(2008/11) November 2008

Hui, some grannies are very hip nowadays.. i saw one lady, abt 60+ yrs old coming back from dance class. the clothes she was wearing was so damn sexy lor.. haha...

2nd bb,
Ha, till now then i know got low waist maternity panties
Hui, haha.. anyway low waist maternity panties also cant make it one..

Joyce, have. But not nice one leh.

Bear, Spring maternity sells nice shorts.
my grandma also 60+.. but dun wear sexy clothes but she wear fashion clothes and dye hair wan..lol

2nd baby,
haa.. tink any panties also can lah.. not G string can liao..

Preg and wear G string,
my colleague share with me one of her fren wear G-string during preg.. so tight leh.. so when she get on a car the G-string "pi char"!! so any panties also can wear but not G-string huh!!
Hello mummies..

wah i reading about all the food u all have been having, really make me so envy lor.. lor mee, suan kwai, chee cheong fan... etc.. so yummy!!!

For coffee lovers, actually still can drink coffee, but try to stick to 1 cup per day. its a stimulant n its not good for bb if we have too much of it. Also remember that its not only coffee and tea that contains caffine. Chocolate/cocoa products, soda drinks like coke also contain caffine.

This is my 2nd preg, before preg i am a coffee lover too. everyday must have at least 2-3cups and that doesn't include my fav coke. during my first preg, i did drink coffee, but just a cup occassionally.
Hi Hui,
I stopped coffee cause gynea told me no caffeine, so no tea and no coffee. Anyway, I am not a big fan of coffee, just that sometimes when I am really tired, I wish to have a cup. Yes, this is my #1, so I am totally unprepared to such kind of feeling. My sis and mum never had morning sickness before!!!

Hi Joyce,
Thanks for the info. I dont seems to feel worst in the morning....I feel worst at night...like feverish and kept wanting to puke. Then cant sleep well at night cause the feeling is still there even when I sleep.
My 1st gynae said can have coffee, the 2nd one said no coffee. Anyway, I need to have coffee one coz will have headache if didn't take any, thus limit to no more than 1 cup per day.

Thought I have spoken to you before ... maybe you were Divine bride or Sep 04 bride?
Hi 2nd baby,
Can I know those shorts that spring maternity is selling are casual for home wear de or those that can wear out?? I need to get some home clothes as well. I am already big size before pregnant, cant imagine few months down the road, how "BIG" i will become!!
omg~~~serious?? G-string "pi char" tat's so paiseh leh.. i oso have G-string but i seldom wear it now.. hahaa...
I think its better to cut down on caffeine during pregnancy. There are studies pointing tat too much caffeine will cause MC.
Caffeine also has effect on the absorption of iron and calcium in t body...

For me, i stopped my daily coffee intake liao. But still once a while drink my fav tea with milk

Where is Spring Maternity store?
hey ya all,
me back from lunch, had suan la mian. ok only.. so end up eating about half bowl. had side dish of dou miao and some dumplings. not much appetite today for lunch..thinking of cooking some porridge tonite for dinner then ta pau some dishes from economic rice stall since hubby also just recovered from his viral thingy..
Hi Haru,Carol & Bear,
I m like u ladies..MS only come at nite from 8pm-midnite,hubby joked baby is a very punctual baby like him!LOL

Hi Bear,
I adjusted the time i take my utrogestan to 12 noon,6pm n then at 10pm,it seems to reduce the MS symptoms better so u may wanna try.

Saw this ah mah dei kor in a book...so funny..n yes it is super turn off hor?
hi haru and jenn, dreamyjo n lovedogs and hui and everyone else.

joyce,are u a sahm??? who looks after your 15 mth old son???

eh, i find that this pregnancy very different frommy 1st. My 1st was really easy cos i dint' feel nauseus or anything wrong. But this time, i feel more of the so called symptoms of pregnancy. I also feel that my skin is not as good as before and i am breaking out more now.

dreamyjo, i also heard birds nest helps make the baby very fair...but some of my friends drank birds nest very often during pregnancy and still the babies not fair fair type. Think fair or dark babies are purely genetics lah...but if wanna be kiasu then just take less dark colored drinks and drink more soya milk, barley or water lor. I also got craving for strawberry milk so my fridge stocked up with that now....hee hee

hi hi bear.. eh, if u wanna buy undies that are not too ah ma hor...can try st michael's undies for pregnant women. Theirs not high waisted type of undies...and comes in pretty plain colors so not that

thanks.... juz came back from lunch..think the caffeine and panadol helped....now the pain improved quite a lot... so still bearable.

