(2009/02) February 2009 MTBs

thanks for doing up e table, appreciate e effort!

they still massage u ah? so gd... i called 2 weeks back to make appt for prenatal massage, they said past 8 mths cannot do liao... i was super disappointed!

Sandy: I went for my checkup on last Sat and my gynae said my baby is halfway going down, that means my baby hasn't fully engaged yet too. I hope she will be engaged by this week lor. My pelvin region is not as painful as last week liao cos I tried to practice my pre-natal yoga at home which I've learned from my class. It's very useful! We all must do the pelvin floor exercises and the butterfly position. They help us to reduce pain ard tat area during delivery too!

Since u r experiencing menstrual pains, I guess your tummy is preparing for delivery soon. Have you pack your bag already? I already bought the snacks I want to eat while waiting for labour, incl. 100 plus! haha!

kkf: would u be able to update my info into the list too? That was very neat of you to do that! Sorry if i'm late cos I din go online during weekend. thanks!

Hospital: TMC
Baby #: 1
Baby Gender: Girl
EDD: 5th Feb
Name: Kaylee

LemonT: I'm a new member in this post but I wanna congratulate you on your smooth delivery! I've heard so many painless delivery by using epi so I'm totally going for it! Don't care what other pple tell me about trying to bear wif it 1st! I'm not going to suffer like mad lor! They say sometimes they will not give it to you by d time u ask for it if too late! So better opt for it earlier! hehe!
I'm not sure abt that but that is what i heard too. If that's the case, much better so that i dont ve to top extra cash to pay the extra for the epi. I understand that epi will cost me $500. That money can buy me a lot of things. Hope everything will be fine.
Oh two cute stories to share that happened over the past 2 nights:

1) I was trying to fall asleep on my side on Sat night but baby was very naughty. She kept kicking me when i lie on either my left or my right side. Sometimes she hates me pressing on her. But i was so tired so i got very frustrated and somehow i just shouted at her, saying: " Kaylee, you better stop doing this! Mummy wants to sleep la!" Then she suddenly stopped her kicking and I fell asleep in 5 secs! :p

2) Last night, my husband wanna test our baby when is she coming out so he pressed his face against my tummy. He asked our baby 3 questions and if the answer is yes, she has to kick him once! So d 1st question was: If u are coming out this week, pls kick me but no response. Then he asked 2nd question: If u r coming out during CNY week which is next week, pls kick me once and she really kicked him once! And finally he asked her 3rd question: If u r coming out during your EDD week (5th Feb) which is aft CNY wk, pls kick me once but she nv kicked! So he assumed baby will be coming out next week lor but i told him he din position his face right for all 3 questions so i said unfair, asked again and he asked all of them again. Guess wat? The answer was still the same except for d last question, she was already moving here and there so we are thicking she should be due between CNY and her EDD wk! Haha! Maybe ur husbands can try asking the baby also! :p

Hope it's accurate lor! Many pple told me 1st child is always born acurate or overdue but i don't want overdue cos i'll be very impatient by then! So tired now already lah, can't carry much anymore.. I need to sit down after walking for 5 mins already! Did u all go to Chinatown to shop? My husband wants me to go with him, crazy right? I think i'll faint after squeezing in d crowd after 5 mins!
hi mommies,

Leaking fluid
A bit worried so went to my gynae to check if i was leaking fluid, turn out i wasn't... Lucky..

Anyone went to Robinsons ? Any discount on Medela products ?

7 days to CNY !!
That day KC say wanna call me back also nv.. But i cant blame him lah.. Cos for my this new maid that i'm getting, its another new gal that is helping me.. Not his case.. But i gt so many problems to get this maid leh.. Actually by last week should come in but MOM keep rejecting the application..
kkf, thanks for updating

pampers premium is the best but dat was last time before they changed packaging and manufacturer. if dun wish for bb to get nappy rashes so easily, den its best to go for pampers or mamy poko.

peachmomo, my pee also the same and i tot that i didnt take enuf fluid. so its normal i think..

haha, same here. my boy alwaz kick when i lie on my sides. Initially, i am quite worried abt me pressing on him too. i asked a nurse, she say it's quite a normal reaction. but contratry to u,.. i can still sleep like a pig when he kick. haha..
But i do tell him to stop "playing" and remind him it's sleeping time. To train him not to become a US baby when out.

