(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

glass bottles:
Btw just curious ... is it possible to ask for empty, unused glass bottles from hospitals? Or we have to order formula for the bb first in order for hospital to give us glass bottles?

cotton wool:
Is it necessary to get cotton wool for bb? Or the rectangular shaped ones also can do? Is there a difference between the 2?

No worries! Back's ok after a rest :p Hubby got sensative nose, so cant ask him to change bedsheets else he'll be in a sneezing fits all day long after that!

another bunch ..!!! WOWWW!!!! I take my hat off you!!

Oh isit? haahaa! okie :p Btw just curious ... would bb get nightmares from having a weight on their chest? Or shall I put the pillow at their side on the hands etc will do?

hmmmm ... hey u got a good point!! Any mummies missing for more than a couple of days could be on the 'just delivered' list! :p

actually my collegues just commented that my tummy seemed to get smaller too. I went "Huh? Really? Will tummy get smaller one meh? I tot it got bigger!" Think it is due to the body hugging clothes I wore today lah. Those empire cut types of tops will make tummy looks much much bigger.
Btw thanks for the video! And wow, your boy's really strong!! Good that you can sleep thru out!
I read and do research at nite after getting home. Or on fri/sat, play Starcraft with my hubby and BIL on the LAN. Too tired to go out and walk :p

maybe see who got confinement experience can help to guide your maid? Becos after all she may come from a different culture that is different from ours. So more or less there will be difference in expectations.

Last nite I was joking to my hubby that maybe on my next check up on 29th Jan, gynae will just tell me that "Oh you no need to go home already! Head straight to the labour ward!" hahahahahaa! If this really happens ah, I duno if I can still remain steady or not :p

Glad to hear that your new maid has arrived! Hope that she'll be a better worker than the last one! Cool! Now you have more MC to rest!

100 plus?? U sure you can drink that while in labour?!
hmmm ... interesting test ... I'll see if bb buys the suggestion in ;)

Cool!!! Really happy to hear that you are doing so well! Take rest whenever you can ok? You can always come up and post bb Breana's photo next time! She is a real lovely bb ... she brings so much joy to her mum and everyone!

hey, we'd got another mum ready to deliver soon too!

Very sorry to hear abt your loss. Please take care ok? Your dad is now in heaven looking after you and bb. Pls stay strong and hope that you'll feel better soon.

Hey, welcome back!

piggymousey, jia you!!! Be a strong mummy and cheer up okie.. baby will know when mummy is sad de.. you can always post something in the forum when u r sad or msn us to chat with us..

Lonerunner, the glass bottles is to store breastmilk if we happen to pump..but nvr pump can also ask for it.. it is free de..
oh ya...havent find out what i need to do to apply for maternity leave, so far juz inform my boss that i plan to start upon delivery only.. Better go and find out.

envy you, ur doc gave MC.. my gynae so far quite "Stingy" on that. But i am planning to chck with himtoo ..cos want to save my leave for baby

yup, am now counting down, 3more weeks to go for me ;p Partial excitment and part anxiety. Like you said, positive thinking! trying not to worry too much abt the actual process..will take it as it comes.. ;p Haha..good advice. will take note to ask what is payable and not when in hospital.
BabyCenter Video:
After viewing the posted clip, I went on to view rest of the clips until I came to the one on c-section. OH MY GODD!!! I duno isit the scene where the tummy is cut opened or wat, but I'm totally weak in my knees now! URGHHH!!! I think I really dun have the stomach for this type of operation videos! *faintz* Chicken me!

oh isit? Haahaa! My friend told me that I have to ask for formula feed in order to keep the bottles :p Thanks for the clarification!
epi has different effect on everyone. i guess i'm one of the lucky ones who doesnt have side effect. =)

pls take care & be strong for your bb.

you're also on standyby mode. keke. jiayou.
in TMC, I requested for empty glass bottles, glucose water for baby & FM samples. i chose NAN cos e taste is closest to BM. yah, its all free or it was included in e bb's bill aldy! :p

cotton wool is thicker, good for bathing, cleaning armpit etc.. i use e square ones (thinner) to clean bb's eyes, face, ears & backside. must use sterilized cotton balls for bb's umbilical cord.

all babies r mummies precious little ones
, they r all lovely & YES, definitely a joy to all of us.. very soon, u'll be craddling urs in ur arm too!

dun watch all e video clips... it makes u worry more & fear labor more! i just refuse to know anything abot e process of natural & c-sec b4 delivery.. REMEMBER!! gong gong & blur blur in ok! :p

