(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

SY, 600 for food and hotel is so much..how many days is ur package? maybe the destination matters too.. naomi just hit the 11kg mark despite eating alot.

#2 for me..not this year

congrats to all the mommies who have delivered and due to deliver their #2s!

hello all,

SY, 1.3k for child sounds ex! u going somewhere far? maybe 2nd molar cutting thru?

Sandy, keke so means next yr? can start already, now due date will be in Jan rite :p
SY, it is like that de.. if u bring kids out for holiday under package, it will be very bohua...

When i went to taiwan, kylene's airtix was 700plus, mine was 900plus leh.. but we plan free & easy, so the rest just absorbed by ourselves...

initially we wanted to go cruise fare, but cruise for kids and adults are the same lor, so we feel not worth it...
Kylene also eating very little cos of her molar.. Her stomach flat liao.. Now i think she is around 12.1kg.. I putting her at my MIL's hse, hopefully she can feed her fat fat there.. haha
ex hor..now i feel abit regret. didnt really tink much when i book the trip.but realli wanna bring sarah for a trip...eeeek

i went cruise before...i tot cruise was good for families with elderly or kids...

also worried i cant tahan package tour early morning waking out n rushing here n there!! pray hard...haizz...

ya, previously molar cutting through...then fever, flu n cough...now ok liao but still little..she likes to spit her food out...haizz....

i may try for 2nd one in june..wanna close factory after it..hope to get a boy...

shall weigh sarah this weekend...
oh my gal also sick now, appetite is not good too, so i change her food, eating slightly better, think she's sian of eating some of her usual food too. She also had a phase of spitting out food... headache.

SY, good luck with ttc for 2nd bb!
sy, ginn, kylene also spit out her food.. sometimes she didnt try the food then she will tell me she dont like.. she eats better in my MIL cos mummy is a lousy cook...

I m also in early stage now.. 14th weeks already... occasionally still vomit... its tough taking care of a toddler and managing MS... energy was sucked up totally, luckily my MIL is helping me with kylene...
Rox, ya agree quite difficult to handle our tods with the MS n tired feeling.. My peak period for MS will be next few weeks.. Hope won't b as bad as the first. Moreover I feel bad n sad that I don't hv energy for her n was told can't carry her too, sad, gotta reject when she ask to carry

Btw, rem u n SY n me had same gynae, r u sticking to her?
Upper thomson playgroup

Hi Mummies, I have a two year old, same time as you all, and planning a playgroup for those living in the Upper Thomson Area.

If you would like to join us for our first event, do log into :

FACEBOOK, under Lakeview Toddlers, hope to see you mummies there.
Wow congrat ginn n rox. So goody. I shld continue with Dr Khi. Hopefully as successful in preggy as both of u. How about u?

Btw any list of medicine to bring overseas holiday? Can we hand carry medicine?

2 long weekend has past n I've spent it mostly at home. Sarah has been sick. Now having fluctuating fever n slight cough n yellow discharge ard eyes. Sad. Hmmm anyone know y fever much higher at night? Day is normal.
ginn, congrats!! hope everything goes on smoothly for you.

SY, i usually have these in my mini first aid kit: thermometer, paracetamol, ibuprofen, kool fever patch, calamine lotion or medicated oil for bites or itch, bandaids (plasters)and insect repellent.

hope Sarah gets well soon. take care
Oh SY, Ginn, I changed gynae already.. No longer Dr Khi.. Now with Dr Lawrence Ang at sunplaza... Her package now starts at 20th week instead of 12th week.. I find her so expensive and not worth the money.. But my sister is with her now.. My sis's gynae was Dr Phyllis Liauw.. She said Dr Khi is so much nicer cos she scanned her tummy for very long.. Dr Liauw nvr scan de cos she can measure the bb's growth using hands... I think if ur pregnancy is normal, can go Dr Khi if u dont mind her fees...

Ginn, why cant carry? I am still carrying Kylene now but I no stamina to carry for long.. I guess as long as the posture is correct, shdnt have a problem in carrying..

