(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

Hi Sandy,yah,i saw my linear nigra but still not very obvious.. I was abit shocked to hear that hair at stomach means having baby boy.. Anyway, boy or gal doesnt matter to me as long as the baby is healthy...

Angel, Tarynn, Jane, Lili, babyGab:- I will the details in the table tonite when i get home, staying at my mum's house for the past 2 days cos hubby went on business trip.. the spreadsheet in my home's laptop..

Lili, perhaps 6w2d's measurement was the sag? My baby was 85mm at 6w6d and 1.53cm at 8w0d and 2.8cm at 9w6d... Well, it is okie.. I guess perhaps every baby is different, most importantly is it is healthy.. btw, can take a look at the blog my hubby created for our baby.. jayernroxannebaby.blogspot.com... There are some scan pics inside..

Peggy, I am going for the oscar scan. My gynae told me oscar scan includes the triple tests, NT test. She mentioned some gynaes who are not based in hospital or without enough facilities will recommend patients to go for triple tests.. Triple test is only like 65% accurate but oscar is 90% accurate.

Liting, not hard to tell my boss. If gynae give 1 mth mc means really got some big issue and must rest at home.. i try to work from home everyday, checking emails etc.. i wouldnt want to trade my baby's safety and my health for work leh.. if boss dont understand, try to be difficult then after give birth resign and find a better job, a better boss lor... You can ask ur gynae to issue u longer mc, tell him/her u are very worried and becos of your job nature, u need to rest... normally they will give one.. For your cough, u can try prospan, it is very mild and safe... Panadols are fine during pregnancy too..
BBYang, my mum stays with me, so she is helping me with housework and taking care of #1 when I cannot cope. Really appreciates her a lot for that. For now, try not to do too much housework, its good that your hubby is willing to help you. Or else, can consider engaging part time maid once a week.

Liting, my mum did my confinement for my #1, so I did not engage any confinement lady. If you feel more comfortable doing confinement at your mum's place and she cannot cope, then you have to engage a confinement maid, I dun have any to recommend though. For this 2nd confinement, I have intention to engage a maid to help my mum. When you fall sick during pregnancy, remember must remind the doctor to prescrib medicine suitable for pregnant women, some doctors can be blur and tend to forget even when they see your stomach so big. Also the medicine they give will be quite mild as strong medicines are not suitable for us, so it will take longer for you to recover, just have loads of rest and drink more water. Take care.

Mudpie, your check-up seems quite far apart. When did you 1st visit your gynae? I went during my week 5, then week 7, my next one is at week 10.

Saro, good to hear tat you are doing fine yesterday. I had horrible ms last night, threw up a portion of my dinner...haiz...
my checkup was supposed to be this sat.
but had to bring forward to this morning cos i saw red blood last nite!!!
i'm already having brown spotting and on medication.
so the red blood really came as a surprised!
not sure if it's cos i carried my 11kg boy and he accidentally stepped on my side of tummy last nite that triggered the blood.

went gynae this morning and was glad that my little one is ok.
and i can see the little blinking heartbeat.

please help me update.
EDD : 27 feb.
Mt E, Ann Tan.
Jas, your post sent my heart pounding...luckily the baby is ok. I carry my 10kg girl to childcare daily to and fro work too. Getting quite breathless of late, so will try to make her walk when she is willing to.
how many weeks are you now?
which hosp you delivering at?
sorry i dun quite keep track of the post, in case you had mentioned before.
my gynae told me she was still carrying her 4yr old girl when she was preggy.
then again, every individual is diff.
Dear All,

Does anyone know left-over food gd for the bb?
As i always taboa Left-Over food for my next day lunch.
Dear All,

Does anyone know is left-over food not gd for the bb?
As i always taboa Left-Over food for my next day lunch.

we're so happy today. just got back from our checkup and saw baby's heartbeat! yey!! doc said i'm on my 8th week and baby measures 1.62cm (CRL). so glad that baby is doing great and getting big so fast! =)
hi kitty

Thats wat i do sometimes too.. but anyhow, outside food also not that fantastic if u buying from normal kopitiams, some might be leftover for all u know...

So i guess home cooked ta bao food should be ok ba, just rem to heat it up. Although freshly cooked foods are better ba i guess...

Eating a balanced meal is also impt, remember ur greens and fruits

Pls correct me if i am wrong.
I suppose freshly cooked foods are better, not sure how much better is it though. The nutritional value might decrease since it is overnight ??

But just few things to note if eating overnight food.

Take a look at the above link, it didnt say if overnight foods are good or bad but if you are eating overnight foods >> Reheat stored cooked food at temperatures of 75oC and above to kill bacteria.

