(2008/11) November 2008

wah u v brave wor.. i din tell my hubby main thing is i dun like to stay with them, but i told him after bb born and grow up a bit really no room for him/her to sleep so need to get another house.. guess he agree so finally ok to get a house on our own. otherwise i know he dun wan one.

Su mei,
i agree u shd stay with ur own mama.. sometimes my hubby go for short biz trip i oso go home.. hahaaa.. stay his house so sian leh, i cant imagine maternity leave hav to cope ther for so long, esp the confinement period.
I am very headstrong lor.. everything somebody suggests to me, i need to know what's the rationale behind it. MIL very superstitious so she really irritates me when she says some illogical things! told me cannot take too much salt when she doesn't even add any to her soup. how can? i already low blood pressure.

We were supposed to stay with them, cos my hb promised his mum that he will take care of him when he marries. That's partly one reason why we got such a big flat. but when it was time to decide i told my hb her nagging will drive me nuts. Even my own hb cannot tahan her nagging and would shout at her to shut up, but wat can i do? i can only tiam tiam right? so i told my hb he has to listen to my complaints but he said have to listen to his mum and me sure go mad. in the end he told his mum better not stay tog. aft that MIL will always bring up the fact that she shd have a daughter cos gals are more filial, straight in my face.
My plan is to wait till BB 2yrs then move out.. MIL stil say no need so early can wait till Pri 1.. piang lei then ask my child sleep on di-lam meh.. my room is too small to even squeeze in a small little bed. I think she oso dun wan us to move out one lah.
Bear - ur character are veri similar to one of my GF. hehe.. is true ler wat ur hubby said.. he is stuck in bet wife n mum. he complaint to his mum.. his mum will say "u listen to ur wife" ..if he complaint to u... u oso feel he neglected ur feeling. so.. the only way is to take things easy.

my mil oso like to eat unheahlty food, oily stuff. which i cant take it at all. so i juz eat small portion lor. wat to do.. SHE WILL NOT CHANGE HER WAY TO ACCOMODATE .
Hi Spin,
Yes, its true, twice I witness such good service. And the ward also seems brighter and more lively compared to TMC.
peanut00- we are applying for new flat.. cos i told my hubby .. with the nos 2 cuming along.. where you wan ur 2 little ones to zz ? cos beside PILs , there are another 2 of his bros stayin too. but veri sad to say tt.. balloting result hasnt been a gd news to us.
another way is to get 2nd hand one. i more or less decided liao cos new ones so exp and so small somemore.. then we also prefer to get a house nearer to his cos may stil need MIL's help to look after the kid during the day while we're working.
Peanut00-oic.. hmm i wan to stay FAR AWAY frm my inlaws. hahaha.so we taking our time to apply. cos resale flat has to fork out hardcash leh.
Peanut, at least i din say it's his parents' fault mah...hahaha

Taking the blame make me get off so I don't mind loh

It's juz stupid to put 2 fighting fishes inside the same small bot loh, sure fight 1 mah. Y can't some DH understand tat then when the DIL & PIL fight, the man cannot handle...sigh
ya. resale flat got to pay cash plus agent fee oso in cash! my most cham period is over. finally house key got liao. & aready rent out...can shake leg take rental $$ ev mth now.. of cos ev one would want to stay by theirselve to have er ren si jie. but under some circumstances. my mil is alone. so we jus cant leave her by herself. then we cont'd to stay with her. if we were to stay by ourselve we oso need to help her to settle her house expenses. it's another burden to us. so i rather we stay together. "yi yan nan jing"
still consider myself as lucky cos MIL so far still ok with me.
Spin, u need to talk logic with me cos i m a scientist. I need to see cause and effect... the more u talk nonsense with me, the more rude i will become.. my MIL also knows i got a temper. so she is restraining herself from nagging at me too much during this time. if she makes the effort so would i lor...

Resale is crazy now.. u need a lot of spare cash to buy.. better to get a new flat.. old flat need a lot of reno. i spent a bomb on renovations!!!
Hi mummies,

I am helping my sis to sell off a philips avent isis iq UNO electronic pump (U.P. $279) Still under warranty...used only 2times bought in Jan 08.

Give me your *best price....it likes new

Interested pls email me @ [email protected].
Bear -u gt character leh.. hehe. my MIL is strong headed type. And she ALWAYS feels she is RIGHT. so i will nt bother to argue with her. It will make mi more upset.
yah agree if only the mum then we shd stay with her esp if hubby is the only son. Thats y i tink since my PIL stil healthy and an elder daughter who dunoe when or may not get married is there as well, there's no point staying together yet. Sigh anyway gues we'll only look out for a house after the birth. Pantang.. no moving of house while pregnant tsk tsk..
thats the diff btw our mum and MIL..

But thats life.. think positive.

bear.. yup. for us is we need logic..or unless she can convince me..
hi mummies,

feeling much better after an afternoon nap but still have this very sian feeling.