Sat nite, as usual, i was snoring like a pig. I usually place a bolster btw me and hubby in case he accidentally kick my bump unconsciously at nite. In the middle of the nite, he suddenly felt a vibrating motion as though a massage machine placed near his back. then he realised is his son kicking vigourously...so he placed his hand on my bump for abt 1 min before bb stop kicking. He said bb was kicking so hard that even being "blocked" by the bolster, he can still feel the massaging effect. hahaa
i m still sleeping like a pig all the while...really bo chap...
hey mummies,
wat do u all do everyday after work ar? i'm really bored at home leh. I cant shop much, nth to shop also. only watch tv. surf. really getting v impatient!!
catmomo, aft work no more stamina to do other stuff.. the only thing in my mind when i reach home is head straight to my bed and lie down for some rest.. ahaha

Your baby's massage story is so cute! I hope ur husband has enjoyed the free massage at night. hehe! I already started my maternity leave since last Tuesday due to some health concerns. I just slack at home everyday lor - serve net, read books & mags, watch tv and also rent DVDs. Tonight my husband wants to help me rent the HK drama show "Ye Man Nai Nai vs Shi nai something.. 2" They are playing on starhub Ch 55 now, very funny! Can consider watching!
Thanks kkf for updating =)

Hi phoebe....Thanks for the info! I think I will tell the nurse I want epi when I go hospital, so they can start prep early.

Catmomo....haha...bored after work? Well, I guess you can read some books if u r tired of watching TV and surfing net? Maybe read novels or if you disciplined enuff, can read books on how to take care of baby? haha...For me, I always find after work time too short! By the time I finish dinner, wash up, not much time left to bedtime aldy =( So will watch a bit of TV and read story book....Ya, now better dont go crowded places.
Realise our due dates are very close! I also keep wondering when I will pop...it seems so far and yet so near!

Saro, when u shared about the more fluid coming out after peeing, I also experienced before. I think maybe I hold for too long then go and pee. Had been having leaking urine problem since 2nd tri. It is very irritating but I have learnt to not let it affect my mood too much....Sure hope it will go away after delivery!
i dun cook dinner. i dun do housework for now.
i m sick of the shops in my neighbourhood too. baby's things are all packed and ready. so there's nth to prepare too. only thing is really sit in front of the tv and sleep.
cant wait to pop. hope some good news abt my edd after tmlo's check up.
i went for my 35+ wks checkup tdy, seems my gal gna be quite big, nw est. 3kg alrdy. me gained 2+ kg for thes 3wks, seems abt 1 kg goes to baby.evryth fine so far. gynae nvr say baby engaged alrdy anot, but tdy while he scan baby's head he seem to be focusin on the centre.

tdy also did the vaginal test. so the results shld be out by my nex visit rite? gynae also gave me my admission letter liao.

so exciting jus few more wks to go. nw trying to psycho my baby cm out 1-2 wks early ahead of my edd.keke

Its ME again!! Its going to be a long post :p.. so bear w it yah…. Since my last post to announced e arrival of my Baby Breana.. I’ve logging in wanting to reply to all but was disturbed by bb’s frequent feed. So here’s all the BIG THANK YOU to all mummies here…

Thkq jo.. Yup, admitted 6am. Contraction only started ard 10am.. but just normal constipation pain-alike. cos water bag burst.

thkq ice.. yes, epi is e best pain killer after trying e gas. I cant deny it. My gynae told me tat e thigh jab is similar to e gas so she advised me to go straight to epi. After having e epi, I could even sleep during contraction :p. e only effect is I kept shivering till after bb is out. but in my cousin’s #1 case, b4 her epi could take effect, she popped her daughter aldy. So to her, she felt it was a waste of money. My SIL, she had her epi but cervix didn’t dilate so ended c-sec. so its up to individual. But I didn’t regret although I was stubborn in e 1st plc. I was lucky tat my cervix dilated very fast & w e help of epi, I had a smooth & painless delivery 

Thkq … u r rite.. its more like an adventure :p.. mayb little Breana knew tat I dun wan to be induced if due to her overweight, so she kicked burst e water bag.. haha.. now trying to recall, b4 I slept e night, I felt my tummy very hard & my tummy was almost like squarish!!