Re : coffee

as what some mummies here mentioned, u can still drink. just try to limit to 1 cup per day. I drink maybe 3 times a week...compared to 5 times aweek before preg.
Hi ladies,
We are receommended not to take more than 300mg of coffee a day..besides coffee n tea,even milo n choc contains caffeine.

I called to find out the amt of caffeine in milo..let me get my notebook n then post it here.

Read this in a book,for those of us who are :

-Take 2-5drops of ginger with water=soothing effect on digestive system n helps prevent vomitting
-Drink peppermint as an infusion aft meals to aid digestions and redeuces nausea
-Found tat honey with lime does wonders!

-Drink skullcap as infusion to act as relaxant,calmin effect ,relieve tension,anxiety n stress

-Take slippery elm as an infusion n dilute in water (no more than 5g) to soothe digestive system

-Take Dandelion as infusion or take leaves in salad to stimulate liver n kidney
bear, hope you are feeling better.

I think most of us on hormone pills have MS lei... I am the same worse hit is night time when the tummy bloats thats the worse and feel really bad.

2ns baby, the shorts sold at Spring are their sizes big? I am big size before preg so now finding suitable ones are diff. I had a hard time looking for pants. Any advise.
Carol, what i saw are the home types one.. short short kind.

Val, I cant reali rmb hw big are the sizes. But stretchable kind.
Carol, no problem

Milkshake, yup, i am a SAHM. Actually i have a maid to help out, but she went bk early this mth. So currently i am the one looking after my boy! Will re-hire another maid cause i dun think i can handle him when my tummy get bigger.

Vel, me also taking decaf coffee.. just couldnt resist.
Hi ladies,

Haru, i finished lunch too! but i m feeling kinda sick now.. :p ate too much..

Re: short
Ya i need to wear shorts at home.. must be short ones too.. those half the thigh ones very hot for me... where's spring maternity?

Re: undies
Will check out the St Michael ones Milkshake. Thanks for the tip!

PJ, i m taking it at 11am, 6pm and midnight. i wake up without any signs of MS but once hit 4pm, it will start lor... by 10pm, it will subside. hahaha..

Abt birdnest, my mum already started brewing for me.. once every 2 wks lor.. but every wk sure have to drink this black chicken double boiled with red dates and longans.. getting a bit sick of it...

Val, i m still spotting, but it is brown blood so i m not too worried... YET :p
Thanks 2nd baby!

I havent start buying my maternity clothes. Cant seems to find nice one in SG, even if have, will be really ex. Think I need to go online shopping soon. Some of my bottoms are getting tight le. I am size 14 before pregnancy, thus dont think can save on clothings to buy bigger size bottoms le. Got to buy maternity clothes to wear le. Sigh...
bear, glad to hear that it will take sometime to clear just make sure you have plenty of bedrest and avoid the stairs. Thats what I did I stayed upstairs for 3 weeks all meals was brought to me. No choice have to be extra careful. Once past 12 weeks will be much better.
Bear, there r some saying abt not to take longan for preggie, juz incase u din know abt this. I read abt it in some preggie guide mag.
Val, huh, cannot climb stairs ah.. die liao.. i have been climbing up and down my flat. :p i try to limit it though.. there is no one home to bring me food! lucky u... hey i m getting a bit confused.. i read some ppl saying passed 12 wks things will be better.. but a trimester is 13 wks no?
JJmom, what abt longans? wat's wrong with it?
*wee* *wee*!! G string wor!! haa!

ic ic.. tink diff gynae say diff thing lah.. i one day drink 2 cups caffine :D

haa!! dat's the maternity dei kor lor..

Re:Maternity clothes
I start wearing my #1 maternity clothes liao coz all my skirt cannot zip leh nd to pull till under bra area then can zip so have been wearing high waist skirt till i buay tahan so take out my maternity dress to wear..

Re: Lunch
i had.. claypot assam fish (smelly fish) in the end eat the assam n veg nia, half bowl rice, tea, watermelon and lao huang gua soup.. the soup is nice!
is actuali a set meal..oh! i ahve side dish fried chicken wings also :D
Val, I've seen the shorts sold at Spring... It has various colors and comes in S, M, L & XL... I think they have an outlet at Suntec... U may wanna check it out...
y no long gan.. long gan is a "heaty" fruit leh.. i have been eating cans of logan.. somemore i finish one whole can myself wan..
my mom told me if giddy, boil longan & red dates .& drink it will help de wor... so far nv heard of any problem with longan wor.

yes need to avoidl climbing stairs too and squating..

longan: I think should be alrite to consume. cos u rem those ppl after birth (zuo yue) also drink alot of longan and dates drink.

