(2008/11) November 2008

you say must use 2-in-1 when bb is still young is it? or not recommended to use? the consultatn use what during demo or what she recommend?

Jo Yeo,
The baby binder is to cover the baby tummy. You got to cover his "qi dai" while waiting for his "qi dai" to dry and drop.

Your due date is very near liao.. Jia you. You will be seeing your baby soon.

Can i know where did you buy the raspberry tea? Around town area or Tampines area pls.

So sian.. I'm only in my wk 32 but i having backache and leg cramps... I think it'll get worse in the later stage. Now my tummy super big. All my colleagues said that too. Most of the ppl thought i'm having twins.
Hi olwen, bluebear, bear, thanks for the concern. I will hang in there def. Tomorrow will ask gynae for Hosp leave liao.
cutiemum, moomummy, sorry to hear that you are going through the same pain. I have a couple of times cannot walk too. The groin area (bone) like burning pain whenever i stand. sometimes, tears just burst out. horrible. I told my hubby, if it is so painful, i dont think i want to go through another pregnancy le. Kekeke..
Hopefully the pain clears soon. Hey i think all our babies move down around the timing. i was 34 week then when the pain starts. Lets Jiayou.

Groin pain: Now am taking painkillers from the gynae, seems to be better. but still waddle and walk super slow from the pain. Luckily my boss and colleagues are quite understanding, thus i'm able to start to rest at home peacefully. But i really feel bad to leave my colleagues in the lurch at such critical time.

raspberry tea, i had started taking a a couple of weeks ago. Bought from mom in mind too. You can go dasio to buy those tea sachets to pack the tea leaves. Like this, easier to brew.

sunshinekid, take care yah. Still have a few more weeks to go. Jiayou and let your body rest more. dont worry about work.
baby clothings: thanks to my maid, all washed last weekend. Keke.. one thing off the list of things to do. Yeah.

Hospital bag: my hubby help me pack. I thinks its about half packed so far.

Other essentials: my hubby help me to buy new avent funnels so that i would use the one he borrowed from his friend. He dont let me buy new one. Hahaha.. He also helped me to wash and sterilised the pump and the baby bottles, teats and pacifier. I dont have to lift a finger. So touched.
U how many weeks now? Take care. Good that ur hubby sayang u so much.
hi everyone.. I'm new here. gonna be a mummy soon.. my edd is 2/12/08... got a feeling that my prince will choose to pop b4 Dec... I felt so heavy with such a big balloon infront of me.. have to carry it everyday.. so tiring..
Morning all..

sunshinekid.. take care and keep a close monitor. Dont wori you be fine..

hi chua mummy.. yes.. heavy heavy balloon..panting while walking too..

bear, here's the cream im talking about. Although its not like those miracle cream but at least relieve abit of pain b4 sleep..
hi nikki,
cool! did u try the pumps? is e workshop very similar to what they teach at antenatal classes?

i think the main thing now is be rested. do not worry too much ya?

thats what she mentioned but she never recommend any brands tho..i think GlenE does not provide clothing for baby so best to bring ur own set (with mittens, booties and all) for baby.
Gd morning mummies,

my gal weigh 1.8kg at wk32, so happy to see her, keep opening and closing her mouth during the scan

For those taking raspberry tea, I checked with gynae yest and she advised not to take too early (after wk35), in case it stimulate contraction and just 1 cup a day.

I hand-washed the new 0-6m clothes, dont need to put too much detergent. For those hand-me-downs, got to really check, soak and wash very throughly with more detergent.
that's so cute!! hubby and i always looking forward to seeing baby at the scans too. last time she only wanted to show us her fingers and side profile.hahah..hopefully she won't be so shy the next time we visit gynae.=>
got niam (nag) by gynae again for the 3kg gained this mth. I keep "pushing blame" to my gal and say if I dont eat, she kick me v hard. So when she saw her mouth moving, gynae said: "Ur gal is saying dont push all the blame to me". HAHA
Paisei. can you remember the size of your PIS box? my colleague bot 2 pumps, box size 18x12x14, i order 1 also same. coz borderlinx charged based on actual weight or volmetric, whichever is higher ley. so vol will be 18x12x14=3024/366=8.3kg ley compared to the pump weight of 4kg.so shippig will be S$50+ ley. so funny 1 ah. but you say your shipg chgs only 36 ley.
Sunshinekid> Please take care and rest more. How long did you spend in the labour ward, your case sound more serious than mine, dunno why i must be warded for 4 days. Did your contractions stop within a day?
I am having a bad burning sensation at my throat especially when i drink or eat hot soup, any mummies know how to make it beta?

