Dear Mummies...
Think we are all so excited about our 1st Mummies & Babies Gathering on Labor Day that we overlook the following
RE: Payment for Foods & Drinks for 1st May Gathering
1. I would appreciate if mummies can indicate your nick when u transfer cos i have alot to tally daily.
Mummies must indicate your nick under "My Initials (for display on payee's bank statement)", not mine (LeMonT)
2. PLEASE sms me @ 8322 0404 when mummies had transferred with YOUR NICK cos i do not have the time to login to the forum.
Amount Transferred with No Nick or Unknown Name
i received the following amount from Mummies with no nick indication or unknown name.
1. 2x $7 (I'Ching, i suppose one of the payment is by u?) who is the other mummy?
2. 1x $14 (qingsiew, this payment must be from u? cos only U bringing hubby along)
3. May i know who is the following?
SY, lonerunner, snow_bb, spicegal
Amount received on 28 apr. thank u.
Thank u for informing me that citibank may take a few days for the transfer. will sms u once transferred.
DK Da mama
yours citibank too right? will sms u once transferred. thank u.
RE: Refund of payment
Kindly sms me @ 8322 0404 your nick & account no. i will refund asap. but please note that we can't cancel any orders after Thursday night 8pm as i need to consolidate the orders, send to my central kitchen & outlet for the following day preparation & collection.
I understand with babies, we mummies may have some last min detour. Therefore i hope mummies can understand that i do not wish to have any dispute or misunderstanding when money is concern. Thank u for your understand & looking forward on to 1st May