(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Gathering (Attendance as of 8th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Western Chow
- NeoGarden catering
- 4 seasons catering

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig
22. Yaer - princess hayden
23. Ag_gal
24. liting - Prince ChengJun
25. Piglet - Princess Kejanko
26. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching

olively and priviledge,

my girl had persistent fever for 2 to 3 days. i gave her paracetamol and her temperature went back to 36+ but after every 8 hours when the medication wears off, her fever went back to 38deg.this cycle went on for 2 days. intially we thought it was the rotavirus vaccination but her fever only started 8 days after the vaccination so PD insist that we go to A&E. oh, and over the 8 days after the vaccine and the onset of her fever, she slept more, her feeding interval was also longer and was lethargic and again, we thought its the vaccination. so on the second day of her fever, i smsed her PD and PD asked me to go A&E and request for urine analysis and blood count. because my girl had no cough, no block nose no diarrhea so PD says when theres unexplained fever, the culprit is UTI so fair enough, her urine analysis and blood count showed UTI.

hai, it was a torturous week because PD and the renal specialist says its rare for a 7 weekers to contract UTI and made me so worried. i kept asking if it was due to hygiene (i really hope it is) and they kept reassuring me that its not because of what i eat and what i did. they dont know what causes her UTI so we had to put her through tests to find out if her UTI was caused by a congential defect in her urinary tract. and they say UTI can be alright in adults but for infants, can easily scar the kidneys...made me more worried..so now we're waiting for her nuclear scan results to see if her kidneys were scarred from this episode, and see if she needs the next test. now im changing her diapers every 2 hours even theres no poo..
oh..and other signs to look out for apart from unexplained fever includes straining/crying when peeing, poor suck (i realised my baby unlatches easily and suck was low power..hai, initially i thought she was playing with my nipple)
sorry to interupt....

Sandy, my gf mention this UTI to me b4... The best way to prevent this is to wash her bum if she poos...she has been reminding me to do so and wants me cultivate into a habit... Cuz there are alot of folds that can't be clean by wet tissue or warm water n cotton wool... Wat I do is bring her to a wash basin to wash whenever she poos, only at home cuz its abit difficult to do so outside...

Hope this helps n hope ur gal will recover soon..

Pvl: hihi *waves*... Hehe I come n read this thread often as the babies birthday are nearer to victoria's...
tat sounds bad... but at least it was detected early and now u can take steps to address it and prevent it from recurring... so u are now in sg rite? thank God u have an alert pd who guides u wat to do... dun worry too much yah? u need to take care of urself to take care of ur gal...
Prevention of UTI's
While you may not be able to completely eliminate the risk of your baby contracting a UTI, you can help lessen his chances by wiping him from the front to the back when you change his diapers. This is especially true when changing baby girls. Still, even with proper care, your baby could contract a UTI. With help from your doctor and lots of extra TLC from you, however, your baby should bounce back in no time

misscandy: ur baby also has reflux prob? mine too. me giv her comfort for 1 wk..but think goin to stop soon slowly..cos its realy difc.. n she cnt wait for me to stop halfw n warm the milk..
she alwys vry gancheon.wen she hngry her head/ mouth jus cheong out to the milk bottle nipple
btw mummie:
nw my baby has new prob..she's vry luan liao. think too much pacifier for her, once she crys or sleepy ut cant sleep my mum wil giv her pacifier, althg halfwy she wil spit off.but i think wen she hungry i let her hav pacifie to tahan also plays a part..
nw i nd 5mins to mak her realiz she is having milk now, nt pacifier. during the 5mins she wil lik reject head turn here n ther play wif it, but nvr drink. then al the milk flow out so messy..

any1 has this prob ? hw to make the situation back nrmal?
SY: im giv friso comfort formy baby who has reflux prob. comfort is for babies who has constipatio, vomitin prob. accordin to my PD this comfort goes in wil sort of solidify(smthg lik tt lah..hee i forgt)anyw is become hard so in turn wil help to prevent her vomitin to be less. friso gold(me nw using friso1) is jus lik normal milk powder

friso creme shld be those rice cereal or smthg is it?
wow..i missed so much and a gathering when i din come in for a week. Do organise another west gathering soon!

