(2008/11) November 2008

waa... been busi very long never come into forum liao

Hope all mummies are doing fine, we must tahan just another few more weeks to see our precious babies. So chia you "add oil"!

Rite now, having swollen hands, feet and face too. Lucky blood pressure hovers around 115 to 123 so still managable.

But my placenta is aging rapidly, now I am at 34 weeks, apparently its called "calcification of placenta" so my gynae may induce me at 37/38 weeks instead.
does anyone know where I can get this in Singapore- Kiddopotamus & Co. Snuzzler Infant Body Support - Gray Fleece Baby Car Seat?


yah I think I better get everything ready before delivery, that's y busy shopping. Nov/Dec my hubby having exam, where got time to entertain my request.

Going for checkup later, cant wait to see my gal
You get ready your list of items. I will send you the T&C tonight when I reach home. After that you reply and make payment.
good morning mummies,

have been busy lately so no chance to log in. me seeing gynae this Sat. Hopefully everything is ok.

Yesterday, hubby and I went shopping for the baby stuff. Ended burning a big hole in our pockets buying the pram and car seat from Mothercare. BTW, anyone of you need to buy stuff from Mothercare, let me know. I have the card now and you can use it by just quoting the card number. If anyone of you need, let me know.
I oso went to spotlight and bought some muslin cloth to sew the baby nappy. I find the anaku or johnson baby ones very stiff and hard. So bought some from spotlight which had some nice prints. Managed to sew one yesterday. Will take pix and post tomorrow. Oso bough some flannel cloth for my mum to make blanky and pillow cases for the bean pillow.

Packing bag
anyone started packing? I am going to start throwing things into the bag this weekend. Most likely pack the baby things 1st. Oso need to pack for hubby and megan as we decided that we will let her stay wif us in the hospital for the 1st nite. We don't want her to feel that since baby is here we are abandoning her.

Me oso swelling big time now, especially this week. Feet, fingers, face and even my lips. Hubby says my lips looks so full, looks like I went to get a lip job. Have to go and drink some young coconut juice this wkend.

Hope you are better. Gynae say anything?

take care. rooting for you. do let us know when u deliver.
Morning ladies!

One question....for those whom MIL or mummy doing confinement for you, how much ang bao to give?? Also, need to give them additional money to buy herbs and the ingredients for the confinement food right?? How much to give roughly?? I am clueless abt this!
morning young mummies.

peanut, blessed mum, sorry sorry. i am old & short sighted so miss out. thank u for your well wishes.

thanks to glad gal, baby23, lilian, haru, Karin Ann, dreamyjo, Yen, Mildy, Jjmom, alibaba, for your well wishes. This time I say first, sorry in advance if I miss anybody hor.

Jjzou, minkybear: shd be next week unless any emergencies. Yes, have to do c-section.

dreamyjo: don't feel down, ok? I also have exactly same pain. Especially after a scan at the doctor. It will pass after some days. I donno how long but mine did go away. Sms me if u feel like chatting. The sms u rec'd this morning was from me.

everybody take care. Hope I will have delivered by the time I next come in. Those going for makan, enjoy yourselves!

i wil be providing ingredient $$ for mil for preparation i heard at least 800 - 1k for ingredients. cos herbs & fish are expensive stuffs.
ingredient $$ & angbao $$ separate..for myself, ingredient will split payment into half maybe $500 + $500.. If u really wanna make sure not giving too much or little. ask ur mummy or in law how much she need for ingredients

As for Angbao, up to individual.. usually mummy or mil will not take from us. so u give one yi si yi si lor.. i tink i giving $200.. bo lui liao. cos oso mus prepare for bb full mth party too.. alot of $$ to spend tis end yr!!

Thanks for sharing! Ya, I am thinking maybe ingredients + herbs about $1000. As for ang bao, dont know how much to give, we will see how much to give lor. I dont want to short-change her also.
Hi guys! hope u had a gd hol! i slpt the whole day away. think i was only awake for 10 hrs at most. super tired.