Little Breana is doing fine. Funniest thing is, when in e tummy, she’s 24hr actively kicking but now, she’s like sleeping 24hrly :p . so I hv to irritate her to wake her for her feed, almost every 2-3hrly, depending on each duration from 15mins - 1hr.. She’s latching well & can really drink.

In my case, Contraction is just like constipation initially for e 1st 2hrs irregularly; subsequently it feels like menstruation cramp which is another 2hrs. Not painful & its bearable. Its only when e contraction becomes more regular, every 5-10mins, tats when I start to break into cold sweat & soft limbs. This lasted me 2hrs. it was when e gas doesn’t hv any effect on me & at e advise of my gynae tat I took e epi., I stop feeling any pain but I could still feel e contraction. E remaining time was to wait for dilation & start pushing. Frankly speaking, it wasn’t as bad & frightening as we had tried to imagine as a 1st time MTB. Contraction is e result of baby trying to force herself out of e cervix. Tat’s y when there’s a contraction & we had dilated, e midwives will tell us to push.

Breathless/ Sleeping position: same as u mummies, me too hv difficulties.. so b4 I turned to either sides, I take a deep breath & while exhaled slowly, I support my tummy w both hands & turn. Although I m more comfit on my right, but sleeping on e left will increase blood flow to e placenta which is good.
thkq.. my bb was engaged during e 34th wks & when I visited dr. wong on my biweekly checkup, she told me bb very well engaged at e pubic hair area aldy. But nvr did I expect so fast bb will popped e following wk :p

thkq… hmmm.. my confinement is simple. My mum is doing everything for me. I m having very basic food like fish w/ papaya soup, cod fish pan grilled or steam w/ ginger, meat or chicken, veg all cook w/ ginger & rice wine..etc.. tonic soup & pig trotter vinegar after 12 days.. my appetite is very good. Breakfast, tea break & supper, I can hv 3 slice of bread w/ butter & milo. Lunch & dinner, I can hv 2 bowls of white rice too 

bb care wise, I just did wat I was taught in TMC parentcraft. Since discharged, my bb drink & sleep only. So far, she cried only for milk & soiled diapers.

Olively/ princessdella/ Phoebe/ Corrine/ qingsiew/ moomooland
thkq  mummies!!!

hehe.. thkq .. cant say advise but sharing of my experience as a 1st MTB … 1 thing for sure, labor w/ epi is definitely so much less painful then Brazilian Wax!!! Hahaha…

Imushroom23/ Sandy
thkq .. now so bz w feeding her & oso she sleeps most of e time, so didn’t hv e opportunity to take nice pics of her having eyes open … but cos as promised earlier, no matter how bz, hv to login to share w all 1st time mummies here!!!

in ur case.. I advise u to go for epi… I really admire u having to go thru e pain for #1 & then can still go for #2 & now #3… u know, when I was using e gas, I was so traumatized by e contraction pain tat I told my hubby tat I m NOT GOING to hv #2.. but after epi & e process of e smooth painless delivery of my girl, I changed my mind. I m going to hv #2 & will hv epi once contraction starts! I m not going to b stubborn & make myself suffer :p

u r really cool!!! Thks for updating on e list!!! So proud to be in this forum! Btw, I delivered in TMC.

thkq yan, me ok now but stitches still hurts abit. Mayb cos I m down w irritated throat & being coughing non-stop since delivery .. it does hurt there when I cough. Partially, after taking e gas, throat is very dry & I feel thirsty all e time too.

thkq … when ever I hear ppl in labor for 8hrs or so.. I always think “WOW so long?!!” but frankly speaking, time passes very fast in observation & delivery ward. Tat’s y I can keep track of e timing myself.. hehe..

I haven’t seen e hosp bills yet. Its w my hubby.. will checkout & let u know .. I delivered at TMC.. my ward was 306D, thot can by having 4-bedded & can auto upgraded to 2-bedded but cos of reno, so no choice.. but I think its all fated cos my hubby just striked 1st prize yday w/ 3064 :p.. so now my antenatal consultation & hosp bills all sponsored . hahaha..
thkq dear! All will be fine & well .. cos GOD is gracious to all MTB as we r similar to Mother Mary. Hehe.. 

thkq mummyo!!! I must thank u for all ur advises too!!!! U shared so much w us.. so now I think I must do something oso to share my experience as a 1st time mummy 

hehe.. thkq ash!!! All will be well … Positive mindset & dun think so much… just follow midwives & gynae’s instruction… & next moment, u see ur bb on ur chest! 

thkq dear… haha.. I bet u r very nervous now ah.. cos we hv e same EDD & I popped 3 wks earlier!