I delivered megan and had my ectopic emergency surgery at Mt A. Had very good experience staying there. Nurses were very understanding and patient. The lactation consultant was also very good. she personally came into my room and helped me to breast feed. As I have an inverted nipple on my left breast, she actally helped to extra the colostrum and cup fed megan. she was really good and skillful.

During my ectopic, they were very understanding and made sure that I was kept far away from the mums that delivered. Overall, I wld recommend Mt A.

Unfortunately due to change of gynae, I will be delivering at SGH this time. Heard some good review from frens who delivered there too. so keeping my fingers cross...
Yep, I heard lotsa good comments about Mt A. During my 1st pregnancy and at weeks 36, I had to go for a piles operation in Mt A. The nurses there gave me so much assurance that my baby will be fine despite my ops. I was really thankful for all the nurses and doctor there.

I delivered in TMC, didn't have good impression. Being scolded by midwife and nurses there were also quite impatient, except for a few. This time round, I die die not going back TMC, will deliver in Mt A.
Morning everyone,
Heard alot of good comments here, I will opt for Mt A this time round, although I have quite a good exp in TMC for my first son.

Have a bad stomachache yesterday nite, dunno is it ate too much(Too much Onion), like need to go toilet but all I can pass out is air(Oops...my hubby kept complaining). Anyone else got the same symptons?


Have to take good care or urself now, body is yours, not anybody else, anything happens ur boss would not be able to help
gd mrning ladies

Lala- ya.. i think u reminded mi during my labour time. the midwifes @ TMC were unfriendly.But NOT ALL nurses are bad, some are friendly too.
Good morning ladies

so many gd reviews for Mount A
And since i have a choice, i tink most likely will choose Mount A.

i have alot of burping & farting too. too much air inside.. even nv eat onion wor... Den when wanna fart oso scare pple will hear it. hahaha.. *paiseh*

Luckily is only at nite when at hm, if outside , so paiseh, have to act real good liao haha.....now still feel bloated, hungry but no appetite to eat.
i burp & fart ev where! haha.. Day & night.

yeah! TGIF.. thanks for the remainder!
Reddates, me too. The other day, had fried egg with onion at my sis's & after tat had bad stomachache too. But I don't mind to clear up my stomach once awhile lah, the after feeling is quite gd...hahaha
Yday i didnt have proper dinner. had a piece of "yu kun" bread, a donut & a yogurt. becos too tired & lazy to buy dinner. know wat, i slp at 10+pm, & woke up again at 12+... stomach moaning! fainted.. get up & grab someting & eat.. then can slp. OMG. i dun used to be lidat... can slp with hungry stomach de... anyone has the same experience?
alibaba, dunno wor coz nowadays i don't really dare to go on a hungry stomach. I vy scare of the fainting, weak spell when I get hungry so I make sure I don't...hahaha, no wonder i m getting so fat loh...

During my first preg, terrible, almost got to wake up for late nite "supper" everynite. My son will kick and kick till I eat something before stopping, then have can have a good nite sleep. I will get hungry easily and can eat after 1-2hrs of food intake. Not much MS as well.

Completely different for this preg, not much appetite now, always feel very nausey, tired etc...
morning all

reddates, no wori. I passed out alot of air too whenever i visit ladies.. but its good. wont be so bloated.
yah sometimes when i feel nausea will go toilet try to let out some air. then it'll get slightly better after that. Better to release below then to release above.
At least u guys can control when to let out gas! I have tummy prob so i fart everywhere.. usually i have to warn my frens that i just let out some horrible smelling gas.. :p

Yay! its Fri!

A lot of ppl recommending Mt A hor.. Well just to let u know if you want to do ligation, Mt A doesn't do it. Becos it is a Catholic hospital and it is pro life. so if any mummies wanna close shop aft this pregnancy, choose another hospital.
Any mom ever think about cord life?? I'm quite interested and checked the website yesterday.. exp wor.. other then the 1st time lump sum registration/process fees, mthly storage is S$250 fyi =P
Chilipadi, sorry to share... my friend has gotten a very bad experience while delivering at SGH. I'm not trying to frighten you... she told me that the nurses there are not pro-breast feeding. They'll not carry your infant to you (for suckle) soon after delivered to simulate the breasts. Soon my friend developed infection and even kena fever... ultimately she had to undergo a day surgery to remove the breast milk in order to tackle her infection issue... but overall, she does not have a very good impression of SGH staff & nurses. She delivered there it's because it's subsidised...
my impression of TMC wasn't that good either... I felt delivering in TMC was more of a preferance to brands... e.g. branded or popular What was the most important factor to choose the hospital was it's facilities (equipments)...

I was taken back a few years ago when the nurse said I will be taken to another hospital if there's other surgery needs to be done (besides delivering). I was told that my placenta was too low till it cover the exit (birth canal)and there might be complications as the placenta might even outgrow to other areas e.g. covering the uterus (this would require surgery to remove it during delivering our baby). Which also means, should there be any complications arise... they will operate on me and transfer me over to KKH (without sewing me up)?!

