(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Oh san,
I bring bryston to gymboree class too he is enjoying it man hehe.... He is on play n learn class hw abt Naomi??

thanks for the tips on porridge...i will try the brocolli + carrot and see if bb likes it with her fish and porridge.

i have tried the bellami macaroni but that one a bit big. there's this star-shaped pasta i think the brand is "only" and if bb is new to pasta this is quite good coz it's small. it's an organic one and they have a package including the pasta sauce. can buy in carrefour or the organic shop in B2 of great world.

can introduce salmon ah? my pd said only cod or threadfin for now.
Lili, Wah... you also look damn bz lor...wahaha...

Mummies, I have completed my house spring cleaning mission!!! Wahaha.... the Christmas tree is finally up as of ytd evening.... hahaha... now the hse is super neat and shiok.... sigh... if only it will remain like that for long lor.... hopefully can maintain this level of neatness until end of the year at least... seeing I wun be staying at home much for the coming few weeks.... going to ho Chi Minh next week for a short hol.... wahahaha.... looking forward!!!!!

One more day to go and it's LONG WEEKEND loh..... hang on Mummies!
sandy, I tried your method by putting my boy to sit on a pillow and he is able to stand up himself whilst I hold his fingers lightly. You are so great. any suggestions how I can encourage him to crawl? My boy doesnt like to crawl, he always turn over to lie on his back when I put him on his tummy.
DJ Mama:
Congrats on completing ur mission! hehe!
Wah...i love vietnamese food! Envy you...

does ur boy have a favorite toy or food? maybe can encourage him to crawl by putting something that he likes a bit far out of his reach?
mummies, i'm gonna stop breastfeeding completely soon... does anyone noe how to eliminate e last feed? can juz stop feeding? or need to hand express out a little? thanks!
mibebe, yes remote control haha. he will reach out for remote controls but not toys. but he will only try once and after getting it, he will turn over. If I do it again the 2nd time, he will ignore it...we always say that he is just plain lazy.
sheepish, how many times are you feeding now? you need to reduce the number of feeds gradually until once a day, then can stop completely.
Hi mibebe,

did nt knw if there is restriction on salmon but I knw it has gd omega 3 n fatty acid which is gd for brain development. Shld nt be a prob, my boy is enjoying it.

Wa dj, I gg to miss u on msn Lo then mer nt gg with u arh... Hmm gd to finally get a break enjoy yrself n shave alot of money off del lol!!!!

Bz arh hmm eh I think ever since I reach US I have been bz so I think having ppl to take over for awhile does help sigh... So I really salute mummyo n privelledged who have three kids.... Life has jus turn 360....

So so anyone interested in gettin coach lol!!!! Or desitin or aveeno mua haha oops advertising??? :p drop me pm
so sad, bb esther is not growing well. pd said must wean her off bf. she only put on 100g in one month. She is also not eating well, not interested in food. I didn't feed her for hours and tried to feed her cereal, she still reject. When i see that, I felt so sad for her. Indeed every child is different. my older girl is so easy with food and just eat every thing you give her. Even if she doesn't really like it, she will still eat. But she will tell you next time don't give her.
thanks! i'm targeting twice by tis weekend, then once next weekend... so by e time there's only 1 feed a day, i can juz stop a few days after?
aiyo, u must be so heartpain! hmm, how long do u intend to bf? if intending to wean her soon, can start giving fm loh... maybe she'll take? if she doesn't take solids, still ok cos milk is main source of nutrition for 1st yr?

as for weight, think u ever told me not to worry... 100g is for wat length of time? if 2 wks, shd be ok bah... my gal din put on any weight in e 1 mth she rejected porridge... then now better when i gave in and started giving her other foods instead of juz porridge for lunch and dinner...
congrats! Mission completed!

think AG's method of reducing number of feeds is easier. Also when u latch on bb, dun let bb empty the entire breast. else wait breast wont wan to reduce BM production. the demand and supply theory. if engorge, just hand express out a little.

