(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

mibebe: wow! yr bb knows how to slide and walk without support!
lonerunner: han also slides down but he still stupid stupid do it head down.

teach him how to go via legs down first, he still cant get it.

sheepish: yap, bb will still recognize that their food source esp. u have been latching for so long.

lonerunner: if i'm disciplined to do exercise, i wont be fat liao. :p
haha, but still will try at times. :p when all my clothings cannot fit anymore.

happy: han has the 'advantage' of friends from infantcare.
i think that is one of the major differences too.

jo, jul: wah... is the push walker good? thinking thinking and tempted.

liting: i was trying to teach bb blow kiss, he ended up beating his mouth.

happy, iceblue: wow! bb knows how to comb hair! smart!

happy, nana, lonerunner: i am as sua-gu. also dont know what is babyplus.
but hor given my laziness, dont think i will diligently do it.
oh ya, next "trick" we all must teach bb - how to clasp hand together to take ang bao during CNY! heheheheee!

not sure abt chicken cos hasnt give bb yet. how abt chicken tights?

the other day when my bb tried on one, she clunched on the sides of the push walker to stand up first. so is still possible for them to stand up before pushing the push walker.
hi grace:dint knw ur baby under infantcare. its ex rite? recntly i go see wah 1k i nearly faint , cos wS JUS THINKG ABT futur 2nd one hw, who tak care, cos mil also gettin old liao
lonerunner: han did the 'gong xi gong xi' at 5 months, then now he doesnt want to do it anymore.

iceblue: quite ok for the PCF one. there's subsidy for working mother $600, so after subsidy is $435 for the infantcare that i put han in.
gd morning mummies :
wana ask if any babies here got the false measles?
my gal had high fever last 3 days went nuh n pd 3x.. they suspect false measles was inform tat rashes will appear after day 4 n 5..make us so worried have not been sleeping well n bb lost appetite, her weight only 6.8kg...
is it contagious ? can bb feed solid? im so tired...

I had 1 tin of 400g of Dumex Mamil Gold Step 2 (Expire on 23/07/2011) + $5 voucher off for 700g Mamil Gold Step 2 Newgen (Valid until 31/12/2009) letting go $9. Self collect at Admiralty/Raffles place(Weekday only). If interested can sms me at 97905232.

morning mummies!

Popped in for a while before i start getting busy again at work...sigh...

my boy just recovered from that... he had high fever for 3-4 days then after that rashes all over for few days as well.... is not contagious but you need to take care of yourself too so that you can take care of your girl... otherwise you will fall sick too....

just sponger her more to keep her temperature down... she will get well soon....
wahahahaha ... Han did the gong-xi-gong-xi too early! nvm we'll wait for him to 'restart engine' :p

ya my mil also getting old liao. health also not good already. last nite she is still dropping hints to us on having 2nd one asap. as if the next bb will come on demand like tat. stress. But me not as bad as my 2nd sil who still see no success for bb dust to date cos at least I got one liao. so we both act blur at mil's words :p

yalor.agree with snow. u must take care of yourself first so that u got energy to take care of bb. continue sponging bb. solid food can continue if bb wishes to eat but usually bb wont eat as much as before or refused to eat solid food at all. when we are unwell, sometimes we also like this too so is normal.
try give more BM/water. dun worry abt bb losing sm weight. once she is well n regain appetite, u can fatten bb up again!
hi gerly, naomi also had that. Its called roseola, a type of viral infection. Layman's term is false measled bcos the rash looks like measles, quite scary looking n since it is a viral infection, u can also get it. U hav to rest well n drink plenty of water. Ur girl probably got it from someone outside. I didnt feed solids cos they need alot of fluids n i was afraid that she will be too full from the solids to drink more. Fever lasted for 3dayd n once fever left, the rashes will appear, first on the face n head n last on the limbs. Takes about 1.5 days for rashes to come out full blown then another 2 to 3 days to disappear. I used cetaphil when she had the rash to minimize irritation n dryness. In fact it heals very fast. After she recovered, hav to wean back solids instead of giving usual amount. Hope this helps.
hi gerly, naomi also had that. Its called roseola, a type of viral infection. Layman's term is false measled bcos the rash looks like measles, quite scary looking n since it is a viral infection, u can also get it. U hav to rest well n drink plenty of water. Ur girl probably got it from someone outside. I didnt feed solids cos they need alot of fluids n i was afraid that she will be too full from the solids to drink more. Fever lasted for 3dayd n once fever left, the rashes will appear, first on the face n head n last on the limbs. Takes about 1.5 days for rashes to come out full blown then another 2 to 3 days to disappear. I used cetaphil when she had the rash to minimize irritation n dryness. In fact it heals very fast. After she recovered, hav to wean back solids instead of giving usual amount. Hope this helps.
hi sandy
how are you ... as i already told people before ..i am a SAHM from thursday onwards and am moving back to my hometown ...will be frequent from january on the forums ..how are you and how is naomi ?? I would like your advice on feeding schedules ...and i have asked the q below...thanks a lot