Finally, I've decided to deliver at KKH instead.
But luckily ..... all was well and the placenta did not outgrown, my C-Sect was done within 10 mins!
bbhuimin, tats was y my mom insisted all of us (her daughters) to only deliver in KKH. Lucky KKH has a TPS now
tats y we also agree to go KKH.
hello mummies,

wah!! MIA for 1 day and so many posts! cannot catch up liao

see that you ladies are discussing about hospital to deliver?

I swear by Gleneagles Hospital leh... fantastic nurses, lactation consultant, midwives etc... facilities good, food good! juz amazing!

For 1st time mummies, i recommend that you attend antenatal class. I attended 1 from TMC by Mrs Wong(u have to pay slightly more if you are not delivering there). Please remember you have to book Mrs Wong's class. Any other trainers u can forget it. Mrs Wong is very very popular in Singapore as a lactation consultant. Her class is very interesting and informative too. You really learn a lot from her. Suggest to be KS and book her class at least 2 mths in advance.

So say if u want to attend the class from week 24 onwards, please call and enquire for booking from week16 onwards. I have to say i experienced horrible service at their counter but bo pian...Mrs Wong's class was really worth it...juz had to suffer some lousy service at the Parentcraft centre.

buy whenever there is sale
can start ard week 20 to grab whenever there is sale. Cot u can find some good deals when there is JL Sale or taime warehouse sale. If not, bb hyperstore in Ubi has reasonable ones too..

the experience of ur fren in SGH sounded really horrible. Esp that she had to go for surgery due to block ducts? Did she complain to SGH? Shd ask them to pay for her surgery! poor thing....
i only will start to get bb stuff when i know the gender. stuff like stroller or bb cot can wait for SG sales or BB fairs. hee.. i'm getting pass down of BB clothes from niece & nephew. hee..so can no need to worry of gender. hee.. duno really need a bb cot or playpen anot. see how 1st.
Ya... I agree with lovedogs. The service at Parentcraft centre really SUCKS!!! I was always turned off by their arrogant and don' care kinda attitude. I was wondering if there's a chance for us to get MRs Wong's personal contact to organise a few classes for ourselves if her schedule permits. lovedogs, any idea if u could get her close to her to get her personal contact? (Merely a suggestion only)....

Next, Gleneagles Hospital are very westernise, so their confinement food also contain white cabbages and other 'forbidden' ingredients too.. you must know what to avoid...
I think when it comes to hospitals, it really depends on the ppl u meet working there. i m sure all hospitals have their gd and bad pts.

Lovedogs, yeah i intend to sign up for Mrs Wong antenatal class.. actually my intention is to let hb learn some skills of how to take care of the bb when he/she comes.. my hb is totally clueless. heehee... wah we must book so early ah.. i know she very popular, but nv expect her to be THAT hot! heh..

JJmom, i think i will only start buying in my last trimester.. :p unless there is really something very cheap and gd that i have to buy it before that. cos buy already also keep at home collect dust.
not thinking of buying cot.. was thinking of letting the bb slp on mattress. not so many fixtures and bb won't get trap btw mattress and grills.. hahaha i m thinking too much.

i have mrs wong's mobile number
heehee.... let me know if u want it i can PM u her number. SHe gives it out to all her students. So maybe u can call her to enquire whether she can arrange a private class. I will not be attending again though.

I tell u hor, the other time, when i called to book Mrs Wong's class, the Parentcraft centre lady told me i have to make payment within 1 week or something. I asked can i mail u a cheque? SHe said NO, u have to come down personally. I rushed down during lunchtime 1 of the weekdays. I went up, 2 ladies ahead of me buying medela pump. So i waited. It took so long coz something was wrong on their payment system. When it finally was my turn, they couldn't find my name in the class I registered!!! that time i called quite late so it was already so tough for me to squeeze into 1 of her weekend classes. I was so pissed off as when i called and spoke to the staff, she told me she already put my name into a class and after that, no more slots. So i made a fuss...and they managed to squeezed me into another class. So I wanted to pay. Same their system under some maintenance so cannot accept payment. They told me to go makan lunch first. I went down to Delifrance, had my lunch...went back up. System still under maintenance! cMON! it was a weekday office hours! After another 30 mins.... they told me "sorry mdm.... tell you what, why don't u mail us a CHEQUE!!!!" I was sooooo pissed off saying when I called them up asking whether i can mail in a cheque the week before, they told me NO. Now they tell me i can mail a cheque! Really waste of my time u know!!! and i had to rush like a mad woman to get back to work!

sorry for the long complain... juz had to let it out again whenever i think about it.


yes, hb can learn lots when they attend. Mrs Wong will teach the hbs how to massage u too

subsidised patient shd also have the equal rights mah!

Good.... lovedogs, please PM me.

Wahhh, such a bad service.... let a preggie wait line and so long????!!!

Ya, she don't wanna to pursue simply because the nurses during the day surgery were nice... How? Human mind and feelings are fickle....haiz...
