(2008) Anyone TTC-ing for 2008 baby?

nova, me also !! yesterday..but then mine could be because of UTI.. i not sure... but i also puzzled lor, cos if O yesterday then this month is that's it liao lor... missed the egg liao lor... which means all my symtoms could be PMS symtoms lor... sobz sobz

U all so bad!! Made mi *drool*.... I also feel like eating chicken rice later.. but one thing is bcuz after eating chicken rice got the garlic smell at the mouth... hard to get rid of it, thus when I eat, I'll think very long... hehe...

Pink Piglet,
Thanks for ya concern... he's recovering.. but keep vomit after he eat, cuz of the operation, den maybe due to that digestive systems not so good, thus keep vomit.... Eh, u going to the gathering anot? so I can meet u go together....

Mi also din notice How many I've posted.. haha.. Cuz we all so talkative! wahaha.. even when in real person, I'm also very chatty! dun believe ask Mrs Yap! keke....

I think i can only confirm my attendence next wk...but scare teacher will close the registration, wait piglet got no food..how..hahaha..
nova, lets keep fingers crossed !!

i just realised i CD26 liao, means if i 30 day cycle my countdown to AF is about 4-5 days !!!

hope hope hope
Good Afternoon, Saki
Thanks ;)
Eh Saki, u not in our table leh.. u not ttc-ing ?
or u have few bundles of joy liao ah ?

Chicken rice lunch was fulfilling... yum yum.. tastier because pink make me crave for it !! kekeke
Hi piglet,

I am also not very sure if is O. But it was CD17 when i see light spotting that lasted 2 days then my temp dropped immediately after that 2 days. *Puzzled* (from like 36.1/2 to 35.8/9)

ya there's a possibility that u might have o when ur temp drop, so does ur temp increase following the drop?

What do u meant by spotting? izzit ur fertile fluid (mucus) that u are referring to?
Afternoon ladies!! Jus ate Jap cod fish set, yummy yummy!! I was with this Japanese fren & she was shocked that I asked for wasabi to go with my rice & cod fish.. Kekeke.. And also I dipped some wasabi in the chawamushi... :p

I am looking forward in meeting you all!! But hopefully my blood clots would disappear next week if not I gotta stay at home.. sob sob...
Hi Hi! For ladies who are already mother or mum-to-be, any early pregnancy signs that you encountered? And from these signs, you knew that you are preggy?

I am also waiting for my turn to get preggy! Married in Oct 2006. Start working hard to BD only in May 2007.

oh pink discharge??? sounds like spotting not fertile fluid wo.. so which cycle day are u now? Fertile fluid suppose to looks clear & stretchy, they like to describe it as Egg-white discharge. However not all pple may experience egg white discharge during their fertile days. So u need observe ur discharge.

Another way to can track our O is using the ovulating strips, or BBT.
pinkie_pirate teacher

Got question to ask u hor.

if using opk detected surge for 2 days hor, should we bd on 1st day or 2nd day of surge har?
or should we alternate or bd both days neh?

they say that if opk is positive for 2 days, your egg will come out on 3rd day (when it turns negative). So advice is to BD as soon as you can detect LH surge so that the sperm (which can survive for few days) is ready and waiting for the egg. 1st day is best. Some women's egg may also come out on 2nd day, so hard to say.

Whether to BD alt or both days depends on hubbys' sperm count. If normal sperm count, then BD both days, and if low count, then BD one day.
is it normal to feel cramps on left side of lower abd? im at CD19, BD abt a week ago and been having this cramp on and off for past 4 days. it's not painful but feel like something pulling every few seconds or few minutes. never felt like this before. shld i see a doc? quite worried..hope it's nothing serious. appreciate some advice, pls....
Hi piglet,

Yes, i tot is spotting too. I am on CD22 now, the spotting was on CD17/18.

I got the ovulation test strip from http://www.early-pregnancy-tests.com/ i dunno how reliable it is, cos been testing for a week n see no 2 lines lor
And ya, i been tracking my BBT for a month. Thats why i said my temp dropped after the 2 days of spotting :p
Pink piglet, i also hope u can go join the TTC gathering too.. haha we sure alot of things to talk abt. Carine is right, when we meet each other for the 1st time, we talk like we know each other for many years liao... somemore is standing at the office lift lor... imagine if got sofa to sit and kopi to drink, sure talk till night... haha

Carine, i will be on MC tml and Fri... i went to see doc again today cos got spotting more. Doc did a scan and there is a big blood clot... now back to hormone pills... v sian... But I happy to see baby hands swinging... today it grew alot from last sat lor... Check out my BLOG
Pink Piglet,
yeah man, Mrs Yap is right... duno is it Mrs Yap very sociable or simply because I too chatty, that's y we can talk n talk.. haha...!!

Mrs Yap,
Aiyoh! got big blood clot? den how?? will that affect xiao Yappie?? haha.. glad to see he/she is growing well... next time u go for scanning again, den u wave to Xiao yappie lah, tell him/her to be good and dun make u headache! haha... Yeah, will check out ur blog..
meanwhile, u rest well ok? Get urself well for the gathering! If not i go Tiong Bahru Hunt u.. wahahaha...
Haha... I think both carine & Mr Yap are friendly & sociable! Oh no, the clot came back? Ok better rest & not do anything... Kekeke.. must be excited to see bb's hands rite? What's your blog Mrs Yap? PM me yah?