before i move to my hometown i have a few doubts to ask you

What are your feeding schedules like ?
How much cereal are u giving and hoe many times ??
How is the eating habits of your babies??
Is there anyting special we need to take care now ?
hi all mummies,
Merry Christmas in advanced.
Have been on leave last wk and just got back to work today. We went for a short trip to msia last week. I m more tired on leave than working days. My boy is super active and super-glue since we spent more days together. And worse, he come back and gotten runny nose, can't sleep well at night with blocked nose, so keep fussing, tossing and kicking me at nite. Worse, some days he dont want to nap in the day and sleep v late at night. i wonder isit he too excited to see us... i m really so tired and he just stick to me so much i cant do anything. Havent done any christmas shopping. So tired until i lost all the mood..haiz.. it's his first christmas...
haa cheer up....good that your boy sticks to you than anybody else right? :p Although is tiring but sometimes i rather my boy sticks to me lor...

i also haven't done any xmas shopping...maybe this week squeeze some time in to do some shopping...

the very first time when i brought my boy to KL also the same when he returned...running nose and disturbed sleep...took him some time to recover... so gotta be patient... subsequent trips he is fine.

so the roseola is contagious? the doc told me it's not unless our immune system dropped drastically then we can get it easily...but normally adults don get it easily from babies....

clasp hands to get ang pow? thats nice! i shd start training xavier liao, wahahhahahahahhahaha, its time he learn to say gong xi gong xi.. hehe


Like Han, xavier could do it when he was 4-5mths old, the gong xi gesture, but not anymore these days, guess they outgrown liao bah haha


I used chicken breast to cook his porridge, but I dont feed him that, only cook for taste...


Hope your bb get well soon, take care!

Xavier also becomes superglue after I take leave and spent 2 weeks with him, sometimes it happens even after the weekend... I agree its tiring, but its an awesome feeling for me, I like him to stick to mummy! hehe
He is a practical boy, when mummy returns home from work, he doesnt want his day caregiver (i.e. my mil). MIL wants to carry him, he turn away, MIL says gaigai, he not keen, but MIL open the door and says gaigai, he went over to her lol...
I guess bb is smart, they know daddy and mummy always bring them out for gaigai, maybe they are overly stimulated and excited, so dont want to nap bah haha
happy and snowluplup,
yaya, i agree it's a wonderful feeling..heee..
thanks for encouraging. I m quite worried for my mum now when he goes back next week.
hi ramy,

congrats to you in being a SAHM
naomi and i are good..shes real active, talking and pointing alot ..now when we are in public and if she sees people she knows, she will point to them to identify them whilst saying ba (means there)..even random stuff she likes to point ;advertising poster girls whom she recognises..its lots of fun..regarding ur queries, here they are:

What are your feeding schedules like ?
--> naomi has her first solid meal of the day at 12 plus since thats the time she wakes up. her next light meal is 3-4pm and dinner is 7pm. other than these 3 solids meal, she breastfeed by demand but it would be at least 8 latches.

How much cereal are u giving and hoe many times ??
--> naomi rejects cereal now cos she doesnt like smooth or puree consistency foods so cant comment on this.

How is the eating habits of your babies??
naomi eats on her feeding seat. i usually start off with few sips of water, then main meal, then she'll self feed her fruits and then water.


roseola is not contagious per se, but because its viral, anyone can catch it. but i agree that its more common among babies..my pd says its common for babies to get such viral infections within the first 18 months of life
wah naomi can point already? mine still blur blur leh...donno how to point... sigh

congrats!! now tai tai status...hee...