HI Lilian,
Thanks and sorry to keep you waiting tat day cos not familiar and turn a big round to get into the carpark...
JJzou> I wish i can sew like you, i ask my mum to make the bean pillow for her only grandson, she also neber make. So i end up buying one.
morning ladies...IT'S TGIF!!
went to see gynae yest,baby is 2.1kg at week 34, slightly small to medium, need to put on more weight..hmm..5 more weeks to go, jiayou!

better rest more,don't walk too much, 5 days mc not enough leh, ur gynae should give u 2 weeks instead..do take care

jo yeo,
u order liao? just the pump or with other accessories? will check the box size tonite and let u know..

Finally i had named my baby girl (christian name) yeah!
Your gynae very jovial. So funny.

I received the order but payment I can't check yet coz the internet banking got problem. I cannot login.

Yes its by volumetric weight coz that is higher. About $36 is for backpack or shoulder coz that box is smaller. Metro bag is bigger. About $52-$54. This is all stated in 1 of my long long ago posts where I posted the size of the boxes and the shipping costs by various shipping companies.

Bean pillow can buy. Its not ex. I got mine about $12 only coz on promo. If you make yourself, sorting and sunning the husks can be tedious and if not done properly, there will be a smell.

But casing if want can sew. That one is easy. I made for my girl too. But talking about these makes my blood boil. My mum threw away a pillow which I made when I was in Sec school. I kept it for 12 years liao, saying its for my baby next time. Then this year, she threw away when I shifted out and haven had a chance to shift everything to my new house. Not as if its an old smelly pillow. Its a nicely sewn pillow in a protective cover. And with a baby on the way, its obvious that I still want it. Even all the maids I have ever had knows that its my bao bei. I dun even let my baby cousins have it lor. Dunno wad my mum is thinking. And my stupid husband can say "never mind, make another lor". So easy make meh! That one the design is not as simple as the bean pillow lor. I sew again sure more than 1-2 weeks de, esp now I dun have the energy to sew for extended periods.
Hey ladies! its fri!!

Sunshinekid, oh dear, please take care ya? was ur bleeding a lot? I posted previously abt a gal who went to the same gynae as me but had very bad bleeding in wk 28. KKH doc said could be the placenta tore from the uterus, hence the bleeding. Most imptly is that the bb was fine. Your doc won't give u hospitalisation leave for the rest of ur pregnancy? try not to move too abruptly ya? rest rest rest!

Dreamyjo, the pain of motherhood starts even before the bb comes. cheer up! it's all worth it.

Vel, i have seen this before! heh. thanks for the photo.. i actually wanted to paste the tiger balm gor yoke but gynae mentioned that i cannot use too many pieces a wk.. so try to ren as much as i can lor.

Gin, thanks for the washing tip. hahaha i got prob handwashing now cos tummy is in the way. ask my hb to wash is like asking him to die like that. he hates to do housework. i m trying to finish washing all the big household items then wash the drum before washing bb's stuff.

Lilian, me MSN u abt the arrangement hor.

Fifi, there there... wat's done is done liao. don't brood abt it.
Fifi> Maybe i have too high expectations on my mum bc our whole family waited 7 years for this baby so i thought it would be very meaningful for her to make something for her grandson. I understand how you feel, i used to have this old and smelly quilt made by my grandma and i was using it till i'm 20+ though she died when i was 2yrs old. Felt so special using it. Anyway i bought the bean pillow liao.
good morning mummies,

looks like everyone here are almost reaching the finishing line. In terms of days to due date, I am 37 days away but if I am looking at hitting 37 wks, I am about 17 days away.

Bean pillow
my mum is helping me to make. instead of using the husk, she is using green beans. I oso bought the flannel clothe from spotlight for her to make the pillow casings and blankies. I am sewing the nappy myself, managed to buy some nice muslin cloth with prints to make. A lot of satisfaction making something for the baby although I did not make anything for meg. Maybe I shld make something for meg too so that she can pass down to her kids.

