(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hey girls, anyone has any recommendations for maid agencies in Spore?
I just arrived at my mom's house, wanting to put some stuff here. Wa lao.. my hubby saw a note left on the table by the maid. She ran away la! Said her husband is very sick and she needs to go back to Indonesia immediately and she ran off to the embassy! Wa lao.. make me panic. My dad and mom both not at home. I got so worried immediately checked my mom's belongings. Kowz.. I managed to call the INdo embassy and she's there la! The embassy guy refuse to let us bring her back now. Dunno what's wrong with them. Think we torture her is it?

Anyway she's not too smart in doing her work la and we already thinking of changing her. but my mom super pity her home situation. 3 kids and husband is a farmer. Sigh.. so kept her until now. Since she wants to return back, i want to find a new maid before my bb comes out.

Any recommendations? I have taken about 6 or 7 maids from the old agency but they are always very slow in supplying me the maids and out of 6, only 2 are really good ones. Though their service is quite prompt, whenever I have problems with the maids, they will help to counsel the maids. But then again, they will push the lousy maids to me too. ARghhhhh more problems! Hate it.

PeachMoMo/ DK:
Haiz. Hubby also tried his best to avoid the trip but to no vail. Somemore he is flying to India, just a couple of weeks after the bombing! Luckily he is going New Delhi lah. But still, the worry in my heart is really unspeakable. I think I'm more worried than lonely. And yet I have to act as if I'm unconcerned becos I know he will be even more worried than I am. What if there are really terrorist attacks or hijacks? *faintz* I juz have to hope that everything will do fine and come back safely. Think I'll work to take my mind off worrying. Worrying is no good for the development of little one. Hubby did tell his bosses that he is definately not flying after mid Jan 09. But due to circumtances, I suspected that he would still need to fly. Thats why I'm mentally preparing that he wont be around when our little one is born. Haiz.

Wah! Ur situation very similiar to my SIL's leh! My SIL kept changing maids too. Mostly got attitude problem. If this is the case, do you need to pay for the air ticket home? If she has been more open to you guys, there will be lots of room for negotiation. I'm sure ur mum would even want to give her some ang bao to bring home for medical fees!

Our shopping plan is to get items in list as and when we see them and if there are discounts :p Another reason is as my health after pregnancy is very strange, it is better to go out and buy while I'm still feeling ok. One week I'll be totally fine and full of energy, then the next week I stay in bed entire weekend becos of MS. If we cant finish shopping before bb is born, then hubby would have to take over :p hehehehe .... :p I think I would want to continue walking until the day I deliver. Instructors from the parentcraft program recommand leh. Easier to deliver.

hmm ... is there anything that can be done to minimise the possibility of c-section given this is the case?

I hope my milk supply will kicks in soon just like you gals so that my little one wont get starved :p heeheee ... :p That reminds me, I better remember to include the pump in my list of things to bring to hospital! Thanks!

My avent iQ DUO Electric pump comes with a carrying bag, pumps (manual + electic + battery parts), milk storage bag for bottles etc. All comes within the packaging. Are you looking for this type of set? Maybe you want to go Robinson to take a look? They got sets from Medela, Avent, Pigeon etc. Then u can see if wat u want is there or not?

dont worry too much...think positive and pray for ur hb that everything will be fine...my brother in law also went to New Delhi 1 week after the attacks for 5 days, and he is back home safely so do not worry too much ok.


do you all find it hard to breathe especially after a meal..heartburn, reflux when u sleep? hai, im only 32 weeks and i cant take it already...whats gonna happen when bb is even bigger when near term...
Thanks for your reassurance. Really feel better. Hope that New Delhi is safe.
Would it help to take smaller meals to min heartburn etc? Tmw I'm going to see my gyane. I'll ask him how to go abt this.
haiz, we are alwaz talking stuffs good for our little darling. Looks like we are REALLY mothers!
How abt ourselves??! =p
Was looking at some postpartum pdts from Little Dreamers. (http://www.littledreamers.com.sg/catalog.html)
Feel like getting the confinement body wash gel and the intense repair cream. Hate my stretch marks! Anyone tried before or heard abt their pdts?

ive been taking small meals every 2 hours but still doesnt work..just a glass of water can also cause bloatedness and discomfort..i guess we have bear with it


i have stretchmarks too...just developed within this 2 weeks when bb had a growth spurt. hb consoled me by saying it means bb is growing and tummy is making space for her..
think it is an inborn thing in us. :p Tell us how u find the products after using them!

