(2008/11) November 2008

Bear & Dymples,
Your english must be very good since both of you enjoy reading so much. How i wish i'm like you.

My english is very lousy. Hope to improve.

Anyway i told my hb to teach my boy in future. I don't want to teach him the wrong things. hehehe

<font color="ff6000">bibi</font>
You vy 'wei da' leh, family 1st.. It's such a nice feeling to pamper yourself once a while hor..

<font size="+1">'Just Do It!'</font> (hee, im such a 'bad' influence!)
Same for me. I also went for checkup today. My baby head is down but not considered engaged. Anyway Dr said that it is normal for bb head to engage during labour.

My Dr also nvr do VE for me.
<font color="ff6000">bibi</font>
Dunno leh, I think he did coz he lumped everything together!! Smart move hoh? X'mas cum post delivery..

But it's ok, still touched by his gestures. It's alwys the thought that counts!
Yar, the feeling is very gd... Not 'wei da' is no choice. My hb just started his first job 3 mths ago and both my parent are not working. So gonna work hard.. Hahaha.. Now my hb start work liao.. I can relax a bit so must pamper myself.
Your hb is so sweet. As long as he do something to show that he appreciate what you have done, it is very good liao...
<font color="ff0066"> Bibi</font>,
hehehhe... My English is more "powderful" cos I grow up in English speaking family mah. Then as only girl in my family... I tend to read more to keep myself occupied lor. On the other hand, my mandarin sucks big time. I got an impressive F9 for my "O" Levels. *faintz*. I'm those that can speak mandarin only... cannot read, cannot write.
okie... me going to try to sleep liaoz... got long day ahead tomolo... shuttling my gals around for their various enrichment classes.
wa...7 packs thats a lot leh... I think tat time I switch to normal night use pads after 4-5 days... Cause I prefer got wings de..

The glass bottles u use le can throw liao.. U can get more from the nurses also, den can use to store BM also...

Carol &amp; Peanut &amp; Brocoli,
Cograts, Rest well..

BB Caden looks so pleased with himself. So cute.

Dun worry, your girl will learn to love n take care of didi cuz didi soooo cute.
Hey, saw your shopping list yest.
U travel ard Singapore to shop ah?
If I bought so many stuff, i will be so happy that i cannot sleep well cuz so excited.

Shopping is like therapy for me, hee.

I also like the last item, but have never bought an ex item for myself too... Hubby sure to nag at me.

Now can use this excuse, to reward myself.
amooks: Ya..champion liao..i feel so dirty oredi cannot tahan today abthing also with ginger and lemongrass water.

sabre: Ya, i switched to normal pads but realised very prickly so switched back to maternity loop, softer.
Hi Mummies

My birth story:
1am: Jumped out of bed bc felt like a needle prick below and water starts to leak out.
2am: Reached TMC, still leaking but no pain, only 1cm dilated.
4am: 3cm dilated, but bb's head high up.
5am: Contractions suddenly becomes very painful, used gas. Screaming already, despite gas, rush nurse to give me epidural and enema.
3pm: Still 3cm dilated, bb's head not engaged, topped up epidural twice bc still feel pain. Gynea suggest c-sect, looks like bb's head too big for natural birth. Then she say i shd go 4 GA bc she say i can't tell the diff b/w movement n pain when i'm on epi, she scared i will move when she sew me.
4pm: Wheeled into OT, bb out by 4.15pm. Thank God we did c-sect bc he came out covered with meconium.
4.50pm: Woke up by doc, suddenly forgot who i am and what i am there for, just felt nurses stuffing a tube into my throat, struggled with the nurse and keep screaming. Suddenly remembered abt bb and ask abt him.

The C-sect wound still very painful, try latching bb, he could suckle but dun think there's any colostrum yet. No choice, let him practice sucking and then nurse will supplement with FM, bc he is a big bb, very hungry, cry until like want to saffocate.

Taking things one thing at a time, will remain positive.
Dear Brocoli,
That was a long delivery followed by c-sect. 1am to 4pm? Breathed a sigh of relief for you now that it's over.

Your cute bb in your arms now. Everything is worth it, right?

Are u still in hos?

Take care and have a gd rest!
You may visit the biz thread for our postnatal massage promotion for Nov &amp; Dec MTB. Wish all mums could have a smooth and easy delivery.
iluvbli55> I'm still in hospital, the pain is quite bad, especially getting out of bed. Yah, its worth it, feel very special when he is breastfeeding.
<font color="ff0000">Brocoli</font>
Thanks for sharing your birth story.. Indeed, mummies are all wei da. Can tell you have gone thru a fair bit to get baby out! U intended for a natural birth right from the beginning yah?