I have decided to make use of my maternity leave to learn driving. Signed up with Bukit Batok Driving Centre and have been going for the lessons.

wat's the secret to burbing? Can show?
ramy,whitegal , al go back wrk liao ah?so fast u al took 3 or 4 mth?

lonerunner:haha ya lor we abt same period..i see..bcos BM so u giv 2hrs is it?

nana: u make us see light sia..my gal 7wks liao, i hp she get over the prob soon too. i hp can stop giv her ridwind evry mrn.dun 1 her dependent on this.. but alwys hear her stomach so bloated n smtime she fuss..any1 there is hp of her getg over it soon
hey gals, i have a friso 1 comfort - unopened.
who wants?
Hi Mummies

Glad to hear the west side gathering was a success!
I think the next one in Fatjo's place will be a blast too!

I unfortunately am down with a bad throat again. Both my boys are down with cold AGAIN and i'm just trying to keep sane and keep baby from getting sick.

I'm so mentally and physically exhausted

My boy also getting increasingly fussy. He doesn't like sleeping on his tummy. I put him in the sarong to sleep and mostly it works but on his ultra fussy days, he only sleeps when i carry him. I'm so tired these days i just crave sleep. looking forward to the day he can sleep thru the night... maybe it's 2 months time, maybe another half a year!
sorry for not posting for a long time,...i will start posting regularly after april 16th ..i will be free after that ..my mom will be leaving and i will be all alone with the bb

am worried about staying alone with bb and also managing houise work...

priviledged, mummyo, yan
i am going to manage with the bb alone and also do house work..wish me all the best
should learn from u

thanks ya...

i have taken a 4 month off...i have not joined work. my mother is here and am taking her around and also busy with her..so have not posted for a long time
Hi hi,

I've a "newly brought" electrical rocker to sell.
The brand is Sunflower Rocker.

The rocker has
- With adjustable timer function, up to 180mins
- Speed adjustment for low and high speed
- Without music function
- Included 6pcs spring (up to 19kgs)

I've brought it from Kiddy Palace on 5 March 09 and used it only four times.

I've brought it at a price of $149 and decided to sell it at $100.

The warranty is still valid for half a year (till Sep 09).
It will come with hanger & the sarong net. Receipt will be attached too.

Collection point - AMK Hub, Bishan J8 or Toa Payoh Hub

Do PM me if you need more details...

dear mummies,
anyone interest finding out more information for home base infant care @AMK blk ave 10

kindly drop me an email at [email protected]

reasonable price, confirm caring care taker, non smoking family.. flexible hours...they provide night care as well

bb sleeping hours
when can bb starts sleeping like 4-5hrs continuously or even thru the nite ah? getting very very tired from the lack of sleep. Need to keep waking up every 3hrs for feeding. if bb happens to be in a fussy mood, even more jialak. even lesser sleep.

my bb if given BM, 2hrs sleep. FM will be 3hrs. But these 2 days her schedule very strange. on BM, 1st feed takes in 60ml, abt 1.5hr later she will cry for milk again. This time takes in 20 to 30ml. if on FM, can sleep anything bet 3hr to 4hrs. but takes in only 60ml in all. For a 6weeks old bb I'm concern that she is not taking enough for bb of her week group. Then now thru-out day time likes to cry and cry unless ppl carry her. aiyo.

aiyo. poor bb. it has been a tough time for u.

ohoh .. my girl's pus is gettig bigger and ugly. Think going to pop soon.
btw any mummies here bought Great Eastern's Supreme Health insurance? If yes, do you meet any hinderance in making insurance claim? Thanks!
iceblue - yalo.. so sian.. she merlion quite a number of times so brought her to PD at kidslink next to blk 354? then nw with comfort is better... but stil wil merlion once in awhile.. very difficult to get her to burp properly she wil struggle... then sometimes drink so fast n choke.. then cough cough and merlion liao -_-... she like to cheong for the teat lo... then drink like dunno wad... so i wil let her drink some... then tilt the bottle and remove... then let her drink again... sometimes she wil cry sometimes she wont lor.. im nt sure if after i finish the tin shld i get another to continue or jus feed stage 1 cn le... do u mix with stage 1? or jus pure comfort?
ramy: i c..time pass vry fast de.me tak 3 mth firs. early May goin back liao ..also sian lor wrk.

lonerunner: my baby this 2 days also guai guai refuses milk lik tt.. as i mention earlier..dunno wat she 1..drink liao stil cry.. n seems to suddenly lik plain water alot.. scare giv too much she becom prefer water..but dun giv also lik cant.. cos her urine yellow these few days..thg she drink alot..dunno is it friso comfort too heaty for her...

