(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Joannelim, agreed yr bb is fit and tall! Saw at Changing Appetite, he is like a big bro of feb babies!!! Mine is tiny weeny ohh! 6kg at 4th mth only!

Pumpkin seed...shopping is therapeutic... but u gota do it once in a blue moon ohh.. haha, or else u will feel guilty instead of happy!

have been wanting to pop by Brown Rice Paradise... to start bb with organic fruits. Gota do so this weekend! Haha

Chateau clothings are nice french design, not very ex...got a couple rompers for bb. Dint know there's adult tee??? Still got 7kg to lose...any mummies got good suggestions (other than exercise) to lose post pregnancy fats???

Looking forward to 6 month bash with mummies here...

Hi hi,

today going to see PD for baby's urine culture results. hopefully everything's ok.

oh.. where is this brown rice paradise?

these few weeks instead of losing weight... i am putting on weight!
must be the non-stop feasting.

just went for BBQ yesterday organized by colleagues... super long never BBQ liao. yum yum. :p
pumpkin seed, haha i think a 1yr old bd bash would be more interesting. smre jus 1-2mths frm 6mth old. with the h1n1 virus(haha yes im one of thekiasi one, dun 1 let my baby tak risk)think bet dun hav such big gathering
joanne, wow your baby is big at 4.5mths. My ger is only 6.7kg at 4 mths plus and I already feel that it is heavy carrying her.

pumpkin, "waves" you are here too!
Hi Aidan,

my baby is 5.6kg at 4mth so yours is not so bad!! btw my son is call Ayden too!! just different spelling

joannelim, i must admit i'm one of the quieter readers though not totally silent....now am back at work so have more free time to come into the forum compared to previously when full time eyes on baby
hope to be able to join in for the future gatherings

I think there is also 2 happy here, me and another so called happymum...

Btw, when I see all the Feb mummies handling their babies on the day of Sophie collection, I felt so much pale in comparison, you all really can handle baby so well.... I think I better buck up keke... I went home and tell my hubby all the mummies look so experienced hahahah... saw that you all can carry your babies upright without holding their necks, I always hold on to his neck/head for fear of his wobbly head haha, think its time I let go so that he can grow...

I think he only like one day, now he dont really like liao... but alhough they say the paint is food paint and is safe and non-toxic, I cant help but worry because the paint is coming off!

We have so many shopping queens here.. haha, lucky I could resist the temptations on Doidy cups because my sister gave me an Avent one already keke :p
hi all, havent got time to post... Thanks Joanne, DJ and sheepish for organising the sophie spree!

Hmm my gal's still learning how to appreciate the sophie... Haiz my mum also commented it's dangerous for bb esp the legs and ear... oh well...

Re diapers, just to share Fitti 360 is very good for those of u who wants to try. It doesnt leak for my gal overnight as compared to Mamypoko which leaks and feels wet every morning. So worth trying.. but then again for all diapers it depends if the cut is right for our bb too...

Snow, did u bring ur bb to see PD? is ur bb ok?
agreed with wat qinn said.. all diapers its really depends on the cutting..is it suitable for our bb.. im now trying out all sort of brands..recently bb using ntuc diapers for day time.. its the cheapest among the diapers.. and to my suprised, its works well... no leakage, no urine smell .. im sastified with ntuc diapers now.. and of cos, i still prefer huggies dry comfort for nitetime..
last nite planning to take him to see PD but parents say he is fine, alert and still plays happily so suggested not to bring him to see PD.

Called one of the clinic and they told me that they don access problem over the phone and ask me to bring to PD... sigh... later calling another clinic and see what the clinic assistant will say....
din bring to PD but will call the clinic to check...

your mum also complain abt spohie ah? haa my mum also complain that's why i end up didn't buy... she saw the pics and say the legs will poke his eyes...sigh...
Hi, has any mummies started giving those water teethers to baby to chew? Tried giving to my son but he stick his tongue out in disgust...prefer to chew on his fingers!!

i did... but my son doesn't like to hold things for long.. so end up he throws the teether to the ground and chewing his fingers too...

sometimes he bite his lower lip till so red like bleeding...

My little one absolutly adores her sophie.. will scream if we take it away for cleaning. Hmm.. jus a prob though, I keep smelling the rubber smell all over my baby.. yiks .. not nice. Also, is it really safe for our precious? I mean, the rubber smell is pretty strong.. I washed it with the pigeon veg & bot washer, but still smelly, how? ..
Eeks... I also can see 2 white things on Merisse's lower gums... she already bites me when she dun hv teeth le... omg... will the teeth appear overnite or come out gradually... I dun want to get a rude shock when she sinks onto me whilst feeding ah...

