(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Yes, she will continue to zzz lor... I do that every morning at 5am too... One reason I latch my girl at 5am is because I want to let her know mummy will make effort to bf her even though I am working. Since I am not around most part of the day, the only chances I have of doing so will be morning and night. Secondly, it's so that she will not reject bfdg directly. Finally, bfdg her actually saves me alot of time in the morning, since she empties them faster than I pump. If I pump, I take at least 45 min and there's the washing up to do as well, which means I wake up early but don't get to "bond" with my kid. I have no desire to bond with the pump or bottles ah.... hahaha

the rice cereal that I bought from NTUC is Bellamy's from Australia. It's organic and for 4mths+. I intend to let him try this first then move on to eu ren seng brown rice cereal from 6 mths onwards. the sales assistant told me that their brown rice can be taken only after 6 mths and needs to be cook.
iceblue, I will let my boy try this cereal tomorrow, hopefully he likes it.
So cute, your girl will juz drink while she zzzz. I tink mine will juz suckle for fun if he is zzzz. I also dun dare to wake my son up to drink if he din cry for milk. Coz he dun always go bk to zzz after milk. If he dun zzz after that, I die. Hubby will be black face too if he cannot zzz.

I also hate pumping, washing n sterilising....felt like a robot but guess it will be like that for another few more mths.
AG: Thanks! I will look out for it. Should have it at any NTUC right?

Hee.. yday i tried to latch Justin. He just REFUSE to go near my breasts. Wa lao.. that's his food source ok! But he just keep turning away.

BBPower: I have been pumping, washing, sterilsing OVER AND OVER again everyday. haha yes, does feel like a robot. But no choice la.. BB doesnt want to latch leh!

Monday, i will go and pick up my sophie. What time are you mummies meeting? I will just pick and run, cos got alot of work to do.
Hehehe.... yeah... she loves my boobs... anytime anyday for her...ahahaha....sometimes they will cry sometimes they wun... think your hb shd not show u black face lor....afterall it is better that they latch mah... besides, he needs to consider your needs too...usually if bb cry, i am the one show black face to hb...cuz i need more rest than him...wahahaha....
My boy also doesnt want to latch. Think cos from confinement month I already seldom latch and he forgotten how to liao. Once he was crying for milk and the EBM not heated yet, so tried latching and he just cry at my breasts.

So I just have to continue bonding with my pump and bottles and that's the time when I surf net! :p
Grace...hahaha.... so funny lah you...

I can't surf net when I pump at work.... cuz I m in the executive toilet...ahaha...so v sian....somemore can only use manual...
peachmomo, should be available at all NTUCs I think. I bought mine at white sands NTUC. My friend was telling me that Heinz also has 4 mths rice cereal but I think can only find at Cold Storage.
hi mommies popping by to say hello n see u gals on monday... have been so busy !!!! i need a break !!

ciao, gtg pump during lunch liao !!

how long do u latch in morning n nite huh?
Actually u can still use electric pump rite? Use battery instead of adaptor?

Ya lor....like a robot moo moo cow hor? ;p Sometimes I juz feel so fed up with washing n pumping that I will contemplate to stop BF coz I wanna more rest and some life. But in the end, I will still tell myself to persist as not everyone can BF and if I still hv supply I shld just give him while I can coz I forsee my supply will nose-dive further once I get bk to work on Mon :< In fact, supply has already dropped 2 wks ago after blocked duct....haiz.

I've also read your past posts that u are always concerned abt your milk supply. Mine is also not fantastic. Now, 6 hrs only abt 200-250ml. B4 my blocked duct, I can yield abt 350ml every 6 hrs. But I think as far as we want the best for our babies, we shldn't get too stressed up on the no of ml. I noticed that the more I stress over the ml, the lesser I pump. When I was busy running errands n dun tink too much, the volume increased!

I also keep telling myself that dun get guilty or feel bad if I can't BF for long after I start work. I will supplement him with FM if I cannot sustain. Time with our little one will be very precious after we start working. I would rather treasure the time I have with him at nite to play n bond with him than keep worrying abt my milk supply. Juz my 2 cents worth lar....hope u dun get offended.
Hi everyone,

Sorry to interupt.

