(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

i bought the tummy wrap from BP site. My colleague actually suggest me to buy corset (Wacoal is good) but i tot it's quite ex and I m afraid it's too tight and too hot that i wun use. They say it's good for post partum to get back in shape. Use it after your malay massage.

thanks, yeah... trying to resist all the goodies now and just eat more plain stuff and recover with more rest and H20!! :p

ok, going to see my gynae tmw, will see if gynae mentions anything abt tests/scans. So far bb not engaged yet...so excited to see bb again tmw via scan...hehehe...
the one you bot from BP is coordinated by Chocoholyx? S$18? Just went to the BP site to chck...

btw, have you booked ur malay massage alrdy? i enquired with one - charging S$550 for 7 sessions. Is that market rate?

And O! You must been feeling very excited now huh! Can cuddle your baby in 2days! Seize the chance to rest all you want now
u are in philppine same as sandy ah..
i visited philippine twice in my younger days. Love it there. Nearly have a filippino bf too. haha

Blood test
this is my 3rd blood test. After the first, they gave me extra dosage of iron pills. Then about 1 month ago, second blood test. Saying my haemogoblin very low. Gynae said its due to my thalessamia. I was like, since u know i got thalessamia, then why test again loh.. cos it will always be low. Then suddenly being inform i going to have another blood test.. *faint*.
i think they worried i need blood transfusion during delivery.
i compare the NB and S and what i feel is that NB seems too small. Scared bb will grow fast. But my sis in law bought the NB for me so just ve to use it but i bought the S size so if i am going to buy again, i will just opt for S size instead.
I dont know her facebook. can let me know. i want to see also
yeah guess i'll just use S size, anyway baby already weighs 3.3kg as of yesterday... i'll let baby use napkins most of the time too anyway.
ya, tat's the one.

Malay massage:
i almost forgot. I m using my colleague's one. Tat time she got sort of "book" for me. I just sms her to confirm the price and availability. I really forgot abt it!

anyone got any recommendations?
Talking abt CTG, i almost slept... hearing BB's heartbeat.. quite hypnotising.. hahaa..
recorded a small part of it too as memory. heee...

oh DK, My malay massage lady just confirmed with me $40-45 depending on location. include massage and wrap. No package though. I think i will use her since my colleague say she's ok.
Maybe your baby will come out earlier than us!
Anyway, I bought the tummy wrap liao. I should be receiving today in my mailbox. If not, tmr morning.

It seems like everyone has soft poo. I have tummy ache everyday and wants to poo all the time too but always takes me forever cos it's all hard! Worse than my 1st & 2nd trimester. I hate the feeling of the poo stuck down there and cannot come out..urgh..I'm afraid when i'm in labor, when the nurse gave me the pump for pooing, I'll poo all over cos too much left inside my body..haha!

I know that our immune system gets lower at 3rd trimester so that explains why many of us are sick. I'm down with flu and cough now and I'm not on medication. Let nature cures. I want to ask u all if I'm still sick after delivery, does that mean i can't breastfeed at all and must pump out all the milk and throw away? That's so sad cos i know b4 the milk comes in the 3rd day, the colostrum in our breasts are very nutritional for our babies cos it contains the antibiotics from us.

CTG is not part of the package. We have to pay extra for doing it. Doc asked me to do so i do lor. Just want to make sure the baby is moving well by hearing the heartbeat and to check our contractions. As for tummy wrap, I just bought it cos it seems like everyone has one. hhaha! I bought from choco Holic. Her email is [email protected]. Yan introduced her to me. She sells one for $18 incl. delivery charges. It's brand new. I haven't receive it but according to Yan, it seems comfortable! As for massage lady, i've engaged with Ida. I heard her services are very good including body massage, baby massage and baby bathing. It's $50/session and usually they will do 7 sessions for you so altogether only $350. She said Feb is fully booked but she could still slot you in if other mums haven't given birth. Her no. is 9424 9829. You should try!
all those sick mummuies. pls take good care. take more water and vit c fruits (kiwi are good). The weather is really warm these days.
Get well soon, otherwise u all will be too tired to push!!
For me, gynae wants me to recover first cos she's afraid due to flu, block nose etc i wont have enough energy to push and go through the labour... Also cos my phelgm is green/yellow, she said i'll have to take antibiotics cos of bacteria.

