(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi All, congrats!!! My EDD is early Feb, sure will clash with CNY but no choice mah..

Serene, I think wait until 7th week to go gynae appt, then u can see baby's heartbeat.. I went too early last week, can only see a sac..

Hi all, im new to this thread. I tested positive yesterday but only seeing my gynae to confirm it. based on date of last menstrual period, my EDD would probably be 4-6 feb.

for those who are unsure about their symptoms...i had spotting; aka implantation bleeding (brown discharge) on the day i expected my AF to arrive. spotting lasted for about 5-6 days.

other symptoms include nauseousness, fatigue, abdominal cramps, sore and sensitive breasts, and dizziness.

good luck to those who are hoping for a BF positive and congrats to the MTBs....
morning ladies,

i also went to see gynae yesterday to confirm my pregnancy, same time give myself kinda assurance.

Did a scan, managed to see a little black dot in my womb.. so excited.. hee hee...;p;p

my EDD should be around 9 Feb.
Hi All, congrats

Hi All mami,

My confinement lady is also quite good. She is called Xin Hua. She has 20 years' experience. She can cook a variety of confinement food (including soups and tonics), can take care of baby and do simple housechores for you if you don't have a maid. She is very pro-breastfeeding and can do breast massage too. I had quite a hard time breastfeeding my first kid and she is really a great help. I am currently engaging her to do confinement with my 2nd kid. You can contact her at +60176088006 (M'sia no.) or 90395121 (Singapore HP). Btw, she is a PR and hence, don't need a work permit to work.
hi ladies

i just tested positive over the weekend
Glad to join u gals ! i will be seeing gynae next
week. My EDD based on online calculator is 14th Feb 09 . ;)
hello gals, i dun have heavy headache or nausea but i have lower abs cramps....and now feeling sleepy..
i am first time mum.. very super excited... heee
every morning wake up feeling excited these days.

I think for the moment, we put in Nick and EDD first ?
later stages we could add gynae n other details ?
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Serene EDD Early Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009

Thats for a start, feel free to copy n add ons or make changes if necessary !

Welcome all MTBs ! ;)
Can you recommend your chinese phy to me? I'm looking for a chinese phy who specialise in fertility. I'm TTC for #2.
hi Karce , Roxanne

I also went to TCM, its the one in clementi.Not sure if its the same as Roxanne, i can leave the contact here if you interested.

Hello all MTBs,

I am new to this forum and I am not sure what some of your abbreviations means for eg AF?

I did a home pregnancy kit test at 6 June night, and I tested positive, the next day I went to gynae to confirm and when Dr did a scan, he said it was too early to see anything. However, when he did a urine test to double confirm, the + sign was very obvious.

I am nervous, anxious, giddy, faint and I feel sick for the past 1 week. This is my 1st time and I dunno what to expect or what to do and what I can eat or should avoid.

I'm glad to see all you gals here as I have no idea when is my EDD either, I am that clueless.

haha =)
Hi Saro
I would love to get the contact. Need to brew the herbs ourselves or not? Or the phy will dispense the medicine in consumable form?
hi all,

i am a feb 09 MTB. i did a test kit on sat, with +ve result, but not obvious lines. went to a GP on sun, and he confirm on it. GP gave me some vitamins and asked me to go back for review in 2 weeks time. When do I need to see gynae? Is it too early now?

saro, my EDD is around the same as you. I feel abit bloated now and then. Do u feel that too?

AF = Aunty Flow (Menses/Period)
EDD = Estimated Delivery Date (either from your gynae or online calcultion based on on ur last menstrual period (LMP)

Which gynae did u go to ?


the TCM i went to is

TCM Healthcare Medical Centre
Dr.Tan Kian Sing
Tel: 68723237
Blk 433 #01-266 Clementi Ave 3
Walking distance from Clementi MRT

Pls make appt, he's schedule quite full...