Sharing this info.

Dependable chinese 30 yrs old babysitter staying in hougang ave 7. Willing to take care baby staying in HOUGANG/SENGKANG/PUNGGOL

Experience taking care of own 3kids and a maid at home.

Willing to take care of night if needed.

Call LYNN 9436 6475 if interested
Morning I latch my girl 15 min each side bah... I also never notice the time...cuz still abit high mah... sleep no enuff...haha...my electric pump doesn't run on batt...

Wah, BBpower, your Ms is also pretty good leh... think I am one of the few mummies here with very low MS. Typically on a 4hr interval I can get max abt 120mls only..and that happens once in a blue moon... usually I hover ard 80-90....some days even 60mls only. But I just keep trying la... as long as we keep trying the Ms will be there... just more or less only. If not enough then just supp with FM lor... nothing much we can do abt it too...
hi AG, we have the same thinkg abt the cereal! organic(we got the same cereal smre), then eu ran sen brown rice!

peahmomo: i think normal superarket have lik cold storag . i gt mine at marketplace@paragon thg
my MS not good lar. My colleagues more power!
- One has so much supply that her sis &amp; mum bath with her milk!!!!
- The other oso has alot that her mum drinks her milk!!!
=> Wah liao....me on the other hand has to pump so hard...jealous...hehe ;p
my sis in law use tat for my nephew last time. I wanted to buy tat. but my colleagues recommend me the Yu Ren Sen one. They dun really trust the Chinese brand. Make me abit cautious too. So i went to buy Yu Ren Sen's brand as well.
Sad... my boy had fever yesterday.
Rushed him to PD and she said he might be having UTI.

Gotto wait for the results to be out.
Wed got to see PD again. In the meanwhile, having antibotics and fever medicine.

If UTI, PD says will have to be admitted to KKH.
The_Simz: Thanks. Already sent bb for urine and blood tests. Result for urine test will be out on Wed to see if the current antibiotics that bb's having is good enough.
Just hope that it is a minor case.
hope ur boy will get well soon...
dun worry wor... might not be uti...
my gal oso suddenly fever... might be some viral infection...
btw, why does it take so long to test the urine n blood test?
my gal done it in kk n it is immediate one wor...
BB Power: Ya.. i've ALWAYS been concerned about my milk supply. Maybe cos im only pumping and is worried that the milk diminished then my baby got not more BM to drink.

On Thurs night i noticed there;s a pimple like thing near Justin's groin. Then there's also some reddish thing on the tip of his penis. After bathing, i put the aveeno nappy cream on it. Now its not so red already.

GraceChua: Hope your baby is ok. How does baby gets UTI anyway? Is it lack of drinking water?
Although someone in the forum said before, if drink BM no need water. But i think its still important to train your baby to drink water. Then the urine he passes out will also be sufficient to flush out the toxins. This is just my thoughts la.

AG: I shall go and find it tomorrow. I will try to find the heinz one too. Thanks!
my pd advise me to start weaning my gal liao...
i noe must start wif rice cereal 1st...
but how much n when i should start giving her?
mummies...me extremely sad...
boy is having running nose and cough then today he fell down from sarong... bang his head so loud my heart almost fell out...

should i bring him go for an x-ray??
oh dear Grace and snow, hope both ur bb will be fine!
Grace, maybe u can try sponging ur bb so that fever will subside and make sure bb drinks.

Snow, understand how worried u are... maybe can bring to KK to check? Think PDs are mostly closed on Sat nites... Take care...
Hi all...had not post here for a super long time leow. My baby is still drinking very little...at most 120ml sometimes up to 5 to 6 hrly. These few days even worse, every feed is only 30ml every 4 -5 hrly
any mommy having this problem?

Oh, btw, anyone has any BN sophie giraffe to sell me?

u must observe bb...if he got vomit or keep sleeping.....or other unusual symptons then must bring to PD liao.
He wriggled out of the yaolan huh?

start with 1 teaspoon mixed with Fm/BM to get a more watery texture first. One time per day.
Main thing is to let baby prastice eating with spoon first.