Sleep more on ur left side to increase blood flow to ur placenta. Talk to bb, ask him to engaged ASAP, sometimes, they can understand.. since GBS is detected early, dun worry, u’ll be fine. GOD will be gracious to u .

Share this w/ u… I got this feeling my bb came out early for a reason. 51/2mths ago, I lost my beloved youngest brother (20yrs going 21st) in a fatal motorcycle accident. I was 17wks then.. my whole family was so distraught but we still hv to move on not only in our lives but oso our family food biz. Reason y I was so active cos after e 3 days wake we which we stopped for operation too, I buried myself in work.. told myself, my bro & parents tat we hv to move on & bring my deceased bro’s working spirit up. Life still hv to go on, though we r very sad as everything reminded us of him but we believe he is in e safe hands of GOD. As CNY is reaching, I was actually trying to arrange cruise for my parents to be away but all were fully booked when I called on mon 12/01. so I told my 2nd bro abt it & oso tat I might need to induce if bb overweight on my appt e next day 13/01 which I do not wished to. If bb induced, my mum will hv to help me in my confinement.

I believe GOD heard my prayers & my baby Breana heard me too, so she burst e water bag to come out earlier by letting me go thru normal delivery . Oso tat my parents can help me in my confinement during this CNY period to distract their CNY mood for my beloved bro is no longer ard. So trusting GOD is right, remember do not stress… all will be well dear 
thkq!!! Ya, I think I m one of MTB we e earliest EDD but oso e last to get things prep! U know all my things were done & hand down items collected just 1week b4 I popped :p. anyway, no matter how prep we r, things will still be in a mess when we reach home. So its very impt to hv someone ard to help. In my case, I m lucky to hv my mum .. MA MA WAN SUI!!!

Grace Chua
thkq Grace, yes.. just gong & blur into e labor ward.. everything will be fine ..

oh ya… hv to watch out water retention. E dr who gave me e epi commented tat my back was quite swollen due to water retention. But I still didn’t feel much pain when he insert e needle.. mayb too groggy fr e gas aldy.

PeachMoMo/ DK
thkq … hehe.. yes & I m looking forward to #2 ..

u can use feminine wash now but after delivery, for me, I add dettol to warm water & splash there 1st b4 using sterilized cotton w e antiseptic solution fr gynae to dap e wound. Its common to hv urine leak now cos our bladder r being pressed by e amniotic sac. So its impt not to shout out loud now & after delivery, else next time u’ll hv lose bladder.
Having epi doesn’t mean we r not brave … being able to go thru contraction & birth r our greatest courage. Likewise for those who went thru c-sec… we sacrificed a lot to hv our little darlings into this world. So u must feel tat u r e best & most courageous mummy in e world yah .. epi reduce our pain both physically & mentally. It oso smooth our delivery. Once everything is smooth, u will hv confident in raising ur little one 

thkq … epi is good.. only effect is u will keep shivering immediately u had it till it’s off. Backache actually results from e intense contraction b4 epi. So advisable to hv epi b4 contractions become severely painful & unbearable.

Gamze/ jlchia
thkq .. yes indeed… I feel tat I hv to come here to share w all 1st time MTB.. I went thru it & it was really a very good experience. Just dun be stubborn. I was stubborn, didn’t want epi, suffered, took e gas.. worst ended up having sore throat & was traumatized by e pain initially. So at my gynae’s advise, I took e epi.. HEAVEN. Tat’s wat I can describe . & now looking forward to #2.. hehe
u working? If not, then i guess u ve all the time. For me, I'm SAHM so i ve all the free time. Usually in the morning when my son off to school and hubby off to work, i will go back to sleep again and wake up around 10 plus and then i will start cooking. Once son and hubby back around 1 plus and 3 plus, i will let them rest and sleep or whatsoever. During the evening, we will watch tv(the chinese show at 7pm till 8pm) After that, if i feel bored, i will ask hubby to bring us for a drive since we cant walk too much. Communication should be there and hope he's not tired. I'm already 36 plus weeks but i dont care. Yesterday just went shopping again at Metro Woodlands. I'm very tired but at the same time, i cannot force myself to be so sleepy. Unless i feel so uneasy, i will let hubby knows coz hubby anytime will bring me out if i want to. A lot of walking during late stage is good for us...Hope tis helps
why dont u follow him as well? Or perhaps he's going out wif his friends is it? Dont be bored. U will be busy after delivery

