(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

snow...i guess u can take that cause i dont really believe we can pass the heatiness or liang to the baby (just my opinion k hee hee) but if u are worried that you will be too liang yourself, then you can balance it with something heaty?


my PD visits are my vaccinations schedule so each time we go to the PD, its vaccine time. so far the schedule was 2 weeks old, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 10 weeks, 14 weeks and shes due to see her again this saturday at 18 weeks. maybe you can call the clinic and tell them when was the last check and when should you go back for the next follow up.

sandy: i go GP for my baby vaccine. due next wk. but GP wun really knw abt babies so i wonderg is there a need for so called regular checkup
i asked my hb he say prefably to do regular checks with PD to make sure bb is developing on track. its call the well baby check up. but i dont know how the PD function in spore..do they do well baby check if you are not taking their vaccinations? or do they only see babies that fell sick?
i see. wen she 3rd mth got go..haha actly go cos scheduled aft previous visit tot to vaccine..but aft tt nvr cos i found GP can use the cda acct.
tt day go the PD jus check for her..so its can

i think i wil brg her go wen she 6mths ba.
oh yah i wanted to ask abt bumper pad! i kp forgot! my baby cmg to 4mths.. bumper pad for the cot i hav but nvr use. is it the rite time to use/stil can use?
iceblue: in the health book, there are checkpoints that require "certification". normally this can be done when bb goes for vacc. did you check if yours is updated and "chopped" and signed by the PD/doctor?

i just gotten my bb's PD to update for the 3-4 months milestone.
actually those bottled purees are meant for 1 meal per bottle one.. tats why so much. but for initial period it will be too much. subsequently baby can finish those in 1 feed. i love the yogurts , the fruit cereal i think etc. for yogurts try it much later cos got milk which baby might be sensitive to. abit sourish for some flavour.. my first son always give me those look when he ate it.
oic! tt means wen they bigger then buy then wun wastefu;l..wen small stil bet make ourslf. wah im waitg for this stage sia..seems interestg givin baby new food

i used the bumper pad since birth..still can use cos the bumper pad is actually to protect the baby from bumping themselves against the railing once they can move around the cot on their own. just make sure you tie the pad tightly so it wont collapse..and hide all the tie strings to avoid your baby from pulling.
sandy, I agree with iceblue! U are just like a walking encyclopedia!! very well versed! haahahaa!

chin chow drinks:
take in moderation ok one lah
I also take coffee every other day but also in moderation. 3 sips or half a small cup makes my day!

PD vs GP:
my PD said if bb is sick, can bring to GP. No need to find PD purposely unless we want to pay more for the same thing! hahahahaaha! bb med are quite mild ones. bb dun need regular checkups unless they are sick or required to by PD. Think maybe my PD is those pro-natural and relax type one? He dun like to give bb med too, which we are quite happy with it. it's a torture to feed bb with one anyway :p

I bought the cloth book too. Havent collect it yet :p hehehehe ... hope that it will come in use
For me, I'm not so worried abt the social skills of bb as she has cousins (1 just 40days younger) to play with, and our neigbhours' 5 kids in all most of similar age group. shld be fun for her for now
. Sounds like our bb have lots of learnings before them in months to come soon! Agree that good transition is very impt!

my next bb visit is when she is 6mths in Aug for her 3rd and final jab.

naomi has 4 cousins all born months apart and my hb's cousins are very productive :p so im not too worried with social skills .. i think must strike a balance between enriching them educationally and allowing them their priviledge to be a child n enjoy their childhood..i guess discipline comes before anything else..with discipline, learning n studying will transit easier too..lonerunner..u are also super..can work n have time to do so many things with ur girl
Chin chow drink(cold drinks)/coffee
I also take but in little quantity just to satisfy my desire. Haha.

I am onz about the giraffe too

Are u all getting toys for your bb? Hmm, very excited to start getting toys although she cant know how to play. Keke

Missing BB
Someone was saying to tell bb that we are going to work and that she has to be a good ger. Kaoz, I tried telling her and end up tearing. Haha. Going to miss her big time.