looks like both of us are having fussy bb on our hands. my bb has not put on weight alot for abt 1mth+. maybe u wan to give partial BM, partial FM?
bb just started eating abit more of other food in addition to cereals just last week. after she got used to eating puffs (yeah dun ask me why she reacts this way but that was wat happened) maybe they are not used to texture beside milk so they reject?
I'd read from bbcenter that there is a particular type of FM that has all sufficient nutrients inside that bb usually gets from eating solid food. This type of FM is specially for fussy bb who rejects solid food despite being of age to do so. I'm going to keep a lookout to see what brand we have in singapore that caters for fussy bb.
sheepish, yes once u hit once a day, try dragging the hours longer. eg. you feed at 12pm, next day you feed again at 3pm,etc within a week should have no more engorged feeling. that's what I did lah.
wah so many mummies still bf...I stopped long ago. btw, wat kind of pork and chicken you all buy for your babies? lean pork and chicken? I find sometimes the meat like very tough.
for chicken i actually give her the thigh part =) pork i haven't introduced yet. if u want beef then can give the minced beef or the tender parts.
i used 2 types of pork for bb porridge.
- pork loin/lean/muscle to add flavor
- pork fillet to feed. tender and sweet. most expensive part.

as for chicken, i buy kampong chicken only. always ask for chicken thigh fillet.
fion, understand how u feel, my gal also quite fussy at times. How abt keep changing ur menu to see which she likes best?

AG, i'm using pork fillet and chicken fillet, yes a bit tough cos they're too lean! haha

mummies, what other food do u give bb besides porridge? am looking for ideas and more recipes!! always headache to think wat i can give bb...
mibebe, how do u cook pasta? i tried before but she didnt really like. she didnt like yogurt previously too, maybe i'll try that again... hmm
okie, understood... thanks lots!

as for e pork part to use for porridge, i oso read abt using pork fillet... e most ex part, only 1 small pc in each pig... but i haven't tried yet, not too sure if it really turns out tender...
ag gal,

i read before that some babies just dont want to crawl and dont want to crawl.. the usual way to encourage is like what mibebe said, to entice him with his favorite toy. even if he doesnt want to move forward and reach it, you can still let him be on tummy..if he flip over, put him back..at least let him spend some time on tummy.

has he started on finger foods? if he hasnt, maybe you can start with letting him bite on finger foods like soft diced squash, melon, cooked apple or pear..diced. can also use puffs or cookies but eating too much puffs and cookies will spoil their appetite (gam zek) so i prefer giving fruits and veges as finger food..but if you want to entice him, you can try what lonerunner did..give puffs..after he is used to it then cut down. after 10 mths will be harder to make them take texture..jaiyou


there are only 2 level two classes. we've been attending both the play and learn and the music class.


i use pork tenderloin..in sg its called pork fillet. sheepish, its really tender. i usually buy 1 whole strip and cut into slightly smaller than palm size portions (not too much protein allowed becos the kidney cannot handle) then i cut into small fine cubes and double boil with porridge. it blends into the porridge so no mashing needed.

just to share, for mommies who hasnt start brushing teeth for babies using toothbrush, we should start brushing already. my hb's aunt (shes a pd) that many children dont like brushing teeth so we should cultivate the habit early. so ive been letting her brush with toothbrush and she enjoys it..and we do it daily in front of the sink so that she knows where to do it next time. im using oral b stages , stage 1 toothbrush..

Thanks for the replies on the porridge thingy... seems like not many ppl cook porridge using slow cooker yah...


Poor baby, but I thought now they need not put on a min every month already? My bb can one month dont put on weight but PD still says he is ok leh... Try to give some other solid food and see if it helps? Take care!


Baby kidney cannot handle too much protein now? Oh dear, I feed Xavier with fish 2 times daily and I give pork or chicken in his porridge everytime I cook but I dont feed him the pork or chicken, just for taste only... Is this considered too much? Naomi has started using the toothbrush already and she can brush herself? Thats so nice, I am still using finger brush for Xavier...
happy : last time i use slow cooker, cos need to be soft engh for baby so tt i fel convenient jus leave it. now i jus use normal pot only
Hi san,

ooo i only went for play n learn lesson. Hehe o
also usin pork loin to cook porridge in pot cos slowcooker too slow le hehe... Within 15 mins done... Oh ya brushing hehe j still usin finger de wor shld upgrade liao arh hehe hmm ok ok sigh u knw la bryston very fidgetive plus active hand cannot sit still... But I shld look out for one soon... U knw the pd here say we can give him try our table food wa flavoured enticed food abit hesitant....