Haru, wat else do u need to buy? i think i have most of the stuff liao. only need to wash the clothes! hahaa.. i kena scolding from some of the mummies for not washing my clothes! I also dunno how much to wash. do I need to soak the clothes before i wash?

Olwen i think when u deliver u won't have time to come in and post liao.. heehee.. u need 3 pairs of hands and legs to take care of the triplets. but do rem to give us a sms when u deliver hor.

Vel, u put what on ur back? i also wanna put.. quite pain leh.. mine is the midback area, not lower back.. also i think my bb is slowly getting into the correct position so his legs are at my right ribs. very painful leh.. machiam bad gastric pains. feeling very bloated and like no appetite at all... can't finish my meals...

Jo_yeo, i got the Ju ju be diaper bag. http://www.ju-ju-be.com/packabe.html
HI All Mummies

Gd Morning...

Hi Dreamjo

Me too experienced the same pain as u!! Exactly at the same place.. Me too coming to Wk35 liao..
Mine started last Wed... then getting worse each day.. On sat worse, suddenly cannot move at all, a slight movenment will make the whole leg and joint pain.. Then i was struck in the toilet.. luckily hubby was home.. Was supposed to attend the talk at mandarin.. then end up cannot attend.. Went to c gynae, he commented that it normal, it due to the pressure from the bb.. n it might be all the way to delivery liao..
But my condition improved over the wkend and now was so much better.. So u hang on there, ur might improve too..
Hi hi mummies
Sorry to hear about all the pain you gone thr. Hang on there! Mummy power!! Can consider go for TCM if pain persists. let me know if u need contacts. I believe TCM is more natural, less harsh on body.

Btw, I have recently gone on buying trip and brought back branded baby clothes. e.g. Oshkosh, Baby Essentials, Carter's. Factory Overruns. They are good quality authentic products. I'm putting up for sale $9-23. Cheaper than push carts & factory outlets.
Pls take a look. can email me [email protected] or PM me if any queries. If you like my blog, can help send to your friends? I'm only selling thr friends and blog.
Thank to all friends who have visited the blog and recommended to others. I will bring in more stocks v soon
Thanks All!
Afternoon ladies!

I collected your stuff.Pass to you tomoro

re: gathering
*excited* I have not meet any of you here.Hopefully can recognise when i rch.
But i will be slightly late hor.. tink can rch abt 7.15pm.Need to wait for my parents to be back b4 i can go out.You all order and eat 1st.

Who scold our guru bear here? Keke
Let me scold her back for u!wakkaa
I do soak my baby clothes b4 washing ley.
i washed my baby cloth few months ago. Although they were in the wardrobe, but i think i would wash them again a week before delivery... hahaha... I think I'm going mad >.< either too excited, or nervous.

I didn't buy 0-3 months size cloth, only bought 3 months onwards. mainly because I saw my nephew grow so fast, and my sister would pass some his cloth to me =)

I hand made 1 cloth for my 'small bear', but not too happy with the hand craft inside. not smooth enough, so I would work on it again if I'm not too lazy >.<

just to share the excitement >.<

zzz... hi mommies.. sleepy.. went for Thai express and ate a plate of super salty Salted fish fried rice.. Today's mood not fantastic.. mayb tinking abt this sat need to come back work then sb sian..

Last night dreamt my bb looks like humphty dumpty.. scary lor.. face so big and long... mayb cos i sing nursery rhymes for her sometimes and humpthy dumpty is one of them -_-"
thanks jo yeo!
i also remember reading that best not to use pillows when baby is still very young. will try to find out when is a suitable age to introduce the pillow. the pillow i bot is has a "sunken" part in the middle for baby's head and its supposedly for infants. but i'd rather not use it immediately if its not necessary or recommended too.

i am likely to go Mothercare soon too to get some final last min items. do you mind to share your card no with me? u can PM me if you prefer to. thanks in advance!!

the only thing i have packed in the hospital bag is the Cordlife package.=P hahah...

wow, so excited for you. =D enjoy these few days of the little miracles inside you before they come out to say "hello!" ok? we all can't wait to hear from you when you have delivered.