3wks? mine 3wks earlier.. mayb u'll pop 2morrow!! hahah :X

shivering is when e epi was being injected. but now, so far so good la.. perhaps u had a good confinement
... care to share

Baby Breana Fang
Born on 13 Jan 2009 (EDD 02 Feb 2009, 3weeks earlier)
Sex: Girl
Weight: 2935gm
Lengh: 49cm
Head Circumference: 32cm
Hosp: Thomson Medical Centre
OA: ACJ Women's Clinc, Dr. Joycelyn Wong Sook Miin
no shivering during the injection leh. dun think i had a good confinement. i went out quite a numbers of times during the confinement & i dislike those confinement meals. hee...
hahahaa ... I think I'll take ur advice! :p Act blur blur and gong gong :p Just now itchy finger kpo :p Now regretted :p bb Breana's a really cute bb!!
I love her!!!
hi can i join the fun? me edd 090309 but inducing on 27th feb cos i'm diabetic!! I hope i will go into natural labour before 27th feb as i really dun want to be induced. also hoping for a epiduraless delivery. I'm expecting a bb gal... naming her Netanya (hebrew origin meaning gift of God)
Baby so cute
I cant wait to see mine leh.. U r done wif no worries from now onwards. Just recuperating at home now and hope ur stitches will be fine soon. I'm jealous. hehe... Eventhough tis is my 2nd one, i miz the times when my boy was still small so now after 8 yrs, then i'm going to feel it again. i know it will be a tiring day for me but i really look forward for the day to come...
Hope baby out soon ya. Very clever ha, u dont want bb to be out so soon but u never know. hehehe. Skali right after CNY, baby cannot tahan already... Dont forget to update me ya
I'm already 36wks 2 days already.Actually bb already engaged and i'm starting to feel the pressure down there so i really hope i can tahan till the 30th of tis month. If possible i want to let nature takes it cause but last wk i went to see my gynae, my baby already 2862g so if i delay my delivery, afraid bb might be too big u see so my gynae told me on my next appt on the 30th, i will go for my CTG and if cervix dilate already, i can proceed for delivery anytime. I dont want to be vacuum again coz the process of healing is very long u see. I had enough for the 1st one so tis time i hope no vacuum...
ctg is the something tht they put on our stomach to see our bb heartbeat i tink. Fr there they will know the bb condition and whether we r ready for delivery or not. Sorry i'm wrong but i tink that's it
Glad to know ur vaginal swab results is positive.Baby is getting bigger ya. Btw not to worry much. Hope ur baby will turn to it original position soon but as long the head is down, nothing much to worry k. Take care

I tink its normal pain. When u r in ur last trimester, u sure tend to feel uncomfortable here and there. There's no escape for tat. Sometimes i even feels like giving up and wanted to tell my gynae i want to deliver now but i dont want baby to be born premature u see. If u feel the pain is unbearable, then u might want to consult ur gynae? Take care
Baby weight gain is common to increase on ur last trimester. me too was shocked when i went for my last check up. Fr 1982g jump up to 2862g so i really bb wont be too big or else very hard for me leh... U gain weight maybe because u r not tat fat i suppose. Dont worry, u will gain back ur original after birth

Ur hubby ve tis kind of attitude illness as me too... I also ve tis kind of sensitive nose and i will keep sneezing non stop till my hubby will get sick and tired of it. What to do
Our nose r sensitive to dust.
Hi Joanne
U r most welcome
Wat a nice name for ur bb.
Hope everything will turns out fine for u. Just ve a good rest and not to think too much. Take care
lemonT, your bb is soooo cute... how is your stay at TMC... is the renovation disturbing your rest... i see the 4 bedded quite packed..

later going for my 36W5D checkup.. hope everything is okie.. doing the strp B test... and need to confrim the hospital.. haiz which now i still cannot decide...
Your baby very cute... look like you or daddy? Can't wait to hold my little one in arm also.. hehe Thanks for sharing all the experience of delivery. My gynae also Dr. Joycelyn =p
Take care!
Breana is such a cutie pie! Good job. You're most welcome, I'm VERY glad you had a positive experience. Puts you in good stead for the subsequent pregnancies!

How was the renovation at TMC? Was it very noisy? I am still deciding between TMC and Mt Alvernia dep on when baby wants to come out. If it's late at night then I can go to Mt A, if during clinic hours then TMC since my gynae is there and I really want him to deliver this time.