poor thing! yeah I know that feeling. been feeling on-off like that too. But so far it is becos of my food intake (butter). If I eat bread with butter at nite, I'll end up like that. So I'm avoiding this food these days.
sandy, lonerunner:
haha, i NEED to eat every 2-3hrs... grow hungry more easily now! but then i cant anyhow eat cos i need to monitor my sugar level. today and tmlo i got to do my readings... kena pricked 7times a day!!! *sob sob* my after dinner reading juz now is not satisfactory... wonder if will kena "scold" by the dietician on tue when i go back.. *sob sob*
hi sandy,
basically, NO sweets, chocos, ice-cream, etc...

got to cut down amt of white rice. Avoid fatty and oily foods. Take high fibre food and high GI (glycemic index) food which release sugar slower into blood stream, eg. wholemeal, wheat pdts.

the rule is, proportion my food intake. spread it well over the day, so tat i dun over-eat/ under-eat to keep my sugar level constant. I m advise to take snacks btw meals (healthy one, of cos) even when i m not hungry so tat i dun get too hungry during the main meal times and over-eat.

Now, multi-grain breads, wholemeal crackers and quaker oats are sort of my best frens.....

But i will "steal" and pinch cakes/ donuts on the days i do not need to take my readings... =p
very sad leh, christmas season, alot of nice cakes around!!!
i need to do tat twice weekly till delivery...
very scared of pricking.. but i heard got some mummies, got to do it EVERYDAY, or worse, inject insulin (3x a day), cos diet control cannot help...
I shld be thankful, so i got to make sure i m good girl.. for these final 9weeks :p
I salute u! It is also not easy to watch diet so closely, on top of everything. And somemore have to avoid the food stated! jia you!! 9 more weeks to go!!
my hubby and mum actually said my face looked thinner and seem tat my bump remained the same size. not like past few weeks, ballooning at alarming rate. haha..

Still quite ok lah, still can eat normally, just in smaller quantities. and ultra small quantities for the banned foods lor *naughty*
if the hosp has pumps, which i believe they should have, then you no need to bring yours along to the hosp.
and theirs are those high end type, damn fast and good, should try theirs.. hee!
I wanted to buy the stuff from littledreamers too. But my friend used the ginger shampoo during her confinement. She said it doesnt foam up and didnt think its that useful. In the end she used her own shampoo. So i think i will not buy that.
Maybe I will try the body wash and the healing gel instead.

lonerunner: My maid changing happened over the years la. BUt this year is quite bad and this is the 3rd maid liao. Ya lor. if she waited for us, I will help her to go back quickly. Now that she ran to the embassy, they might even keep her longer than she should be staying here. We went through so much trouble to do her work permit too u know? Sigh.. what to do.. Her air ticket in this case should be borne by her. But she doesnt have any money! in fact, she just took this month's advance pay from my mom. So she is owing us some money now. Money is not the big issue if her hubby is REALLY sick. But you know, maids always say family member sick etc. then the employers will give them money out of pity. This happened 2 times to us already. But we dont want to doubt them too. Right? Furthermore I'm closing to the due date in less than 2 months. Wa lao.. stress ah!

Any solutions and maid agency recommendations for me?
catmomo: Also hor.. about your high sugar. I can understand what you are going through. I have this intolerance problem too. So i had to control my sugar intake. I still eat most of the stuff like normal. I changed my bread to multigrains or wholemeal kind and eats less rice now. I was told to eat beehoon or kway teow instead of those yellow noodles. Again in less quantity too. You so ke lian.. those crackers dont taste so good right?

My Aunt-in-law told me last time she had to inject insulin EVERYDAY cos her body just cannot breakdown her sugar at all! She was 36 when pregnant with first kid, therefore more complications. the tot of the needle just scares me big time.
Gynea said baby must not more than 3.5kg then i can try for natural birth, but she think baby will be 4kg. I am really small size.. i guess thats why gynea think no point wasting time & effort to try if she think impossible. She said bigger head baby sometimes don't turn their head down, if so i also have to go for C-section.

Did anyone gynea advise on giving birth method already? 2 month+ to go... hope every mummies will have smooth delivery. =p

Jia You!
can understd yr fear n loneliness. when hubby away tat time i keep telling bb will be back when n when n for once she well balanced tat time. think she no mummy lonely. dont give much pressure to yr hubby or he will be worried for u n bb. hope he can be there for u 2 when u deliver!! pray
may i check do yr bb hv hiccups like at least twice daily. me worried as mine does n i wonder its ok. cant wait fri ask gynae.
my aunt said she active in movement is better than none as kind of relief hearing tat. yes we all kind of protective over our little loved ones.
went to kiddy land n saw so many bb stuffs but might just go JL n buy since they hving 20% sale which is quite a bit saving. i got 1 kamy pj, a bit ugly n button ones n i choose t not so thick cotton kind (23.9 w 20% disc)
good morning mommies!


