(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Lonerunner, ya, the Wakado biscuits are also longish de... I gave up on the puffs a long time ago liao...this Mer started feeding them to Dusty or throwing them all over the shop after awhile....really messy ah....

So so tired... I did a major spring cleaning over the week and now am just trying my darndest to keep it nice and neat... now that Mer's playroom is more or less up, I am more motivated to make sure there are no messes...but geez! Sometimes really feeling like giving up lor... I actually told my hubs that once I get a proper job, maybe we shd really consider a maid, much as I really hate to hv my privacy intruded upon... not to say that the maid is doing it on purpose la... sigh...somemore we got plans for a number 2 in Rabbit year... sigh... hv to be realistic man!

Just remembered that my wedding anniversary is on the day before Mer's birthday....wah...feeling abit sian... so lazy leh...think we will be busy with her bday preps.... wondering if I shd just not celebrate it....but like abit evil also... we already din celebrate our ROM anniversary...actually I clean forgot abt it! *gasp* Any ideas mummies? :p
woah!! my little one is 11mths old today! 1 more mth to her 1st birthday!!

Had a nite out with my girlfriends earlier on. when I reached home, hb told me that bb tried her best to wait up for me. She rubbed her eyes and even knocked her head to try stay awake. She finally KO at 11.15pm without needing her pacifier and etc. Gee ... I din realise that she will sleep earlier tonite ... And i tot I was still in time to tuck her to bed! abit heartpain now :p

hahaha! when kids come along, there goes our celebrations for anniversaries and etc! how abt celebrating it on Mer's birthday as well? just a little note or gift will do?
wah ... heng my bb hasnt learn how to throw the puffs all over yet! I better let her finish off this new batch asap before she does get any funny ideas abt it! haha!
Morning mummies!

Lonerunner, yalor.... Mer was still behaving herself with the Gerber Puffs but by the time I bought the Happy Puffs, she was up to her nonsense liao....now I look at the puffs I feel sian....it's been so long since I bought them and they are still sitting on the shelf!

Hmm... dunno leh... see how bah.... my kuku hb hor, last yr also nv do anything but bring me out to eat... then we missed the movie we wanted to watch because I had to report to the delivery suite liao...wahahaha... so funny.... even now when I think abt it I find it damn funny...but at least I got to eat my fav waraku before giving birth la...wahahahaha....
hihi mummies,
jus to check who have started to wean off their BBs from Milk Bottles to Sippy Cups? I jus bought the Tommee Tippee Insulated Cup and is so confused. Anyone using the same one?

THe straw, which is connected to the 'valve' supposed to be 'open' but its connected to a 'closed' connection. Therefore unable to 'suck' the milk out... Can email me if u using the same cup as i seldom gt time to check the thread? Any thing tt u need to cut or take out before using the cup?

[email protected]
quick Q - do you need to apply for a visa before travelling to Australia in April?

hahaha .... 'report' to delivery suite! so funny! Mer wants to come out and watch the movie with mummy and daddy mah ...:p keke ...! u good leh. I couldnt even have time to eat my favourite chicken rice before I go and deliver! hahaa!

i think Australia is the only country that requires all nationality to have at least a tourist visa to enter..even for singapore passports..so need to apply for electronic visa ..
Lonerunner.... how come u din hv time for your chicken rice? I actually had the whole day before I went to the hospital.... my waterbag broke in the afternoon when I was taking an early morning nap... still remember I was chatting with Saro and other mummies in a mass chat and telling them my waterbag maybe broke.... then I went for another nap after calling my gynae, woke up, felt really wet, called hb, took a shower and headed out for dinner n movies... we actually thought we would be going to the hospital for a check up after dinner.... and then proceed to watch movie.... but the nurse said I was in labor liao...HAHAHAHA.... My hb was so shocked, he actually asked me: So, this is not a rehearsal ah? LOL

SY, Mer is pushing stuff all over the hse.... so I think its part of the phase towards walking independently bah.... think wun kena complain la... or maybe u can fix those rubber soles on the chairs so that the noise is minimised?
saw the ETA info liao ... thanks!!

my bb is using chairs as her push walker too. hahaa!