Yeah...I don't know at this point cos I'm soooooo SICK of being pregnant. 3 times in 4 years is too much! But in 5 years time I'm sure to forget about this trying period. Hahahahhahaha.

Braxton Hicks
Think I got some last night for the first time in my life! Didn't have Braxton for the past two. Told my husband and he was damn scared that it'll happen these few days but hehehehe, I told him for sure after CNY. I'm only 35 weeks this weekend! Plus... my hospital bag not packed yet! Me procrastinator queen! Need to wash my baby stuff also.
LemonT…… My deep condolences to u on ur bro…..And thanks for ur sharing. Am very touched by it. U r really a very strong a brave mummy. I would say during the period of pregnancy, I expect pple to take care of me more than I would want to take care of them. And yet for u, ur hubby is often away, and you still have to take care of family biz and ur parents, and yet you never complain. It is really not easy.
Just last nite, I was very upset n kept crying cos my confinement food is not settled yet and I just feel very sorry for myself that I have to arrange for my own confinement food while other pple have their parents to boil soups for them and take care of them. After reading your sharing, I realize how small a problem this is compared to what you have gone through and have done. Like the hymn, Prayer of St Francis, …” Oh Master grant that I may never seek, so much to be consoled as to console”….I think you have achieved that and I should learn to do the same.
Ur baby is really cute!!!
Really happy for you!!!Yup, God will always provide!

Piggymousey…. Very sorry to hear about ur dad… Please take care of ur health as now, you must focus on delivering a healthy baby! As you shared, ur dad only suffered 4 days and now he is not suffering anymore, so you don’t feel so sad, ok? Tell your baby stories about his grandfather next time

Baby First Month Celebration
Am in a dilemma now… My mum was saying that since all my cousins didn’t do for their children, I should not have it too, cos if so, they will have to give ang baos/gifts to us… My husband’s relatives are all not in Spore, so no issue on my in-laws side, even though they feel we should have a celebration. So now, I don’t know if I should proceed to do the celebration and invite only frens? Then if relatives know about it, then also not nice….. Or should I just not have it at all?
Full month celebration depend on u n ur hubby.. baby is urs and u will decide if u wan or nt.
for parents and inlaw advice is for ur reference.. dont like just one ear in and another out...
Hi All Mummies out there:

Good New!!! KKF had given birth to Baby Violet in KKH yesterday (19/01/09) normal delivery w/o epi and baby violet is weighing 2.77kg.
so happy for her.
Thanks for the update! So happy for KKF and 2.77kg is a good weight! Her EDD around my time, I'm getting quite impatient too of lugging this weight around! Hahahaha. Hope she checks back with us soon!

Piggymousey & lemont
Forgot to offer my condolences too. You are brave mummies. My uncle also passed away last year. Life and death, all part and parcel of life. We have to take it in our stride.

Yes. I must pack some snacks too... I REALLY gotta pack my bag today leh.

We also never did for my two older boys but had a big bash for their first and third birthday last year. This time I will have a first month celebration cos might be my last if I decide NOT to have another bunch in 5 years... hahahahhaha. I think is up to you personally, don't care what people say. Anyway, we are the ones paying for the first month party what and not like the ang pows amount will guarantee cover it.
congrats kkf!!!!

Violet has a good weight and im sure u are now enjoying carrying ur bundle of joy!!! do share with us your birth story when u are ready
wow BB breana looks so sweet!. .congrats lemonT.

KKf congrats too! 2.77 is very good weight,,cant wait to see violet pixs.. Rest well
cool.. congrats to KKF.. I wonder who is next in the list..

Since feeling the tightenings yesterday, today i decided to take a rest at home instead of work.. Realli cant think of working today. I called gynae and ask the counter gal if i could be given an MC for today, my next appt with gynae is Fri. She was like "No u cant!". Ok, maybe some people would abuse the system. But is it expected/a must to go down to the gynae on the same day to get the MC? That seems a little inflexible right? In the end, i change my appt to tomorrow. But she agreed to tell Dr to give me an MC for today.