i stil have a couple of items incl: bathing tub, extra mittens/booties (just realized they will need quite a few mittens since they drool on it quite a lot in a day)...quite a long list...but i can't recall e rest of the items as i have the list at home. hahah...=P

wow! you are really a very doting mummy already!
amazing...thats very nice. In fact i ever thought of handmake shorts for my bb too (easier hehe) but been feeling tired. I have just finished cross stiching a bean pillow for my bb. very satisfying too
but a small one to put on bb chest is so called recommended wo...so as not to scare the bb..something like that. so someting like the bean pillow lo, small 1 lo..i made 1 myself

Actually am thinking of making it and sell here but duno got market bo...haha...somemore duno got time bo hehe...coz cleaning the beans sprout is a headache. I used bea sprout coz its lighter compared to those green beans
Hi Jo yeo &amp; Haru,

thank you =)

I made it few months back (July), when I still feel full of energy >.<

I hand make this cloth for my small bear, because when I was born, my grandpa made me and my twin sister a set of cloth and pillow. and pillow with name &amp; flower on it, which made me feel very special. after so many years, we still keep the cloth and pillow.
Jo yeo,

I got a hand down bean pillow. so I took the beans out, cleaned them with sun shine. still need to make new pillow case =) quite lazy now.

I'm sure there is a market for bean pillow. you can make it by order only. so you don't waste your time and effort =)
Jo yeo,

i put 俊雄 on it, that's our boy's nick name.

I wrote the name on paper first, then stitch them on a piece of fabric, then stitch it on the cloth. I had fun doing it >.<

I also wanted to put a red color cross on it, but my husband say too much, not nice. so i would put the cross on the pillow.. haha.....
good idea.....thanks...maybe i should make 1 sample 1st...(mine is cross-stitch so cant use as its very time consuming
as sale)

wow handsome bear....nice nick neh...

Enjoy yourselves mummies.....
Happy, hahaha dun worry lah.. just make sure u have a few of our numbers in ur hp.. call us when u get there. Snnowy cannot make it liao so it is down to 10 of us.. Will try to drag that Auggybear along cos that gal said she just had Soup Restaurant for dinner over the wkend!

Aiyah, the mummies who 'scold' me for not washing the bb's stuff are just trying to tell me not enough time liao.. heehee.. they all meant well. :p currently i m trying to finish washing my curtains then wash my washing machine's drum before starting on the bb's stuff. So how much do i need to put for a 7kg load ah? once u soak with detergent liao still need to add detergent into the dispenser? How abt softners? I think my hb bought the Komodo's softner to use.

Haru, hahaha its ok.. but i think ur EDD is ahead of me so u better start washing! my turn to pass on the 'scolding'! hahah...
Hi mummies!
finally can steal some time from work to post.hehe..
Wow, think that all mummies are busy preparing for the countdown liao..me too..left with washing the cloth nappies this weekend..

I actually wanted to go shop for more baby items with hubby, but i had this pain in the groin area since last thursday. now every step i take i have to bear the pain...to make it worse, i have tummy ache since yesterday..
Bear..i go home and check the name for you. Its like those pain relieve cream.. after application, you will feel warm and then pain will subside.. I also checked with my gynae..so safe to use..

jo_yeo..thanks alot.. ordered liao.
hey mummies,
taking a breather from work to log in. i feel that as i approach closer to EDD, my work load is actually getting more and i still have so much loose ends to tie at work. sob..have had to skip my yoga classes these past 2 weeks, sigh. hopefully circumstance will improve next week..feel like its so hard to me to even try to get away and work from home as planned.
Check the instructions on the packaging and then reduce a bit. That's wad I always do when it comes to detergent. In fact, I often reduce by half coz I find the amt they ask us to use is insane. Follow liao the clothes "stink" of detergent even after many rinses.