Then slowly increase the no. of teaspoon and thicker texture when baby is beta with spoon.

I stick with cereal one time per day for 2 weeks or so.

then now i am letting him try puree.
So far tried pumpkin for 4 days liao. today just started with sweet potatoe.
SO now is morning puree, evening cereal.

Oh also, his usual milk intake is 120ml so i let him have about 60-80ml of milk first then i feed him with cereal/puree so that he will not be too hungry and frustrated to be fed by spoon.

this is what i do....not sure right or not...hope this helps...

Hayden, glad u are well!!.

btw, why PD advise u to start weaning? how old is hayden now?
Grace, hope ur baby is doing beta.....

Re: H1N1
I very scare of this lay. scare might spread to bb hence shelved most of the plans of bringing him out.
But when i am out, i see other parents like no scare like that....even small babies like 2 months old go to IKEA still lay.

Maybe i am too panaroid.
hi grace,

hopefully its not UTI but viral..


i think grace's urine test is urine culture whereby they will let bacteria grow in the urine..if theres UTI, there will be a significant amount of bacteria growth in the urine..then have to do sensitivity test to see which anti biotics the bacteria is sensitive to..in this way the PDs know which anti biotic to treat for the UTI..the fast urine analysis u did in kkh is to see if there is white blood cells present (means there is an infection) in the urine..if present, they will continue to do urine culture to see which bacteria it is.


UTI can be caused by bacteria entering the urinary tract from outside (i.e. the poo poo) or a congenital abnormality in the urinary tract system..thats why when infants contract UTI, they will admit for further investigation to rule out congenital problems
hi mummies,
thanks so much...

yaer: like what sandy says, it is the urine culture. so results out only on wed.

peach: yah, i did give bb water and his pee has been quite ok.

ginn: bb's fever subside since today's antibiotics and fever medicine.
will have to observe if there is any fever again.
good thing is bb is drinking well and occassionally asking for more after feed.

olively: when i bring bb to PD and polyclinic, i also scared.

sandy: now i understand what you meant by the anxiety to get bb to pee for the urine test. :p
but bb has been quite cooperative this morning when we go polyclinic for the test.
though my hb put the urine collector there is still leak, so din manage to collect the pee.
then we brought him out of the room and start to "sh... sh..." to him, which is what my MIL does when she brings him to pee.
surprisely bb pee after 5min! :p
and bb's brave cos the nurse poke him for the blood test and he din cry. :p

snow: gotto to observe for abnormalities. bang head can be quite serious at times.
Hi Mummies

Since some of us are are meeting up on monday. Anyone keen on Mamil stage 2 400g with 2 $3 off voucher? Letting go at $10.

PM me if keen la. keke

Cant wait to get my hands on sophie!
joanne and mommies interested in the doidy cups:

mywendyhouse (seller from UK) replied me and say no special price for the doidy cup but if buy 15 cups, she will ship for free from UK. she is selling 1 cup at 3.70 pounds ...converted to sgd would be sgd$8.90. so shipping free if 15 pieces and above.
grace and snow, i hope your bbs are ok.. take care..

aiyo.. just bought the rabbit brand.. so not recommended is it? seems like most mommies going for organic. i still haven't decide when to start giving. she'll be 4.5months in few more days. any of you start with fruit/veg puree first before cereal?

joanne/other mommies using beco:
can eat while carrying bb in it? what about bottle feeding? need to take bb out first?

monday lunch:
so we'll be meeting at Gloria Jeans, 12 noon right?

sorry ah, so many questions..

oohh.. can't wait to meet up and get the sophie!
hi rei,

i haven started weaning but i guess its safest to start with cereal as the very first food because cereal is easy on the baby's stomach and very less chances that babies are allergic to..even though fruits/veg puree looks mild(since its watery/pureed), it actually takes alot of effort for the digestive system to process fibre from the veg and fruits, more so for their less matured digestive tract...i think like what other mommies do, start with cereals for a week or 2 then slowly start on veg/fruits..if u really want fruits, i think banana is the safest cos it doesnt contain fibre but rich in potassium and other nutrients.
Sandy, u r right. cereal is a gd starting food. If u want more ideas, do check out Annabel Karmel's bks on weaning foods. She has very gd ideas n tells us what each introductory food is good for. Like I learnt that Avocado is apparently very good
hey sandy
thanks for helping us to enquire about the DOIDY cups.

