(2009/01) January 2009 MTBs

mercs: same same! i mus buy XXL! hahaha... i ever tried squeezing into my sista's swimsuit! wah kao. fats spilling all over the place man. dunno cover this part or that part! not enuff cloth sia!

so 1st sept, wan to go out with us???

i dun let kyan wear anklet to IFC leh...

blessedmum: u only child ah? same with bbstarlet..

cherryale: my hubby family dont consider big la. he is the eldest got one sister and one bro..
but he got relatives in thai...so our wedding the thai relatives came over, so quite nice actually..
but i dont quite click with his sis/bro la, their thinking quite different..

kelly: find yr bro irritating ah...then now leh? he married already?
ni: tot u wear bikini one...u want suit for wat...u daring la..i got try squeeze into my white elephant swim suit that i bought maybe 3 yrs ago...but really cannot la...i scared burst la..wakakaka
mercs: when we were young, we would fight over silly things.. We always have a good laugh now when we talk about them. Yeah! Just got married this july. In fact, my sil, bil, my brother, my brother's wife, my hb and I are pretty close. Mahjong brought us closer.. hee!
cherryale, Damien is a mama boy since young. Mayb bec I always bring him along with me not like daddy....He always sided me if I quarrel with HB
kelly: so good...i hope to have close families but well no lor...only closer with my MIL..

ni: wakakaka...tiger with stripes! tat is very funny la! heng i swallow my noodles liao or else my screen...
merc, ni, kelly, pls, u gals definitely dun need xxl swimsuit.

yah ni, thot u wear bikini the last time? u still need to buy?

kelly, its great that both u and hb get along well with each other's siblings and their spouse. My hb also v close to his bro, that's why i told him to speak with his dad. Its not nice for him to compare my gal with sil's son. I like my nephew cos he is so cute but i dun like fil to keep comparing the two babies.
mercs,ni, cant help laughing when i saw your postings. hehe, my tankini top also kept ridding up cos of my spare tyre..haha then i use my gal to block me
cherryale: my in laws also cant help comparing...i hate it when i bring back on weekends and instead of playing more with kyler, they still focus more on sil son...
but well...now i more or less used to it le...sil son is really faster than kyler more clever than kyler...so i cant be bothered also...
mercsboy: so kua zhang leh u..i saw u last week,u not fat lah..

ni:then can let kyan wear the tigger outfit.. since i saw that pic,i always associate kyan with tigger liao.

blessedmum: sometimes i think they actually push themselves and leap forward(like a toad with very strong hind legs) cos thats what zonghan will do,so ever since then,i put him on the mattress on the floor. Just make sure cayden is active,feeds and sleeps well shld be okie. =)
kelly:haha,its actually my hubby who dun want to do back to our previous gynae,even though it is really near to our place, like 3 min drive.
Kindermusik “Village” class which is designed specifically for children newborn to 18 months. Kindermusik Village works on the premise that the parent is the baby's best teacher, and it is the parent who is the student in class.

Kindermusik is an early childhood music and movement program rather than a play gym. Our sessions explore a variety songs, dances, creative body movements, musical instrument exploration and more. The aim is to equip parents with the necessary knowledge, tools, ideas and repertoire to stimulate and interact musically with their baby.

Class confirmed: 23 august 1000-1045 @ tanglin kindermusik Trial Class = $25.50

1) Flo
2) Cherryale
3) Willting
4) Ann01jan
5) Bunny
6) Bawbaw
7) babyern
8) Tumble
9) cheryl83

the class will be conducted over 45 mins with one-accompanying adult and it is compulsory for the adult to wear socks in class but optional for baby.

mummies can pm me ur full name + bb full name + hp no + email ..i gotta email them back..tks

oopsy: u still want?
wilting: My bb's PD used to be De. Lilian. Now Bb dosen't have any PD. Coz my friend who is a GP does all his jabs and give us appropriate advice when we need. So right now, don't see the need to have a PD.
kelly:the delivery process was quite daunting so hubby said,maybe we shld consider another gynae.

mercsboy:eek:kie la..not so bad ma.
Ultraman: this thread moved so fast, I almost miss ur question. My friend brought her gal to both shichida and GUG. While she can't really say which one is better, her gal enjoys both.
willting:ya,scary and dramatising,my frens were commenting they never hear such drama stories before..dun think we will forget the experience easily right..
flo: i want to join. urghh, hopefully cleo dun slp sia... n most impt dun cry in class.. oterwse sian man.. gymboree she does that lor

PM u liao.

Kindermusik “Village” class which is designed specifically for children newborn to 18 months. Kindermusik Village works on the premise that the parent is the baby's best teacher, and it is the parent who is the student in class.

