(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

hi girls,

i'm new here. got confirmation yesterday (thru pregnancy test and blood test) that i'm 5 weeks preggy
my EDD is 16th of Feb.

Samval EDD 1 Feb 2009 Dr.Caroline Khi
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Chrisse26 EDD 09 Feb 2009
PeachMomo EDD 10 Feb 2009.
2boys_mum EDD 12 Feb 2009
lilwizlet EDD 14 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009 Dr.Tham Kok Fun
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009
Candy Cruz EDD 16th of Feb
Babythad EDD 18 Feb 2009

Welcome the new MTBs

Funne :
We will pray for u. Did doc say how u could help to strength the heartbeat ?

I have one BRAND NEW Combi Stroller to sell coz my dh bought one already & my friend give me as a baby gift also one brand new exactly the same model! *headache*! Dh did alot of research before getting this so this is one of the best & reasonable priced one.

The model is TJC-300/Well Comfort/Blue in color. Usual sale price $405.55 at Isetan/Kiddy Palace but we bought for $365 only during their member private sale. BRAND NEW IN BOX, NEVER OPEN BEFORE. Bought on 15th May 2008. Reicept included!


Selling @ $360 & Self-Collection @ Queenstown/Hougang. Interested can PM me.
Hi everyone,

I am new here. To be frank, I am not sure how many weeks I am pregnant. Do you gals count from your first day of your last menses? If so, my last date was 9th May. Can someone tell me if I am on my 6th week now??

I found out this great news last week when I went to see a normal GP as I have cramps on my lower abdominal. Then the GP asked me to see gynae asap. This scares me and I went immediately the next day. As my appointment was a slot-in as the gynae's appointment was full. I did a scan and she was not able to see anything. So asked me to go back this week on Friday. This first experience wasn't that great as the whole process was pretty rush that I forgot to ask how many days preggy I was. No info provided to me and this is my first time and I am pretty clueless...
Anyway, been reading this thread and looks like quite a number of you did experience cramps too. I am pretty scared of this cramp thing as it hurts so much at times..now I don't dare to carry heavy stuff...
hi ag,

i think cramps are pretty "normal"...i read somewhere that 1st trimester is like having pms but should not be that painful, just uncomfortable. what i suggest is before you visit ur gyne this friday, list down all the things that you want to ask and all the things that you've been feeling. that way, you won't forget anything.

btw, by may 9 do you mean that's ur first day of ur last cycle? coz the first day of my last cycle is may 10 and my gyne told me i'm 5 weeks already
hello mibebe,
yeah, my first day of my last cycle is 9 May...so which means I am 5 weeks now, same as you
I read that cramps are pretty normal but still it makes me worried cos not everyone has it...guess I am getting paranoid. I have tons of questions on my mind and not sure where to start off with...
Hi Ladies..

I felt a "PMS" cramp just now and I know how much fear and anxiety all of us must be going thru.

Also I have observed that everytime I feel nausea, i will have to eat something and then it will be better. How do u girls handle it?

I'm trying to relax and take it easy and honestly I think apart from taking care of yrself and monitoring our situation, nothing much else we can do until the next gynae visit.

My boss comes back to office tmrw, how dreadful..
Hi AG,

Well, i was told that cramp should be normal, but should not be very painful and should not have bleeding..

During my 1st pregnancy, i had quite "uncomfortable" cramps even after the 1st trimester. At times, I woke up in the middle of night due to the discomfort. My gynea attributed the cramp as "expansion of the uterus"..
Hi Gerydin,

Today I went to the gynae visit cos experiencing some cramps. He tried abominal scan, cant see anything. Then he used v-scan. Can see my bb's shape and heartbeat. So happy. I am in my 6 weeks 6 days now.
Hi Roxanne,

Congrats! Happy for you... I think my gynae is avoiding v scan if possible as I had a previous miscarriage.. my next gynae appt will be next Wed and I should be slightly over 6 weeks then... I hope to be able to see the heartbeat.
hi MTB... im test positive on Monday and like everybody having cramps.. but do any of u experience back ache as well??

i guess im now in 3weeks + to 4 weeks.. i have just made a appointemnet on Friday to scan to see if my baby position is correct.. abit worried..
Roxanne > So happy for you! Seeing your little bean is so re-assuring hor..!