Olively, my girl was 8.15kg at 4months, measuring 63.5cm tall. I dunno about now...lately she hasn't been feeding well and I think she seems ligthter to me....either that or I have stronger arms now? :p
mine doesnt really have the rubber smell leh.. i wash with pigeon veg n bot washer too. maybe cos i kept washing it since his saliva always all over n in the beginning he kept throwing it onto the floor. btw did u wash with warm water?

there is another sophie BP coming out later today.. u all who miss it can go take a look. dont think it will be $29 anymore
is she cranky n always want to bite n chew now? if she is then teething liao. cos mine have the two white thing for a while until recently it became swollen.
Jo, she has been super cranky lor!!! She almost drove me crazy over the weekend. Refused to drink or latch, refused to sleep but keep rubbing her face and scratching her head and whining. Aiyo, she was whining whining all day long like a mosquito.... I can go crazy. And yes, she loves to bite and chew. Her fingers are practically inside her mouth all the time and if I put my finger in her mouth to see if she is hungry, she simply clamps down hard and fast and makes an "eerrr" sound...very scary.... like shark...
DOIDY cup - summary
we have ended the order phase.. will ask sandy to update u all with the account number to transfer money to and the amount to pay. for those who wants to go for postage, u will need to pay me instead of her after the cups arrived.


Yellow (11)


Red (2)

Sparkle Jade Green (6)

Sparkle Cerise Pink (6)

Sparkle Purple(5)
The Simz,Olively,GraceChua,DJMama,Sportyger


Turquoise (5)

Total order - 40
same lehh hahha, he will grab my fingers to chew also. and he also kept thugging his right ear until it is so red..
opps he is whining again.. post later..
DJMama, sprtyger, snow, AG
thanks for your info. Drooling and sucking fingers..signs of teething i believe. But then my mum and the nanny said teething only starts at 5 or 6months.

My son likes to sucks his thumb.. sometimes put his whole fist into his mouth..:p Should i buy him a teether? Ya, my son also..keeps on rubbing/scratching his face especially at night.

Same as Joannelim my baby is using Pampers and Mammy poko for night. Just like what mentioned by ginn, you have to try and see if it
is suitable for your baby. Pampers has bigger cut compared to mammy poko. I will try out Huggies dry comfort, since recommended by 2 mummies

Joannelim, Wow, your baby is so huge at 4.5 months. My son is only 6.5kg, 69cm at 4th month. Previously, he is big size also but then because of
the milk rejection behaviour, has not been feeding well.

I am FTWM and have to take care of my son at night. I will try to follow up the thread..probably during lunch time.
happy_mummy79: thanks!

mamafio: bb also complains when we take sophie away from him. haha. make me feel like worth it liao. :p
grace chua
u are funny leh.. mine loves the squeak squeak sound.

actually some children will start teething as early as 3 month. i am the 3 mth case. my mum was telling me just last week that i got 2 teeth already when i was 3 months old. tats why they always laughed n say i am greedy , love to eat, so grow teeth so fast.

my ger also loves putting her whole fist into her mouth, mahiam like eating ice-cream haha. She has been drooling a lot too, keep thinking if she is teething but friends keep telling me normally they dont start teething so early.

I heard that the teething process can be quite painful and can cause quite a bit of discomfort to the baby. They may also have changes to their sleeping pattern and may wake up several times in the nite becos of that. The tot of her waking up at night is quite frightening esp when I have to wake up early for work.

I have been using mamypoko at night and find it quite good leh. Quite a lot of the mar mummies also have good reviews of mamypoko except for the urine smell after a while. I am also using nepia for my ger in the day. Not too bad if you dont use it for too long hours.
hi mummies @ sophie's,
ya..paiseh, i din manage to stay long or join u mummies aft the collection cos need to rush off to get other stuff..would luv very much to join in next time...also peek at your little ones before i leave..hee hee

speaking of similar names haha..my boy's name is aaden..so i guess we hv 3 boys here having same name but diff spelling ya

my bb also hv difficulty biting sophie as he try to find the most comfortable spot to chew which is the ear i guess..but once he loses the ear, he starts to get very cranky haha offer him his own fingers or pacificer also no use..so funny!

saw 1 mummy posting on huggies(jean like) diapers, so fashionable ..wondering is it out now now at cold storage since its july now and its limited edition/stock also..
Hi mommies,

please kindly transfer $8.90 to my DBS savings plus account number 001-7-179404. Please remember to include nick, real name, transaction reference number. Thanks!


