(2008/11) November 2008

yah i heard people eat durians during pregnancy and the bbs v chubby and huge.. But i poo already so painful how to eat. Mayb when i recover then i take some lor

Re. Bali..
yah the agent told me people call in as early as Feb to book already full liao. so the flight seems quite bad..
I also long to dip into pool and suntan at a nice beach tsk tsk. u can consider langkawi/phuket/koh samui lor

Durian :

Heard it vy 'pu' so can eat a little bah but I nv like it thou. May eat a little in later stage, c how...depends on bb's size. Coz if eat too much, bb will be vy huge & not gd for natural delivery.

thanks....i juz changed and had orange with carrot juice earlier

BBQ food : yes, as long as not eat it all the time, and must be well cooked, shd be ok...

Durian : i heard it will make your bb grow bigger... so shd be quite good...a pity i dare not eat durians...

Exam over finally...

Looking forward to my bangkok trip tml..

Wow, everyone start making plans for holiday.. My dad like cruise but i think it is too xx for a trip to nowwhere. It cost around 500 bucks.
Hi Peanut,

I used to have difficulties to 'poo poo' Now Ok liao cos i eat guava everyday. You can give it a try cos guava is very high in fibre.
hi mummies,

I'm new here. seems like some of the mummies here are with KK. Me also with KK

Recently being given calcium and obimin but duno why everytime i take them, my stomach feel weird and at times vomit. Is it common or my body cant accept the pills?
welcome whitelily88,

hmm.. im not sure but i had multi vitamins and will puke the moment i got it down the thoat.. that the most tough task in the morning..
hi whitelily88,
How many wks r u now?
To know whether if its t multi vit pills triggering nausea, perhaps u can stop taking them for a day and monitor. If u still puke, then maybe its due to the demon - Morning Sickness.
I have chg my folic pill intake to dinner time, so tat I dun feel so terrible during working hrs.
Hi guys!

Wah talking abt holiday ah... initially want to go bali but think go there only can bake.. right now i just wanna escape from the sun! :p me thinking of gg to perth in late jul/ early aug... heh... but i scared it is too cold. so mah fan hor.. i want something relaxing too.. now so easily tired.

Haru, i think airlines allow u to travel till 34 wks.. aft that need doc letter liao.

Re: fruits
Have u guys try things like peaches and nectarines? quite sweet.. currently i like grapes.. heh... i like durians too but everything in moderation ya?

Peanut, hope u poo poo better now. heh. try to avoid heaty stuff for now lor...

Joyce, i crave for sweet stuff aft eating savoury things.
like need to counter the salty taste like that.

Minkybear, BBQ food can eat.. just make sure it is cooked. also, make sure the tongs used to take the raw food/ cook the raw food is separate from the one used to scoop the cooked food. then shd be ok liao.
u make me wanna eat BBQ stuff! Abt the scanned dates, i think it depends on ur O date more than u LMP. ppl might O later hence their bb is 'younger' than originally calculated.

Welcome Whitelily, erm multi-vits can cause constipation..
may be that's wat u are feeling. I cannot tahan the smell of fish oil!
JJMom, can call yr gynae clinic if u have problem. When I need to c gynae immeidately, I will call the clinic, then they check with my gynae whether can i come down see her immediately. Last preggie she even return my call & speak to me.

btw still no result yet? if no, I got a number & contact u can call to check result.

BBQ food i have been eating twice last week..heehee, actually is not recommend to eat the burnt part.

Durian..I eat alot last preggie during the lst trimester. Is believe to help to increase bb size & true enough my gal weight increase quite abit. but those that have diabetics & high blood must avoid. Is very heaty also
Vincy, u have the direct line to your clinic? I only know KKH main line which we call to book/change appt. Mayb I check with them on which tel to call on my next appt too then.

If they din call me by noon, I will try to call to ADC this afternoon.
Gd morning ladies!

Wah... all talking abt holiday at 2nd trim.
Me thinking of gg hokkaido at july but hb said i might b too tire to travel by tat time.Think he giv excuse lar.He knows hw will gets more tired than me,coz gt to take care of me and carrying my gal around.haha

Enjoy your holiday!