u are one relax mummy lah. still got entire day before go into labour, and ur hb still tot maybe is rehearsal! heeheehe ...!
we woke up late for gynae appt that morning. So din have time to eat breakfast before rushing for gynae appt (I had wanted chicken rice for breakfast that morning!). the next thing I knew - I was on my way to labour ward for induce liao ... so I basically starved all the way until after delivery! hahaa!
Lonerunner, haha.... not relaxed la... because there was no pain... just wet... and we heard so many stories on false alarms and going into the hospital too early etc etc... so we thought we would just get myself checked and then go home to wait lor....since no pain... haha... in the end I spent the whole night in the delivery suite and only dilated 1 cm... when my gynae popped in at 7am the next day, I wanted to die liao... cuz they had stopped me from having any food once they confirmed I was in labor... so the waraku din last me very long... plus I was on the ctg machine....all nite...it was so itchy and uncomfy... but we had to make sure Mer was ok inside me...so I almost shouted at my gynae "1cm only?!" when he told me in the morning lor...and Mer din pop out until 4pm!!!
woah ur delivery story very funny lo... i just started to feed my baby puffs and she throw them all over d floor too... pretend to eat by putting it near her mouth n make d chewing/eating sound but d puff is still in between her thumb n fingers. many pattern haha... i wish i lose some weight too
but i always eat too much. i eat more than my husband now... sigh...

hahaha she sure has charged batteries, my daughter also like that... only took half an hour nap whole day today. Just now napped for few mins in d car (charged batteries), brought her to bed at 10pm sharp just now, screamed so loud had to bring her out again... now she's feeding her dad guava... haha...

me too..still eating alot and also eating more than hb..there are times when i felt like i haven eaten at all when i have already finished eating my meal lol..so i'll end up snacking straight after ..
halo mummies!!!

so long never post liao... hope all mummies are doing fine!!!

just an update on my gal...

she is standing @ 75.5cm tall and weight 9.5kg @ 11mths 12 days.
can stand without support for a minute...
like to throw things from high spot...
can call mama n papa...
dun wanna try to walk cos everytime wan her to stand up n walk... she will sit down n crawl... haiz...

she has been falling sick once every 1 to 2 mths... the last one is the worst... got lung infection n admitted to hospital for 6 days...

any mummies noe if there is any ways or supplement to boost baby immune system...
really heartpain to see her falling sick so frequently...

seem like the 1st question tat every doc we see will ask is she in infant care???
make me feel like it must be the infant care tats y she is falling sick so frequently.
hi yaer,

its really heartpain to see our babies fall sick. Hope Hayden is well now. does Hayden have any regular pd that she visits? if she has then maybe you can ask the pd if he/she would have any recommended vitamins? my pd prescribed vitamins since young so my girl has been taking it. pd said before that after 6 mths old, they will be more prone to falling ill because the anti-bodies that they got from us since birth has depleted. so they have to boost their immune system by taking more vitamin C (either from daily source of fruits and veges, supplement drops or both) or by falling ill so that they will produce antibodies to prevent future infections. dont feel sad la...infant care increases the risk but not entirely due to that..they have a new immune system and hasnt have a whole collection of antibodies yet...just make sure she has enough vitamin c, nutrition and water, it can make her stronger..
I'm also eating lots more than hb now. I was thinking of losing 2kg more, but had been stuck at current weight so I decided to shelve that idea. haiz.

woah ... hope that bb has recovered already!

sianz hor? after entire nite only 1cm dilated. and u have to miss the movie too! hahahaa!

hahaha ... feeding her dad guava ... so cute!! I dun mind a guava, cos this morning my bb fed me her pacifier tat she had in her mouth for a part of last nite while I was still sleeping and she was already awake. *yucks!!*
hi mommies!

long time neber post le..
did some speed-reading..
ever since, i kana wrist pain, went for an injection at hospital, pain neber came back..hope to keep it this way..

of late, my boy turned very short-tempered and like to show his temper by pulling his hair or our hair
pinch or smack pple..how? tell him not to do it lagi jialat, scream somemore..stressed.

at work, come across very well-behaved bbs around his age, sometimes i wonder how come har? haha..isit in the genes? oh dear..oh yes, he likes to use his middle finger(to play or point!) instead of index finger, and dun like us to correct him..woah my elders say when he's abit older hv to teach him properly liao..hiaz

thinking of holding a chalet to celebrate his 1st birthday. his bd is on 19th feb. any mommies can recommend good and tasty birthday cake?
iceblue, ours fall on same day. where do u get the cake from and r u celebrating a big bash?
oh yes, read thru the bathing tips..

my boy suddenly dislike bathing and refuse to let us wash his hair..dunno y also?

really hope its a passing phase..he use to be ok, luv baths, let us put a shield cap on him when washing his wash..then suddenly like tat

nw, hv to wash his hair, carrying him, exactly doing the same way when he's newborn, inclusive of crying and struggling during the process..haha double sianz
hai think now everyt sit w baby in car at nite we wil damn stress. Day can try control her abit with food. Nite she's uncontrollable.last nite we have to get out car twice for her to be in daddy arm to stop her bad crying. Sian dunno wat to do man. Daddy is so worried tt she cry til vomit i end up get out car just b4 carpark of cos tt make thgs worst she wants to Cheong out of my arms,at e end i have to lik to run chase aft daddy car. Horrible. But when out side she is quite ok to let me carry occasionally prefer me over daddy.
Popipi: i have 2cakes for her on chuxi , to be pick up on e 12th, one from prima, another from 4leaves. On e 16th her cake from swensen.by 19th most open liao so i nvr order. No big bash for her. Chu xi with families. E other day with my close frens only

Haha....yes...we gave the tickets to my SIL to watch... she was very worried and relieved when she went to watch...and secretly asked my hb why a pregnant woman wants to watch Underworld? LOL.