Wah baby quite big but its ok. Btw its great to ve ur admission letter. It shows that ur gynae just give it to u in case b4 ur next appt, u might popped? Coz i went for my appt last week, my vigina swap test was fine. I will only be doing my CTG on my next appt on the 30th Jan and then doc will provide me with the admission letter..
LemonT.. glad to know epi is less painful than BW, hee.. Wow, your gal really brings you good luck..

My sister also tell me dont be hero, just ask for epi the moment i stepped into hospital..
We need to conserve energy to take care of bb so better dont spend too much energy enduring pain etc..
jus done my CTG test today.. and contractions shown very strong ..done VE chk and gynae told me cervix already start to open & 2cm dilated.. haizz...should be anytime now..hope that still can tahan till CNY le...
hi all!

LemonT: Congrats! Happy to hear that you have a smooth delivery! And the fact that you're very positive does bring a smile to my face!

Faith/Sandy: I told my gynae abt having mild cramps at night, she said probably baby is trying to get engaged...

Update on my gynae visit: It's 37w3d for me today and baby's partially engaged and weighing 3kg! Gynae says can be anytime now... So happy to hear baby's weight shot up from 2.3kg to 3kg within 2wks! Must be cos i've been eating lots of red meat and eggs.

But now currently down with flu, runny nose and sore throat... sighs... got lozenges and runny nose medicine to take but hopefully i'll get well asap just in case baby wants to be out!

I've also gotten my admission letter from gynae and just received letter from TMC asking me to send back the pre-admission form. Now getting excited...
yan, u r in hw many wks alry? me haven done CTG, its scheduled on 7th feb.checkup 2 wk later seems normal checkup only, nth scheduled
Hi kkf,
can u pls help me update my details as well in the Feb 09 baby's list ?

hospital: East Shore
2nd baby
Gender: girl
EDD: 8th Feb
It's been a bad year dunno I'm jinxed or wat..
I had a car accident few months ago, and now my father just passed away...I only have few more wks to go before my dad can see his grandson born into this world...its been really hard, stressful and it really hurts to see him go away in front of my eyes...although he suffered for only 4 days before he left...he hasn't left behind any last words...i miss him..
And the worst thing is i'm the only child he has but thank god with the support of relatives and my great husband I manage to be strong...

I just went for a checkup...glad to know at least baby's doing very well and healthy...with very good weight...that at least is comforting..
btw i asked nurse tdy, she say for cleaning our vaginal on a daily basis, bet dun use any feminine wash , cos may be too dry for sm who has more sensitive skin.jus wash as normal w/out any special agents is bet
lemonT, wat document u submit to ur cmpy wen apply ur maternity leave?

any other mums to advise? do we nd to submit the admission letter?
thanks for updating the Feb MTB list.

Beansprout pillow:
thanks mommies for sharing the links and uses of the pillow. I'v ordered mine already, chanced upon another link that does this. And can personalize the pillow case with baby's name too.. hehehe...so just went for it. Hope to collect after CNY next week.

Whoa! thanks for sharing all that! it is so comforting to know that a mommy here has successfully given birth, and almost had evertything going on so smoothly. Congrats again! and hope the confinement period goes on smootly for you. Jia you!!
agree that now all we have to do is rest and rest and rest...cos once bb arrives, then we need to dedicate all our time to the NB. At this time, we've finished most of what we need to do, buy bb stuff, pack things, and get ready. I've also been spending the past 2 wkends restng too.

care to share whats a CTG?
iceblue: You dont have to submit any document when applying for maternity leave. however, you need to get the CPF document (attached link somewhere 2 days ago) signed by your boss and you and then submit to HR about 1 week before your maternity.