Yellow (11)


Red (2)

Sparkle Jade Green (6)

Sparkle Cerise Pink (6)

Sparkle Purple(5)
The Simz,Olively,GraceChua,DJMama,Sportyger


Turquoise (5)

Total order - 40
i agree wif u! last time, i dun shop wan... always tell ppl i not typical woman, dun like shopping... hubby wanna buy me branded, i tell him dun wan can give me money not? haha... then after preggie & gave birth, always shopping... but for bb stuff! go departmental store, only go bb section...

my gal oso very funny... when drink milk, she can see my breasts... so if i'm a little bit slow, she will throw herself forward to latch on! or else she will open her mouth like latching on & complain... haha...
hi mummies

May i check the promo for fitti diapers still on? Forgot already. What is the email add to order? And its fitti 360 rite? Thank u
shopping queen
all these while, peach has held e title... think nobody can topple her yet! haha...

mine is gal leh, can't help... but hor, i use pampers active bb... tis lazy mummy can let her wear up to 12 hrs, oso never leak... gd thing sandy was saying tat urine is sterile, so i dun feel so bad... haha...

oso as for collecting & going off, it's okie lor... most have to go back work... then it was started out as a service to mummies whom i noe anyway... so i'm glad to have been of help to u mummies whom i noe only by nick, it's oso a chance for me to meet those who are active in forum but never joined for outings yet... so yeah like wat joanne said, join us next time lor! it's quite fun, cos got common topics mah...

how does e play quilt look like & how much is it?
Thanks for the BP link. The price is much more cheaper.

hi mummies,
Fair Price is having baby fair and most of the diapers have discounts. Huggies Dry is selling at 29.95 for 2packs. Mammy poko (72pcs S size) selling at 20.95. Today is the last day. I bought 2 packs of Huggies Dry during lunch time from the fair price near my office..
i oso resisted successfully against buying e doidy cup! got a fisher price training cup as a gift, so will juz use tat...

think merisse must be teething, since u said she was cranky & now has e 2 white spots... wah, fast leh!

sophie/other teethers
my gal oso doesn't really wanna chew on her sophie, prefers her fingers/lower lips/palms & my arms still...
sandy, joanne:
Where & when to collect the doidy cup? If the collection place is too far from cck/tanjong pagar, i will prefer to go for postage.

Just got a scare. Was bathing my baby and cleaning the sides of inner left ear. Then saw blood!! I got panicked. My first thought ear infection. I took cotton buds and all i saw was blood. But i saw 2 black dried spots. U know when got cut, dried n become black. After that i saw blood. I was thinking of going pd. Should i monitor first? I think he scratched himself. This morning i saw cuts on his scalp made from scratches. I don't understand. His nails are short. I trimmed it regularly. Haiz.
Merisse also scratched until she cut her scalp once... you have to try to file their nails to a rounded shape to prevent that...
hi nana,
I have the order form for Fitti360 from one of the mummies here but not sure if the promo($60 for 6 packs) is still on. I just ordered it 2 weeks ago and I liked it. give me your email address and I will send it to you.
we dont know when is the cup arriving.. the order is from UK. we will inform all when the cups arrived. collection place will be somewhere in town n boon lay mrt. hehe. the town one most probably will be a gathering i guess.

do tell us how much blood are we talking about? a little? normally scratches only result in little stain of blood. anyway, when u mention inner ear? u mean u use cotton bud n stuck inside the ear hole?

also after cutting nails for baby, do remember to file them as well.. to make them blunt n not sharp.
dj mama

Rayyan's scalp full of scratch like marks. Little merisse too?

Ag gal

Thanks. My email add [email protected]


I use towel and 10pces of cotton buds to clean. No i didn't dig inside. Edge of the ear holes n the 'folds' of ear. I am scared blood fr inside. But i took a clean bud n poked a bit inside, no blood. Cant seem to find open wounds or cuts outside. I trimmed rayyan's nails when he is awake. Always a battle. He would be startled if i cut when he is sleeping.


Is it true that weaning will help bb put on weight? Rayyan is only 6.5kg at 4.5mths. I tried feed him a tsp of frisocreme. He spits it out. Does that mean he is not ready?

Many thanks for your reply mummies!
Talking about filing of nails, not sure which brand you all use, but I personally find the safety first nail clipper that comes with the file nails thing very good and handy, because the emery board is attached to the nail clipper, so can grip well while filing for babies, do check that out

My baby also like to bite his fingers, and worse still he will suck his fingers until like so shiok and stuff all fingers inside lor... He even suck to sleep, hiaz, how to prevent ah? I scared this become habitual then cannot wean him liao... He also grab my fingers and want to put inside his mouth... and yes, his saliva also all over Sophie haha

Hi Happy, I read (i think in babycenter) that after a few months they will naturally stop sucking their fingers especially when they are more interested in grabbing things and playing with toys. Unless at 1 yr he still sucks his thumb then you will need to wean him off it with other distractions