best part is jus nw 7+pm feed, she cry n cry, i go mak milk, wen milk ready liao she stil cry vry loud.. giv pacifier stil cry .. jus nw i nearly faint dunno wat she 1, smre alone..

btw my baby been sleepin 4-6 hrs thru nite i think for a while liao. think is 1-2wks ago.
but recently she becom nd us carry, coax her twice to sleep. first time put her back to bed awhile later sure wake up, mus repeat 1 more time
ms candy, hav to mix wif friso 1( i mix similac first PD say ok, cos dun 1 to waste the powder), hmm at least tts wat my PD told me, cos he say comfort may cause sm baby's stool to be too watery..or diarrh.

our baby lik quite similar.. comfort does makes her bet.dun u find comfort become lumpy vry fast?
me fed up, my baby drink also xin ku(dunno is it she drink til xin ku, end up tis 2 days funny behaviour as i ment in my previous post to other mummies).. end up tdy only giv her 1 time comfort..haha end up vomit n vomit agn lor..faint..so last feed at 9+ pm i add comfort for her

me intend to giv her jus friso 1 by end this mth.. if nt vry serious liao, let her grow out of it. cos i b bringin to my in law by then..ask them lik tt mix also nt easy
Glad ur little angel is fine now... God bless

when Bre was warded for Acute Urticara when she was 27days old, there was this baby boy also warded for UTI since he was 16days old & been there 2weeks.

my nephew also contracted UTI when he was 7mths old. doctor say diapers shld be changed 4 hourly. imagine when we adult had UTI, its aldy painful when passing urine... let alone the babies.

... i washed my gal's backside everytime she poo, even outside too. to avoid UTI, its best to change wet diaper frequently.
Gathering @ Swensen JP 07 April
i agreed with everyone that turned up for the lunch that it was indeed a GREAT lunch. but find the time kinda short.. doesnt really have time to interact w all mummies. saro & myself were enjoying watching the babies falling asleep & feeding together..

i am looking forward to the next gathering & we must really have the name tags on 1 May... i got difficulty knowing who is who but at least by the end of the lunch i could remembered everyone! haha.. :p
i agreed it was a great lunch.. but think due to the table arrangement i didn't really get to the mummies in front... think 1st may will be better.. as we will be free to walk around... yeah at least i remember all your name.. and also learn the new burping method..

see u all bring stroller so easy.. no need always carry bb.. yesterday i tried to put my son in, but the moment i put, he keep crying.. cry till whole face very red.. think my stroller will become white elephant...
hi sandy,
i have always been a passive mum reading the threads that were posted by other mummies. saw yr thread on yr girl having uti n wanted to share with all that my girl who just turn 8 weeks old is also down with uti. have seen pd n got to see him again on sat to get detailed results of urine test. my girl is still having a fever n this is the third day that she is having the fever. cant help but feel worried for her.

did u give ur girl paracetamol to relief the fever? its very worrisome indeed, especially when the fever doesnt go away as each day passed. if its confirm UTI, its better to start anti biotics right away to prevent the infection from spreading. although it was so heartpain seeing them inserting the IV drip into my girl but 2 hrs after starting her anti biotics, the fever left for good and i was so relief. be strong and pray that your girl get well soon.
hi sandy,
yes she was given antibiotics already but still running slight fever. she could not sleep well at night, kept whimpering not sure why too. yup i will be strong n thanks for the encouragement.
Hi Ladies,

Wa it have been a really long time since i have logged on to post since been bz and lazy haha... this forum is moving sooooooooo fast that i have to read the post from 26th Mar onwards haha....

Wa i have missed out alot of stuff leh like the Jp meet up recently since i living near Jurong Point..damn be sure to keep me posted on the next Jp gathering hor...

As for the gathering at FatJo plcs,afraid i won't be able to join,u ladies enjoy yourself and take more pics ya...maybe we could arrange a central meeting hor haha..

Little Bryston now follows a four hours interval feed on 140ml of breast milk (filled the milk up to the brink of the 125ml bottle) but this two day abit siao siao the last night feed he demand abt up to 160-180ml+ of milk (125ml of bm,if nt enuf top up with 60ml of fm since no time to warm in up). At night he would wake up once for feed (120ml of fm) then it will last him till morning.