I also wana ask my mum to cook me so tonic liao. hahahaha birdnest after my 1st tri then eat.
I have been to the Causeway branch. Nothing much there. Now I am waiting for the GSS to come and start buying all the baby stuffs. Hee...
Re: Longan
I think longan is okay bah. I have been taking red dates and longan tea. so far no problem. I also eat fresh logans. I read from a health articles, fruits to avoid is watermelon leh as its too cooling. Another fruit to avoid is orange. cant remember why but i still continue to eat.

Re: Maternity clothes
Talking about clothes, today, i upgrade to a L size shirt with a skirt. My colleague exclaimed i look preggie with tat. So paiseh. No choice leh, i cant fit into any of the rest of the skirts and blouse liao. Tummy and bust area quite tight.

Gosh, My bust already quite big and difficult to buy bra, now bust seem expanding and bra getting very tight, cant really think of what bra cup i'm upgraded to.

Re: Maid
Yup, am also thinking of getting one too. not sure whether can afford or not.

Carol, I never dare to buy clothes online because I need to try clothes to make sure it fits before i buy. I also have difficulty getting clothes that suits. *signz* Have u try before and care to share how is it?

PJ, The maternity underwear you post look so ah mah... hahaha... you are right to say its a turn off. I think i will buy normal undies plus size. I love to wear mini panties. Nice.
Hi dreamyjo, I have bought clothings from VS and helped my colleague and sis ordered from Imaternity.com before and sizes fit alright. But of course, there will be 1 or 2 pcs that is really odd size de. So its a risk. But imaternity.com really so much cheaper than buying in sg. You can go and take a look. The quality also not bad de. Got very nice selection also. As for the pants, you can still get it altered if the size is not correct, so I still think its worth it to buy. The sizing for imaternity is similar to what you are wearing in Sg. Surprisingly, their size all quite "asian", other than the bottoms, need to check the size chart before ordering. ^^
my appetite will be good when i carving for something but soetimes i eat bit n bit which is no good very waste food.. like yesterda dinner i have prawn mee eat little bit nia then dunwan liao go but goreng pisan :D Birdnest.. i cannot eat.. from young till now eat nia i will vomit out.. dun like the chewy feeling..like agar agar i also dun eat.. my MIL say i gong gong duno how to eat good food..haa! coz when i preg my boss buy me alot of birdnest in the end i nvr eat..

i only know late 2nd trim nd to start drink coconut..
Carol, thanks for sharing. Yup, maybe i'll go to the webby and have a look. Maybe will try to order a few to try. hahaha otherwise very mountain tortoise leh.
Hi ladies...busy at work cannot post as often as when I am on MC..heehee

Coffee/Tea- I stop drinking cause few occasion after drinking my brown discharge came. So I put a stop since monday, then so far so good..heehee

Spring..I really love the clothes from spring leh..so modern...but hor very expensive. For this 2nd preggie I will try to cut down on spending on materity wear...heehee

Yesterday I wore a dress to work, all my colleagues confirm that I was pregnant..hahaha. I say is tummy fats, they all dont believe & say the curve is diff. Even the guy say so....I think i had give myself up. When I take train got aunty give me seat also.

Tummy ??? Izit normal for tummy to look much bigger after food? Morning my tummy is flat, after food it bloated up to 3mth..scarey leh.
hui.. reali meh.. i also dont know leh.. hahahaha
your mil so good. stil willing to cook birdnest for u.. mine..still ask me.. got proven meh.. eat birdnest good for bb.. me preg till now..nothing from her. Just say.. DONT GET OUTSIDE FOOD HOR..DONT SECRETLY EAT OYSTERS.

all the MTBs are very active in this thread. A day didnt log in..will lost track one.. LOL
ur mIL so funny ah.. haha.. for birdnest if wanna eat, i mus buy myself de.. my MIL not working no $$. she said tonic soup mus wait til after 1st trimester den eat. even said guava v gd for bb skin. ask me to eat later stage.. oso duno how true.

me just had ice mile and kaya toast at ya kun when i went out for meeting. now reach back office eating another slice of peanut butter bread as i feel e nausea starting. today my nausea seems to lasts thru e day. not very bad but alot of gas. just now i burped so loud in my boss car, so malu. i just laugh and say its the kaya toast.