I also hope to go for the gathering but if still spotting then I might not go...
mrs yap...gota take care okie...share wif mi ur blog oso lei...kekeke

carine is indeed veri farnie....she is a bubbly & cheerful ger...=)

anyway gers...pls count mi in for the gathering...would love to put a face to all when we have communicated for some time le....=)
Snow, I also have that dileama... Dunnot to BD or not but in the end still BD lah... every alternate day! Coz anyway, heard that first trimester not wise to BD so if kanna later first trimester cannot BD... =(

butter, yeah we try to BD every alternate day wor coz dun even know when is O day! hehe... the signs and symptoms gives us mixed signals so might as well just BD... =)

Mrs Yap...must take care wor!!! How come will have blood clot de... I also wanna check out your blog! So exciting... can email me? [email protected]

elina, might be your left ovary releasing the ovum? not sure also leh... or it might be implantation of the fertilised egg so a lot of activity in your lower abdomen and you can feel the pulasations... if worry should go see doc... I find that last time I also thought never happen before, when starts to TTC, kinda more aware of the body and it seems like got a lot of aches and pains that I wasn't previously aware off... not sure its really there or was it my "psychological pain"!!! =)
Wah~~ Nova, BD every other alternate day!!! Like very shiong.... My hubby always tired from work... Like this, need to work harder next month if AF comes next week.

Btw, your hubby going Florida this coming Sat???
butter, same here, my hubby always tired from work and spend his evening time on DS lite and Xbox.

nova, it is great u BD every other night, increase chances of conceiving.
butter - we BD alt day since last MOnday...really very tiring lor.. this mth is the 2nd mth i trying alt day and with doggie style.
Bunnipet CD3 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
caca CD4 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD6
miffy CD15 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD15
Smallgirl CD16
Blitz CD17
Elina CD20 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD22 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD23
Mei Lik CD23 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Novakido CD23 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mrs Choo CD25 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Saro CD27 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD28 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
A&E CD31 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Andreanie CD32
BettyBoob CD38
Purin CD34 (LCB Member, Feb)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD21(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Butter DPO8 / CD28 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO8/9, CD29 (LCB Member)
Bubblepearl DP012, CD28 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
Blur DPO15, CD30 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO15 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Ylang Ylang DPO18
Justmum CD25
TeddyBear DPO26

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
Oh ya, I saw on some website that doggie style is the best as it will aids the sperms to "swim upwards".

Poor Snow... alternate day... I can imagine how tiring!!!
Check with all mummy-to-be, when did u 1st notice the preggie symptoms? Near AF date or after the suppose AF date?

I m not having any this cycle
already CD24 liao...
Bunnipet CD3 (LCB Member, TTC #1)
caca CD4 (TTC#2, Bukit Panjang)
mumwanabe CD6
miffy CD15 (TTC#1)
Joy07 CD15
Smallgirl CD16
Blitz CD17
Elina CD20 (Bukit Batok)
Spicegal CD22 (LCB Member, Jurong East, Jul, TTC #2)
Pinkie Pirate CD23
Novakido CD23 (LCB Member, Bukit Batok Apr)
Mei Lik CD23 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Mrs Choo CD25 (LCB Member, Punggol, June)
Saro CD27 (LCB Member, Queenstown, Apr TTC#1)
Carine CD28 (Bukit Batok, TTC #1)
A&E CD31 (LCB Member,Simei/Punggol,Sept,TTC #3)
Andreanie CD32
BettyBoob CD38
Purin CD34 (LCB Member, Feb)

WAITING TO TEST WITH HPT(recommended is DPO18) :
Snow CD21(Woodlands, TTC #1)
Butter DPO8 / CD28 (LCB Member, USA Arizona, TTC#1)
Thenun DPO8/9, CD29 (LCB Member)
Bubblepearl DP012, CD28 (estimated, Hougang, Oct, TTC#1)
Blur DPO15, CD30 (LCB Member, Punggol, Nov, TTC#2)
Pink Piglet DPO15 (LCB Member,Bukit Batok,Mar, TTC #1)
Ylang Ylang DPO18
Mei Lik CD23 (Woodlands, TTC#2, June)
Justmum CD25
TeddyBear DPO26

Storeberry (CCK, Oct)
Mrs Yap
gerchea (woodlands, #2, Oct)
Elchwong (#1, Oct)
butter - it is good position as i experience no soliders flowing after that but it is tight n DH cannot tahan lei...

last nite we used missionary. really very tired lei.

no symp = good news??
Snow, no soldiers flowing!!! Then never waste at all!! hahaha...

Oh, no menses symptoms means maybe... it won't come till 10 mths later? Hee hee... so, isn't it good news??
butter - really lei..heehee but hor doggie must be in the correct position if nt u will feel the pain lor... last nite did not managed to get into right position sia...

haha...most of the time i don't have PMS de lei... hee