my gynae advised natural birth with epidural for me since baby is small..her initial plan for me when i was at 14 weeks was C section because i have the tendency to faint due to pain (vasovagal syncope)..but since i entered my second tri, i stopped fainting and she sees that bb is small in frame so she encouraged me to try natural first. she says she will administer the epidural early enough so i wont feel the pain that can make me faint..im so glad that she allow me to do natural now
this morning i had a weird dream. I dreamt i went to a public toilet and the toilet quite dirty one. Then i fell down and my water bag burst. Was sent to hospital. Then hubby rushed down with son then came along many other pple... whole dream surrounds that...then saw my gynae, he says cant postpone the delivery cos waterbag already burst. then kept asking me if baby coming out. Very messy lah.. then funny thing is hubby told me, oh baby going to birth forth on our wedding anniversary day.. *faint* dec 22nd loh...

when told this to my hubby, he said.. see lah always think of wanting baby to come out early =.=
lonerunner, how mch ur electric pump cost u? i go robinson city hall oneb4, but lik nvr notice it, alamak haha!

me tdy no work agn.. so tired.. runnin out of leave liao
jonannelim, i am sure u took a deep breath when u woke up :) actually it is quite normal to have such dreams and nightmares the more u get closer to ur delivery date, as our minds are too much engaged in thinking how and how, when and when.. so do not worry. i wish u sweet dreams for tonite where u see urself holding ur baby in ur arms with joy.

wedtobe, regarding ur baby's hiccups, mine also started to hıccup. ıt happened two times, each time for abt 5 minutes. i read that the baby is preparing for respiration.

i have a question abt colostrum, which i started to produce in my 5th month (i guess it started quite early). it comes in form of small stains approx 2-3 times a week. do u already experience the same?

anddd, have you chosen a name for ur baby? we have decided to name our bb "Erna"; meaning sincere-earnest in Eng., and very beautiful in Turkish
yeah, i checked w/ gynae on e hiccups b4... she said it's very normal, sometimes baby can hiccup 3 times a day! a bit uncomfy for us, but doesn't affect baby at all... so ur little 1 is doing well! my little gal oso always hiccuping, tat helps to tell me where here head is... hehe...

yeah, sometimes i have weird dreams too... think it's really ri you suo si, ye you suo meng... dun give it too much tot if it's not so pleasant, but enjoy it if it's sweet!
olivia :tink i m in the same situation as you. My gal weighs 1.63kg at 30weeks..my gynae says at the rate she is growing she might reach 4kg full term (plus i was born at 4kgs) so the chance quite high..

so she will be monitoring till 34 weeks den she will decide wat to do.. Hope things will be ok coz i really wan a natural birth .
Hi Mommies!!

Hmm..how do you tell if baby is having hiccups?
Read abt this a couple of time, but still cant tell which feeling is hiccup! But i am sure abt the punches and kicks though...cos they are coming in strong! Hahahahaha ... No complains! I lurve the feeling of baby moving inside!
when the baby hiccups, u can feel rythmic movements once every 2-3 seconds, or at least that's what happens with my baby :)
I have not bought my pump yet.. cos want to make sure milk ss established first. Anyhow, hope I'd be able to BF in the beginning..so figured no need for pump, yet.

Mommies, will you be getting some milk powder to standby in the interim? in case no milk ss yet, or no BM? any brands in mind?
I oso wonder like u. But these 2 days, i get this regular rythmic movt quite often. It's less strong compared to his normal movts and last for abt 1-2min. I suspect is my boy having hiccups. heee..

I also intend to BF fully if possible. As I will be delivering in KKH, my fren say i can actually request the ready-made bottles to bring home, which i just need to heat it up. So not getting standby formula milk. Anyway, quite easily to get from supermkts. Will also check with PD's recommendation before checking out from ward after delivery.

the mustela dermo-cleansing is selling in rustans at P1250 (SGD 39) and the lotion is at P990 (sgd$30.90). the vitamin barrier cream is not available in Rustans shangri-la. keke...seems like you have a better deal getting from spore

i wont be standbying any milk powder because having them readily available somehow decreases our motivation to persevere in BM. for the first 2 days, we produce colostrum and the amount is definitely enough for our little baby's tiny stomach. moreover, the bb has enough reserves to last them for the first few days until our milk kicks in about 4 days post-partum...so meanwhile, just let bb suckle as often and as much as possible (2 hrly) even if theres little milk ....so as to establish our supply
glad to hear tat bb hiccups r ok as she just did it again.
my fr advised we dont buy formula milk n get fr hosp in case they give yr bb n no reverse reaction. safer.
we hv abt 2 mths to c our bb. getting excited.
my gal also sometimes like tremble or shake n i wonder why.. so i will pat pat my stomach ask her why... haha
Sandy A. Pascual,
Great that can go for Natural birth.. I hope i can too.. =p

Thanks!! Desitin creamy you got it from TMC Gynea? I am at TMC too..

