(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Snow lup lup,

I had transferred details as below: Thanks!!

To Account POSB Savings
003-39889-7 Snow_luplup
Amount S$30.00
Transaction Reference 2543168565

Look forward to see all Mummies & Babbies! =p

hee...olivia, i received the payment...thanks

see ya at the gathering ;)
Hi mummies,

Wow, the program sounds like great fun, but I also think my boy will have to join in to the cry loudest while changing diaper competition (if there is any! haha!)

i had the same experience as u! baby used to be really sticky to me, all of a sudden, he prefers daddy! i was really upset haha, but it takes a little effort to bring baby back to u, spend more time cuddling bb and playing with bb, it helps!

See you girls on Sat, look fwd to seeing all the cutie babies hehe
Hi Mummies,
Wow, v intereting programs! btw, crawling backward count or not?? haha!

1st time meeting up with all mummies... very excited. look forward to seeing everyone.
hahaha ... as long as bb crosses the "finishing line" regardless of crawling frontwards or backwards, I think it counts? ;)

let us join in to see which bb cries the loudiest during the diaper contest!

is ur boy teething now? somtimes bb who are teething tends to wake up suddenly in middle of nite and cry? Cos gums painful mah
my bb doesnt clinge to anyone in particular yet, but sets herself a target audience to win over. she'll grin cheekily at the person, then lurge over with her arms outstretched! she is very confident that we can hold onto her. totally not afraid of falling down!

When we went to Bollywood Organic Farm for lunch on sunday, bb was sticking to my mum like mad. Kept giving my mum a super sweet smile and gave her a big hug around her neck. My mum was so won over until everyone of us were 'ordered' by mum to hold umbralla over bb, to fan bb with a handheld fan etc. This scene is very similar to those of royal court of China Empress during ancient days. We were joking that bb is now "Royally Spoilt", just as per the wordings on her brib "I am Royally Spoilt"

my bb can crawl now but just a few steps. Then will fall flat. hahaha! She cant crawl very well but this is definately an achievement! She can pull herself to standing position abt 3 days ago. Sandy's advice to give bb more tummy time works!

bb will have something to hold on to. I forgot the details offhand. We wont want bb to fall!
Yes yes.. my boy is the same!! Fall flat on the face!! Hmm... my boy doesn't do much tummy time these days. He will turn over and then sit up...

Does your baby sleep in the cot? Will baby bump head against the "railing"?
My boy likes to sit up and then when he wants to lie down, he will just do it as and when he likes and so, he will bump against the cot. My in-laws forbid us to put him into the cot. =(

May i know who is the organiser for the 14 Nov gathering? Is it U? cos received the invitation from u thru MSN.

Pertaining to my post on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 12:37 am.
"btw, ade, spicegal & myself will not be having the buffet. So do i TT $6 ($2 for miscellaneous*3pax) to snow? otherwise, pls advise. thank u."

Would appreciate if u can advise as I will be quite busy the next few days. Thank u

haha... cos ur bb smart liao.. he prefer someone w more flesh & his daddy is like his huge bolster!! haha

btw, when he carried my Breana, can see she enjoyed too.. lol

Haha! That will be sooooo funny because the room will be full of screams and cries =P
btw, your gal is so smart, knows how to win ppl over huh at such a young age haha

Haha, then I shd consider putting on weight to make Xavier sticky to mummy? :p
He is so terrible, the moment he sees his daddy, he will just stretch his hands and lean towards his daddy instantaneously, but after 2 weeks of leave and being with him for the whole 2 weeks, now he is not as sticky to the daddy as before hehe...
my hb really loves breana, he says breana is such a well-behaved gal and he hopes xavier can be like her! lol =)
do count me out too for lunch cos i might be late. my elder son's teacher informed me got parents' meeting on this sat, worried will be late.

oh, bre is well-behaved infront of others... now, she knows who she can bully! my mum & hb gets it! haha..

all bbs are the same, at this stage, they are learning to express. they r very smart & when we response to them, they'll know & will use the same tactic to get what they want again. its good for them to express, otherwise it will result in autistism in later stage.

again, no matter what, nobody can replace mummy's position. at the end of the day, he/she will come looking for u
I agree, little Xavier is so naughty these days, he will fuss and cry after sitting in his car seat for 5min and wants to be carried so that he can jump ard in the car. He did it once, maid gave in and carried him, twice and third time and now he always wants to be carried in the car! If you dont give in, he will scream at you, we regret giving in to him now...