Hope this helps
hi kitty, im not sure if overnite food is gd or not gd but i eat them. cos im overseas n my mum came to visit me for a mth. before she left, she made me fresh stew pork belly and separate them into different individual portions and store it in the fridge. we just heat it up when we want to have it. my mum is very particular over food freshnest and is cautious with what to eat and what not to eat during pregnancy. but she has no objections in me eating overnight cooked food. she just said not to heat it up in plastic when using microwave but transfer to a ceramic dish then into microwave.

another point that might be relevant is the ways expressed breastmilk can be stored. ive been reading up in storing expressed breastmilk and one way is to freeze them in a separate freezer and heat it up when u need it the next days. so i wonder if overnight breastmilk is healthy but its listed as ways to store under FDA regulations, i guess it should be fine.

so i guess it is fine if u dont have a choice but eat overnight stuff but if u are uncertain, eat less or in moderation. hope this helps
Jas, I should be in week 7 now. Will be delivering at TMC. My friends too asked me not to carry my girl too much, but its inevitable cos she is studying at the cc in my office compound, so everyday I have to lug her take bus...when my stomach gets bigger, have to ask my hubby to help me bring her to school liao...

Kitty138, ya I think overnight food is no good for your baby, some types of food will 'have wind' overnight so its not so good for the baby's development, try not to eat too much lah. Freshly cooked food is still the best.
Sandy, my sister told me frozen breast milk can last for 3-6 mths.. It is okk and safe to freeze breast milk, my nephew drinking them and is still healthy and strong..
Hi all, since most of the mommies here reco more on oscar, can roughly how much it will cost? jus wanna do compare.. thx thx
Any mummies wanna share hand-made baby leggings/warmers with me?

They're direct from States, made by a SAHM.

I need to buy 7 pairs to get 20% discount.
Wun need so many.
Most likely 3 pairs only.

Anyone keen?
I just need 1 more mummy to share with me.

I worked out the sums.
Each pair will cost between S$10-S$13 (depending on design) including international & local delivery.

She has more than 100 designs.
Baby leggings/warmers...
♥No bulky seams!
♥Great alternative to tights for easy diaper changes and potty
♥Cutest patterns around so your baby stays hip!
♥Keeps those little knees protected when crawling

PM me k?
peggy, yup i'll go for triple test.

Still thinking if i should go for Oscar instead but my gynae doesn't do it.

i need to go to TMC to get it done & it costs $400!!

think kiasu a bit go for the more accurate test hor..
U leh?
WOW! My Gosh alot of posts to keep up on!
Liting, maybe your mil is on the traditional side and wants you to bear a son to carry on the family name, its alot of pressure on you but glad to hear that you have a supportive mum, great friends and colleagues and dun 4get us!!
Anyway its not confirmed yet till the gynae speaks, boy or girl as long as its healthy and chubby and cute its you and ur hubby's "product of love"

My gosh yest's MS was H.O.R.R.I.D! I puked 5 times after dinner and practically nothing was left in my stomach i still had to vomit.
It was so bad my stomach was cramping while i crouch over the toilet bowl trying to puke out the acid....
dunno when is it gonna end i can't go to work and its gonna affect my job...
been taking "Dimenate" on the bad days to help with the vomitting and it makes me so groggy
i fall asleep shortly after i take it...asked gynae he said its a safe drug but i feel that if it can knock me out so easily
dunno what is the effect on the baby...trying to resist taking the medication

yesterday so silly, My MS stopped for 2 days and my cramping stopped too,(fyi I have a retroverted uterus which explains why I keep have cramps)
so it kinda stopped for 2 days but no bleeding or watsoever so worried i decided to go and let my gynae check it out thank god baby is fine and doing well i could see and hear the heartbeat its an amazing feeling

anyone else here with a retroverted uterus problem?
Liting, saro queenie, spicegal thanks for your kind words I'm feeling better now!
btw kitty try not to eat leftovers (my father rooted this permanently in my head since young) esp if they are foods with gravies, curry, with coconut or vegetables because even if they are stored properly they can spoil very easily and cause wind in your stomach, wouldn't want u to have a stomachache when we are already not feeling too good with MS!!
taztaz, i only going 2 weeks later, on 23 july...

piggymousey, i got retroverted uterus and bicornuate uterus.. lol.. i got bad crampings too 2 weeks ago.. so i was given long mc.. now i am better, no more cramps..
Hi Mudpie, thanks for your advice. I did my 1st scan at Week 5 to confirm my pregnancy, gynae asked me to go back in Week 7, but I went back in Week 6 as I had brown spotting, then I could hear bb's heartbeat, but was given an injection. I went back 5 days later as I still had the spotting and did another scan. Having cramps and still worried, I went back another 5 days later, and that was the 4th scan in 3 weeks! My gynae did say too many scans may not be too gd, but it was necessary to assure me. I am going back next Mon, my Week 10 1 day, praying that my bb is growing at a healthy rate in my tummy. Trying hard to resist seeing it so often (thru scanning) but somehow need the assurance that it is still healthy. Do you have the same feeling? By the way, when is Oscar scan and the triple scan you all mentioned supposed to be done? My gynae did tell me some tests, but seemed like all to be done after 16 weeks, though I cannot remember the names, but I know he mentioned 1 is for DS.
hi liting,

Oscar test = 12th week ($400), 80% accuracy.