SY, i remembered shd be okie to bring onto plane.. less than 100ml of liquid.. I brought Kylene's waterbottle onto the plane leh.. but was made to drink from the bottle to ensure it is safe for drinking and not some poison... But before u check in ur luggage, better check with the counter first..
SY, Rox, i'll be changing gynae too. Ya find her fees ex now and also due to some reasons during labour last time made me think maybe change n ya same thinking, also think not worth leh.
Oh cos i hv some fluid near sac so she told me better not carry her n heavy things cos worried abt bleeding. But now bb growing well, so new gynae i'm seeing now says it's ok, just dont over-exert...
thanks for ya reply...went spore airline webby n check...medication is allowed...phew....

huh, both of ya changed gynae? hmmmm so Dr Khi fee is way too high ah? if i preggy again must realli check ard again...

both of ya hope for boy? Dr Khi gave me a spreadsheet last time...on wat to eat n when to conceive..did u all followed it? (it not 100% accurate la) based on lunar calender, i shouldnt be having boy if i try these few months....
ginn, yalor.. due to my labour complication last time and my first cheeckup with her , i also decided to drop her.. she insisted that i shdnt go to my taiwan trip during my 7th week.. i went to see 1-2 more gynaes who told me no problem.. think she is the careful type... i just saw dr ang's package and is inclusive of CTG.. last time her CTG still need to pay around $50 like that..

SY, i nvr try anything for boy/girl, mine is an accident.. haha.. supposed to try after taiwan trip one.. I just hope I can carry the bb till full term n that the bb is healthy...
rox> but u will giving birth at TMC?

hahhaha, okie accident...mine first was an accident...but a good accident.... im trying after my korea trip too...

all the best..dun worry too much...u will be fine
SY, ya.. still tmc cos I like tmc. haha.. Under Dr Lawrence Ang, his clinic is at sun plaza...

Wish u baby dust!

Yalor, there is nothing I can do, so I will get by day by day....
SY, her fees is now $688 from wk20 n each visit is prob ard$200 before that so it's ex if u add. Actually I'm ok with another gal, always see sisters v close n can do stuff together haha anyway I'll leave it to God.

Rox, me too bled a lot after delivery that time.. Oh Dr ang package seems good incl ctg.. For me I'm now seeing dr
Benjamin Tham.. N don't worry, must b positive, I'm sure all will b fine!
i also like TMC....like hotel stay then...hahahha....

huh 200 per visit...tt is daylight robbery man...

true leh...i like ger..so i v happy to have 1st one ger...and sibling who are gers are really much closer...n best part my hubby prefer gers...but i tot a HAO is good..n perhaps parents will prefer a boy since my hubby only son....aiyo..see how lor...

then boy can buy new sets of clothes n toys...ooops....
ginn, u also bleed alot? How long was ur labour? i heard benjamin tham is good... dr ang told me long labour will cause bleeding ...

SY, ya.. consultation, scan, vitamins, blood tests... 1 visit ard $200 and nowadays she schedule to see the patients once every 3 weeks b4 20th week... her gynae fees also expensive i recalled.. maybe just a little bit lower than WK Tan (the gynae who deliver for tcs actresses)
hi how's everyone! Hope that all are well!

Congrats to all mummies expecting or already delivered!

enjoy ur holiday! Maybe let little Sarah sleep with her head on ur lap and legs on her seat if it will make u more comfortable?

2nd bb:
took a break from trying for now. went on chinese medication but recently got to an extent which I got very sick of them (and also very discouraged due to 100% negative results) and some other factors that changed my decision. So nvm lah. Tot I'll spend more time with this terror.

I'm looking for a music appreciation course for this little terror currently. Tot it is time to move her out of her weekly PG class now that she's in child care. Is anyone currently on MusikGarten program? How's the review so far?
Rox, ya u too? Mine not that long leh, induced at 9am n gave birth at 3.30pm same day.. I think it's cos of my fibroid which was forgotten after delivery which caused more bleeding cos the ward nurses asked if I hv fibroid then one of them asked which doc then she do the shake head.. Makes me wonder if is it the doc always got hiccups one.. Then during pushing, I pushed few times but although she is just upstairs but she
took a while to come down, can rem the midwives keep
saying why doc taking so long.. Haiz.. So all these made me
think twice lor..

My friend also with dr Tham so heard abt him. n moreover
he's a senior dr but fees n package cheaper..
hi gals,

i has been a long while since i last posted. have been reading but... hehe to lazy to write something.

congrats to all whom have delivered or are expecting!!! *envy*!!!

tried my #2 last sep through ivf, wasnt successful. and going for another round once gynae says ok.

it was super exhausting and mentally stressed process. keep telling myself to stay positive and not to give up.

but i guess the chances are getting slimer when my age is really catching up fast.

sigh... whatever will be will be lah.

lonerunner and those trying: jia you too!!!
Hi Lonerunner, grace.. Issit due to work stress? I have been trying for #2 since kylene was ard 8 mths old.. I only jackpot this Feb after I resigned.. And is immediately after I resigned and the following week striked.... I dont feel stress at work but somehow, I think it has caused me presssure and stress... Every month disappointment and sometimes when menses come, I will cry!