Btw mummies, saw some posts on birthday cakes, aimummy cakes look really nice, but has anyone tried the cake before? Is the taste good? Any comments? Any ideas for first birthday bash venue?

happy! ours will be the 1st to celebrate the BIG 1.. but i've not even plan anything yet!!! was thinking of aimummy too.. so many ideas...

think we'll admire the cakes rather then having it cut up! haha

Yes!!! Breana followed by Xavier! aimummy cakes so pretty isnt it? hehe but i hope there is positive feedback on the taste as well... and i wonder how her scheme works, as in do we give her a picture and she make the cake from the picture, or we give her a theme and she make sth out of the theme...?
Oh we must have missed out on your posting! Thats very nice of you to send us a reminder indeed. It has been a terribly busy time for us as well.
If you have transferred, let us know of the transaction details either via posting in forum or PM, like some mummies did.
Nov gathering,
Pls make all payments by 12pm noon tomorrow. Otherwise we will take that no lunch etc is to be provided and/or you are not attending. Thanks!

see you on sat!

afraid u missed out my post so i did a reminder. dun wan any misunderstanding.. hehe..

ok, will tt to snow asap & post the details.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, please do NOT TT to me anymore.

Mummies who haven't make payment for the gathering and are going to, please TT to DBaby at the following account: POSB Savings 150-28006-0

Mummies who have already paid, no worries. We have take note of your payment.

hi DBaby,

i have TT $15 to your account. Details :
To Account POSB Savings
150-28006-0 DBaby
Amount S$15.00
Transaction Reference 2544486163

Pls check. Thank you
NOV Gathering
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang. *PM Lonerunner/dbaby if you still do not have the address!
Time : 11am - 3.30pm
Date : Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
Amount payable: Pls transfer <font color="0000ff">$15 per px by 11th NOV(WED) 12pm</font> to dbaby, POSB Savings: 150-28006-0, indicating ur nickname, transaction reference and amount. Thanks!

BP BOOTHS (11.00am - 03.00pm)
1) My Accessories Page Selling Hair Accessories, Pillow &amp; Bolster Case (Pre-order)
2) Joannelim BB &amp; Children Hair Accessories
3) My Little Stylos Customized t-shirts and rompers
4) My Cutie Kingdom Children clothes, socks, shoes
5) The Regi Store Mummies' accessories

For babies:
1) The Longest Standing Baby
2) The Fastest Crawler
3) The Fastest Toy-Snatcher
4) The Fastest Diaper Changing Contest
5) Most Stylo Baby

*The above games are planned to keep our little ones occupied &amp; let them have some fun. Feel free to let your little ones join in the fun if they are ready. If not, do join us in cheering the babies on!

To help us in our estimation on the timing for Games 1 to 4, mummies keen to let their darlings participate in these 4 games, please kindly PM us. =)

For mums:
6) Most Chic mum

* Who says mummies after having their children are a brunch of hags? Come dressed up and have some fun!

We would like to thank all BP participants and <u>www.fatbellymama.com</u> for their kind sponsorship of prizes for the games.

All are welcome!

Looking forward to see everyone this Saturday!
Keen on setting up a Home-based business opportunity (not MLM)

Ruben &amp; Shire is a premier lifestyle healthy snacks provider. The company is looking for resellers to expand its network. Very low start up cost but profitable margins.

Very suitable for mommies looking to supplement their income.

Please note that this is NOT an MLM biz.

Please PM me if you are keen

Hi all..... it's fun reading all the postings and identify with the experiences encountered. :p

moomoo: my bb also having the same behaviour. he prefers daddy!

1) he wants daddy to carry him.
2) will be cranky if daddy hands him over to the infantcare teacher. if i hand him over, he will not be cranky.
3) when he is in stroller, he will point to daddy to carry him. but he will not request me to carry, cos i dont!
4) when daddy 'scolds' him, he will 'cry'. if i 'scold' him, he just diam diam (silent) and act as if he din hear me.
5) my MIL was saying he can call out 'Pa', but we have yet to hear it. MIL says when she tell bb want to beat bb's backside, bb will call out 'Pa'... as if calling out for 'Pa' to rescue him. :p

initially when he has such behavior, i'm so sad. and thought i should work harder for him to prefer me. then on 2nd thot, i am thinking forget it. i will never win daddy!

given our character, i guess i would just have to accept the fact and play the role of the 'black face'.

oh yah... han can enrol in friendly games 2) and 3) too! dont think he will win, but more for the fun. :p

looking forward to see all the mummies and babies on 14!
Hey mummies,
i will not be able to join the gathering already..
So sorry about that.. Last minute my family wants to go JB for the weekend to visit relatives..

I still tot my bb can take part in the fastest crawling contest.. =(

Hope you mummies enjoy..
aimummy's cake is pretty &amp; tastes good. i ordered for my elder boy's 2nd bday &amp; have booked her for my gal's 1st bday. you can show her something you fancy or give her a theme &amp; she'll come out something for you.
Hi Dbaby,

FT on 11 Nov 2009 12:47 PM (Noon) Singapore

To account: POSB Savings
150-28006-0 DBABY
Amount: $4.00
Transaction Reference: 2545184519

$4.00 is payment of miscellaneous charges from LeMonT &amp; spicegal.
Pls acknowledge receipt of payment. thkq.
thanks for sharing on ur experience w aimummy.
.. i was thinking irenelee, her feedback is good but she dun hv a webby

u checking w aimummy? can email me once u got her quote?
many thanks...