i've engaged Mariam, sister of Ida which joycie booked, they have another sister Maz doing too. Seems popular with Jan mummies, no harm calling Ida to find out more. They'll slot u based on the area you stay i think.
for me, i didnt get those things u mentioned hehe.
i didnt engage massage lady nor buy the tummy wrap. Not sure if i should. Abit costly.

have been drinking barley water for 2 weeks.. i think tat helps me not to get sick. but not sure any side effect of drinking too much.
yah, also tot abit costly to engage massage lady. but those who have done it, really feel it's good. it not only help u to get back in shape, but also help to expel those wind and blood cots.

I heard gynae will "wash" our womb for us after delivery, like to get those blood clots and stuffs out, is it true??
Joannelim, think barley shld be fine. Actually in 3rd trimester our bodies will get very heaty, so better take some liang drinks.

This is 2nd day of my ML and starting to get bored and restless haha! See how often i've been posting today! :p
btw mummies, is it really necessary for bb to be engaged before bb can come out ah? What is the possibilities that bb dun engage but yet ready to come out? Is it also possible for bb to disengage after being engaged?

me also got heavy discharge. pantyliner also not enough. Mostly is those wet colorless look. Forgot to ask gynae yesterday if this is normal or not.

Yeah no worries! I will continue to eat! Nvm abt the 20kg that I'd gained already. Anyway this is the last lap of our pregnancy! If dun eat, bb will complain her mummy is not feeding her fast enough and will keep kicking and kicking until her mummy gets very very very hungary!

me also still working until MC starts on 11th Feb. Abt 1 week plus more to go before I start my leave. Trying to hang on until then! So tired!

I also started to wake up at 5am every nite to go wee wee since sometimes ago, then cannot go back to sleep until like 7am then got to wake up again at 8am for work. So tired!
your hubby's such a dear! hmmm ... maybe I shld ask my hubby if he is willing to sponser me to sliming centers if I eventually failed to slim down :p
Orrr ... regarding bb movements hor, I realised something. If we are relax, it is easier to sense bb movements more. If we are at work or rushing something or etc, it is easier to miss sensing bb movements.
You can tell if it is brixton hicks or movements. brixton hicks your entire tummy will harden up like rock. If bb is moving, you'll feel a certain angle or certain spot having some pressure. If you place your hands on tummy sometimes you'll catch the feel of a tiny feet or butt sticking out! Then maybe after 3sec or so, the pressure might just go off as bb changes position.

oh my goodness!! triplets!!

if natural delivery, gyane cannot 'wash' or clear our uterus of the blood discharge much. But they will do that if we have c-section. So usually mummies with natural delivery tend to have more discharge after delivery as compared to mothers with c-section
haha..I did all those because i want to faster get back in shape! My SIL told me that wearing the wrap after delivery can really help to slim down so can try. An older friend also told me that massage lady helped her to lose weight fast and she could wear back her pre-pregnancy skirt after a few times. Plus Ida helps to baby massage too which i've already read about the benefits for the baby. Well, it depends on individual choices. If you have the budget, go for it. Otherwise, just exercise after confinement!

Anyway, I want to faster recover from my sickness now which I have it for 3rd time since last trimester began! It's really making me restless!
i got thalesmia too.. since young i was advise by my family doc not to take excess iron leh.. but as we are preggie our blood increase, so eating iron abit should help... hmmmm... why not u tried eating some pu xue chinese herb.. maybe will be better.. so far my test all seem okie.. although still belong to the lower range..

by the way acccording to my famuly doc, she said thalessmia is that our body unable to get rid of iron effectively.. that why those with it tend to be look more yellowish.. do u look more yellowish? hee..