I must learn from u to be strong. Must keep myself super busy! Keke.
yes, tat's me... actually, i agree wif ur maid leh, ur bb cries cos he wans u carry lah!
erm, i'm not giving frisocrem cos i wanna put my own bm... while frisocrem has pre-added milk liao... if u wan, we can arrange to meet in town or something... cos i stay in e east...

wat do u mean when u said can't freeze food tat has been cooked? tot we must cook and puree e food then freeze it?

ur colleague very cute leh, but ur reaction even more funny! hehe, bm is like liquid gold leh... where can anyhow give ppl wan?
erm, i dun care leh... eat and drink watever i like... i like to drink chin chow too! then hor, i recently started drinking dom too... after e last feed...

so who's ur pd? where is he located? recommend leh... cos from e way i see it, he/she quite assuring... i need someone like tat!
so sorry... i have the giraffe oredi... cos i tout u all won't be buying...

just called the ifc regarding how my gal is doing there... whether she got drink anot...
the teacher said she finish all her milk leh... although got abit struggle but never cry loh...
but when i feed her... she struggle and cry until like as if i m poisoning her leh... so sad

dun noe izzit she like the teacher more den mummy or the teacher can handle her better den me...
haa..thanks for the tips...

but my colleagues have been buying for me almost every alternate days...tat's why worry...
i also dont know why i say that.. i think i too tired at that time, dont know wat my hands are typing hahaha. sorry ah.

giraffe teether, if we manage to get 26 of us, DJmama can help us get it at 29 i think. if not, wait til sept for pumpkinseed to help us get it from france.

listing for sophie the giraffe (teether)
1. Joannelim
2. gracechua
3. sheepish
4. Roxanne (whitegalz)
5. Crystal
6. lili
7. olively (interested not confirmed =P)
8. princessdella
9. SY
Yaer, don't be discouraged.
I think sometimes babies are just "mang chang" or very frustrated. I had a few incidents where Isabelle just kept moving her head, fidgeting and kicking that the bottle flew out of her mouth and fell on the floor. She screamed the house down of course. This always happens at 3am in the morning. So you can imagine the irritation we face when feeding.

But keep feeding and saying positive things. Babies can feel the tension and if you feed calmly, she may respond.

iceblue, just trust your instincts. If you feel comfortable with the GP, go ahead. Maybe for more serious cases, you may want to go to the PD who is more experienced in dealing with children.
I went to the hospital PD (Singapore Baby & Child) for baby's 1st mth jab. But i was quite put off by the sheer number of kids there - it's a fish market! Also, the doctors weren't very personal, I felt. I decided that I had to choose another PD for 3rd mth jab and finally got one I could trust. Very often, I have 1,001 questions. Esp since baby born early and has GERD but the PD is patient and factual. She even calls out baby's name herself when it is baby's turn. I know, it's like no big deal but I saw older tots (about 3 or 4) running in to the room and they actually are happy to see the PD, even if they are sniffing, etc. That's a good sign right?

However, I have also lined up a GP who can do family medicine and administer such vaccines if I can't get to the PD.

Other than that, you wouldn't really need regular checks apart from the checks which the PD does during the vaccinations. Those are to ascertain that your baby is meeting the age milestones. But again, the milestones are +/- depending on individual babies.

SY, completely agree with you! Every time I send my girl to my mum's, I feel like hugging her and not letting go. I actually put up a few pics of her in the office so I can look at her but it's best to keep occupied!

Guess the strategy is to be productive in the 8-9 hours you're at work and then rush home and concentrate fully on baby.
I work in retail
so some of my weekends are burnt at the shops, esp now is GSS. So every waking moment with baby is important!
B4 I sent bb to infantcare, I also tried to tell him that mummy gotta work soon and we hv no choice...he has to be a good boy etc. Then eventually will end up crying :<

I found the infantcare at 269A. Last time searched wrongly at 269D. The environment like not bad leh. But too bad, only opened till 7pm.

Do your babies burp easily when u bottle feed them?

I realise that as my bb grows older, it is more and more difficult to burp him. Sometimes he dun burp at all. Will feel worried if I put him to zzzz after his bottle without burping, scared he will choke in his zzzz :-(

my bb burped on her own once i put her upright after feed. my hb's aunt (also a PD) advised me b4 to let bb lie on her side to zz if baby didnt burp after feed.
Hi all,

Any mums using NUK teats for thin fluids? I got 1 pair of standard neck teats and 1 pair of wide neck to let go...both new, still in packaging..

pm me if keen hor? thanks!
bellebubba: where is your nice PD located huh?