so sad u wun be going to the gathering
.. otherwise, little Renee can participate in the fastest crawler too! haha..

don't hv to feel dishearted abt Han not being close to u. I scold Breana too &amp; her daddy nvr even raised his voice at her b4 but she still prefer me. they dun understand us when we scold them, to them, we r just talking loudly.

baby's 1st word is actually "Ma".. but i think Breana's was "Help".. wahahaha

yes yes, Han crawl so fast, u shld let him participate him in tat.. Auntie Tricia will be holding his pacifier at the finishing line.. hehe

<font color="ff6000">mudpie,</font><font color="0000ff">lemonT &amp;</font><font color="119911">babyox</font>
Transfer recvd... Tks a lot...
NOV Gathering
Venue: Function Room in a Condo in Sengkang. *PM Lonerunner/dbaby if you still do not have the address!
Time : 11am - 3.30pm
Date : Nov 14, 2009 (Sat)
Amount payable: Pls transfer $15 per px by 11th NOV(WED) 12pm to dbaby, POSB Savings: 150-28006-0, indicating ur nickname, transaction reference and amount. Thanks!

BP BOOTHS (11.00am - 03.00pm)
1) My Accessories Page Selling Hair Accessories, Pillow &amp; Bolster Case (Pre-order)
2) Joannelim BB &amp; Children Hair Accessories
3) My Little Stylos Customized t-shirts and rompers
4) My Cutie Kingdom Children clothes, socks, shoes
5) The Regi Store Mummies' accessories

For babies:
1) The Longest Standing Baby
2) The Fastest Crawler
3) The Fastest Toy-Snatcher
4) The Fastest Diaper Changing Contest
5) Most Stylo Baby

*The above games are planned to keep our little ones occupied &amp; let them have some fun. Feel free to let your little ones join in the fun if they are ready. If not, do join us in cheering the babies on!

To help us in our estimation on the timing for Games 1 to 4, mummies keen to let their darlings participate in these 4 games, please kindly PM us. =)

For mums:
6) Most Chic mum

* Who says mummies after having their children are a brunch of hags? Come dressed up and have some fun!

We would like to thank all BP participants and www.fatbellymama.com for their kind sponsorship of prizes for the games.

<font color="ff0000">UPDATES ON PAYMENT &amp; LUNCH CATERED:
Deedee - PAID
Blueb - PAID
Dbaby - PAID
Lonerunner - PAID
GraceChua - PAID
Popkorn SY - PAID
Olively - PAID
kkF - PAID
babyox - PAID
Ah Zi - PAID
Sheepish - PAID
Popipi - PAID
Catmomo - PAID
Saroqueenie - PAID
mudpie - PAID
Butterkiss - PAID
Wing79 - PAID x 2 pax
Oliva - PAID X 2 PAX
webtobe06 - COLLECT ON SAT
Happy mummy - COLLECT ON SAT
iceblue - COLLECT ON SAT
LemonT - PAID, no need lunch
spicegal - PAID, no need lunch
pumpkinseed - ASSUMED NO LUNCH?
joannelim - ASSUMED NO LUNCH?
snowluplup - PAID, cannot attend

Pls take note for those who wan to order lunch but have indicated will pay on actual day, I will pay for you first, based on mutual trust k?? =)
Pls take note for those, who have not paid and no replies or information til date, no lunch will be catered.</font>

All are welcome!

Looking forward to see everyone this Saturday!
sure, will update you on her quote, waiting now hehe, already told her what cake i want for little xavier =)

thanks! i will pay u on sat...

pls take note. joannelim is currently busy &amp; unable to come to forum... therefore, kindly refer to the following...

Posted on Tuesday, November 10, 2009 - 2:34 pm:

do count me out too for lunch cos i might be late. my elder son's teacher informed me got parents' meeting on this sat, worried will be late.

i m not feeding any of those to my bb till at least 2YO.. however, u can add sea salt for tasting if u want. only SEA SALT not the normal one tat we r eating.

Mrs Sim cant log on to forum during office hours.. shes not having lunch but. she said "Thank you for your understanding".

i also dont add flavoring.... only natural from the ingredient itself.. same like lemont, will only add spices from 2yo onwards!

yeah lets hope we wont crash haha, else it will be so sad! maybe shd let breana and xavier celebrate together, since their bday only one day apart haha!
dbaby, lonerunner, my gal still not fully recovered from flu.. i'll most likely not be able to go, pls count me out... sigh was looking forward actually


when do u need to confirm with the caterer on the no of pax? the thing is i am VERY keen to try out neo garden food as i am thinking of using them as my caterer for my bb 1st bday bash, but he is down with flu now, brought him to PD this mng... hope he will recover by sat... else i wont be able to bring him already...

this is the second episode of flu, he just recovered from flu just 2 weeks ago! so geksim!

co banned me from msn too, so sad.... now i feel so lonely at work....