i hope my bb won't be a carrier.. so ma fan when wan to get preggie.. haha.. i still remember forcing my hubby go for the test b4 we try for bb (hubby will faint when see blood, lolz.. dunno how he can tahan my childbirth).. and while waiting for the result, i was so worried that if hubby also got then we cannot have children lor.. but lucky he is normal...
i also dreamt that i have a twin haha... and when i ask the doc why the other one is not detected, he say the the other one is playing hide and seek with him.. so didn't detect.. lolz..

lots of werid dreamz.. i even dreamt that i got preggie again a month after i delievered.. lolz
i also going to engage mariam for the massage. Already called her but she says to call her back after i popped cos now also cannot confirm date. Does that means i "booked" her already? I hope by then she wont come and tell me she is fully booked.
hi... im back....

sandy, can u update my list.. natural w/o epi..thkss..

my labour story was very short..

9.45am -- appt with gynae.. reached thr only at 10am..checked dilation 3.5cm.. she said will stretch for me so tat it will be faster to dilate.told me to go home & ready to go hospital if got any pain.
11.00 am - reached home called hubby to off work le..on std by mood.. no pain yet
12 pm - onwards.. start pain.. still can move around.
12.50 pm - in labour ward..dilate 4.5cm le. burst my waterbag.. then i opt for injection on the buttocks & used laughing gas..
1.45+ pm -- got the urge to pushed.. but gynae not here yet..midwife asked me to hold.. my god !! start panic le. have to hold .. tahann...
by the time gynae reached, i thk around 2pm.. straight asked me to pushed.. very fast .. thk less than 15mins bb popped out le...
i didnt know i got thalessamia until i was pregnant with my first. Didnt know about the iron part but was told to eat iron pill regularly. mmm actually i am more pale looking than yellow looking .. i am quite fair loh. so when sick, whole face pale one.
good thing my hubby not carrier too. I was so scare tat time when i was being diagnosed with it. My first son kena too. I hope this son wont.

i was calculating loh.. if i going for massage, baby's 1st month another few hundreds leh.. the cakes and the buffet.. can really empty my hubby's pocket haha.
wow i envy leh.. hope my birth can be as smooth as u...

hee, me just wondering.. wad if gynae unable to reach in time and bb come out liao how?
Wow! That was really fast! I wish my delivery can be like yours! Short and sweet, hehe! But maybe because it's your 2nd child too so it's always shorter than the 1st one. Anyway, congratulations! Hope u r enjoying your little one with ur family now! And can get ang bao for her! :D

Btw, is bursting the waterbag necessary? Cant they wait till it burst on its own?
i havent been shopping for the past 6mths. So I guess I will just use the $$ for massage. Intend to do 7 times bah. Also, it will be a good relaxation for us from the "traumatic" labour process.. heee..
catmomo, sure u didn't go shopping? heee.. so the this fashion dress not considered as shopping.. lolz... anyway i think we all deserve a little pampering after carrying the big ballon around for months..

i feel that bursting of watrbag sound so scary.. will it be like popping a balloon.. then water gash out... hee.. me first time mother so very blur...

by the way i got fren first birth also like 3 hours only... her waterbag burst at home.. and when in hospital already 7 or 8 cm dilated.. and crying for epidural.. but kena rejected cos its too late liao... how i wish i can be like that.. dun think i like the feeling of just lying at the hospital to wait.. i think will stay at the comfort of my home.. till i cannot tahan the pain.. lolz.. but like that will i give birth in hubby car.. hee.. like mummyo...
thought u on package why biswah only c u so many days later? maybe yr case stablised n nothing to alarm of. everytime i c dr su she will ask me how is bb movement n i will ask her is bb engaged? like u still not yet. next wk will start telling bb to engage soon n stop being lazy. now i try to ask hubby to go for short walk w me after dinner which i started yest although very tiring as pressure on my 2 legs.
how i envy those mothers who had natural wo epi
can i check do u guys buy a mattress for t massage lady to massage for u so t oil wont get into yr mattress? haha me will get my next door malay neighbour who is doing freelance to do for me. let my mil bargain for me n will try out her services n share with u guys.
me trying to go out more be4 confined in hse during confinemt. getting more excited with bb movement inside. maybe she also cant wait to come into t world n we will be busy with our hands full
CONGRATS to mudpie!! Baby Chloe very punctual!!

