(2008/11) November 2008

hi Alibaba & Karen,
Dont know lay, my gynea is seeing me once every 2 weeks. Dont know is it because of my ms and gastric problem. Cause most I heard its abt 3weeks to 1mth interval also. But its alright for me, since I already took up the package, thus see often also nevermind. hee..

hi karen,
I would strongly rec. you to go ahead and buy from imaternity. I am also going to order....soon...when I have the energy to surf net at home bah. But hor, for the bottoms, the sizes some abit salar de, so I will mostly rec. the tops. Bottoms will have to take higher risk. But if its really cheap, then I wont mind trying. Hee...
my gynea also see me 2 weeks but am turning into my 2nd trim liao so after my 10 weeks appointment will be seeing my on 1 month time :D
Hi ladies, I just got back from the gynae's! my haemorrhage is gone but i did have some brown discharge this morn. but when gynae swabbed me it was gone. urgh.. these phantom discharges! so frustrating. anyway bb grew a lot in one wk! now is 1.6cm! heard the heartbeat too! so amazing.

Sumei, could it be like me? frequent movements dislodged the blood clots? as long as no more spotting, shd be ok right? cos i think it is very unlikely to be ur foetus as it needs come out from the sac, which will cause bleeding. Hang in there.

Chillipadi, rest well.. worried for u.

Re: timing btw gynae visits
Right now i m doing 4 wks once lor. hopefully i dun have to go back before my next appt is due. super paiseh, even though i m technically on a pkg.
spin, peanut00, hui, bear and all,

Im back from the gynae.. done a tummy scan and bb is healthy. Saw bb swimming in the water bag.. heartbeat is normal.. Yes, the blood clot is due to frequent movement.. i walk and stand alot for the past few days..due to laboratory work. Now must reali take note liao. minimise as much as possible.. Was given a week MC and jab.. Thank god.. bb now is 40mm (10 weeks).

Thank all mummies for the encouragement..
su mei, happie for u that everything's alright =") do rest more on bed n less movement now that u have MC to cover. take care.. 10 wks at 40mm seems like ur bb is growing very well..

spin, alibaba, i will be going for my appt next monday.. countdown to seeing my bb..
su mei
glad everything is ok! Wow 40mm @ 10 weeks sounds big =) Hope mine is growing well as well, last measured 2.4cm @ 9weeks
Sumei, thank goodness!!! Glad to hear that everything is ok! so the gynae ask u to minimise movement or minimise standing and walking? i am also back to work.. u know NUS lah.. so many stairs one.. i need to walk and climb a lot to get to my lab.

Me thinking if i shd work from home for a bit.. hb and i are conducting an expt.. see if going back to work makes me bleed. if it does then i will work from home for 2 wks.
hi Bear and Sumei,
Good to know that both of you are doing well!

Re : Baby's size
Cant wait to know the size of my baby tonight. Last measure in Wk8 was 2cm. Not sure how much the baby have grown in 2 weeks. ^^
our appt quite near wor. tink we might meet up one day. haha. i rem the package inclusive of the NT scan for down syndrown? doing tat as well? has ur sign up the package? my next appt for the OSCAR will be 9th MAy. MC will be given for that day.

jenn> u opting TMC as well?
alibaba, yup, TMC as well.. haven't taken up e package yet, by next mon will be 11 wks so dun think so fast taking up ba.. probably e next appt after next wk.. ya, package include e NT scan.. oscar to take or not to take, haven't decided yet..
Su Mei, gd tat u can have some rest
take care loh.
pls rest well ya..

Re:Spotting or Bleeding,
i find that those mummies that have this sign usuali get a boy leh.. i duno if am rite..
alibaba, u mean Dr Ang give birth at Mt A as well ah? Oh, didn't know coz hubby's nephew n neice were delivered by Dr Ang at TMC de.. so still i will just follow lor =P anyway, e NT scan is done at e clinic itself isit?
relief to hear tha bb is ok :D

Baby Movement,
Lately i can feel alot bb movement leh.. duno issit anot leh but keep having banging movement at my womb area there.. like bb swim and kanna wall or b kick me that kind of feeling.. my #1 i feel bb movement @ 12 weeks.
hui, how many wks le? so fast can feel movement.. wah, ur bb active leh.. at least gd to feel it too =) mine is still e heartbeat movement i can see from staring at my tummy when i sit down =P
Hui, what made u say that spotting seems to produce more boys ah? Actually my cleaner also told me the same thing. said it is called "yun huay", watever that means. I have a fren that spotted for both her bbs and one is boy, the other is gal. I guess i would know be able to know at 20 wks!