Yesterday, went to visit a fren of mine. she recently had a pair of twins gals and on the second day after delivery she noticed a lump on her breast. Gynae says might be a block milk duct and it shld go away. but about 3 wks later the lump was still there and gynae recommended her to see a specialist and when she consulted wif the specialist, it was confirm that the lump was cancerous. she had to stop breastfeeding and abt 2 weeks ago had the lump removed. she will be undergoing chemo in 3 wks time. Apparently this is pregnancy related and the lump became very aggressive during the last trimester. Good thing is that the lump is loaclized and the cancer did not spread to her lymph nodes. Recovery is very good. Anyway, the reason for sharing this is to alert us to check our breast especially after we deliver. early detection can save your life...
no need to check liao k. fifi already told me. thanks

pump-wow you really good ah. thanks ley. no wonder la, box so big. like that sure hit 400 lo, then i better buy the shoulder bag.

spree-okie, after you checked, anything let me know. 1st time spreeing you see...

bb weigh 2.7 at 34wk. as mentioned, bb head already down and he continues to be there
furthermore, he is facing back and gynae say thats a good position (easier to come out) which i have shared with you gals earlier and wanted to give you a site to read but 4got, please forgive me. Anyway abit abt the site, it advise us to do a posture daily i.e. 4 limbs on the ground, like a doggie...got it???? on your knees and palm? do it on bed as its softer. for 5mins, cant remember how many times a day, i only do 1 time. then when you sit, knee should not be higher than your butt. by doing this, it will push your bb to the right position. can only remember this 2 la. i will try to remember to post the link.

my total gain is 14kg, duno how gynae calculate, seems like he takes my weight fm 15th wk not from the 1st visit i.e. 7th wk. He still say ok but if i myself 1 2 control, reduce on starch intake.

he says my leg is swollen (but i cant see, later he press and show me. still thought it has subside hehe) and wanted me to rest coz it will lead to higher blood pressure so gave me 1 week rest. wow sei, how to take 1 wk rest. see how la.

Its true, coz i did it myself, in fact my dad dry the sprouts for me, and its tedious la coz you have to pick somemore, not all is cast you see....then wash, dry...if $12 then its cheap. for me, i wanted to do sticth a pillow for my boy
Dont be angry la...If you not tired, you sew another one for your bb lo...specially for bb
then must tell bb, "dont you ever throw it away, next time must pass it down"

Wow you very near liao ley... you on ML already?
The $50+ is SGD. Assuming you have the 5% code, I don't think you won't hit S$400 if you dun go add a lot of other things in.

Bear, jo_yeo:
I juz don't understand why she throw it away lor. No reason for her to throw mah. If its old and dirty maybe got reason. But this is clean, not used and in a protective cover. Pengz. Even if want to throw the pillow, the case dun throw mah.

Re: 3rd Trimester "sickness"
Today woke up with a headache. Then followed by BH. Then leg cramps. Dunno wad my girl is doing inside.
HI Mummies
I just came back from gynae visit cos I had slight bleeding last nite and this morning.

Anyway, gynae checked and also did a swap test to see if I am having infection or not, which I had few weeks ago but had cleared after a round of antibiotics.

He checked and said bleeding fr cervix, not internal, and also did a scan. Placenta is okay, amniotic fluid level seems okay, baby moving very well..

But I am told to stop taking my Aspirin now. I took cos I had pre-eclampsia for my #1, and it's suppose to be a blood-thinning tab. So he said mayb my blood is thinner now, so any abrasions etc, the blood cannot clog and will flow easier.

I was at TMC labour ward for abt an hr +, just for observation. Given ventolin to stop the contractions, but then again, I dun even feel painful at all, so gynae said most likely it's BH. What were ur symptoms like, that made u stay 4 days?

Oh yes, baby is abt 2 kg at 32wks+. But I dun really trust my gynae's judgement. HE said my #2 shld be around 3kg at birth, but when she came out at Wk38, she was only 2.46kg. Wah, very far off leh.

I myself lost 200gm, gained 6+kg.
Sorry mummies, to minkybear and those mummies going for the gathering, I am sorry that I cannot attend as I had food poisoning. Just came back from seeing doc as I have been vomitting this morning. Tot MS..but not..guess must be the food I ate last night....I send my regards to all of you and hope next time, I won't be so unlucky again....enjoy your dinner and have a blessed weekend ahead.