Anyone had similar scenarios?
oh my goodness, 1 nite never log in, so many many udpates!!
it's really getting exciting. 1 by 1 popping liao!
Congrats to Jo, LemonT and kkf!!!!
Thanks all mummies for sharing valuable advice and experience. Really feel so excited for all of us..
Later going for check-up. Cant wait to see baby again! Hhhaa.. feeling very tight at my lower pelvis area more frequently today, especially if i wanna pee. Wonder if baby is engaged??

hey mummies, endure, it's going to be our turn soon!!
i just heard from a colleague, that during confinement, our body is considered "dirty". Hence, when she was doing her confinement, her husband did not sleep with her in the same room. She said its for his own good, something like fengshui? Or is it pantang? Did anyone practise that? I was thinking of chasing my hubby out and getting my CL n baby to sleep in the same room as myself.

A good thing is hubby would be able to get a good night sleep cos he needs to work the next day and if baby cries at nite for milk, i can be up and be a cow.
there is a tv reality show on Travel & Living called "jon & Kate Plus 8". A family with 2 six years old (twins) and 6 three years old (sextuplets). Those kids are damn cute! Could u imagine having 8 children???
Congrats to LemonT on ur beautiful bb,
Congrats to kkf too !

This is making me nervous !!

Feb Mtbs Jiayou !
congrats KKF!!

lemonT, Breana is so cute and good to hear that you are enjoying motherhood so much. i had the similar experience as you, refusing epi in the beginning and sucking hard on the gas.. makes me so drowsy and high till i dun feel pain when epi was injected.
but for my no#2, i'm still considering to try again without epi.. hahaha

sorry to hear abt your lost but rest assured that ur father is now being freed from the pain of tis world and finally having peace with God.. u take good care of urself ya

bb first month
dun care what others say abt whether to have or not. just go for it if u feel that it's right to have one for your bb. my relatives sure will give remarks on not to have a celebration since its already no#2 but i dun care.. i think its just fair to have one for no#2 since i had one for my 1st boy. go with ur heart
This is from my experience. I dont know who to be blamed. But my 1st gynae is not the same as my 2nd one. That is the reason i really got a phobia of getting pregnant again. !st one is a male gynae. My stitches is very long reaching to my anal part. it takes me abt 3-4 mths to cure 100% and i can only be intimate wif hubby after 5th months. Even tat, i can still feel the pain. I ve to keep taking panadol to ease the pain. I'm not even sure how many cm am i during tat time. I no nuts abt it. All i know, i felt like pushing. I learnt my lesson a lot. Tis time, i really got to ask every detail whats happening during the process of deliver.
Oh My, that's wonderful.. kkf congrats and that was a fast one
Without epi somemore. She must really be brave ya... Cant wait to hear the next story from her.. Well mummies, it seems a lot coming out before their EDD.. hehe Can't wait for our turn ya...
hi all,

Wow Congrats KKF!!
piggymousey, cheer up and be strong, Take good care

LemonT: Yeah i've been taking fully cooked eggs, dont dare to take half boiled eggs too.

Down with flu, so took mc to rest at home today and feeling stomach is extremely heavy today. Wonder cos i'm sick so feeling weak or is it cos baby grew much bigger again overnite! Hope baby doesnt grow too big now....

Wonder will anyone of us have the 1st CNY baby!? Gynae told me the goodie bag for CNY baby is very good! haha
I never heard abt that b4. Not sure abt other mummies. For me, it's ok. Its like we r having our menses too so doesnt mean our hubby cannot sleep beside us. It's not fair for them. But if u were thinking abt not disturbing him, then i guess it might be a good idea but all tat need to be discuss wif ur hubby.
want to chk.. if i start taking my maternity leave 2/2 .. wat happen if i deliver early ? they will count start my delivery date ? my HR told me.. if i start take 2/2 as ML.. if i deliver early, they will count frm the date i deliver... is tat true ? i tot if deliver early, i want take as leave..

Me getting excited too
Cant wait ha... Joining tis forum has make me more stronger. I'm really happy to get to know everyone here...
congrats kkf, wow 3 mummy have popped.. when will be our turn.. hee... kkf when u are back muz share with us your birth story k..

mummyO u paying kkf a visit? hee.. send her our blessing k...

kwoli, when is your EDD, i also start taking ML from 2/2..

wow 1st baby of CNY... seem quite fun.. haha.. i only know MT A giving out gold coin for baby ox during CNy period..

think different gynae different practice.. since 2009 guess how many days of MC i have taken? 8 days lor.. hee... my gynae so generous on giving MC.. everytime see him he will ask me wan MC? today? tml? he give mc like no need $ one.. think i will get MC for 29 and 30 Jan.. hee.. 28th go back company take angpow.. haiz like that at the beginning of 2009 i used up all my MC lor.. but dun care lah.. maybe after confinement i may change job or be a FTHW.