BBPower: I dare not tell baby this and that when at IFC. I do that before I go to IFC. cos the more i talk to bb, the more i feel like crying. :p
my bb's burp pattern reverse of yours leh. last time more difficult, now much easier, just have to put him upright for a while and he will definitely burp. but my bb has been 100% bottlefed, so dont know if this could make the difference.
hi sandy,

ya ya mine also when held upright will burp le tat was before he turn 4mths old...then smetime when hold sideway after latch he unlatch then burp after that haha ...sheng lo....

umm no anxiety leh hehe me tot i will have too in the end i think i dealt with it quite well just only think what is doing at home???

not us mommies showing separation anxiety..its the baby showing signs of separation anxiety when the mommy leaves/not around or when the main caregiver is no where to be seen
thks isabelle.

my PD(mount A, wen my gal born he was the one attending to her) he is vry nice patient lik ur PD, jus tt hav to travel to see him. he alwys ask us any more ques?

but another PD i see tt time wen my baby kp vomit milk etc..he vry busy alot of ppl waitg n lik rushin for time. i dun really lik thg i cant deny the med he giv r gd. haha if hav a choic i definitely go mount A for tt PD

Separation anxiety: I will know this weekend! But my boy started having stranger anxiety since three weeks ago...


Thanks to all who PM-ed me. I'll continue to compile the list till end of the month and then start planning our first outing :eek:) Meanwhile, for those who missed my earlier message, please PM me if you're a SAHM as I'm trying to plan some gatherings for us...
hi liting,

now SAHM ..i haven resume any work and i told them i want to breastfeed and i will go back once im ready..so im taking my time..and im resuming my postgrad so i guess i will focus on baby and doing my postgrad

how is little Craig doing? hope he has recovered. Naomi also started showing stranger anxiety few weeks back..and lately, i suspect she started to show signs of separation anxiety..you are leaving for states soon right..have a safe flight there and back
Those mummies who are asking about PD and GP, I go to S'pore Baby and Child (PD) at Ang Mo Kio for my boy's throat infection when he was 22 days old. Now, I go there for jabs, been to Kidslink PD for my boy's oral thrash. But been to my house GP too when my boy got milk rash, those red patches on the cheeks. My MIL says bcoz my bm is oily when I latch him.
Dun really like GP coz their medicine is not specifically for babies, like my son's milk rash, he gave the medicine which can also be used to treat flu!

Craig is much better - not much cough and some lingering phlegm - thanks for asking. Little ones bounce back much faster than adults.

Yes - leaving early Saturday for a week - sob, sob!
Wah, Sandy, you are so lucky, can stay at home for the sake of breastfeeding Naomi. Lucky Naomi! By the way, I will try my best to up my bm supply, if not at least maintain as long as I can. My boy now no voice due to prolonged screaming. He screams even when he plays happily, and I think he too heaty, 3 days never empty bowels liao, if still not well, may have to bring him to see doc tomr, but dilemma, coz dun want him to take antibiotics again. My MIL gave him some chrysanthem tea, and we add half a teaspoon of glucose into his milk and we added more water than before to prevent him from getting dehydrated as he rejects water and sometimes milk now. Just had a war time with him from 5plus to 10pm! Really tired! My MIL, maid and myself had to take turns to carry and sayang him. My hb will only make him cry, he still cannot carry my boy for long, else my boy want to cry.
I'ching, so you are going without ur son? Be strong, it will be over soon, keep urself busy during the week. Gambadei!
My boy usually gets cranky between 7 to 9pm. And it started when I went back to work. Do anyone of you mummies out there face similar situations like this? If yes, any gd advice to share?
hey sandy
yea my son has separation anxiety already. if he sees me leaving, he cries. tat day i went to expo with older kid, joel kept crying while i was away. in fact he started crying after i said bye to him n step out of the house.

take care k.. will keep u n craig in prayer.
think my bb is much slower in development. cannot flip yet, and dont even talk about separation anxiety.
anyone carry and go also ok...


you are a strong mommy!! press on with breastfeeding ok..half breastfeeding is better than not ok..

yes, naomi gets restless during the evenings..she just wants me to stay beside her when she plays and when i step away, she start fussing and threaten to cry...

joanne, so joel cried the whole time when u were away?? naomi nowadays will cry when im out of sight..i just leave her with hb in the room and do stuff in the living area, she'll start crying and once i appear, she stop. she will also track her eyes following whereever i walk to..as if telling me im watching you, dont go anywhere without me.. im starting classes next week and i shall see if she will cry when im not around keke..good thing its only 3 hrs.
