(2008/11) November 2008

Thanks ladies, i do feel better aft venting it out. Lala, haemorrhage is a pool of blood inside ur body. Gynae told me to expect to see more blood since this blood has to be expelled. Now he said as long as blood is not red, dun need to see him... the last time he said, as long as bleeding, i shd call him.. urgh...

I wonder issit becos i see him every wk (since i will zhun zhun bleed every Tues) that's why he thinks i over anxious. i mean he can always gimme more bedrest but he went on to say, got bed rest or no bed rest the same, if u are gonna miscarry, nothing will stop it. how cheerful that is.

Hi ladies, I am back after mia for some time hahaha.

Hi bear, alibaba, haru, lovedogs,love bug, hui,jjmom and vincy...miss you all

Got something to ask you all....

Anyone of you now wearing your normal bras or we have to wear meternity bra..?..

Cause my fren talks about wearing bras with no underwire....

So now should I change to maternity bras as my current bras all have underwire... will it affect the boobies...?
Can I wear my normal bras with underwire until I can;t wear then switch to maternity bras?

What is the diff btween maternity and nursing bra?


Bear, pls pls rest....every time see that you bleeding...i got worried

Hi joyce, i think better not if you are at first trimester...cause it contains some chinese herbs which we better avoid for the moment....
Hi Bear

Change gynae lah...to me i feel that enough of bedrest is impt for 1st trimester especially if u have bleeding leh. Although is true that if a miscarriage is going to happen we have no control over it. But i feel we should try all our best to prevent it from happening lo , hormone pills/jab & bedrest. When i had bleeding last preggie gynae give me hormone pills, Jab 3x a week & hospitalisation leave for 2mths. She say this is all she can do to save the baby, if still MC then no choice.

My brown discharge stop liao after monday, so i didnt bother to change my appointment.
Hi blessed mum,
I think as long as u are comfortable with ur current underwire bra, then it is ok to continue wearing, unless u feel that it is making u umcomfy.

Maternity bra can support your boobs better than ordinary bra. As for Nursing bra, is for nursing mum where u need to feed your bb directly from your breast. They had the hook that u can adjust easily so that u can feed ur bb directly.

ic, will avoid the sore throat medicine then
Hi Blessedmum

I am still wearing my norm bra with underwire add extension..heehee. Maybe will buy a bigger bra size later stage, but no intention to change to maternity bra leh.
Aiyoh, Bear, must take care & rest.

That gynae of yours also vy insensitive lei, 1st timer mah, of course, we will worry a lot when we have any slight problem lah.

Better to change to another gynae early if u r not comfortable with yours. We still have a long way to go & staying happy & health thru out our pregnancy is top concern.
I m off to robinson sale now to get some new bra & panties since there is member sale today & tml.
Huh? I don't even know got maternity bra, only thou there is nursing bra.

All my bras r wired now, no gd for preggie meh? Y? Thou wired for better support?

Must take care.. its happened to me once.. given jab (2x a week) and hormones pills.. MC for 2 weeks.. My gynae said that Im too weak.. thats y must must bed rest..

As vincy said.. change gynae..sound so sad.. Im also super gan chong when comes to spotting or bleeding..cos miscarriage once.
Take care, you may wish to seek a 2nd advice. Sorry but your gynae doesn't sound encouraging to his patient lay
Hui & all>
omg^ now i cant stand not eating when time is up. else i wil super feel nauseaus de.. we all better stock up cracker/instant cereal in office just in case..

oh, so u still gotta work from home. Defeat the purpose of MC le wor. dun over work or stress urself. rest well

welcome back.. so long nv hear from u!

i'm still wearing my normal bra wor.. btw bra shop do sell extenstion ah? sometime i feel rather tight like cannot breathe.. tink extenstion will help

u shd be ok on sore throat medication that the GP prescribed. But u have to tell GP that u r preggie. In fact, my gynae gave me antibiotics for my sore throat.