I went to Dr Chang today. BB is now 3.1kg and he is in the right position but back upwards (dunno what it means). My vaginal swab (did it on Thurs) results are out and normal. I forgot to ask abt the feminine wash. Dr was really nice, ask me to handover asap this week and then start resting. So i told him if i take leave from 28th onwards, I lugi (as per the calculations by you ladies). So I asked him for MC from 28 to 30 Jan and guess what! HE GAVE ME! Hahahaha!!

oooh my hubby waiting for me to watch dvd.. gotta run! Talk tomorrow!
peachmomo, which cpf document? u mean our income thingy?

one of my coleg ment abt wat 'paid maternity declaration form" i have go check wats tt

btw ur swab test took hw long then results out?u in hw many wks?

btw did u check ur cmpny policy? cos tt day i wen to read anytime 4wks b4 due/edd, mc is considered as maternity leave for my co.
i am into week 35 and start feeling tightening ard tummy.. perhaps its braxton hicks.. but somehow i feel uncomfortable.. is it a sign that baby will be coming out soon?

apart from head down position, the baby's head shld also be in an anterior position...ur gynae in this case says right position and back upwards would mean that baby is in the anterior position where the baby's back is facing the ceiling when coming out, and the the face is facing down; this is the optimal foetal positioning. the opposite of the anterior position is the posterior position (i.e. baby's back is facing mommy's spine) and this is not ideal because it can cause 1) more backaches during labor, 2) slow labor, 3) massive tear, 4) assistance in delivery (forceps and vacuum)
yeah, it's gd to hear tat all things have worked out great for u! Jesus has been most gracious to u and ur family...

eh, dr wong oso said my little gal is well engaged liao... but i hope she's not as strong as little breana to kick burst e water bag yet, better wait till after cny...

so u took a 4 bedded? hmm, then most likely u din have to come up wif much cash... wah, then still got extra money to put in little breana's a/c!
hehe.. ya lor :p...

yes. energy very impt.. good stamina too.. so now, u must learn how to.. "BREATHE IN HARD... & EXHALE slowly thru diaphram.. 1..2..3..4..5..6..7..8.."

... tats e right mindset dear...

1stly, watch ur weight.. if bb too big, difficult to deliver too. if u must take egg, pls be 100% COOKED! cos raw egg contains salmonella, a type of bacteria that causes gastrointestinal illness. so remember, no egg for urself during confinement as it will cause wound to be itchy & no egg for bb's 1st yr as egg white cause has an allergic reaction for them.

Hope u recover really fast b4 u pop.. i had sore & irritated throat just 1 wk b4 i popped.. when i coughed, even now, i felt pain at e wound down there. wish u a SPEEDY recovery!!

my condolence to u & ur family. i can understand ur situation as i lost my beloved brother 51/2mths ago..

they r in heaven, free from suffering now. so its us, here, alive & kicking but have to worry abt everythig etc. strong mindset very impt yah.. for ur baby & urself yah! cheers dear!

erm... corry, i cant advise on e document cos i m in family biz.. so i just ZoOoOm to pop :p..

perhaps, e rest of e executive mummies can advise u

u r most welcome
... sometimes, its easier to be said than done.. but we still hv to take it easy :p.. now i m waiting for e confirmation of Breana's chinese name & planning for Baby Shower celebration. How wonderful! very soon, its going to be ur turn too
i hv this feeling constantly 1wk b4 i popped, either bb has no plc to move as bb is constantly growing but there's restriction in our tummy or another possibility mayb i ate too much...

if it persist, u hv to inform ur gynae. take care yah!

hehe.. sometimes, its not a bad thing for them to come out early
.. if weight is gd, anytime

yes, i took e 4 bedded, i still very confuse abt e bills but overall, my hubby paid $1.2k after all cpf deduction. oh yah... nothing is free! from e sterilized cotton ball to e disposable bed mat... whatever thing they offer u, ask whether need to pay anot yah.. no need to be embarassed
Hi kkf,

Pls update my details.

First baby boy edd is 19th Feb.

Just went for check up last saturday and baby weight is est ard 2.9 -3kg at 35wks..i was shocked because at wks 33 he was only 2.25kg,a big jump..so far i gain 17kg le sign... my target was 15 now looking at it sigh no hope man....

This coming friday will have my wks 36check up and also do the GBs swab test...baby position already engaged le dunno he can tahan till feb anot man...