U wanna come taipei? I am a SAHM at twn nw

Wld say taiwan is Ok for preg woman to travel but jus abit crowded,esp the night market.
But abit wasted if u come at preg coz there many nice food but we preg cant eat lar.But oso provide u dare to eat at those dirty looking food street.

Welcome whitelily!

Hi Bear,
How are u feeling these days?
I eat all kind of fruits except pineapple and watermelon ley. But i still like apple and honeydew the most.Can eat half a honeydew myself :p
Morning all,


Was feeling terribly tired last nite after dinner with friends. Cant wait to reach home and sleep. Slept at 10pm till this morning..
hey Bear,
perth is great, especially self drive. in jul/aug is considered winter but the days are not too bad. its the night temp that drops drastically. but still very nice. i wldnt mind to go again too, been there twice and i love it. but i think hubby not confident to drive there. he hardly drives and i think i will be too clumsy on the road, hahahaha..
Wow... australia *dreaming** I was there 1yr ago for 2 weeks on road trip.. from brisbane to red centre to adelaide and finally melbourne.. great experience =)

yah crowded - thats what i'm thinking too.. in the end i may prefer to go for a more relax, so most probably koh samui
Vincy, I managed to call & check on my Oscar result liao. It's gd, my ratio is like 1:2000+...I can finally rest my mind & truly enjoy my pregnancy with much less worries liao.

Next stage for us will be to know our bb's gender liao...excited to c the detail scan
when yours? Mine is mid of Jun.
hi happy,

My sis bringing my 2 year old nephew to Taiwan in 1st week of June. How's the weather going to be? Any tips that you can share?
Gd morning ladies!

Happy, i m ok! still got twinges off and on.. next wk see gynae will ask him abt it lor. Wah u can eat half a honeydew! that's a amazing! i eat one apple already complaining.. just not the fruits type. so far bowel movements are ok so not complaining.

Haru, me thinking of gg on a tour rather than self drive lor.. my driving style and hb's driving style very diff.. if self drive i think we might end up quarreling. :p Actually i not really keen on Australia cos i went there for my HM but i don't like Asian cities and Europe is too far.. sigh..

JJmom, that's great news! can relax liao!

Sumei, u feeling better today?
Bear, thanks. Glad tat u r feeling great today

Ladies, Spring Mom at Tanjong Pagar MRT r giving free membership with any purchase till this sat.
hahah Bear,
so its trying to decide on a travel spot now eh? =>

this morning i am experiencing more of the "tugging" sensation on my left side on my waist than usual. hubby says baby is prob excited about goin on a holiday too.

i checked out pricebreaker. really seems like quite a good deal, i think its similar to SIA wow Bali promo. but i just try my luck to email them on avail. reckon since its on SIA, wil be same situation of no seats!
JJmom, thanks for the tip.
me too lazy to go all the way Tanjong Pagar.

Haru, ya i m trying to decide on a place. I want somewhere relaxing lor but not interested in beaches. cos when i go to beach resorts, i usually bake myself. Now with the bb, i just wanna avoid heat.

U also have that tugging feeling ah.. kinda annoying leh.. i have been getting them almost every other day, esp when i climb stairs. sigh.. hope bb is ok in there.
Glad to hear tat u are doing fine.
I love honeydew lar.. so i can eat half of it all by myself.But the honeydew here is nt v big de.hee

I hav this tugging feeling on and off too.Think sld b ok lar.Gynec said as long as no spotting and nt pain.Is ok de.

Is hot here.
Tips to share? Errr... tink twn is quite a baby friendly place.Every shopping ctr hav nice and big nursery rm.
The water here is nt like sin.So best is let the kids drink mineral water onli and nt those drink from the stall.You wont knw if the water they make is clean.So better dun take the risk.
if u're looking for a relaxed trip better go for free&easy rather than a tour.. cos travelling in tour group always v hectic and rushing one. F&E is own time own target.. at least touchwood if u dun feel v well that day then can rest more

my poo poo and buttock better liao.. seen a doc =)
Afternoon ladies,

2ndbaby, oh, u was there last fri too? my appt was in the morning 10am.. Great to hear that your bb is growing well

Happy, ur hubby was posted to Taiwan?