Any recommendations on cup to use? I prefer those that wont leak unless you suck on the tip kind... to fend him from throwing and shaking the cup, then water come out... arghhhhh

i give porridge (white + brown rice with 2 vegs and meat), millet, pasta with 2 veg plus pork, fruits.


i think those no leak sippy cups wont leak

ya, she likes to point and point..n align her finger with another stranger's finger like ET keke..so cute


wa..sippy cup also leak..sorry cant help much cos no experience with that
happy ..sadly not yet keke..we will hold it together as she drinks..but at least she can drink from open rim cup..and shes naughty..she likes to "wash" her hands in the cup when shes done with it keke..even if its empty haha
hello sandy, snow luplup, lonerunner n happy...thank you so much for advice n concern..went pd again this morning confirm the rosela..bb has rasges on her back n body..so scary..she drinking very little milk like 30ml only is it ok??? n very cranky keep crying...check w doc its only contagious among babies..btw sandy wana check w you hw does the rashes disappear??? will it leave any scar ??? there's no vaccination to prevent this..??? thank you so much

no vaccination..its a common systemic viral illness in babies. the parts where the rashes first appear will disappear first; they subside just like that. no scarring.
hello sandy thks for quick reply..oh baby slept quite a lot n really drinks little was naomi same? do we need feed gulcose water or juice which i never try before ..even water she drinks very little scar she ehydrated

i was not sure how much she drank then..also dont want water so she only latch on..i keep making her latch every hour so at least she had fluid every hour..u can monitor her urine output..she also slept alot but will wake up cranky..
happy: faster train ur boy, anth 2 mths wil be cny liao! my gal is rdy wit her gong xi, n gna get her a bag to keep more ang baos keke! recently she learnt bai bai(pray) .

wah so coinciden same gynae! my frens wen to him 3,4 yrs ago , subsequent anth 2 frens too, so i was lik chop him alry in my mind b4 i pregnant, lik wun go to any others. keke
happy:ur FB no photos de leh..only few pc. but tt time think read sm mummy talk abt ur baby's photo, i want see also leh, any links?
to summarize my bb's eating schedule:
9am: 210ml FM, 12pm: solid food, 3pm: 210 ml FM
6pm: solid food, 9pm: 210 FM. so simple, right?
her solid foods include rice, milupa's rice/7 cereal/vegetable cereals, vegetables (potato, carrot, cauliflower, zucchini, sweet potato), chicken tigh/breast, fish, bread, egg yolk, cheese, etc..
in between the meal times, she snacks on fruits (apple, banana, apricot, peach..), fruit juice (carrot, grape, watermelon..), baby jar fruits, plain yoghurt or yoghurt with fruits, biscuits and rusks.
and if she happens to wake up at night for milk, which she rarely does, she drinks BM. but as of this month i will stop giving BM.

Erna is a 10kg 10 month-old-bb now. and last month she was a 9kg 9 month-old-bb! lets see whether she wants to hit 11kg next month. lol. btw, she finally learnt how to clap hands. tdy she kept practising her new achievement.

two days ago i did sth very stupid. after i put bb's milk bottle for sterilizing, i forgot and went to take a nice nice long long bath only to come back and see that both bottles have melted . poor hubby had to call for a cab to search for an open pharmacy in the middle of the night. bcoz the next day early morning he had to go to work and i have no supermarkets/stores/pharmacies near my house to buy it myself the next day. this is the 2nd time i am doing this. last time, i have destroyed two new pacifiers on the same they we bought them. nowadays i am a terrible forgetful mummy..
last nite after reaching home from mil's hse, bb suddenly decided tat she dun wan to sleep but needed exercises instead. So she went and slided off our bed, onto the mattress below, then climbed up (with some butt lift assistance from mummy)repeatedly. The best part is that before and after completing the stunt, she'll clap her hands and wanted us to clap hands with her to acknowledge her achievements! keke ...
After like 15min, daddy decided that it's really time for bed. So daddy placed himself as a barrier between bb and the edge of bed to prevent bb from climbing over. Bb took one look at daddy, and proceeded to use him as obstacle course by climbing over him before sliding down from the bed to the mattress below!
the good part is that ... bb's battery went flat and she slept without much fuss after tat :p

woah Gamze, luckily ur hse isnt burnt down or something like that. u wan to get a sterliser which can auto cut off electricity upon completion? easier and fuss free.

