minus tt stupid loanshark unit). next wed neighbour baby manyue invited us on a wkday evening, aft wrk mus rush back.

jus nw was teliing hubby our bab is like a connector to alot of rlnshps, last time our side al close door(nw stil close) no talk. aft baby out, we invite them to man yue, then al start talkin liao..so nice

baby also connect us to al relatives

liting: i was planning to go in feb( nw cant confirm) , i think its nice to open them up to new thgs . for me s slowly prepare them mix cos wil nd go childcare in future
hehehe ... just now we went orchard's isetan to hunt japanese food. after we bought a sushi bento set, we sat down at a nice corner at the McCafe just outside isetan to eat. as I was packing up after makan, I happened to glance upwards .... to see a row of birds' butt directly above us (cos there is a row of ceiling piller)! we were joking tat we have extra 'ingredients' for our lunch ... freshly baked and hot from 'oven'! :p

yalor yalor! bb is a good talking topic (and a gd excuse to be late or avoid appointment!) My side also like tat. after got bb, then more topic to talk.

gymboree ah? cant remember if got mass trial organised previously. I am also thinking of going for the Play and Learn trial class too. My hb also same thinking as urs. so nvm lor, I'll just bring bb there myself. hehehehe ...!

wah ... gymboree at ur side is much cheaper! so good!
Wah, Sandy, gymboree at Philippines is so much cheaper! Ya, I have seen that u have added me, but I did not see the video on Naomi at gymboree leh...But I saw Naomi with her doll, she is so adorable!
gerly.... Ours on 7Feb, Sun. Yup, booked his cake already, from http://pinkgingerbynee.blogspot.com

Lonerunner...Haha...photoshop touch-up ah...gd idea =) We went to the harbourfront branch one. U intending to let Ziman try? =)

Liting.... U go to Sandy's homepage, then the tab "video", there u should be able to see the gymboree videos of Naomi =)

Sandy... Haha...Will let my hubby know that its not a videocam but a hp! =p

Last-Minute Trip
We just booked a trip to Johor and leaving tmr morn! This is really the first time we decided to go for short trip soo last minute. 3D2N with a few frens. haha...Sure hope Raphael will behave and sit in his carseat during the journey!
hello blueb her cakes so nice is it $$$ she cant do on my gal birthday btw do u have any recommendations me so stress

enjoy yr holiday

I ordered a 2 tier fondant cake 9" by 7" from www.cakesncravings.com its chocolate fudge flavor. From web, alot of good reviews. My theme is barney. I am using my own barney cake toppers. I am just left with the stuff for favors. I am baking my own m&m cookies as favors.

Ordered cupcakes fr www.yummyumkins.com and a barney jelly cake fr mrs chan.

Hi mummies,

Can I join this thread? My girl's Loewe is also a Feb bb 2009.

Just wanna get to know mummies from this thread on bb topic as well as exchange information etc...

Hope that all mummies can welcome me ya...

Take care...