Now the hot topic is holiday... for those 1st time mummy, is good to travel with ur hubby now so that u both can enjoy (er ren shi jie) b4 bb arrived. Cause after bb arrived, u hardly have time to travel, and if yes, u will missed your darling badly when u travel
hi happy,

Thanks for replying. Thought it is cold now in Taiwan since it's going to be typhoon season in June. How about drinking boiled water from the hotel, is it safe? Going to be very tiring for sis and nephew because they are going on a package tour and needs to change hotel everyday. gosh.
Oh no... i m eating non stop! have been munching on Hello panda biscuits this whole morn.. seems to make my nausea better. at this rate i'll be fat!

Peanut, glad to hear that ur, erm, buttocks are better. by the way who was the one that says the buttock pain ah? issit muscle pain? or nerve pain? For me i have shooting pains going down my legs from my waist. I suffer from sciatica. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sciatica

I know free and easy trip is better, but in my case hb and I will argue more. cos if it was me, i very nuah while my hb is the super qiong type.. totally different traveling habits. So if we go on a tour, at least neither of us can complain.. me thinking of doing a more relaxing tour.. like for old ppl or something. heh!

Happy, my hb would like to go to Taiwan. but i scared it is very hectic. if i go there, then u must come and take care of me okie? heehee..

Joyce, that's my thinking lor.. but hb feels that we shd save for the bb... sigh.. i think i need a break lah.. have been working very hard. :p
Hi Joyce! sorry late reply cos juz saw ur earlier msg now :p

Hi Jenn! Thx for the advise at least now i feel that i am not overly sensitive :p
minkybear > that's wat i have been wondering too? can drink yakult ma? nv did dare to drink ever since i know i'm preggy... haiz~ kind of miss it..

scorpbb> no prob.. hahaz~ gd to feel it though =D
Me! Taking my yakult after dinner if i feel too full & non-fat yoghurt as supper if i feel hungry. Checked with my gynae & he give the green light to go ahead.

i have never like yoghurt b4 preggie, m now loving it, mayb it a little sour tasted.
Jenn> heehee ya lor I felt a small bump twice on my palm when I happen to place my palm over my stomach n really very excited lor ^_^
wahh... ma la steamboat? hubby say cannot eat =/ scared not cooked properly den bacteria... oh missed that too.. but anyway, now MS so eat liao also go into toilet bowl.. maybe later on can go eat quietly =P oh ya, thanks for e article..
bear, thank. feeling better.. Crave for chicken cutlet (lunch) and had that at arts canteen.. but on the way back, the food was like moving up and down my thoat..wana puke yet nothing come out..so er xin.. had ginseng sweet to curb that feeling.
Great now i can drink my yakult n vitagen in peace.
hubby dont know whether good for me so always let me take only a small sip. not shiok.

tot pregnant cant eat steamboat because food is not cook throughly at the same time. something about the temperature cant kill the germs in the food. puzzled.
minky bear
steamboat: then wait until the soup gun gun lor then eat the liao inside. then finish one lot of food before putting another new batch in the steamboat - like that shd be safe. I already eat steamboat liao somemore got eat cockles leh.. but cooked thoroughly lah
I m at my mid 13week. So far, think I felt bb's heartbeat or dunno what twice when I laid on my sides
The feeling is a few (>5 times) vy fast knocking on my tummy.
I also eat steamboat last weekend at my sis's place. At home, shd be better bah.

We also practice like what peanut said, make sure not to put in raw food when we r still eating from the pot. So we will make sure no 1 is taking food from the pot liao then put in the raw food & make sure it's cooked b4 we eat again
sure be safe this way.

Scorpbb, no problem

Bear, ya, shd go ahead, just insist that u wanna go then hubby will accompany for sure... better enjoy now

Minkybear, normally can feel the bb at ard 20wks.. But some can feel earlier around 18wks.. For my 1st pregnancy, i remember that i can feel the bb in my 20wks and it was amazing!