try let bb drink frequently like wat sandy did. if bb dun wan to take big amt of meals/milk, small amt of meals/milk also good lah. she shld have wet diapers.

my girl also likes to 'wash' her hands in the cup after drinking. seemed like they must see what's inside the cup leh ....
morning mummies!

wah!! chi mun is good!! my boy seems to be slow manz....don even bother to clap...i clap and show him and he will just look at me with that "what is mummy doing?" look.....sigh....

u got back the pics liao ah?? did u buy all the pics from them? i go see see....hehee...

Hi-5, xavier dont want to clap, when i tried to bring his hands together to clap, he simply resist lor...

just like feeding him the puff, he holds on to it, then i tried to show him how i put inside my mouth, and tried to pull his hand towards his mouth, the resistance from him is so strong that I simply cant move his hands for fear I will injure him...
the best part is, mil thinks i am putting too much stress on bb after seeing how i refused to give him the puff if he doesnt self feed, then after he cried for it, then i give one lol... then yesterday when i went home, she told me who says bb cant self-feed, today i gave him one small piece of papaya, he could feed himself, faint... i hope she dont train on my behalf, for i am not too sure of her hygiene level lor...
Oh, i didnt buy all the shots, only bgt one extra, very well controlled yah keke
wah u very controlled! haa... is it the pics not to your liking?? if nice pics sure cannot resist right? if nice still can control then u are super good leh!!

i just brought josen for the pics and now awaiting to view....hope i can control too...haa...not cheap leh to buy all....

re:self feed
maybe u ask your mil how she teach xavier to self-feed?? demo to you....then u know liao....

erm.... somehow i am comparing him to chris ling, then i find he fell short of my expectations... but chris ling too ex for me to afford la, so i tot his is a good alternative, because i love natural pictures... but end up i was disappointed, so maybe thats why i didnt buy many photos, only one additional... :p
but i know its unfair to compare the 2 of them, there is one shot where he is wearing the wings one? its supposed to be the artistic kinda shot, but his lightings was terribly done (i feel), and somehow really not up to what i expected it to be lor... but his props are nice, so overall i find he is value for money...

Hope you like Josen's pictures yah...
oh, actually i rather train him myself, and i dont think i need any advice from my mil leh, dont want him to grow up the unhygienic way, i am bias la lol

yay, 1 more day to go to my one week break ;)
hahahaa ... no lah. she's very active (think in familiar places only) but not walking on her own yet leh. I see other bb's motorskills are better!
me planning to try out playgym maybe next mth or so. see if she is ready for it. slowly our bb will be picking little tricks up soon! we just got to be more patient and wait for surprises!

1 day more to long weekend! yippie!
wah u compare to chris ling??? haa...unfair for sean liao...haa... cos chris is super expert lor...and he is popular for wedding shots too....
like that i will prefer willy or kelvin's pics liao...haa....
agree that the wing one, lighting not nice when i saw it....but ok lah... in general overall still not bad for that price...

but to me, chi mun is good at motor skills liao...hee...

hehe, somehow i know its unfair, but because i had wanted chris to do the photos but his price is extortion and out of my budget... so i settle for less lor, but end up i was disappointed...
but anyway, good also, because i save money haha... and i like kelvin pictures too but dont think he does baby photoshoot, his is more romantic style leh, not natural and artistic like chris...

yes i agree chi mun motor skills superb haha
wah, wat kind of steriliser u using? can melt bottles and pacifiers... sounds dangerous man!

i've been using juz hot water to sterilise her bottles when she turned 6 mths... then dunno after how long, i sterilise every other day... now i hardly sterilise anymore, unless i feel like it all of a sudden... hehe, lazy mummy...

kelvin pics not bad leh... quite natural too i find...now all lah.... i love willy's pics also...

are you using boiling method??

all the while i use boiling method...never use those sterilizer...