Saro > Must update us after ur gynae visit tmr orh..
hi gals...
think i gotta be off from this trhread... blur blur me...
yesterday went to see my gynae. confirmed my EDD is actually earlier.
my EDD is 26th Jan... grrr....
DA NIAN CHU YI... gosh
now worried about finding a good CL.
any good advise from u all??
funne: take care gal and dont think so much. my prayers are with you. its gonna be ok. rest more.

2boys_mum: you also here ah. now going back to Jan thread? me still there. doc said EDD is Feb 2 but most likely will deliver in End Jan lor. think only u and me are expecting #3 in Jan thread
see you there.

ladies, don't worry abt cramping. its normal. unles there is bleeding/spotting, go to gynae immediately.
Hi Gerrydin,

Your first gyane visit at 6wks? I also had a MC in Jan, my gyane appt is on 5th Jul and i will be exactly 7wks gosh tis is freaking me out.

Should i see a gyane earlier? I am now 4wk+ 6days.
hi mibebe,

My first visit cost me $200.
consultation: 80
ultrasound: 80
digestive pills:40
my gynae is from gleneagles, I am thinking of changing to TMC(the one my sister used before) as gleneagles seems to be more expensive.

Kiki: I think it gives more assurance seeing your gynae asap, why not go early...I can't wait for my appt tmrw
Hi AG, who is ur gynae?

I went to Dr Peter Chew at Gleneagles, consultation 125, vitamins 50.

Tried Phyllis Liauw at TMC, consultation 90, scan 80.

I duno which gynae to stick to.

I really feel like taking long hospitalisation leave and stay at home until 2nd trimester. Have been puking quite badly..
Hi Mummies,

Would like to check your first visit to gyane is usually on the 5wk, 6wk or 7wk?

My first appt is on 7wk, it's too late?
Hi mummies,

I'm new! Just got to know I am preggie...

Hi Kiki,

Why don't you visit your gynae at once (i mean once you know you are preggie)? It would be better to ensure everything is alright, rather than grag too long...
Hi weekender,

I think it depends on individual bah... Some people's belly button will pop up, typically in later stage of pregnancy when tummy is stretched.
Hi Roxanne,
I am currently visiting Lisa Chin from Gleneagles. I am seriously thinking of changing to Yvonne Soong(TMC) as I don't like the environment in Gleneagles. The building and clinic looks old..just not that great...still thinking
hi funne, did the belly button hole get smaller?

i'd stayed in gleneagles before. the food, service and nurse are great.
Hi Kiki_koro,

In view of my previous m/c, I went to see my gynae the moment I tested positive at over 4 weeks. He had advised that I see him early so that he can closely monitor the situation. I am now on weekly visits to my gynae and next one will be Wed where I will be over 6 weeks. My last checkup on Mon(16/6), I can see the waterbag but cant detect the heartbeat yet.

Honestly, in view of our past experience, I would strongly encourage you to see your gynae early so that he/she can beef you up with proper medication, if required.

My morning sickness involves giddiness and extreme fatigue.. I struggle to stay awake and the feeling of inbalance is very disturbing.. I just need a bed.. hahaa
Hi QiQiT,

My appetite is also quite erratic.. some days i can get well and others, i struggle to swallow.. But the most consistent challenge is needing a bed... help..... i wish i can sleep now.. have to go for a training later at 3-5pm. .hopefully i won't fall asleep. haha
Hi All Mami,

I had one CL quite good. She is called Xin Hua. She has 20 years' experience. She can cook a variety of confinement food (including soups and tonics), can take care of baby and do simple housechores for you if you don't have a maid. She is very pro-breastfeeding and can do breast massage too. I had quite a hard time breastfeeding my first kid and she is really a great help. I am currently engaging her to do confinement with my 2nd kid. You can contact her at +60176088006 (M'sia no.) or +6590395121 (Singapore HP). Btw, she is a PR and hence, don't need a work permit to work.
Hi i m new here. Discovered I was pregnant when I do a test in pte clinic on monday. Duno exactly how many weeks is my bb, shd I go for checkup scan now? Thinking to go KKH, anyone went to KKH for checkup?
hi serene,

when was ur first day of ur last mense?
you can actually go for checkup now so they can do a scan for you. but if ur like 4-5 weeks preggy then might not see anything yet in the scan.
Hi Gerrydin,

Can check with u what medication are u taking now?

