(2008/11) November 2008

Lunar Baby Chart heard 90% accurate wor.

Age is english age plus 1 for mothers.
Month is the lunar month of day you make babies. So mostly is minus 1

lucky it din happen while u're overseas!!! I'm scheduled to travel to europe for meeting this June.. but i guess i may just give that up, thou already stable at that time but flight is just too long and my hubby not accompanying me =( v sad

More or less I have got over it, only recently tat emotion keep coming back, coz if nothing go wrong the 2nd time, my bb should be due anytime.

Mayb bb is back to mummy again this time round. Keep a positive mind , have good food, plenty of rest, be like a queen at this moment and enjoy. Haha... told my husband that he will have to be my "gong gong" now....
No choc so eating strawberries with sugar... heh..

Happy/Enne/Reddate, ya i m trying to stay +ve lor.. keep telling myself as the wks pass, risk of m/c is lesser.

Chillipadi, how did u manage to see the heart beat and all yet it was an ectopic pregnancy? unless u were having twins?

Hrmmm i always need spicy/sour food to eat so currently still craving for them..
Either becoz he's in early 40s so he still active or becoz Jovial is his 1st grandson bah.. Jovial love playing with him also :D

let me go see see look look... how abt this one:

Well, have to wait for 2-3 mths to c whether will be different gender. But both got the same craving, just that MS different.
hullo ladies... wah the thread is moving too fast... cannot catch up!!

enne, i used the chart for my #1.. not accurate for me.... for this chart u really need to know when u conceive....

we all must jia you!! must look forward to our 2nd tri... which is the honeymoon period!!!!
usual routine.. cut my multivit into 4 pcs but stil choke and almost puke on the 1st pc.. how to survive like that. i cant bring myself to take the remaining 3
bear, was told by current gynae that even though can detect heartbeat does not mean that feteus is in uterus. that's why this time round this gynae did a vaginal scan to make sure that sac is in uterus...
Heee.. gals, may be we shd do an experiment. U know the table we have? may be we shd have a column that says 'predicted gender' and then later we fill in the actual gender, then see how accurate the table is.. for this to work, we need to know when we conceived. I think most of us conceived in the first lunar mth of this yr.

Peanut, u really gotta stop thinking abt it.. the more u think the scarier ur pills would look and then the harder for u to swallow. try ur best ok? or else grind it up into powder form, add water and swallow.. u can also add honey to ur pills.

Chillipadi, u mean the last time he didn't know if it was in the uterus?? that's simply amazing leh!
i 1qtr pc already hav problem swollowing, how to swollow the whole huge pc ahahhaaa... I cant swollow pills one tts y always hav to cut smaller pcs
according to the chart, mine will be a boy but gut feeling is telling me is a gal. both hubby and daughter wants a gal... me, i only want a healthy, normal baby...
Alibaba, i think if ur bday isn't at the mth u were conceiving then shdn't count. i.e. ur bday is in June (shd be 4/5th lunar mth) then if u conceive on the first lunar mth, u dun have to add a yr..

I am a bit confuse lah.. not sure if i interpreted it correctly...

Now too much strawberries.. wanna puke. :p

I m supposed to have a boy, but i just want the bb to be healthy. Like wat Chillipadi says, i just want a normal healthy bb.
Hi chillipadi,

Still cannot believe it, coz when u do ur scan at gynae, thought should b able to c whether it's in the womb or not.
Peanut, I have 2 business trip lined up one in May to Korea and one in June to Sydney. In fact, this month I am suppose to go Korea, HK, Taiwan, India and Sydney but told my boss cannot. So postpone Korea and Sydney till later when in 2nd trimester. July i may need to travel to more places as well but I am trying to see if I can get out. August is the cut off for all travelling for me. Told my boss liao
was told there is another way that help to predict bb gender...

go home and pinch a small amount of uncooked rice. The rice must be from ur house hor. then u count the number of grains. Odd = boy, even = girl.
Peanut, Bear, my previous gynae just assume that it was in the uterus but apparently not. I was confident with him as he took very good care of me when I was pregnant with megan. But I guess 3 year later being so old, he may have missed or assume wrongly. that's why this pregnancy I change gynae... using my younger sister's gynae at SGH...
Chillipadi, aft wat happened, i would also change gynae man! Sometimes i feel that the more experience the gynae is the more careless they tend to be. cos to them, they have seen all, done all. so nothing surprises them. they make a lot of assumptions. Like my gynae, he is very experience. to him mothers who had profuse bleeding went on to have healthy pregnancy. So he dismisses fears from ppl like me, who has spotting. sigh...

Oh well, i made the decision to stick to my old gynae cos my hb feels more reassured with him. my hb said i really oversensitive cos he didn't feel that my gynae was belittling me. so may be it was my hormones that is giving wrong signals.
reddates, I am in an IT MNC company. Everytime when there is a new system upgrade, I have to go to in country to train the marketeers how to use the systems... but main job is planning and stragegy...
if flight is within 6-7hrs i gues i'll still feel comfortable in travelling during 2nd tri.. but the europe trip with transit will take 15-16hrs.. a bit siong.. Hav booked the tix but still considering.
You have to travel so often!! When baby is born, surely can't bear to leave him/her at home. After I have my ger, I have to bring her along everywhere I go (except work.. keke), if without her, I will miss her lots!!
I will feel so confine to be in the plane, can't move too much, so crampy...if stomach grows bigger, lagi more inconvenient to walk around the aisle.
During pregnancy have to rest more, if fly here an there, must be quite exhausting.
peanut00.. my appt time is 11am.. hahaha might bump into u.. if its crowded at the clinic..