i am keen. so we need 15 huh? $8.90 really nice price as compare to the 14++

more info on DOIDY cups :
whoever interested in DOIDY cup plse list name here. needs 15 at least. (around $8.90)
1. Joannelim

if carry baby with beco, normally i eat side way or i buy food which can be eaten without much effort such as finger foods.
for bottle feeding, i never tried before. but i breastfed him once while still on beco. I would say abit too warm for him while bf in beco. drinking milk will cause him to perspire alot already.
anyhow, if u want to bottlefeed, just unbuckle the top n waist lock. then pull down one side of the shoulder strap n turn baby over to feed.

i hope everything is alright with u. didnt see u posting for 3 days or so.. and hopefully u are not upset with me for being straightforward in my words sometimes.. anyhow... hope to see u posting soon.. meanwhile take care..anything can give me a ring. if u dont have my number, i think Daphne has it.
Happen to read the posts on this! yes yes, my baby's the one that constantly champions long period without poo! he set another new record recently - 14days! He's on total bf, and i've asked pd if this is nornmal. She says yes... as long as bb is still drinking well, and does not seem in any discomfort, he shld be fine.... hehehe
been back at work for 2 wks now... and Whee! really really hectic! day starts arnd 530am, and ends arnd midnite! with occasional feeds in btw, depending on bb. Really wonder how long i can take it.

i understand how you feel! it is really tough to handle with heavy workload, and late hrs. my work hrs tend to be long too! but some days, i will just walk off by 715pm so that i can go back and see/play with baby. cos i still need to pick him up from aunt's place, and travel home. so we ususally only settle down at 9pm, which is his zzz time soon. need to manage boss's expectations, and get colleagues' understanding that we need time to adjust as new moms
olovely how many weeks old is your baby?

BBpower, absolutely, don't feel bad if you can tbf. You have already done it for a few months which is good!
plan to start this after 6mths, and let bb feed on total bm for now....cos his neck not very steady yet.

bumbo seat/jumperoo:
baby muz be able to sit upright by themselves before we can let them sit on these right? just wondering, cos i see many mommies buying these alrdy.
DK, once baby can hold head steady you can put them in the Bumbo. I tried on Friday and she is ok! 4 months, 1 weeks old now. We inherited a used one from a friend which is lucky
I think she enjoys it because she cried the moment we took her out and stopped when we put her back in. Must show you pics, so cute.

Take care and hope your baby get well soon... How come kenna UTI, did you change bb diapers regularly?


You still havent brought your baby go see PD for the runny nose? If still show no improvement from taking the GP medicine, better bring to PD.... Oh dear, bb fell from yaolan ah, better monitor him, if I were you, to play safe. better bring to see PD, but have to bring immediately if bb vomit... now bring to PD lah, can see 2 condition at one time... hope everything will be well, take care!

lonerunner: i have been leaving office at 6:30pm sharp and already feel like cannot cope liao.
Really pei fu u and other mummies whom have to work long hrs. Actually my work also requires long hrs, IT line mah.
But boss is quite understanding, so for this period, he assigns me job that can work from home.

Pumpkin: Thanks. Actually bb was feeling uncomfortable only last thurs when he was having fever.
After his fever subsided, he is active.
My brother whom visited us yest was saying cant tell bb's sick.
Must show us the photos of the bumbo, gotto go source for one liao.

DJ: Happy birthday!
Get to sing u a birthday song tomorrow? :p

Happy: Yap, the bb diapers should be considered changed regularly.
Cos in infantcare, they change like 3 to 4 hrly.
Then at my MIL place, she will get to let him pee in the toilet.
If din manage to get him pee in toilet, she will change immediately.
The only timing when the diapers is longer hrs is night time, if he and us din wake up for night feed.
But when we change the diaper in the morning, it is also not v soiled, cos he is sleeping.