I'm going to see my gynea tomorrow. Went to the toilet just now and saw some spotting.. sigh... hope and pray hard everything is fine..
Hi girls,
My first consultation was about $130+. Cant remember the breakdown already.
I'm seeing Dr TC Chang from WC Cheng and Associates. I've been seeing him for the past 8 years liao. Hee... I think he's good but my friend thinks he is too matter of fact. Abit cold and not sympathetic. But I still like him. haha.. AngMohs like to see him la.
Hello all,

My baby due date is 14Feb. Rested alot during my first pregnancy but now I dun have the luxury cause my boy is only 10mths old.

Breastfeeding DOES NOT prevent pregnancy :)

Something I learnt the hard way!
Hi mibebe,

My last day of menses is 6 april, but my menses is always not on time.

I actually bgt a pregnancy kit myself to test during end of May but result out was negative.

16 Jun - went for test at a pte clinic, result out I was pregnant.
hi girls,

congrats and welcome those who are new to this thread..

just sharing some advice that my gynae gave me..

1) cramps - it is normal to have cramps on the sides that radiates to your thigh as these are cramps from ligamental pulling as our uterus stretches. however, she cautioned that if those cramps feel like those monthly menstrual cramps, we have to be careful..hence she gave me duphaston and as much bedrest as possible; avoid any form of stress, be it emotional, physical or environmental

2) vitamin A - too much vit A can cause birth defects. hence, she adviced me not to eat pork liver or chicken liver, or anything that has very high vit A content. also, avoid using cosmetics (make up or facial products) that have vit A content (retinol, tretinon, renova, retin-A).

3) stay away from cigarette smoke (be it first hand smoke or second hand smoke) and other pollutions (exhaust from vehicles, paint, etc).

hi kiki koro, when i first saw my gynae, she said i was 6 weeks and 1 day but according to the scan, she says its only 5 weeks and a bit but we are already able to see the gestational sac and yolk sac. so you might probably see your little gestational sac too; and also to rule out ectopic pregnancy.

good luck everyone!

me just knew that i preggie on the 16th jun,LMP is 15th May so is about 4wks plus le..made a bookin to c DR Paul Tseng at TMC soon on 5th Jul. Am quite confused abt the website package prices purpose because i ask the nurse through the phone and they say they dun have package wan... so our cost will be the room charges and etc?? Blurz...
LiLi: if i'm not wrong, most of the time the package (incl delivery charge, consultation and ultrasound)only started at 12wks.
my gynae is still charging me $50 for consultation and $50 for ultrasound (v-scan) for the last 2 visits.
i paid $900 for the gynae package for my first pregnancy.
Samval EDD 1 Feb 2009 Dr.Caroline Khi
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Chrisse26 EDD 09 Feb 2009
PeachMomo EDD 10 Feb 2009.
2boys_mum EDD 12 Feb 2009
lilwizlet EDD 14 Feb 2009
pinksunnysummer EDD 14 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009 Dr.Tham Kok Fun
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009
Candy Cruz EDD 16th of Feb
Babythad EDD 18 Feb 2009

Morning ladies, my gynae appt postponed til tomorrow, so can only update after tom...cos doctor got surgery so no choice lor...

i am currently feeling very full after eating my usual amount or even lesser. Get this very bloated feeling, sometimes a bit uncomfy.. anyone got same feeling ? Will tell doc tomorrow, see what he says.
and i have weird/changing tastebuds too !

Its a Friday MTBs ! Hang on !
Hi Mummies,

Yesterday received a job offer from another Co as a managerial post, now that i am pregnant should i accept the offer? How much increment then worth this big move? My current job not very stressful and quit flexiable.

Would also like to check any mummies out there work half day on Sat? I never had job that required to work half day on Sat but this new job required to work on Sat. How do you all managed your time? Haiz i am in dilemma,thinking of my job advancement & the other hand thinking should spent more time with family.

Confused lar.

Dear all,

Can anyone advise me on how to proceed after you dicovered that u r pregnant? Shld I go find a gynae to check/ confirm first or can wait? What are the procedure after that?

Thanks in advance