Gamze Kokyar, wedtobe06, catmomo,
I have not experience baby hiccups.. i wonder how it feel.

corrine toh,
Really hope we can make it for natural birth.. =p
yah, i noe wat u mean! my little gal always shakes or trembles for abt 5 secs, then i quickly ask my hubby to see... but she stops so fast, my hubby misses it and says i cry wolf... like u, i wonder wat she's doing and asks her too... haha...

Thanks for checking the mustela products for me. Ya, looks like our decision to buy here in SG did us good oz it's almost double the price in Rustans! Hope the once we bought will last til we go back here in SG.

Hickups: our baby also getting hickups almost 2x daily.

me, very tired since yesterday even though i'm just staying at home....maybe cos baby very active now. almost moving all day everyday! she keeps me awake til 1am and wakes me up 6am!
Dear all Mummiesss....

I m a MTB in Feb 09 too... sad to say i m just free to be able to do my shopping recently due to work
... hope its not too late to get more advise from u gals & share as well

nick: LeMonT (Tricia)
EDD: 02 Feb 2009
Doc: Dr Joycelyn Wong
Hosp: TMC
# of child: 1
Baby Gender: Girl
Last vist: 11 Dec 2008
Baby weight: 1.844kg as of 32.5wks
Location: Yishun
btw any mummies hav urine leaking prob?

oh yah i also hav a ques. during confinement period if we are using disposable panty, r we to get the maternity size or normal one actly wil do?
i stock up some maternity size and have some normal size which i bought before pregnancy. Just in case i lose weight so fast... *self console* haha..
I got my maternity size from kiddy palace - the cloth like material one, which i think will be more comfy. $4.90 per pack of 5.
wedtobe, sheepish:

Yeh i experienced the shaking n trembling too.. Still its something out of the norm, glad to know i am nt the only one. still thinking of asking my gynae on my next visit hehe..
hee ... my bb also behaves like that from time to time ... shaking and trembling, in additional to wave form, rhymatic and kickboxing kicks! Gung-ho baby!

Checked with my gyane today. He suggests taking a syrup called "Mylanta" (if I din get the spelling wrong) for heartburns etc if smaller meals dun help. This can be found over phamacy. You might wan to check it out.

good idea! Thanks!! I'll check with the hospital on the pumps at my next visit in 2 weeks time!

the City Hall Robinson I also cant find. I saw at the Sommerset one on 6th floor just last friday. I got mine via a friend.
On disposable panty, I got maternity size ones got John Little/ Robinson. Quite comfortable, I think. Price wise close to what catmomo stated.

steady!!! think you're anxious for bb to come out too early!! heheheheheh!!!

Dun worry abt your delivery method too much. I'm sure you'll be in safe hands no matter which method is used. My gynae advises natural, but my hubby may wan to opt for a c-section. we'll see how things go next mth.

I'm not stocking up on formula milk. I hope to go for TBF (total breast feeding)!

yeah, I think I'll follow your advice and not give hubby too much pressure and be supportive. Thanks!
2 more mths to go and carry our bb!

Welcome aboard!
hi lonerunner,

thanks for checking that out for me..i will try that cos the heartburn and colic pain is driving me nuts

how did ur check up go and why ur hb want to opt for C sect?
No worries. I happened to have an appointment with gynae today so it is quite convenient for me to check. Hope that you'll feel better after taking it.

Gyane's quite happy with bb's progress today. My next checkup is next week on 26th for growth scan. I'll be in my 32nd week then! Yippie!

Hubby is thinking of having c-section for bb to have a more compatible 8 character with mine becos it will be a direct crash with mine if bb is born on and after 04 Feb 09 :p I'm not as superticious in this area and still prefer natural delivery if possible. So we'll decide how things go later toward mid of next month!
Thanks! Now most important is baby healthy, if really go for C-section also no choice.. =p Where you count 8 character?

Are your gog to count baby chinese name? any recommendation?
now i shld be entering 32 wks 2.can feel bb very active moving n i sometimes feel hard 2 concentrate @ wk! always tell her must sleep at nite as mummy very tired although i wake up several times at nite for loo.
heard robinson hving 20 or 25% sale.
cant wait fri come quickly to c my bb!

hi all,

I have a Brand New Kiddopotamus Swaddle Me Infant adjustable wrap for sale $20.
Colour: blue cocoa dot.
PM me if interested. thanks.