Re: hospital
I also dunno which hospital to choose. Both seems equally as gd but i heard TMC has this thing called Parentcraft where they teach u how to breastfeed etc. u can also call them for help aft u discharge. Does Mt A have the same thing?
yap. he said he can deliver at any private hospital. initially i tot only TMC. since now can choose den i mus tink carefully lor.
bear, i saw from tmc website abt this parentcraft thingy too.. mother in law said that time her daughter gave birth, the nurses there very patient n helpful also.. will help take care of e bb de..
bear.. yes. need to walk less.. and stand less. Bed rest is recc. If your hb can monitor the expt for you..then ask him to help. U work from home better. I already minimise solvent contact..

peanut00, no wori. bb will grow very fast de. Somemore whenever i feel like vomitting..i will snack on biscuit. b it hungry or no. But for my dinner.. i tend to eat less than usual.. dont know why..
Su Mei,
yah man me too, dinner less appetite compared to lunch. dunoe whether its 心理作用 cos i everytime feel v sian when i go home.
me coming to my 12 weeks nia..

i duno leh.. surronding me 3 preggie include me when i have my #1 bleeding all boys :D

i have a bad experince with TMC so am not goin back liao.. Going Mt A this time round :D
Hi ladies,
Why is it that I feel extremely nausea abt 10-15mins after I eat?? I mean I do feel nausea if I am hungry and also before eating lar, but its after eating that is the worst lay! Is MS suppose to be like that? I am starting to think I have "yan shi zheng". :p
Peanut, y sian to go home leh? Nowadays, I always can't wait to go home & Zzz...hahaha

Like now loh...Zzzz
Hi Su mei and Peanut,
Same here, dinner is the worst meal for me. Always get very bad indigestion regardless how little I eat. THink abt it also feel like vomiting.

Hi Hui,
Based on my experience as a visitor, I have been to Mt A and TMC, I personally prefer Mt A. The nurses there are more patience and I find them friendier also. Sis just got discharged from TMC and she complained abt their very slow billing and discharge. I am seriously thinking abt delivery in Mt A, but dont know if my gynea does delivery there or not.
the TMC parentcraft i did attend.. quite interesting but after i pop i have problem with my breast.. i have very bad blocked ducts that develope big "pus" and got green discharge liao.. call the "teacher" and she's so biz that she nvr rtn my call.. i called 3 times.. in the end i go KKH and the lactation(sori i spell wrongly) is so good.. help me unblock, refer me to breast doc and get my "pus" those green discharge extract out by needle and the "dead cell" they cut off for me.. then i slowly recover. Aftr that she will still call me and check if my breast is ok..

the mid wife is very good! supportive!
BUT!! WHen i was in the high pitch of th labour pain the light in labour ward spoil..keep blinking..they actuali allow the man to come in repair leh!! i was so painful that i cant remember and hubby told me.. he was so angry.. i was 10 cm dilated and they push me to another labour ward..and they are too biz u know! i stay in one bedded then no nurse come in wan.. u die inside nobody knows..haa
can share wat bad experience u gotta from TMC. then the rest can take precaution.
talking about hospital our delivery package doenst include labour suite & nursing care . i heard some hospital charge per hr basis for those who is waiting for labour.
sigh.. cos i sian living with his family hahahaa.. so bad hor.. But no privacy one.. his parents, elder sis, maid + 2 of us already 6 pax in a small HDB flat.. I long to hav our own house. So most of the time i spend my time in our bedroom watching TV and he always say i never mix around with his family.. BUT they always watch shows that i dun like to watch wat.. So expect me to be so fake meh..
omg! tat's v bad. they allow repair man to come in!?!! horrible wor.
And so far i heard pretty gd comments for Mount A wor.

I don't feel nausea after eating. Sometimes I don't feel very good after eating. During lunch time, after i eat i'll feel super tired and will need to go for a nap. Very gross, cos sure grow fat unnecessarily... but I feel so tired that I knock out before my kid takes his nap. As its usually his nap time also, so I bring him to his cot while I knock out on mine.

Gynae Visit frquency:

Over here (in US), dunno is it the gynae slack or relax. I only see him when I was 9 weeks preg. then he told me to see him 6 weeks later. Heng this is my 2nd preg, so i not so gan jiong. If first one I sure very stress and wanto "see" my bb more often to make sure he/she is ok.
Sumei, rest well then... let's see if my brown discharge continues...

Hui, hrmmm i see.. i have frens who delivered in Mt A. I like their nurses there too. very nice and patient. However, i m not sure if they have something similar to parentcraft. if they have then i will choose Mt A. Cos TMC's parking is a killer!!!

ABt the light bulb changing, may be with better light, the gynae would be able to see better and not make a mistake during delivery? wait the gynae cut off the wrong thing in the dark! heehee..

Peanut, are u looking for a flat then?

Carol, aft food, this is the food that is traveling back up ur throat. hence MS would seem worse. when u are hungry, usually left with just gastric juices. more fluid hence MS seems better.
hi-five! i oso evday counting down to go home! haa

is ur own home otw aready? i oso staying with my MIL. so far she is alright la.will nag abit.. but xi guan jiu hao.. & sometime Sil left nephew over then at times will feel v noisy. But nt always still ok.
Su Mei - Yeah !! Great to hear ur little one is fine.U must rest well hor.