Popipi, hmm...maybe Sandy can advise you better!

I ordered Mer's birthday cake from Pine Garden, think they just need about 1 week's notice. Perhaps you can try them.
ic..actually was thinking small celebration within family, then hubby suddenly wans a big bash...stressed

i think our bbs are going thru different phases nw..can u drive instead of yr hubby? can be very frustrating when bb screaming and crying..my helper has to standby his toys and snacks incase he gets cranky..if need be, maybe u wanna on the lighting in the car at least she wont be so frightened? oh..can try to play soothing lullaby music for her also

thks! my gf's son has gone thru this stage before..needs time i guess, nwadays dread to bathe him, but earlier on i prepare small pail of water and put 2 balls inside for him to play, he seems ok but i neber wash his hair la, just sponge him haahaa
pine garden nice??

yah loh... really heartpain and tired oso...
my gal got a pd from raffles... but recently she keep going kk cos everytime the fever came at nite...
my hubby said so too... he said it is all right to fall sick cos the body will produce antibodies...
but i scare falling sick too frequent will somehow affect her health leh...

dun noe by when she can stop falling sick so frequently...

i saw some mummies chatting abt tis supplement called childlife colostrum.
seem like gd leh... feel like buying for her to try... but quite ex... selling $78 @ GNC...
popipi: which day u goin to hold the bash. i got bring led light, smthg lik tap light but she tak n play direct at her eyes( hav to go get a not so bright de), toys al cant work long.. as for snacks bcos at nite liao scare giv biscuits too heaty, so nvr give.. but no choice next time hav to try ... the big problem is I CANT DRIVE! keke
popipi: pine garden is nice but they are close CNY week until 23 feb. my boy bd on 20 feb and couldn't get a cake from them or bakerzin so I bought from swensens
Hello mummies!

I am running out of ideas what to cook for zac. Any mummies can share with me any recipe? Usually zac will have porridge for 2 meals. The usual ingredients are sweet potato, potato, zucchini, galic, sweet corn, pumpkin, carrots, tomatoes.
the simz,

my latest recipe for naomi is steam egg custard with cheese keke..she she loves it
maybe you can try that? and you can intro more veg to him ..like cauliflower, brocolli also...i gave naomi eggplant, xiao bai cai, turnip, french beans etc..and if he can chew and no problems with digestion, can give him soggy rice with meat and veg stir in..you can also give pasta and use veg puree as sauce..the pasta gives the texture so its ok to use veg puree as sauce..hope this helps
hi sandy, did u mix the egg with BM and steam it?
Btw, how often can we give bb egg yolk per week? i'm so tempted to let bb try egg white :p
hi ginn,

i mix the egg with water but i stir in the cheese..didnt want to waste my bm cos steaming will destroy the nutrients..oh but i separated the egg whites before cooking so its just yolk
SY: the kids design cakes cannot order from the website. I called the UE sq outlet and they say can only order after 21 feb. Maybe for the normal cakes it is ok. Sorry for scaring u :p
Hi mummies,
need ur advice here. I'm thinking of training bb to poo on the toilet seat instead of in her diapers or the potty. saw this BP on the portable toilet seat. is this type better than those not portable types that mothercare is selling? Price wise this is much cheaper at $20 lah.


think good to give them a call soon to confirm ur orders. from wat I read in the website ah, seemed like only 3 working days advance notice is good for ordering leh. But we never know how these T&C will change during CNY duration ...
SY: yea better call them. I tried 2 months ago on the website and it was ok but I thought don't need order so early so I just tried again last week and got a popup message saying they don't do kids cake during cny week. I wanted order the choo choo train
so I called UE sq and the manager say only after 20 feb....maybe u ordered earlier and they will honour those orders?
Lonerunner, have u also potty train ur bb to pee on potty? Any tips to share how to train them to poo or pee? Few times i tried to get her to pee, tried on hourly basis, but she just look n wondering wat am i doing haiz.... btw, I bought these kind of toilet seat at abt $10 from kiddy palace also cushioned type, think good enough.
wat cheese do u use to mix into e egg? at which stage do u stir in e cheese? how much water to use? intending to make tonite, hehe... thanks!
hi sheepish,