He is very patient n nice. He gives meds in the form of individual packaging in small packets. You will need to put them all into a cup and add hot boiling water then can drink liao. Dun need to brew. Depending on patients ba, there are some other meds like pills and syrup(herbs type)

I am his patient too
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Serene Early Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009

Hi Ppbbxhz
Welcome, i am bloated too.. feel fat ! my pants also very tight .... haiz
Thanks Saro. How long have you seen him? Must tiao how long before TTC? Hubby need to see him as well?
hi Karce

ermm i see him for abt 3 mths. Err while tiao-ing i was also ttc-ing, dun have to stop ttc-ing.
hubby ah, erm.. not sure, gotta ask Dr. Tan but u had #1 before right, Like that most likely no probs ma.. how long u trying for #2 already ? PM me for discussion, [email protected]
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Serene Early Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009
2boys_mum 12 Feb 2009

gosh... me too...pants so tight nowadays... and always feel like nibbling...

how bout adding which hospital delivering,tat wld be interesting to know who's next to your delivering ward if admitted tog... hahaha... am i thinking tooooo far
Hi Karce,

The Chinese doc I went to is at Blk 3 Jalan Kukoh. He is Dr Hu, number is 67333510. He is a very good doc. I got a colleague who miscarriage twice before 1st baby, then went to see him and "tiao" body.. then got 2 healthy children now.. During her pregnancy, she can even walk faster than any one of us without panting..

He is based in a medical hall, v ulu and dark shop.. Need to boil medicine, you can purchase one electric brewer from him. His medicine is cheap, $8-$14 per packet of medicne (depending on what kind of medicine). No consultation charges. One week just need to take once or twice.

Btw, he told me that those powder/tablets chinese medicine are no good because they use alcohol to extract the medicinal values. Alcohol not good for pregnant lady. In order to enjoy 100% of the medicinal value of the chinese medicine, best to brew it urself.
Hi Gals,

After seeing Saro Queenie's fast response, I set about to find myself a free online pregnancy calender and filled in my details and ta-dah, my EDD is 9th Feb 2009.. hahaha..

btw, how accurate is the EDD?
I stay in simei so I just went to a gynae conveniently located at east point called Sidek CLinic for Women, He is a Malay male gynae. Has any of you girls got any comments or can give me some pointers as to how you go about choosing which gynae u wanna visit.

I would like to ask, if any of you girls feel cold all the time? I am always feeling cold lately. My gynae just gave me folic acid tablets, that's all.

Anything to avoid?
Hey ladies, for those of you who have done a scan during the early stages(less than 5-6 weeks), did your gynae do a trans-vaginal scan or abdominal scan to detect the sac?

I conceived after seeking treatment from TCM (Eu Yang San at Paragon - Dr Xia Rong) for 1 month. I had a m/c 3 years back and have been TTC for a while now before I tested positive.

Went to my gynae yesterday altho i was only 4 weeks cos of my past history of m/c and he gave me some med to stabilise preg. Wasn't able to see the sac from abdominal scan yet.. will be seeing him again next week.

According to my TCM doctor,she claims that in china, they do not allow doctors to do trans-vaginal scanning...
Hi Chrisse, my MIL told me will feel cold but my mother tell me will feel warm. Guess it depends on individual's body de.

Hi Gerrydin, congrats. I did a v-scan cos early stage abdominal scan cant see..

Anyway, how to calculate which week we are in? I went to babycenter, it says 5 but ivillage says 6th week. If I calculate based on calender, I shd be 6th week plus. Anyone knows? It is so confusing.
Hi Gerrydin,
I'm from the Jan 09 MTB thread. Just wanna share my experience with you.

My first visit was also @ 4 weeks, cos i also have history of MC 4 years ago. gynae could not see anything from the v-scan. only can see the lining thickening, that's all. went back at 5 weeks and can see one small dot. then went back at 6 weeks and see the water bag grew bigger, and can see baby inside, but cannot detect heartbeat yet. my next appt is actually this fri and i will be 7 weeks by then. i was so anxius and worried then i saw another gynae today (near my house). and i managed to see the heartbeat

so don't worry, whatever you mentioned above is similar to me. i can understand the anxiety cos i also MC bfore. in fact, i'm still worried altho not as much as before. worried that the heartbeat may stop, cos this is what happen when i had MC the last time.

be positive and keep your spirits up.
Morning MTBs

Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Serene Early Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Chrisse26 EDD 09 Feb 2009
2boys_mum EDD 12 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009

Have u gals announced to your family ? I have not and have u started looking for gynae ? I have an appointment next week, gynae is recommended by fren.
HI saro queenie,

I have announced to my side of family, HB side not yet. ;p;p

i thought is kinda respect to inform them lor.. as for frens n colleagues, none of them know since my tummy is not visible at the moment.

I m thinking to announce this news to my boss only when i get to see bb's heartbeat.
hihi baobao

I planning to inform PIL tonight since we going over for dinner, as for my parents, maybe this Saturday on Fathers' Day dinner... heee.... exciting but i am quite pantang so i will ask them to broadcast only when after 12 weeks...