Umm happy, I use abt 2 cube size of pork or chicken and smetime I plus salmon only recently and feed bryston in two feed. It's like every mouthful there will be sme shreds of fish plus meat.... Hehe and bryston can finish the porridge which is like the serving bowl of rice size... Then burp aft tat haha....
Oh ya i forgot to mention I also give bryston eat baby yogurt umm yobaby brand think shld be available in sg... So smetime instead of giving milk at his second feed I give him porridge n then yougurt if he can continue else yougurt will be his dinner dessert... Lol
happy, thats quite a lot of protein to digest in a day, not forgetting those in the milk. I give 1 slightly less that palm size portion per day. Also fish shd be given 2 servings per week or at most 3 due to the levels of mercury content. By the way, i saw his photoshoot pics, his so cute, so ,many xpressions.

Lili.. The pds here also say can give table food haha but im not doing that, not even hesitating keke. Its still early for them to take seasoning. Naomi also eats 1 rice bowl serving of porridge each sitting but shes still lightweight.

U can try standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom sink to brush bry's teeth. I never brush outside the bathroom becos i want her to associate brushing teeth with the right place. She likes and pays attention to brushing cos she likes to look into mirror and hold the toothbrush. I hold her hand and brush with her while carrying her. Quite fun haha.

Sorry to interrupt. Anyone looking for a babysitter at Kovan/Hougang? Would like to help my ex-babysitter to post her services. She is a nice lady in her early 50s with more than 20years experience in babysitting. Her kids are all grown up and the home environment is clean and smoke-free. Interested, can call her at 6284 1137 (Karen) to find out more. Thanks!
thanks for e info on both pork tenderloin and brushing! okie, will go try e tenderloin soon... hope my gal likes it! as for brushing, so e finger brush tat comes wif toothpaste a bit extra huh? do u use toothpaste then? or juz kinda brush for fun?
hey mummies

Can I check which medicine tt ur pd has given for bb when having cough? aiyo, my mil brought bb to polyclinic instead of pd so im abit worried.

bromhexine 1.25ml 3 times a day

diphenydramine 1.25ml 3 times a day

can eat either medicine at one time

same? 37.5 degree is normal?
sandy, do u give at least 1 meat daily or twice a day? care to share ur menu, now i'm confused! i'm giving bb like what Happy does... hmm too much protein... oops.

SY, my gal took Pedicof 2.5ml 3x a day for cough/runny nose. For phelgm it's Salbutamol 4ml 3x a day. We brought her to kids clinic at rivervale mall.
oh dear Sandy, seems like I am giving too much then... I will cut down, didnt know too much protein is bad.... Thanks for sharing and thanks for the compliments on his photos hehe ;)

Lili, Bryston only eat one rice bowl serving, Xavier can eat one soup bowl for each meal! i.e. 2 times of the green pigeon bowl.... lol

SY, for flu or cough, my PD typically give Rhinatiol for cough, Illiadin nose drop for flu and Zrytec to prevent itchiness of throat or nose. For phelgm, PD give polarmarine. Recently, he is down with very bad bug and till today still has phelgm, PD just prescribed him singular for 7 sachets to be completed over the course of one week, supposed to nourish his lungs...
SY, yes kids clinic very crowded.. u can also try Paedetric Center at rivervale plaza, not so crowded, Dr Zainal, he's also ok.
Same as Happy, i was given Zrytec, supposedly will also stabilise their cough/runny nose so wont get worse.

Happy, ya i'm giving fish & meat every dinner leh... My gal on good days can take 1 green pigeon bowl of porridge + 180ml of milk at same meal...
Thanks Ginn & Happy
I think I will bring bb to see a PD moro. Feel more assured. haiz

wow, ur babies can eat so much. My baby can hardly eat half a bowl. How long does ur baby take to eat ah? need to "entertain" them?
Happy, that's only on good days when she likes the food or appetite good, think 3/4 of the time she is fussing while eating, very difficult to get her to eat, can finish 1/2 bowl i'll be happy liao...

SY, ya i need to "trick" her into eating, i try to keep feeding within 20min or if porridge cold and she's still fussing i'll stop and give milk.

When it comes to feeding sometimes i'll be so sian.. esp when she dun wanna eat.
Lili: think too late... han's so used to front facing liao.
think i will have more problem if i put him rear facing.