He had his 6 in 1 jab yesterday evening,so far so sign of fever yet but probably abit warm.Appetite so far still doing well so cross finger for me that he will be ok.He is now weighing in at 6.4kg at 60cm long hehe...heavy anot arh :p PD say ok wor kaka...

P.S: LemonT,me no Mia la haha..
Gathering (Attendance as of 9th Apr 2009)

Gathering @ fatjo's place (sengkang) on May 1, 11am to 3pm.

Lunch Options
- Western Chow
- NeoGarden catering
- 4 seasons catering

Confirm attendees:
1.Fatjo - prince mathhew john
2.Sandy - princess naomi rachael
3.Saro queenie - prince joel
4.Snow_bb - prince josen
5.whitegalz - princess kylene
6.babyox - princess alicia
7.lonerunner - princess Chi Mun
8. kkf - princess violet
9. BBYang - prince
10. spicegal - princess jerilyn
11. princessdella - princess renee
12. Popkorn2009(SY) - princess sarah
13. Mrs Lim xiaoqian - prince noel
14. LeMonT - princess breana
15. Priviledged - prince gabriel
16. GraceChua - prince han
17. Qingsiew (kris) - princess shyann
18. JoanneLim - prince joel
19. mudpie - princess chloe
20. mama2209
21. I'Ching - Prince Craig
22. Yaer - princess hayden
23. Ag_gal
24. liting - Prince ChengJun
25. Piglet - Princess Kejanko
26. eeyore_poh - Princess Esther


- To do colorful stick on nick tags for ourselves & babies ( Qingsiew will bring readycut paper for nametag)
- Baby swimming time
- No hubby!
- baby's attire - rompers


From CCK - LemonT ( Qingsiew)
From Sembawang - Whitegalz
From Simei - GraceChua

Share Cab from West - Joannelim
Share Cab from Clementi - I'Ching
envy those mummies whose babies are drinking a lot. I envy u all leh, my gal is drinking so little until i think she loses some weight liao.
headache. brought her to see padetrician twice liao, gave her anti colic medicine, and probiotics to boost appetite.

Oh i think west mummies had fun gathering! really looking forward to our gathering at fatjo house!

oh oh gal crying...
wah u bb slp thru the nite now liao? lucky u. my bb last nite also slp 4hrs until nearly 6am. I very happy
hope tat tonite she'll repeat the pattern too. day time she eye big big now, kept crying and fussing. very cranky. 5min ago she finally slp. me now faster makan while reading forum :p

saro queenie:
for 1st may gathering, when u gals need to confirm headcount? I just heard that my SIL wanted to give her bb full mth party on 1st May but duno wat time yet.
qingsiew, but the moment i put him now he cried.. like he afraid to be in the stroller.. maybe tml will try again.. now whenever i go out i just sling him.. he very comfy in it...

i think my boy is auntie killer.. haha... today bring him go shopping again.. go find my MIL who is working in far east plaza.. all my MIL colleagues come to carry him.. this little fellow as usual very KPO when aunties tok to him, he greet them with a smile... and eek eek ark ark (baby language).. make all the aunties so happy.. lolz...
iceblue, yalor.. i started working on wednesday already.. it is really great to be back to work!!! I think i am tired of taking care of my baby 24/7 alone on my own.. so working gives me a breather... anyway, i am going to work 4 day week, taking every wednesday off in around 1-2 mths time.. like that can take till her 1st yr bdae leh..

sleeping thru the nite: My gal can sleep thru the nite! I think she knows mummy is working so she dont want to wake me up.. for the past few days from 10 till 7am, cos 7am we bring her to my MIL hse..
Ms candy, how is the service at kidslink? I intend to take my bb there for injections cos near to my house.. i live in sembawang..

piggoo75, hope your baby get well soon!

saroqueen, thanks for taking over the 1st May outing!

Gals, i sent the email on ur contact list tis morning.. anything wrong pm me or email me..

re: work
woah ur company quite understanding hor...can work 4 day week..i rem tt time before giving birth u also took some hosiptaliisation leave right?
ur boss never say anything meh?
what is ur nature of work?

now my company is terrible. got retrenchment. then my colleagues also not very understanding..hmm..

re: sleeping thru night
woah kylene so good...i wonder when can my baby do tt.....
olively, reflected in my performance rating!!! My boss mentioned I could have "scored" better if not for my long disappearance.. but then, nvm lah.. I still get my bonus!!

I worked in statutory board, International Enterprise Singapore, in HR and we still have many vacancies available!!! :p