I hope to see bb heartbeat next week...
Hi saro queenie,

i visited gynae 2 days back, only managed to see a small black dot. was told bb heatbeat can only get to hear/ see on 7-8 weeks of pregnancy.

how many weeks are you now?? When was ur LMP?

i m currently 5 weeks plus, my LMP was on 2 May.
Hi ladies,

Can I join? I tested +ve last nite.. and i think the edd would be around 18 Feb.. I should be around 4 weeks now.

Have made an appointment to see my gynea next friday.
Hi all,

I have the following brand new medala product for sale :

1. Medala storage bottle pack (3 bottles in a box)
- $25.20

2. Medala spare parts, Valves & Membranes - $24.40

3. Medala Nipple Cream (Big tube) - $15.40

Interested, pls email to [email protected]

Juz bought them at the bb fair at expo, with receipt to show. Selling coz my sis have extra for me liao.
hi babythad

when is yr last mense? me wanna test but scare -ve so still waiting to see any happening whether AF coming.

U are 4 wks. do u have any symptoms of pregnancy? how many days did u miss before testing?
Sandy EDD 4-6 Feb 2009
Roxanne EDD 05 Feb 2009
Serene Early Feb 2009
Baobao EDD 09 Feb 2009
Chrisse26 EDD 09 Feb 2009
2boys_mum EDD 12 Feb 2009
Saro EDD 14 Feb 2009
Ppbbxhz EDD Mid Feb 2009
Babythad EDD 18 Feb 2009

Welcome Babythad !

My LMP is 7 May, which makes me in my 5th week ?
My gynae appt is also next Friday..

I was told 6 weeks can see heartbeat....
Hi kidslove,

my last menses was 14 May.. and i was sort of "seriously" trying this month.. and when i had funny taste buds lately and feeling very tired recently, i bought a test kit to test yesterday.
for my case, i told my parent and in-law after confirm by GP. I also told my boss, as I m still under probation and its only fair for him to know. Now I am checking with my HR to see whether I can claim for the maternity benefit.

My LMP is 1 day before you, so my EDD is 13 Feb 09. How do you know is 5th week? I suspect i got it during ovulation, so shld be less than 5 week. Correct me if i am wrong. haha..

kidslove, i tested on the 4th day after i miss. As mine is quite accurate, exactly 4 week cycle.
hi ppbbxhz, i m frm Jan MTBs...

jus to ans ur qns abt maternity benefit.
as long as u are employed more than 180 days before ur date of delivery. u will be entitled to maternity benefits. of cos u must be married, if not have to get married within 6 mths ur child is born.

hope that helps. =)
happy>> Wat u mean by best time to try baby ? Age or O date or ? How old are u now ? You decided to have a baby ?

ppnnxhz>> 5th week thru calculation from LMP
Hi saro, I am 23 years old, ya am deciding to have baby, but i heard from ppl say that like after mense how many day before or faster should be the best time to have baby.
Hi Samval, thank you for your encouragement. I am feeling very scared now and praying that it will happen for me this time. I an taking it one day at a time. Gynae is scheduling me for weekly appointments cos he wants to monitor my progress closely... I should be abt 4+ weeks now.. He did say that my lining is thicken.. so hopefully can see sac soon...

Take care gals..
Thank you for your info. the maternity benefits for diff company is different. the maternity leave shld be ok, however i m just wondering if my company will pay for the gynae fees. As it is stated that it will pay for those that is with the company for at least 180 days. Any advice?
Thank you in advance.
Hi Vera (vica,

My hubby and I went together and got our medication for 1 month = about $570 for 2 person. One top of that,tcm doc will recommend accupunture for 3 days, before your ovulation @ $50 per session. I find that taking chinese med and accupuncture has helped me with my cycle.
hi babythad, hey my last AF is same as u 14 May but mine is a 28 days cycle so today is 2nd day missing so didn't wanna test, the most i miss is 8 days so i was thinking maybe past 8 days then test. what do u think?

hi ppbbxhz, what abt u, when was yr last AF?
hi kidslove,

it depends on whether u can tahan till 8 days.. for me, i just test lor.. by knowing early, can try to be more careful in what we eat mah. :D


You are still very young.
If you and your husband has decided to start a family, you can just start trying anytime.

As for fertile periods, if your cycle is a 28-30 days cycle, u might be fertile somewhere mid-cycle. Estimated maybe day 13-day 18. However, as this varies for everyone, the above is just an estimation.

I guess since you are very young, just try and enjoying baby making for the moment. Dun stress yourself.