Take good care!

<font color="ff0000">Bibi</font>
U bought the Coach wallet urself ah? Hmm.. should ask ur hb to get it for you instead. I find we mummies really go thru so much during these 9 mths. U ought to be well-rewarded!!

I didnt slp a wink last nite. MY #2 cough the whole nite, yet hb can sleep like a log. Feel like slapping him really. Worse is my gal kept calling for me, not for Daddy.. so he can continue to snore away. Feel so tired today. As this is my #3 pregnancy, and I have been blessed with energy, and relatively problem-free these 9 mths, hubby always take me for granted and assume that being pregnant is easy. Just becos I dun complain much to him doesnt mean it's any easier. I just endure thats all. If there is one thing I can wish for, that will be to be men pregnant, so that they can fully understand wat we go thru.
<font color="0000ff">Dymples</font>
Oh yes, I will transfer funds to you as soon as possible. My IB .. I left it at my mum's house! Sorry abt that.
Hello Dymples

Managed to ask Hubby to transfer funds to you first:-

To Account POSB Savings
057-63421-9 dymples
Amount S$69.90
Transaction Reference 1968964348

Thanks alot!
Muz be painful indeed. Have plenty of rest then. Tink you can go home tmr right?
Take care &amp; keep us posted!

You are also very wei da. 3 kids not easy. Still got #1 and #2 to take care. Have to salute you!
congrats to brocoli and carol! Have a good rest during confinement!


caden is chubby despite being less than 3kg
btw, u can start to watch Yu Di Tong Xing now
i finished liao....now watching The GEm of Life (the 82-episode serials).


bb asta has lots of hair wor...very pretty leh


i believe dr chan will respect the delivery method you prefer. I believe he will objects only if your health condition does not allow.
Hi mummies! Finally I have the time to post liao..been busy with my boy for the past few days.

Here's my short birth story-
5th Nov :
11:30am - was still happily posting at SMH
11:45am - felt a gush of watery discharge oozing out from underneath..
12:00pm - felt a bit of contraction with about 30 mins interval. sms hubby to come home.
12:45pm - reached KKH, was admitted and hooked up to CTG machine to monitor contractions and bb's heartbeat.
1:30pm - contractions became more intensed. 10 mins apart.
1:45pm - gynae came and checked dilation. was already 4cm dilated.
2:15pm - was pushed to delivery room. was already 5 cm dilated. requested for epidural but was encouraged not to but to use 'laughing gas' till i deliver. gynae said that i will probably deliver at 5pm.
5pm - regular intense contractions at 5 mins apart. 10cm dilated. started to push(lost count of number of times..at least 10 i tink)
5:26pm - baby was out finally.

Here's some details of my boy:
Name: Darius
Weight at birth: 3.814kg
Length: 53cm
Delivery method: Natural w/o epidural

Is Milderina still updating the chart? If yes, thanks alot!
<font color="ff6000">Bio Oil Order</font>,

Hi Ladies,

The costs for the Bio Oil is AUD$34.95 for 1 bottle (125ml). As the exchange rate for AUD now is A$1=S$1, so the price in SG will be $34.95.

To confirm your order, pls TT the $$$ to me at POSB Savings A/C: 057-63421-9. And then sms me the transaction details at 9012 1008.

My dad will arrive in SG only around the 29th Nov. Collection will currently be at CCK MRT (near my place) cos I scared will be doing confinement then.
So won't be able to travel around. Thks.

Bio Oil Order List - CLOSED
1) Bibi - 2 bottles <font color="ff6000">PAID</font>
2) iluvbli55 - 2 bottles
3) Sunshinekid - 2 bottles <font color="ff6000">PAID</font>
4) Milderina - 2 bottles
5) Cookieoreo - 1 bottle <font color="ff6000">PAID</font>
6) Gin78 - 1 bottle
7) Enne - 1 bottle
8) Carol - 1 bottle
9) Minkybear - 1 bottle <font color="ff6000">PAID</font>

congrats o all mummies who hv popped and jia you to those gonna pop soon!