Triple Test = 16th week ($100), 70% accuracy.

Both tests are for DS, so you do 1 or the other, not both.
Hi Roxanne, how many weeks are you now? Your gynae from TMC?
Thanks for your recommendation for my cough! Can I get Prospan from pharmacy?
Hi Spicegal, thanks for your advice for my sickness. I am feeling much better now, hope it stays this way. I really admire you that you can still carry your #1! I can really appreciate the meaning: "All the mums in the world are the greatest" better now, it is true that our own mums can never be replaced with someone else, not even husbands! Glad that your mum is staying and helping you.
Hi Piggymousey, of course, all the mummies here are my strength of support! I hope everyone here is getting support somehow from all these threads! Really glad that we are sharing so much info, though we may have never met, but we feel so close as we are in the same boat! Really wish all of us will give birth to our precious ones smoothly and keep the friendship going by updating their latest info, be it pregnancy, life etc.
hi piggymousey and roxanne...i also have retroverted uterus! but not having those cramps so far in my 8weeks...just a bit of discomfort sometimes but nothing painful. hopefully it would stay that way! =)
Hi Taztaz,
Thanks for your clarification. So we only need to do either 1 or we can only do 1? The accuracy seemed different at different months, how can we be sure that bb has no DS eg. if we do the oscar test compared to triple test? Are there different procedures or side-effects to the bb between the 2 tests? Why so much price difference? I apologise if I fired too much questions, but just very curious...
Hi Mummies-to-be,

so much has been going on on the thread since my last post. I was hospitalised for a drip due to severe MS, now resting at home for another week before I see my gynae. Trying to be positive and happy but got to admit it's really tough.
Hi liting,

u choose which 1 u prefer. So either 1, not both.

Some mummies prefer oscar coz higher accuracy & can test earlier BUT its expensive lor.

Both are blood tests, but Oscar includes a detailed scan which measures the thickness of bb's neck.
Basically the thicker it is, the higher chance of DS.

Both tests give ratio results, eg. 1:1.6 to show how much u are at risk of having a DS bb.
From wat i know so far, oscar sometimes gives a false-positive result, means it says u are high risk when u are not.

After getting the results of either tests, if we still need to be 100% sure, there's an amnio test (100% accuracy) but that 1 hor quite painful.

They put 1 big needle into ur tummy to draw out the 'yang tai shui'. N got chance of miscarriage.

I stil unsure to go for oscar or TT. M checking with KK, see got cheaper or not.

I actually prefer to do it earlier so to set my mind at ease.

Ya lor a lot of price diff hor.
I guess itz coz oscar can do earlier & includes a detailed scan.

I told my gynie i prefer to do earlier so touch wood, if anything i still got time to decide if i wan continue pregnancy.
My gynie says dun worry lah anyway u have up to 24 weeks to abort, got time 1.. I went "HAR!!!!????"
Hi Mummies,

Can i check how you all select your gyane?

Convinence (nearer to home)
Cost of package + delivery
Stitching skill
Clinic environment
Gyane experience

I still searching for one, me staying in Sengkang and knew that alot of mummy go to TMC Dr Adrian. I am currently with a Cline For Women Dr Chua Yang (very expensive package at 16wk $1600) & TMC Dr Michele at AMK Hub (package at 12wk $550). Both female
Hi Liting, Oscar scan is done between 11 - 13 weeks, i think. This is my 10th week, going to do the test in 12th week...

BBYang, I select my gynae becos I like her.. Feel very comfortable with her, I havent find out about the package though..
hi bbyang.. i choose my gynae is becase is near to my house & the sitiching skills... i felt is also important that my hubby is comfy enough to speak to my gynane also.. i dun wan my hubby got questions but do not wan to ask.. also, if nearer to home is good too cause if choy, need to see gynane by urself, at least is near ur house ma.. by the way, i stay in punggol.. my gyane is in punggol as well..
dear mummies..
i'm currently 6 weeks preggies and my husband just lost his job.. we've previously decided to go to tmc for our gynae checkups and now i am afraid that we might not be able to afford the charges.. i've read that the charges for kkh and tmc arent too different but these cost do depend on which doctors you visit right? so how did the comparison come about?
i know that joycelyn wong is a famed gynae in this forum but i would want to find out about her charges before i commit with her.. she has a package which comes with consultation, medication and scans but the rest which doesnt come with the package.. do you know how much they are? oscar scan? blood tests and stuff? how many times must we go through these? i'm really confused.. i've not started with any gynae as yet now..