LS: that day i tried to give han prune just 2 spoonful. he pooed ok.
then the next day, he started to poo i think 6 times.
the next next day, he started to LS liao.
then he also reject water and milk after that till we worried he will dehydrate, and then cranky and fussy.
dont know if it is due to teething as can see another 2 teeth start coming out.

hopefully tmr everything will turn out fine.

fion: yah lor see bb reject food v heartpain, scared bb not having enough.
weight and height: han's putting on weight fine, but he is not growing longer... how huh?
haahaa ... yesterday there was a very funny incident with bb. we were on the MRT. This old lady suddenly insisted in taking the seat which bb sitting on. she doesnt wan my seat, duno why but was very insistant in snatching seat with a bb. So hb carried bb in his arm while holding onto the overhead ring.

while in daddy's arm, bb kept looking at daddy holding onto the overhead ring. Then she also wanted to hold onto one herself. So the end results is that both daddy and bb hold onto an overhead ring each, to the amusements of others nearby.

then as we were approaching our destination, hb walked over to the exit door and placed his palms on the glass of the door for support. After bb saw that, she also placed her hands on the glass. Exactly same posture!

too bad I din bring my camera. else it would be fun to capture this moment! haahahaha! think bb is now at the imitating stage liao lah ...

bb so cute!!! hahahaha must be damn funny, i can imagine the sight of a exact replica of daddy ;)
hey, why that old lady want to snatch seat with bb leh? she so weird leh...
bb so cute!!! smartie! my bb also learning to imitate me and wanna use adult thingy...when i drink water from my cup, she wanna drink too.. then i give her her cup, she dun wanna drink..so i pretend to drink fr her cup, then she drink..hahaha...
hahaha .. ya lor. bb are so cute trying to imitate adults! like small adults :p
today bb kept clearing her throat "erm erm erm" when she wanted us to give her some attention or her puffs :p my hb went pink in the ears cos he did that a couple of times in the hse mah. so bb followed suit lor. really bay tahan her at times. :p

duno why that old lady is so weird one. best of all, she gave us a stern stare after she sat down and did not fail to keep 'registering' her face black with us. even her bags also wan to put in between me and her. wah lao! there are a few empty seats here and there at other rows mah. I told hb since she dun appreciate the seat, maybe it is better to order her out of it. hahaha!

hmmm ... maybe I shld try pretend to drink from bb's cup to make bb drink too! din think of it. she kept wan to drink from mine only! :p
so strange! my baby this few days decide to stick to daddy more, he step out of room she cry! haha funny.

huaxia swim: tdy bring my gal there, her 1st try,,,aiyo cry so badly grab tight tight refuse to let go. but see other ppl swim she ok
Hi everyone! I am Liting, remember me? Sorry, MIA for the last few months, was super busy with work and bb, din have energy to chat here. Finally got time to come in now, hope everyone's bb is happy and healthy.
Guess what, I am still breastfeeding! Though it is getting pathetic (average 160 - 170ml) every 24hrs, with 4-5 hourly pump interval, I still hope to continue as long as possible. I have to kind of "force it down" my bb sometimes, esp when he gets sick due to teething or when we pass common illnesses like flu, cough to him.

He is 11kg at 9mth 3 weeks after a stagnant weight for 2months due to sickness on and off. He was eating 1 and a half bowl porridge 2 times a day, with about 4 milk feedings at around 210 - 230ml each time. I add thread fin fish and lean pork, each sized about 2 fingers, spinach, sometimes potato, carrots, all blended together but split into 2 cookings into his porridge. Is it considered too little or a lot?

I haven't been spending time to research on what toys or food or massage etc for him yet, felt so guilty. So far, he is still putting things into his mouth, so I did not really give him any toy, he watches quite a lot of TV (educational learning shows like Brainy Baby, Your Baby can Read), each time he can watch for more than 1 hour but he will behave as he watch, otherwise he will be wriggling like a worm, difficult to carry or he will be shouting, screaming, etc. He only mud-crawls, but quite lazy, will stop after a while, can stand with support, but I did not let him walk much in walker as he will be pulling tablecloth or going to other "dangerous" places.

Can anyone advise if my boy is developing at the right pace or too slow?

liting: my gal is also the 'non stop' type..my mil recently say she is like a wrigglin worm too..keke i cal her " spore cong cong' tt day

just to share.. i think ur baby is great alrdy ! betterthan my gal in many ways.. i think there's no such thgs as right pace or not.. evry baby progess difnly.

btw ur purpose to show him the vcd is it jus to let him stay still?
wel just to share im a 'no tv' mum. wen im in control(she's back wif me) tv is vry minimal sm days Not al al.only wen watching news if she' there i only let her watch 10 mins, educational vcd/music dvd i limit to 15-30 mins only. the longest i will offer her is music cd abt 30mins mostly.