Do u mummies use bottle warmers or hot water to warm up milk bottles? Which is faster? Contemplating buying a warmer...also dunno at brand.
<font color="ff0066"> Brocoli</font>,
Oh dear.. sounds like you had a long labor. Not easy yah. You must be feeling so glad it's all done and over wz liaoz.
Then when you look at BB... will be feeling that it's all so worth while. Take care... rest lots and have a good confinement.

<font color="ff0066"> MooMummy</font>,
hehehhe... can still remember we were happily chatting away on SMH. Din know you were going to go into labour so soon.
Your delivery is really fast and smooth. *envy-envy* Hope mine will proceed like this too. hehhehe... Take care, enjoy BB and have a restful confinement.

<font color="ff0066"> Sunshinekid</font>,
No worries babe. Received payment wz thks.

You're so lucky to have problem-free preggie and so much energy. But hor... if it's me... sure will wake hub liaoz. *lol* so bad hor...
Aiyoh... Me feeling totally zapped out. Supposed to shuttle my gals for their enrichment, but now ask hub to do it cos I dun feel well...
super aching back, increasing pressure on the perineal area plus feeling nauseous. *faintz*
<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>,
I used the Avent Bottle Warmer b4. It's easy to use and warms the bottle quite fast too. I din like using hot water cos can take ages if there's lots of milk to warm. HTH's
I realised that I'm using OCBC and it says that transfers to other banks will reach the designated account in 2 to 3 working days.

This is the first time i'm using OCBC to transfer so I tot screwed up, but it's the banking procedure. Oops, sorry for the delay.
cookieoreo and lovedogs,
thats a relief to know that I will have that option to discuss with him if I feel that i can go ahead w/o e use of epi. (i am a lil petrified of being scolded by him again since i got a stern talking to by him bout consuming too much milk. =p)but i told hubby i will respect his recommendatoin as well. if he feels it will be best for me to ensure e delivery goes smooth, i will take his advice. thanks so much!

good for you!its impt to pamper urself during this period. =>

actually, speaking of post-delivery pressie i am thinking of getting something for hubby even though i am pretty tight on budget already due to estimated expenses for e hospital charges, 1st month celebrations, confinement, post-natal massage, etc..hubby is always the one getting pressies for me. i think its nice for me to get him something nice for being so sweet and patient with me during this past 9+ months..he just surprised me with a package of tokidoki stuff which he ordered from e states. a tee for me, a bodysuit for baby, a pair of earrings and pouch for me.hee..

hahah!! i tot i was terrible in mandarin (i think i got a B4), so i found my match,kekek..my hubby's family is mandarin speaking so you can imagine how weird they tot i was when i was first introduced to their family. altho i could converse in mandarin, they thought I just sound like a foreigner attempting to converse in mandarin. so malu!!! now its much better due to lotsa practice.hee...

just try to get as much rest as possible ya? a rested mummy is important for baby!!

it sounds like you had a pretty quick and easy delivery. thats good!!
We were just talking on SMH the day you delivered, when I went for my gynae check-up. He had 3 deliveries that day and I think you were last one, cuz at 4 plus, he said one more going to give birth. It's you!

Luckily, everything went smoothly for you.
Take care and have a gd rest!

You n hubby so loving. *envy*
He bought you all the cute, cute stuff. I can imagine how happy and surprised you were when you got it. Aww... so sweet.
<font color="ff0066"> Haru</font>,
hahhahaha... yah... when my hub intro me to his family... I also had a hard time understanding his parents. Most times I would turn to him and look at him wz a quizzical look and then he would translate into English for me. So hilarious. Then when I replied with my "ang-moh-nised" mandarin, they would look at my hub and he would translate again. hahahhahaha... Now much much better liaoz. At least we can have a decent conversation with minimal translations - except when they start using those chinese idioms.

Oooohhhh... your hub is ssooo sweet. Can see that he really pampers you lor. *lucky babe* I totally agree that such a loving hub deserves to be rewarded.
Asta'a hair> hehee... no secret lah.. think cos both me and my hubby got thicker hair tts y.. Dun tink its due to any diet during pregnancy.. thou i love icecream and chocs a lot i doubt they're the cause for her hair ahhaa...

Asta's appetite> yah i'm worried she'll overeat lor thou at the moment she's stil small size.. Jus now she was sleeping nicely but MIL jus go ahead and fed her cos feeding time approaching, angry again.. I rather she wakes up by herself when she's hungry.. very stressed when she's awake cos its like always not enuf for her... tomm going back to the doc i'm going to ask him for further advise.
hiya dymples,
funds transfered via OCBC. will take 3 working days to b shown in your account. thankies!