also.. i've not gone through my customary as yet and my father is quite furious with me.. but we've decided that we'll do the baby's first month celebrations before we do our wedding.. am i the only one? we cant get married this year as his brother just got married as well.. it's a superstition that a family cannot have 2 'incoming' wedding occasion; brides entering the family..
please offer me some advice..
grace, just to share with u, my gynea is adrian at sengkang or cck, feel his charge is relatively cheap.. package at $550.. can start immediately and include unlimited consultation scaning and vitamins.. i got fren bring their 9months old girl for their wedding march in.. very cute.. as long as your parents dun mind.. as for the 2 brother getting married on the same year.. maybe u can ask some fengshu shifu for solution..

BByang, i'm also MTB seeing dr adrian.. i sign up with him mainly bcos of the cheap package and also the operating hours.. can go see him after work.. his package also allow us to see him for free whenever u are sick.. only need to pay for the medicine..
Hi qianqian,
the problem is that my father minds, he's quite conservative.. about the 2 brothers thingy, it's as advised by him.. haha.. anyway..
would you be able to pass me information about dr adrian? where does he deliver at? and what are his charges like?
Hi Grace, I just went to this gynae, Dr AL Lim, at TMC. He doesnt have any package but he only charge abt $50 per visit which incl consultation, scan and med. I find that it's really reasonable.
taztaz, actually i also tot of going for the OSCAR,my gynea oso mention the test gota do in TMC.. my lou-gong dun really wan me to do but ill see how it goes 1st.. i will do a scan to check on the back of baby's neck which the doc said on the next appt(next mth) then will decide how ba. hopefully the scan shows everything normal... i so kia-su.. wan this wan that.. everyting just to hope baby is fine... sumtimes think till bit stress..sien..

Roxanne, wher you dne your OSCAR? can reco? thx

piggymousey, i was told i had retroverted uterus few years ago when i went for my annual chk up but he mention will be normal after awile leh.. 2nd year he chk then ok.. but dunno for pregnant mom wor.. is it serious?
Hi ladies, wow its been a while since I came in and there're lots of posts.

Piggymouse: i had the same feeling when i discovered I was preg. I was crying like Wa wa wa kind on the bed. Ha ha! But I supposed I've come to terms with it.

I'm still feeling really lazy to read up about pregnancy. The more i read and see the pictures, the more fear i feel. The fear of pain, the responsibility, what ifs.. that is really consuming me. Hence my hubby says dont read. Just take it slow.

I dont really have MS. but I feel bloated most of the time. I'm now at 10 weeks. Going to my gynae in 2 weeks times. Hopefully my BB will be healthy and safe. Hee...
Hi all.
Wanna check with you all. Besides taking folic acid every morning, what med do i need to take as well? My EDD is 16th feb...have not seen any gynae yet.Ps help...thanks!
hi grace,

i believe the cheapest way is to get a referral letter thru polyclinic, ask them refer u to kkh.

then call kkh book appt, Remember NOT to choose any doctor!

Then it'll be pretty cheap as u'll be considered a subsidized patient.

i did a bit of research on pricing as i'm also not working n hb not earning alot.

my usual gynae is from Gleneagles but bcoz out of job now, so seeing neighborhood gynae. Hb tells me sorry, but its ok lah.

Btw, kkh quote me $230 for oscar test (excluding consultation fees from $35-$80). Wonder if they made a mistake as read from other threads kkh's oscar test abt same price as TMC.

any kkh mummies here?
hi peggy, my hb also dun wan me go for oscar. he says i very gan cheong!! ;p

will see how. i think i'll stil go lor.

Hey Tarynn, ur EDD is my wedding anniversary date hehe doc said i might give birth around that time too! BTW Doc prescribed Iron and Calcium tabs but heard that some other mummies have prenatal vitamins.

PeachMoMo, you also felt the same? Yes I fear the pain and the responsibility too
but I'm sure your supportive husband and family
will pull it through with you.
Now I am glad there's a miracle called the Epidural which makes childbirth a easier and more enjoyable process, imagine you hold your baby with your hubby for the first time its all worth it, think about it, if billions of women can give birth, so can you!

Gynae said that there is 1 in every 6 women who will happen to have a retroverted uterus
meaning a uterus that is tilted towards the back.
This causes pain during our monthly menses and during pregnancy.
apparently he said that the uterus will temporarily during the pregnancy
adjust back to the correct upright position but will resume to the tilted position after birth....sigh....so suay le
no wonder my menses always so painful never knew the cause as
I have no cysts or fibroids to all women with a retroverted uterus I know your pain!!