With love,
<font color="blue">hi all, sorry for interrupting..i am a mummy from the june thread. i have 2 packs of brand new fitti size S diapers for sales. It's suitable for babies below 7kg. I am selling at $12 each. Please pm me if you are interested.</font>
Hi mummies!

Me today on leave and went to see gynae check! Baby weights 2.3kg at 35 weeks...gosh..counting down! I gained abt 10kg so far >.<

Gin78, your gynae got sense of humour yah and ur bb so cute.. hiaz just now my bb was sleeping so didnt see much movements...

Sunshine kid, that must have been a scare..but more impt dont worry so much since bb is fine. Rest well during this period!!

Hi Blessed mum,
Oh dear hope will feel better soon!

Coconut water: My mum started to remind me to drink abt twice a week...:p do u all drink too?? My hubby ask my gynae if it's ok to drink and he gave a very straight face and said that coconut water won't help in delivery haa but can drink lah...
Whether coconut water help in delivery I dunno. But my aunt says it does help for complexion of the baby. Her first 2 boys, she never drink. Then the 3rd girl and 4th boy, she drank. The first has eczema. Comparatively, the girl's complexion is very nice. The 4th boy's oso quite good. So I drink with the hope that my girl will have nice skin.
i very worried lo, scared later they dun give me the 5% then it will be 240*1.5 (extreme) +55=415...xiao liao..and if really kana gst, then i will regret not ordering other things lo

coconut h2o
what i understand is that this water help to clean those white skin (duno wat) off the surface, so that when your bb comes out, bb will not be flaky with the whit thing lo.
Just ensure that they put in the 5%. If they cannot put it in, then dun complete the order and call again lor. So far I give code to a few people liao. All no problems lor, except Baby23's case where she say she did not get 5% but I think she did coz of the amt she paid.
jo yeo,
quite hard to check now cos' our breast are quite swollen. still can breastfeed cos' cancer cannot be past through the milk. so don't worry.

coconut water
i was told that coconut water helps to reduce water retention so I intend to start drinking soon as my feet is very swollen. Every morning when I wake up, my fingers are very stiff and fat too.

shinshine kid,
i was told by the sonographer that when they tell us the weight of baby, you have to + or - 500gms as it's just an estimate. when I was carrying meg, we went for fetal size scan and they sonographer said that baby's weight is aproximately 3.5kg. but when meg came out, her weight was 3.1kg. so the gynae's estimate is oso not accurate, just a gauge.

i will work till the baby arrives. going to discuss with my boss to allow me to work from home once i hit 37 wks.

take care and rest alot in bed. don;t over strain yourself.

have a good wkend and for mummies who are gathering at soup restaurant, have fun! me going to pack up and head home.
hui, you started your ml early. How many weeks are you now? Im planning to start ml on 20th oct. Now on hosp leave. my gynae only gave me 13 days so i need add 2 days annual leave to cover 16 - 17 oct. Now so shiok rest @home but i confine myself to bed, scare aggravate the groin pain. Enjoy your ml!
hi mummies,
gynae didnt mention if baby's head is down already, but from her daily movement doesnt really feel like it. will prob be able to determine that only when i see gynae next week.

had some training done this morning for the pple who will be taking over some of my duties while i am away on ML. feel a lil load of my shoulders already. but they will still need another few rounds of training just to make sure they get it right. still need to train some other colleagues on the other remaining duties which needs to be delegated. looking forward to working from home at least 2 days a week within the next few weeks.
i took ML on 13 Oct when am 37 weeks.. i very scared she come out b4 13 Oct..haa..her brother come out @ 37 weeks..but even on ML can't rest wan.. my Jovial will kar jio me..haa

Haru/GE mummies
As mentioned, pre-registered today and was given this maternity service guide by GE. Got a more detailed checklist here :
- 2sets of mother's maternity clothing (preferably with front openings for bf)
- 1 baby vest and blanket
- Baby mittens and booties
- Disposable panites
- Maternity bra
- Sanitary pads
- Slippers
- Marriage cert
- Passport/IC
- Dr's letter, lab result if any and pre-admission form
- cordblood collection kit
- do not bring/wear jewellery or valuable items e.g. hp &amp; watches
- a warm jacket for your spouse

During your stay, the hosp will provide a basic toiletries pack for you as well as vests, wrapping blankets, a box of tissue and disposable diapers for your baby.