Reference No. 20081109150722
Date 09/11/2008 15:38
To Account Dymples 057634219

Amount SGD 69.90
Transfer Type Immediate
Your hb is so sweet. Yar, you shd get something from him too but gonna do it fast. Be4 u pop

Yar.. My friend offered to drive me around. So must make full use and clear all my outstanding purchases.

When i don't feel well, i will make it a point to tell my hb abt it. Gonna let him know the pain i have gone through during preggie. Esp i'm having a super big tummy. Lots of ppl thought that i'm having twin. Cos it is too big for my size.

Wow, you managed to deliver w/o epi.. With a big bb. That's not easy. I wish my labour will be like yours. Fast and smooth.

Got to rest well. Esp after long labour.
wow.. jaydon has good weight! tink its a right choice to go for csec thou its more painful after the delivery.. But how come they put the tube into ur throat? GA would need that to be done??

hhehee... congrats to u as well! Caden looks chubby with a closeup thou he's jus 2.8kg. DId u try buying present for ur daughter telling her its from didi??
Hello to all mommies and mommies to be (like me)

I'm new to this thread and we are expecting our angel actually on this day, but we are still waiting though.

I'm a foreigner to give birth here in Singapore. I'm very happy to have found this website, it gave me more confidence and support as I have only my husband here when I give birth.

I really look forward in learning from you all!

My kindest regards
dymples: thanks - can it also warm other brand of milk bottles like pigeon? abt how many mins does it take to warm one bottle?
<font color="ff0066"> jmiranda</font>,

<font color="ff0066"> CC</font>,
hehhehe... aiyoh... i used the warmer like 3-yrs back. Tink it took anout 1-min to warm up the bottle bah. Yup yup... Can warm other bottle sizes too.
Nice shopping huh!!
How was your checkup on Sat?
I saw Dr Koh on Fri evening. Seems like he wasn't in gd mood or too tired. Didn't wan 2 talk much.
My minnie is approaching 3kg liao (38wks+). How abt urs?

peanut, Asta so cute! She looks a bit big for a 5 days old bb lay.

Jmiranda, Welcome here!
welcome jmiranda!

ya, am hoping to get a casio watch that hubby has been looking for, but can't seem to find at any stores!! =Z to be honest a lil nervous to go out shopping on my own now coz i can like pop anytime.hahah..
I'm so bored. Stayed at home yest &amp; today. Got nothing to do.

Your shuffling duties for today pass to ur hubby rite? Are ur kids coming home soon?
Hi Mommies,
Thanks for all the compliments!
Hee.. ya piv taken after his feed tat's why he look so contented and happy mah.

Clara is showing concern towards didi today.. hopefully she will accept didi soon

I have nt start watching my drama.Busy handling clara whenever i am free.Din realli get enff sleep too.. tink i will start onli both kids settled down.
Caden is driving me crazy at times.. he gets hungry like every 1.5hr or lesser.I latch on so much that my hb asked me to feed formula and rest.I got angry when he said tat but i knw he meant well for me.Is realli tough handling a newborn and a toddler at the same time.

Dr Chan so funni!
When i was admit to the labour ward,she said,you see bb dun wan to wait till friday!he wants to witness the historic election day!
I can't go out on my own. Hubby not allowed. But u r still very energetic! The nearest I can go now is my neighbourhood shopping centre, any further and I'll be so tired.

Where do you normally go shopping?

Hi guys! having this persistent pain in my tummy since i woke up.. hrmmm... baby bear pls stay in there! i haven't finished my assignment!!!

Krystal, thanks for ur tip.. i will let u know how the VE goes tmr.. :p not looking forward to it.

Dymples! u aren't the only one that flunked ur chinese! I got D7 for my Chinese AO too.. had to retake it else cannot go into uni. Some of the forum gals met me before and have heard how horrible my chinese is.. My hb can't believe i can't rem how to write my own chinese name.. wahahah...:p i finished the book liao.. last night read till 2am.. this whole day i have been lying on the couch finishing it. have to say the ending was a bit disappointing.

Moomummy, Brocoli, both of u got so different birth stories!! have a gd confinement and dun give up on bf-ing!

Cc, bottle warmer is better than hot water. if u are giving breast milk (for the matter FM also), there are proteins in there. Most proteins and antibodies denature at abv 42 deg. using a bottle warmer u can control the heating, ensuring u dun overheat ur milk.