Go for a short trip and when u r in better mood, maybe will succeed? I went for TCM for quite a while also no use...
Ginn, yalor... My labour 23 hours.... It is either due to my bicornuate uterus or long labour that I got bleeding.. After I was pushed to my ward, I choked on my food and coughed.. When I coughed, the blood gushed out like waterbag burst like that.. So scary...

Was put on oral medication, inserted something into my ass i think, put on drip.. night time my blood pressure went so low until the machine kept beeping... luckily we stored exceess blood during pregnancy, if not I duno what will happen.. I even asked Dr Khi if I will die.. haha..

Dr Khi is getting more popular.. She has quite a no. of ang moh customers ... Maybe that's why she raised her price..
Lonerunner, grace, jia you, hope u all will succeed in ttc!
I do agree, 2nd time round never conceive as fast leh.. I thought I will strike immediately like last time but not lor..

Rox, ya I bled till I got no energy to walk will faint! Had to stay extra day also..
rox: maybe it's due to work stress... not too sure.
but if this round still cant, probably will do my best to go for no-pay leave sometime next year. this year din give boss advance notice, so not too likely. if no-pay leave also cannot, then i most probably give up liao.

i also experience internal bleeding during my c-sect. in the end, c-sect supposed be within 1 hr 'gao dim', i took 4 hrs plus. until my hubby thought i going to 'giao'. and stayed in hospital until han needs to wait for me to be discharged to go home with him. haha.
thx for the link! will go and take a look. those ovulation test kids from watson are ex

think might be due to stress mah. and I'm so tired everyday after a long day at work. Maybe tats a factor too. I tot of planning for holiday to taiwan in around Oct, but hb not too keen for now. lets see how things go. sob. Got signs from little terror that she would need playmate to play with her soon.

hows your experience with IVF? hows it is the procedure/ payment like? is it painful?
lonerunner: must be IT personnel problem.

for IVF, consider only if all other alternatives have been exhausted...

there are several stages in the IVF. first to slow down the eggs from growing, then simulate the eggs, then extract eggs. after the "embroyo" is ready, transfer back.
kk rate abt $9k after subsidy. private one can be as much as $30k.

not really painful, but cos the process takes abt 6 weeks to 2 months, and are expected to do self injection, so it is "quite an experience" :p
agree. must be IT personnel problem :p
$9k! tats ex! not to mention the needles!!

think I'll do a Rox .... either take no-pay leave/resign method. cheaper and needle-free!! haha! :p

I also tot #2 will come easier than #1 cos lotta ppl told me so. So I think I put expectations abit too high liao :p
$9k very expensive.. i did consider to go for help if i still cant succeed after my taiwan holiday.. but glad that i striked...

ya, try go on a slightly longer holiday so that u can put aside work and stress! best is dont bring #1 along...

lonerunner, no one can beat me de.. I tried for 16 months then strike leh.. the others already give birth to #2 liao..
sigh, bo bian leh. so have to earn more to pay for these.

if quit or take no-pay leave, will cost me much more than 9k. :p

just have to give it a try.
yaer, thanks.. u take care too!

Fion, congrats to u!!! My next appt quite long, on 8 June.. Will be going for my detailed scan then... How r u feeling?
good morning mummies!!!

feel tat my energy all drained up from all the pumping n taking care of a nb n toddler... really cannot tahan...
Good morning mummies
Long time did not post here.. Veri busy as just give birth on 6 apr... Jiayou for those trying for #2
I wanted to plan june holiday program for my princess.anyone has anything in mind and want to join? Like baking, etc
Hi Shyannlong, I am interested in a June holiday program for my boy too. Maybe a gathering for our little ones? Any mummies interested? Join us?

Roxanne and Fion, congrats! I am also with Dr Ang again, going into 24weeks. I am getting a girl this time round.
Hi Ladies, i dont mind joining in for the activity.

Congrats Liting! My detailed scan is next week, by then shd be able to confirm gender. I secretly hope the boy will turn into a gal. haha

Hi mummies, hope everything is well w all of u. N hope u guys still remember me. Lol

I come here for advice from pumping mums. especially those who used double pumps before.

Here is my dilemma. I hv a single electric pump from avent. I
need a double pump and now am thinking. Should I get another single pumP? Or a set of double pump? Which will b more effective as in time savings n yield?

Thanks in advanced.
Any thoughts?