Hi Kwoli...CONGRATS to u too!!
Wow, super envy your birth story!! Hope u have a good rest at home with ur baby!

Hi Yan.... So how was ur gynae visit and CTG?

Hi Lonerunner... Dun worry la, most impt is baby healthy! Weight can lose after delivery.
So far, I have put on like 17-18kg already!!

Short Labour
My fren's labour was just as short as Kwoli's and hers is first child somemore! I also very envious of her. I think is becos she walks a lot, tat's why her labour was so short!
Oh, I still rem the day before she deliver, we went J8 to eat Tom Yum Soup at Thai Express..haha....So, Faith, Baby Adniel will be coming soon!
btw mummies.. wanna share a lobang i had from a fellow mummy in SMH.... wanna get new born diapers HUGGIES ULTRA @ 0.25 each.. it comes in two piece pack and she is helping a fren to clear his stocks frm his shop that close down.. i may arrange to collect.. but mummies must tell me when they wanna collect from my home in SK.. i have to go collect at Bukit Gombak...just tell me how many pieces you need and i will consolidate orders.. i tink super good buy as outside huggies ultra very expensive.. tried on my son a sample.. super comfy and good quality.. 100pcs only $25 mah.. i already reserved 100pcs. she only has in newborn size and up to 4kg... if she got s sure i will buy more... scared my son already out nearly 4kg...like my last one last year 3.845kg.. haiz... mummies let me know... sms me also can..81703429 .. now i start ball rolling...

p/s have been reading u guys posts silently.. me a march / aprily mtb... my 4th one.... so have to search for great bargains...

i have 500 pcs order now.. let me know if you want?

ive added u on facebook


im still here keke..haven delivered yet....what is the name of ur bb girl? so i can update the name column..thanks
Hi Mummies,

Yup finally got time to sit down, my gal is finally back today. Have been going to and for hospital ever since the day I discharge. So tiring but at least I have my gal with me now. Thanks everyone !

BTW, was just telling kkf regarding low milk problem and who know the 3rd day my milk level went so high until breast engorgement. Have to go hopsital and ask the nurse to help me to unblock it. Fever went as high as 39 degrees and whole body shivered. Thought I am dying.....anyway when nurse help me to press out the milk that was even more painful than labour.....so now I need to express out my milk every 2hours else it will be hell. Even night time too. Really lack of sleep now...*yawns* anyway I will try to post my gal photo when I get better, really dun know when will this last....
Just came back for my CTG and bb heartbeat was alright. No checking of dilation as yet. BB weigh around 2982g. Not gaining much weight. Only abt 100g while mummygain another 500g
. Next appt will be next Friday which is on the 6th Feb and from ther, gynae might check for dilation.
joycie, i also added you in FB

i'm planning to go without epi but dunno will succeed anot.. haha
hoping mine will be a short labour like kwoli
Not really
Gynae claim bb not gaining much weight tis time round. I also dont know why...

Tummy Wrap
Good for u!!! Hope u receive it soon. U will definitely like it
Let see who deliver first ya..
Can i know how Dr Heng do the "STRETCH". I heard of it but i'm not too sure what is it. Do u ve to do any stitching?
Good for you to confirm the massage lady. S$40-50 sounds like the market rate. Perhaps I will call up Ida that Joycie mentioned to check on her availability. Believe a good massage lady is impt to help us regain faster :D

Just wondering, how much did you pay for the CTG? Wondering if I should ask the gynae tmw… but my gf adviced no need. Says that leave it to the gynae… and also good that gynae doesn’t recommend doing too many tests. Cos that costs money too.

Email chocoholyx alrdy. Hope she responds with avail stocks. Thanks!

Thanks for the update on Ida. Will call Ida later to check on her schedule for Feb.