But for baby clothes, I try to add an extra rinse cycle coz I want to ensure no detergent remains.
hey mummies,
just checking which brand of baby wash (2-in-1) have you all bot? i actually bot the pigeon shampoo and body wash but midwife at antenatal class recommended using a 2-in-1 when baby is still very young..

i have been a good girl and i hv finally loaded my washing machine with baby's clothings!! just with hand me downs i already have a full load. i still have another load to do which are the brand new clothes which hubby and i bot. one thing is for sure, we have way too many infant clothes!hahah...not sure if she will be able to wear all of it before she grows out of them.=P
Haru, u making me feel guilty liao... i gg back to wash... CURTAINS! wahahaha... i dunno if i got that many to wash leh.. dun seem that way.. may be if u count the cot bumper and bedsheets then might have a lot.. i still haven't got baby's bath towels! i keep thinking i can wash all the clothes in ONE wash! wahahaha...

U need to rest lah.. Ur co won't crash without u.. sometimes we must learn to let go too.. this is coming from a workaholic.. i haven't managed to let go of my work yet. so... nvm.. just ignore me. :p

Fifi, hrmm i better go and find out how to set an extra rinse cycle. actually i like the smell of detergent! to me, other than the smell of rain, the smell of clean laundry is the best! i heard some ppl say dun use softners (not even bb's softners) but others say must.. dunno who to believe.
Hi Ladies,
It's been real long since I ever come into the thread, been real busy.. Hope you gals still remember me! See that all mummies are really excited!

I have attended the BF class and find it real informative. I havn't got any pumps only standby an Avent manual one but seems like Ameda electric one is reasonably priced and effective.

Is any mummy taking Raspberry Leaf Tea now? Seems like rather beneficial for us, helps to ease labour.
Final deadline for Babymall Spree #3. Orders which have not been submitted and paid by 7.30am tomorrow morning will not be included.
Hi mummies

Hello kaya, cutiemum, nikki
I'm relatively new here

I already started taking the Raspberry Tea from Mums in mind last week, this wk I'm 33wks. How many wks are U now, can start taking around 32wks if U want but not too early ok,

Thanks for your prayer. I leave my all cares and concerns to God.

I'm not getting any stuff from Babymall thanks.

happy, minkybear, Bear
Sorry, I'm not able to make it for tmr's MTB gathering cos my hubby got to stay in school late, then it's really difficult to bring my active son along. Fly kite- me very sorry ya cos it's a last min thing, he told me only today.
jo: actually bean pillows now everywhere sell OG, Taka, Kiddy Palace, only abt $15 quite gd quality got one for my Baby...

But was told to change it every like 6 mths or so bcos will deterioriate (the husks), so hygiene reason best to change regularly..
Hi Mummies

I just came back from TMC's labour ward, was there for observation cum CTG scan.

Had a really busy day at work, rushing some reports for my boss. Then at 4.30pm, I went to pee and was so frightened to see blood on my pantyliner. Seems like alot, not just staining. IMmediately packed my bag and told boss that I was bleeding and need to go see the gynae NOW.

Was told to go straight to the labour ward. Put on CTG scan and was told I was having regular contractions. The nurse also did a cervix examination for me, I am 1cm dilated! Was so frightened... My gynae Paul Tseng was called back to check on me.

Hmm... He said there cld be many reasons why I had bleeding, cld be due to my previous infection etc.. Then when I asked him abt my 1cm dilation, he said he is not surprised, as this is my 3rd baby (though 1st was C-section &amp; 2nd natural).

He gave me ventolin for my contractions and gave me 5 days MC til next Wed....

Girls, I am so worried.. now still abit of bleeding, but as long as not flowing, he said shld be okay. I hope can tahan till Wk 38!!

Any mummies here who also bled like me?
Re: Gathering

Date: Fri 03/10/08
PLace: Centrepoint Soup Restaurant

Auggybear (TBC)

see u guys there tomorrow at B1 ok. cant find call. dinner at 7pm under wong. for a table for 11ppl so anyone want to join still can
Hi Bluebear,
I'm also in my 33wks nw! Is the Raspberry Tea fm MIM easy to brew? Cos it's not in teabags and we have to drain the leaves rite? Did you order online?