Kindermusik is an early childhood music and movement program rather than a play gym. Our sessions explore a variety songs, dances, creative body movements, musical instrument exploration and more. The aim is to equip parents with the necessary knowledge, tools, ideas and repertoire to stimulate and interact musically with their baby.

Class confirmed: 23 august 1000-1045 @ tanglin kindermusik Trial Class = $25.50

1) Flo
2) Cherryale
3) Willting
4) Ann01jan
5) Bunny
6) Bawbaw
7) babyern
8) Tumble
9) cheryl83
10)oopsybb (kim)

the class will be conducted over 45 mins with one-accompanying adult and it is compulsory for the adult to wear socks in class but optional for baby.

mummies can pm me ur full name + bb full name + hp no + email ..i gotta email them back..tks
wow today topic no.2... nice to have
enjoy being preggie too

btw mummies, i managed to be a member of Vitakids.. let me knw if ur need to buy things ok.
willting:yups,i did,when i was in the hospital bed..haha..are u on my msn [email protected]? i can chat with you about it in details.keke.. but i cant access it in office. Simply put,i went in hospital to induce with pill,after 10 hours,no effect so doctor decided to burst e water bag.after 10 hours, when fully dilated,zonghan refused to come out so had to do e-csection.the whole process took about 24 hours. super tiring..
Kindermusik “Village” class which is designed specifically for children newborn to 18 months. Kindermusik Village works on the premise that the parent is the baby's best teacher, and it is the parent who is the student in class.

Kindermusik is an early childhood music and movement program rather than a play gym. Our sessions explore a variety songs, dances, creative body movements, musical instrument exploration and more. The aim is to equip parents with the necessary knowledge, tools, ideas and repertoire to stimulate and interact musically with their baby.

Class confirmed: 23 august 1000-1045 @ tanglin kindermusik Trial Class = $25.50

1) Flo
2) Cherryale

3) Willting

4) Ann01jan
5) Bunny
6) Bawbaw
7) babyern

8) Tumble
9) cheryl83
10)oopsybb (kim)

11) chere


the class will be conducted over 45 mins with one-accompanying adult and it is compulsory for the adult to wear socks in class but optional for baby.

mummies can pm me ur full name + bb full name + hp no + email ..i gotta email them back..tks
flo, i will sms u.

mercs, i work in harbourfront area. where is your office? hey, like wat u say clothes are deceiving, u never noticed I wore loose t-shirt to your plc? But i am applying this clarins body shaping cream on tummy whenever i remember to break down stubborn fats
daymoon: u're in my msn lists...i went to archive to search for your birth story...can see you're very tiring for the whole process...
cherryale: oh ya hor...tat day at vivo gathering think u mentioned before...me and my lousy memory..
i work in raffles place...everything ex place..keke..
the cream works ma??
ohayoo!!all mummys..how life about you and bb?time fly so fast..sooner or later gg to see our bb start to walk and talking to us..kekek..I m so excited..cant wait to see my boy calling me mummy.heheh..Would like to ask..anyone start baby for porridge?need advise on what container to buy so when i go out with bb i can able to feed him porridge.Anyone got any lobang??

sperzz:your boy is so smart & sweet lor!hw i wish my boy will like him.
mercs, the cream works for me if I am disciplined. Last time I used the same cream after giving birth to #1.The problem now is I am too lazy/tired to use the cream. Only need to apply on areas with stubborn fats like tummy, thighs etc.
cjteng, i havent started my gal but based on my experience with #1, you can consider the following options:

1) Get a Thermos vaccuum 'flask' but the opening should be slightly bigger so that you can scoop the porridge out (this is the brand, think mercs has one)

2) Get a multi tier lunch box type (circular). It usually has 2 to 3 smaller containers inside the vaccuum flask. Usually if its just 1 feed of porridge, one container is sufficient, u can use the other containers to put baby's snacks like the gerber stars etc. I am using this for my son.

Both options can keep the porridge warm.
ladies..about IFC centre..recently my gf put her gal gal at jurong sarfa club there..only 2wks nia..give her so much trouble lor..once bb got abit of cough or abit run nose..they will cal you up and ask you to bring bb go back.My gf feel that they are too strict lor.they should help up and not to create problem for the parent lor.
mercs: ya IFC close on 1st sept. so thinking of jioing u n kyler out!

wau today busy day for me. so was away frm forum for so long. no time to even pump milk yet!

mercs/cherryale:eek:kie.thanks.by the way..my bb already start porridge when he is 7month.keke..
want to know got any sprezz selling bo?i think recently got some mummy post here..but i miss the post.

Ladies..last time i join those mummys to buy the flask to contain hot water wan..my gf want to buy..if anyone have the link,do let me know.thank you very much!

mercs:got one..still waitng for their reply lor.
