(2008/12) December 2008 MTBs

zachmommy, jappooh
Yes super heartpain and not only pain in heart, can never describe.. ocean was walking by himself near to the checkout counter. A woman walked pass him, I dun know who trapped who, which caused him fall and face down to hit on a trolley which is queuing for payment. I saw the whole incident! ocean fall and face down, I thought that is nothing and WTH I saw a hole with no blood yet, black, white color hole on his forehead, the next second blood flooding all over his face and body, he almost fainted in the car I think.. ahhhhh hate this happen to me!!! so unlucky!!! why I dun stay at home that day!!! now ppl will jus tell me "boy mah, must hv scar than MAN mah..." pain pain :'(
Oh dear, Liti...
Ocean ok now???? Poor boy.. yes super heartache

arghhh! that sounds awful! .. poor poor Ocean! ... hope he has recovered. For the longest time, I had this very faint whitish spot on my forehead, turns out when I was 2, my mom was feeding me in our balcony ... and she went into the kitchen to get something .. came out saw I had a hole on my forehead and blood was gushing out. She took me to the doctor and I had stitches. The mark has long gone lar. So don't worry about Ocean having a scar. Will definitely disappear.
jo, thanks! in fact he is back to very cheerful the same night.. like totally can't feel the pain on forehead.. I think he is brave to go thru stitch without any injection, ha ha he got no choice and thank god he went thru it!

sam, exactly. only ur mum can understand how I feel...

anyway we both went thru, just be alert and never leave them unattended... SCARY SCARY!!

Thanks gals!

My girl is enrolled in learning vision at science park, Alpha. It's less than 10min walk from my house. Fee is $663 after subsidy. So far so good, the centre is brand new, only opened this year. They do infant care up to K2. Near your place there's MMI and west coast rec centre, which I was also considering. the fee is higher by $100.

There is also kinderland at jubilee road near West Coast Plaza but I remember they do not take under 3year olds.

I also visited cherie hearts at west coast rise but I thought it was over crowded, though the kids look really happy.

Try this link, it lists some of the cc around your house, but I'm not sure what age group they take in.


LV at NUS (temasek life science building) specialise in infant and toddler care.
Hi Mummies..
I got good news to share.. haha...

Marilyn.. u asking who's next...the ans is ME!

I jus tested positive a few days back.
So Summer's gonna be a Jie Jie!

Now deciding whether to change gynae or stick to my old one.

My previous one was experience, comfy w him, convenient but EXPENSIVE! Thinking of changing to Fabbie's Mr Woody but his location is not so convenient but CHEAP.. haha.. any advise?

wow congrats!! We have many good news in this thread recently. A few of the kids are going to promo to gor gor and jie jie.
thanks Jappooh n snowger

I wanted a bunny bb but din expect to get preggy so fast..

and i din announce on FB cos my colleagues are in there..
Congrats Xuelyn! Hahaha.. Woody not too good if u got many questions la.. Dr Normal lor.. Stick to ur old one or change to someone else in tmc lor.. There are a few good ones there but not as ex as urs..

Yup.. Me hving gal..

FB more happening now.. Coz I find coming to thread using iPhone abit tough.. Next wk I'm starting work Liao but will be off site at suntec preparing for Singapore garden festival.. Busy busy!!

Who's next??? Hahaha..
halo... long time nv post le!

wow, saw some good news here...
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">Congrats</font></font> to Marilyn &amp; Xuelyn!!!
Wish u two hav a smooth pregnancy &amp; get wat u want, haha... gong xi gong xi!!
our thread is only active when someone announces that she is preggy!!! hahah

wish i could be next but i m considering switching job so cannot possibly be preggy..
Wow thks! So much responses! I tot our thread v quiet le..
So many ppl wishing to be next...

Nah.. Here's some bb dust... Catch! Gd luck!
I saw the comments on my Fb. Seems like most favor no 2. Most likely will go back to previous gynae... My Ms oreadi hit me badly... Sianz been puking n not eating plus have to handle a super sticky glue.. It's rally not ez... Sigh
Pas, i wan to be next but then..its like neither here nor there... continue look for job or just go n have a baby.. My hb said dun plan.. just leave natural goes.. Have baby then have.. if get a job.. then work lor.... haha.. wat if both come???? LOL
Been missing for a while, and so happy to know so many preggie again!

Congrats to Marilyn, Xuelyn &amp; Phyl

Sam, I want to join the spree...is it anything from drugstore huh?? sorry , I first time join.
Japooh.. Go go go!! Hahaha..

My bb dust comes in lorry full.. Give me u add I send 1 lorry over. Best is no more dust left!! Never again!!! I think shud castrate my hubby!!!!!!!

i dun wan liao lar stop factory already. 2 boys my head already very big.

I have a fren due in Nov she is having her 3rd boy. I worry like her so dun dare to try anymore.


u are so brave.. Hee..
I will b more than happy if my boy is super glue to me. But since I am pregnant with my ger n being instruct by gynae dun carry him so frequent he switch to stick to his daddy. Sometimes dun even wan me to change diaper for him! So sad.... I miss those Mommy son stick together day. Probably after giv birth to my ger must spend more time with him to rebuilt the bonding liao.
Yours should be bunny baby uh... cos the baby will be born around March right? ;p

Wah so many mommy wannabes here...
I wan boi leh... then can consider closing factory liao. :p
Thanks thanks.. I hope my feng shui master's words won't come true. He said my hb fated to have 3 gers... -___-"
dun believe in that. My colleague feng shui master also say she will have 3 gers. She have 2 kids. 1 gal 1 boy.
Congrats Mummies.. its So nice to be preg again. You are allowed to be FAT officially.

I missed preganacy days actually.. although horrible MS, backache.. birth pain, etc. The feeling of carrying the little one inside me just makes me think how great motherhood is.

I went thru a womb surgery with Cayenne in my 2nd Trimester. Doc told me the chance of losing her is 50%. I told doc that the chance for me to own her is 50% instead. I want to be positive and there I go, my little one is here with me and i am enjoying everyday of it.

For me, i wanted to pursue No 2 but due to poor health conditions, i am unable to do so. So mummies who are still hestitating, please go ahead and spread your motherly love! Boy or gal, All the best!
That's a very encouraging note. I was telling myself it's my hb's fate and not mine... LOL! Ok I am mad about getting a boi this round... ;p Got any tips to get a boy? Like diet, etc?

Based on your older posts during the preg days, I would have nver thought that you were experiencing what you posted... U were so positive. And it's because of this, we know how great mothers can be!

Btw, did you try Chinese Sinsehs to "adjust" your health to see if u can try for a second one again!

Congrats!!! I would want to join u all too!!! But I've just started working leh.. At least must wait till 6 mths later after job confirmation then can start planning.. Haiz..

I also want to have a boy.. Then 1 gal 1 boy will be good. But if next one is gal we also won't mind..