Hi all,

Spotting stopped long time ago.. but when i got home..i realised that there's a 'piece' of blood clot on my panty liner.. *panic*.. has been a busy day for me.. walking and standing.. Pray hard everything is alrite.. Now im thinking whether i should call my gynae.. Haix..
su mei,
does your clot look fresh? that means red in colour? Better call the gynae tomm to inform abt this, she may ask to see you sooner if necessary/ Take care!
morning all..
monitor to see if there's any spotting.. dont have. Thank God.. but Im so worried. the clot looks abit fresh. i also dont know how to say.. haix..'yi bo wei ping, yi bo you qi'...will call gynae to check later.
gd morning ladies

Velvel, at least get reassurance from gynae 1st!

Yday went to see Dr Ang for my 1st visit.
BB is now 21mm , has grow one 1cm within a week. EDD changed to 20th November.
But i didnt see him moving wor.. when will he start moving de ah?
my next appt will be doing OSCARS in May. gg to cost me $200
Good morning Ladies!

hi Sumei,
Better call your gynea. My friend actually passed out a pc of blood clot when she is pregnant, only to realise that its her foetus.
Hi Alibaba,
How come the appt is so far apart?? Dr Woody is seeing me every 2 weeks....if he is going to see me once a month, think I will call him up very often. I am going to see him tonight. Going to complaint to him abt my vomiting and heartburn again! Its actually quite tough being a gynea also...:p
morning everyone,

was feeling really horrible last night. my sis and hubby said i looked really pale... i think blood sugar was low... also i think my blood count has dropped too. need to pump in iron as this happened when I was pregnant with my daughter. blood count dropped to 8 which is very low. normal is about 12-13... still feeling very sian and tired this morning....
Hi Chilipadi,
Hang in there! Did you call ur gynea?? Better to go and see the gynea if not feeling well. Dont overwork or over-stress. Take care.
spin, alibaba and carol..thanks.Will do so. Already informed the nurse and she will call back..

Carol..passed out the foetus..thats what im worried.. touch wood touch wood.. Pray hard everything is alright. Hubby not in town also..
Im super duper sian now

Chilipadi.. try drink ribena once awhile to boost your glucose level..
My GP used ultra scan to confirm my pregnancy when i'm in my 5th weeks. hee. she told me to consider which gynae to use & visit around tis time lor. hee.. So i decided with Dr Ang due to conveniency.. hee..
Now am wondering whether to deliver @ Mount A or TMC. any one have their labour suite charges & room charges?

duno leh. he jus fixed the next appt for me in 9th May which is 3 weeks apart. & btw The very 1st sentence my gynae told me.. "the more MS u feel the merrier! BB is surely growing well inside." i hear liao almost faint..
ya being a gynae v tough. yday during my visit, i heard he is rushing to a delivery soon. & even saw another lady in the clinic waiting to see him & seems like gg to deliver too! Was wondering if there's few gg on labour at the same time how is he gg to handle it!
I thought it's normal to see the gynae once a month for now? I'm seeing my gynae around this time interval.

I'm tempted by the clothes at imaternity. Thanks for rec the site. I'm also a little on the plump side and now after the first MC, I am quite afraid to exercise, causing me to put on more weight than ever. So I am growing quite fast already even though this is my first (unless then MC one counts but I doubt so).

Peifu, peifu. I don't think I want to be in a plane for more than 1 hour even! The thought of taking a bus for an hour already irks me. I was in a meeting yesterday and the aircon wasn't working very well, and after a while, I was feeling so nauseous and dizzy. Horrible feeling.

Today I'm going to be stuck in a ballroom for a ceremony again. I hope I don't get that feeling because I will be in the place for hours!

2 more weeks to seeing my gynae. After the next visit will I then tell my friends and relatives that I'm preggie. I'm still feeling nauseous and am quite confident that the baby's alright but who knows if the heartbeat has stopped *touch wood* *touch wood*.
Su Mei- cheer up . stay positive pls.. tell baby to be strong . dun think otherwise. See the gynae quick.

Ailibaba- oh..okok.. Mt A more ex than TMC. In term of environment.. Im comfy with both but prefer TMC .HEE
Did you gals mention about buttock aches yest?? My left side getting more and more aching, wonder wat is the logic.. tot it'll only happen in 3rd tri when tummy v big..

Dont tink too much for the timebeing 1st, see wat doc says.. Me not having much MS lately and wondering if BB is actually ok. But come to think abt it, if its fated to be yours, it'll stay on no matter wat.
Peanut, me loh. I m d 1 complaining abt buttock ache the other day like suan suan like tat. But next day, ok liao wor. Dunno y is tat, wonder is it bcoz buttock growing? @_o

Sometime, when I fear of any harm to my bb, I will talk to bb & tell bb to not to worry, juz stay put into my tummy & I will protect him/her
no leh my buttock stil small, it actually becomes smaller!! cos appetite not great and lose weight so my pants a bit lao lao liao.. eerrrk..

Yah i sometimes tok to bb also, esp when i not feeling too well, then i tell him/her guai guai dun bully mommy wahahhaaa..

I am feeling really lousy and boss told me to go home. so I am heading home to rest. will log in from home later. take care mummies... no stress, rest well...