Ailibaba- NT Scan is inclded. Nt Oscar. If I remembered correctly, NT scan is only chking on the foetus's neck thickness. Oscar Test is more accurate cos need to take blood test.

Hui - Jun bo ? hehe

Carol - In terms of friendness, i admit Mt A is more friendly compared th TMC.
alibaba, bear,
no i havent looked out for a house yet. I gues mayb its also becos i get more emotional during pregnancy so only lately i start to hav stronger feelings of getting out. Did tok about it last time but my husband wasn't supportive.. he prefers to stay with his family.. Only recently after i pregnant then he like give in a bit say wan to move out then look for a house.
Hui, having a guy come into delivery suit to repair light when u is around? that is really very inconsiderate leh....

Talking about bad experience, I have 1 to share, i admit to KKH delivery suite at wk 33 during due to early contraction, then the MO in the ward, ask the midwife in front of me whether can I take this Medicine? safe for me anot? Midwife say should be ok, then he prescribe for me..., I don’t dare to eat, When my gynae come, I ask her can I take? She say NO...., haiz even in hospital I have to be caution about my own body.

I also heard from my frez, that spotting mean boy cause hormone change...heehee, but not true leh, last preggie I also spotting n is a gal.
Hi Spin,
Ya man, and the nurse actually carry the baby and acc. you all the way to the taxi stand and keep talking to the baby, telling him/ her to be guai guai and listen to mummy ah. Very sweet right!! Personally, I would really prefer to delivery in Mt A, but if no choice, then TMC lor.
oh.. that's very nice of the nurse to accompany patients to the taxi stand. When i was discharge in KKH, I fainted at the carpark when hubby went to drive the car over. Heng I not carrying bb. After that passerby quickly ask hubby to bring me to the clinic downstair to check. If nurse was ard, then things will be easier...
Re: spotting
boy and gal also same. I just want a healthy bb.. heehee..

peanut00, i once stayed with my MIL.. eat salad also nag..dont know whats wrong. In the end.. when my hubby went for long sailing.. i used that excuse to shift back to my mum's place..and from then i stay till now.. waiting for my house.. should be ready by Jun.
My conclusion is..no matter how good u and ur MIL is ..there bound to be some disagreement or expectation.. so if can.. i would prefer to stay alone.
Peanut00- staying with in-laws is NEVER EASY . so hv to open one eye,close one eye.

Su Mei- wow.. u gd leh... still can move back to ur mum plce & stay. Ur mil never make noise ?

Carol - really huh . wow.. veri gd service leh.
Spin.. yes. she make noise but i managed to convince my hubby.. cos he need to sail quite frequent.. so at his place..his mum hapi then cook.. not hapi..didnt cook.. fridge also no food nothing.. so i told him. i stay with my mum..better. she know how to take care of me..

I stay with my MIL..i lose weight and super stress..after work and classes at night..go back still must wash alot of dishes left behind by them..weekend need to wash clothes instead of doing my homework..
stay with mum.. put on weight and relax. Can study with ease..
Peanut, if my hb insist on stay with his parents, i would first make him stay with mine for a mth. see how he feels.. if he can take it then i would strive to get along with his parents. but staying with inlaws is nv easy.

Sumei, u managed to escape.. hahaha.. ur hb in the navy ah? given my headstrong character, def cannot stay with inlaws. My MIL say cannot eat oranges during pregnancy, i immed challenge her why not?

Looks like Mt A seems very gd! heehee.. not thinking abt this now.. may be later.. all i want is the bb to be safe.
Bear- for mi.. i dun challenge with my mil. Cos no matter wat.. as long as we argue with them..we are at the LOSING end. so if i buoy siong wif her.. I juz do my way. Telling my hubby dun seem to be a gd choice too. cos he is a super FINIAL son.
hahaha.. so i'm not the only one.. My MIL is ok, jus that i oso think that no matter how nice there'll bound to be disagreements.. i got frens who got along well with MIL somemore go shopping with them, but after birth then 翻脸liao.. cos disagreements on ways of taking care of child unavoidable. I tot my hubby only son sooner or later sure need to take care of the parents, so why not they stil healthy we stay on our own 1st..

Me & DH 'partok' for 10yrs b4 we go apply for our vy own HDB flat becoz his parents finally tell us to when they fail to find 1 near their place.

Immediately after we got the Q, his mom came to me & said they would still prefer for us to stay with them. Luckily we waited for them to tell us to apply HDB & not early...so i remind her straight tat they were the 1 to tell us to apply 1 mah, gov application u think is a plaything meh. Tat totally shut her up for gd =P

I always tell my DH tat I m the 1 who has bad temper & cannot get along with his parents so if he want to enjoy peace then don't force me to 'please' them...haha