i stir in the laughing cow plain cheese cube..separate the egg yolk, add water and beat them up..after than stir in the cheese and then steam..i only estimate, no exact amount but the level of the mixture reaches half of the rice bowl..after steaming just feed, no need to mash cos its very smooth like tou hua
I'm also still new to potty training bb leh. not very sure how to go abt this. everytime I see her making the "mmmmmmm" sound, I will rush her to toilet bowl. I am thinking of starting her to sit on toilet bowl every morning to train her to go toilet ( so that I need not wash potty!) hahaa! but I tot better to get a smaller toilet seat for her 1st. just in case I din manage to hold her properly and she drop down into the toilet bowl then not fun already! :p oh kiddy palace got ah? maybe I go there and check it out. TQTQ!!

yalor. duno good or not leh. But if I can get one at $10 from kiddy palace then cheaper :p
lonerunner, ya go check out kiddy palace first.. it's different brand lah but it's good enough liao, half the price keke...
Dun noe why my message din get uploaded, was wondering why no one answered my question. Hmm, just to check with mummies here if anyone has or thinking of sending your child to Shichida enrichment classes? They are super expensive but according to their track records, they are experts in infant and toddlers brain development. Anyone can give any advice?

Sandy, just to check with u why we cannot give egg white? Personally, I prefer to eat egg white, coz it is more "Q", better for chewing. Is it because its high protein content not suitable for bb? Also, my boy not very good in taking solid food, will give the almost-want-to vomit response if we give him solid food, everything must be soft and mashy.
i jus saw the toilet thg u are talking abt, but tt seems more suit for travel rite?

if at hm looks lik traditional one stil bet?
haha i myslf haven potty train her. but at mil smtimes she jus brg baby to potty.
hi mommies...
wahh baby is really busy these days. she likes to grind her teeth now, i am so worried... any advice?

i also steamed egg today... sigh baby doesn't like... ur custard recipe seems very yummy tho

Re: toilet training
also into toilet training my baby recently. Had been successful to get her to poop every single morning that i'm convinced i've made it.. but all of sudden she refuse to bath in her basin n sit on her toilet seat. I bought a potty as an alternative but she seems to think it's a toy... *faint*... now i tried to cloth diaper her but it doesn't seem to bother her much when she pee... it just give me more things to do... any advice?

u r so hardworking let baby pee hourly, i INTEND to do it too... yes, intend only hahaha....
lonerunner, oreodinary
Phew, emailed them and they say is confirmed okie. I guess I ordered early and they honoured their words bah. But is a real challenge planning bdae for our lil one since is during the CNY period. geez.

Potty training
My ger is scare of her potty although i always read her the potty book tt supposedly teach her abt potty training. ALso, she loves to press the button that has the sound of flushing...hmmm, i think she cant relate the book to the real thingy...

wow, the custard sound realli yummy
. I will try this weekend...
yalor, I think the custard sounds real good too! I also tot of trying out this weekend. hope that I dun burn down my kitchen while doing so! :p

tell u a joke. for the entire aftn I was wondering why u wan to stir in a laughing cow cheese cube, cannot stir in a moody cow cheeze cube. then I tot isit that cow must laugh then the cheeze cube is suitable for bb to take. I only realised abt 2min ago that you meant that is the brand of the cheeze cube that you used for cooking. *faintz*

good good ... luckily ur orders is ok! this year's feb is really a short mth!

din try the tea before. maybe u can try and see how it works for u.

I think I'll just get the $10 toilet seat from kiddy palace. toilet seat no need to pay too ex or be so portable. then reach home still gotta wash the portable toilet seat too. me lazy mum :p

Shichida enrichment classes - din enrol bb so personally I'm not sure abt it. But I heard mixed reviews. hb's collegues commented tat the course is overcharged and not effective as it used to be, possibility to the high turnover rate of the instructors there. but other friends commented that the course is excellent. they all went to the headquaters to study.
egg white - think is due to the possibility of bb having allegies. tats why avoid egg white until bb is like 1yr old. I like egg white over egg yolk too. So I dun mind sharing an egg with bb. wahahahahaa!
Lonerunner, ya, I also heard from 1 colleague that her son din benefit much from his 2 yrs in Shichida. But I went to Shichida before and almost wanted to join them as instructor 6 years ago after completing uni, but pay was super low and had to sign bond, as they train all their instructors for a few months before letting them train the children. But I din take up the job in the end as find the pay too low. I am also hesitant whether to send him there as super ex and dun noe whether will benenfit him, so thought of getting more feedback first.

I am just curious why egg white will cause allergy but not egg yolk.