Speaking of pee, took medication and went for 3-hr nap, and I was waking up almost every 45min to go washroom. More frequent than often…. So terrible!! Hmmm,…has this anything to do with bb being engaged? Actually, does baby engage and dilation make us feel different?
Wow! Envy envy! Your labour was short and sweet! Congrats on ur NB!!! :D Btw, what’s ur secret??? ;p

Good question on the mattress! Should we get one? So that wont stain our own bed?

Welcome back and congrats on having ur lil one home with you! Its good news that bm supply is in. just tahan awhile and persevere on bf ya!!!

Dun fret on the weight gain. So long as baby is of healthy weight and doing well. My gynae also mentioned that less weight gain for baby in last visit but now that we go for weekly appt, it could be normal… Cheer up ya!
Speaking of shopping, eversince preggy i've lost interest. It's only when i have no choice but have to shop to buy clothes to accomodate the big stomach!

DK, maybe u've been drinking lots of water today? But i guess if baby engaged, will pee more often too.

Drizzlestars, do rest well and take good care.

wow kwoli, wish we all have such a smooth labour like yours!

Jas, not too sure abt chin chow... but i guess drink once shld be ok....

Yan, your baby is already of good weight, so not to worry! But if you want baby to gain more, try sleeping on your left more often.
Hi ginn

u sure by sleeping on my left side, i'm able to gain weight for my bb. If that is the case, will try to do it starting from tonight. I really feel so upset today coz bb never gain so much lesser than tis thru out my pregnancy.I was so excited looking forward for today appt but it turn out to be a bit sad
but its ok, perhaps my bb still wants to stay inside her mummy tummy for now.
hello hello all.

Am back at my own house after my post natal check up so quickly logged in. But have not had the time to catch up all past postings.

Re: Name
Still undecided. haha think we are the worse kind. We even lost our marriage cert in the hospital so now must apply for a replacement.

Re: Breast milk
Breast Milk quite ok. But it is a gradual increment.
Day1: Only Colostrum
Day2: After 1 hr, only about 10 - 15 ml
Day3 - 4: After 1 hr, about 20 - 30 ml
Day 5 onwards: Milk starts coming in. Now at day 6, w/o baby latching on, can have about 100ml.

Birth Story:
Mine is quite a horrible one. Cos totally unprepared for it. Aiya, i was typing halfway then my mum called to ask me hurrily go home.
I will try logging back in again. Bye all.
Good luck to all mummies yet to deliver to be blessed with smooth delivery.
Yan and Kwoli
I think the 'stretch' u mean is called a membrane sweep. It's like a mild form of induction to bring about the onset of labour but I'm glad your birth was so easy kwoli!

Please take care and persevere with the brestfeeding. Remember to drain your milk every 2 to 3 hourly. When you are pumping or feeding baby, try to dig and press out the lumps in your boobs. It's painful but needs to be done. BF is one BIG painful experience but well worth it. Jia you!
Yan, that's wat my gynae told me and you can also take more protein food. All these worked for me... Dont worry, your baby's weight is already good!
joycie, she massage whole body, breasts, legs, arms, even head.

wow...envy leh olivey, my milk supply so pathetic after almost 2 weeks...
dun even dare to say how much, gal now on formula most of time, feel like giving up liao...maybe i just dun have much...night time i dun even have the energy to wake up to pump, i m just too lazy...sigh...

kwoli, wat injection is that on buttok? got such thing? can release pain? I just use laughing gas...but that is totally useless, makes me giddy somemore...

but luckily we have fast labor, else will die fr pain, i think.

btw, mummyo, i ate the natal essentials confinement food, not that nice leh, esp their soup...and is very ex! i m getting a bit sick of eating after just 3 days...

Ok...try the Huggies Comfort and see which one will fit baby better

Glad to hear you liked the Philippines. Should visit again and try out the white beach here esp Boracay. A filipino BF...filipino guys are very sweet and caring and can be ur slave!! Hehe!

Lonerunner / MrsLim
I know...I was very panicky in my dream coz it was a surprise I'm having triplets! Haha!

Do you know if they sell tummy wrap/bind here in the Philippines?

Congrats! I hope I'l have the same experience as you and have a very fast delivery!
Btw, what's the injection on the butt for?