Blessed mum,

i wore my normal bra with bra extension until 2nd trimester. then from 3rd trimester, i bought some non wired bra....mainly for comfort. Eventhough I breastfeed last time, I did not really use nursing bra as I didn't feel comfy to latch in public. I bring expressed BM out with my baby.


poor thing...u must be very hungry leh....


u make me feel like chee cheong fan too now
lovebug, seems like we are experiencing the same problem I also cant sleep toss and turn and wake up to throw after that feel better. Then it comes again. Wonder if it has anything to do with the food we eat.

haru, yah already told him and he have given me medication but does not seem to help he say medication will not help 100% will still experience. So I am not sure what to do next.

pkum, yah men I hope it will go away soon.

velvel, thanks for the encouragement. will jia you.

lala, well I hope my MS will end soon men dont wish for it to last that long. It is weird somedays I am just fine some days I just throw guess it is coming to an end?
bear, rest well and perhaps you shoud get a 2nd opinion. If I were you I will also worried cos it is not normal to bleed. So not understanding. Anyway have plenty of rest.
i also.. i was @ the new opic waiting for reno contractor to quote price to my boss..keep wanting to vomit..

i hungry like sh*t.. order food liao juz wallop then now abit indgest..

for 1st time mummies dun have to buy maternity bra or panty.. normal ones will do unless ur boobs get so big that normal bra cant fit u.. If you are breast feeding bb then wear a bra WITHOUT wire.. dun get those wire wan will get bad block ducts..

hahaha..chop chop eat something..snack abit..Im thinking of stocking up some biscuits just in case.. Just had my lunch..finally feeling better..

My friend claimed that Meiji plain biscuit aids in MS.. gonna try that too..
Hello ladies! How is everyone? So many posts, i read until i lost track liao. anyway, hope everyone has a nice day!

Talking about food, my appetite is very good. Last week, MS very bad, this week Ms is mild.
Not sure is it good or bad. starting to feel negative. I would rather endure the MS to know that BB is ok.

Anyway, had a scan on saturday during my weekly jab appointment, saw bb moving, look like dancing. So cute! I nearly cry. Too bad, hubby is not around. My mom saw it too. She is real happy.

Talking about bra, my is starting to suffocate me. Anyone know where to buy extension? Now still no intention to buy maternity bra yet.

Bear, if i were you, i change gynae. Anyway, i already change my gynae after 3 visits cos i'm not comfortable with the previous one.
i stand there for 2 hrs no chair to sit coz new office is empty..in the end got to sit on the toliet bowel inside the office leh..hahaha
so good to see bb dancing... hope this sat i can see mine also
The extension u can buy from any bra shop..they should have it.
I see ... you better have a good rest. I heard that Dr Lim is a very experienced gynae but got some attitude. 3 of my friends use him said really really good (He even saved the life of a friend who had complications after delivery), to another friend, she said, no chemistry with him.
Hi ladies,

I dunno who to go for 2nd opinion leh... any recommendations? my fren told me Dr Jocelyn Wong is gd. anyone changed gynae half way? Dunno if it is nice or not to change gynae... sigh..

Re: Bras
I m wearing my super old ones so they are still very comfortable.

Re: Food
I finished my lunch! YAY!!! it helped that i had lotsa sour lime to go along with it. heehee..
hui, before you go for the scan, talk to your bb, ask it to dance later for you. Maybe, bb will listen and please you. Hehe.. try it. Ok, noted, will try to go bra shop in thomson plaza and see if i can find the ext.

I had cheong fun for breakfast again. 2 in fact. i eat so much.
Had veg bee hoon again for lunch. Finished the whole big pack.
Talking about subway, i also have cravings for sandwiches. 2 weeks ago i had it for dinner almost everyday, tuna sandwich. yummy!
Lala, can u elaborate more? if not convienent to say it here can u PM me? thanks!

Hui, poor thing.. there there..

Lovedogs, are u eating porridge then? i dun like porridge, so tasteless!!

Alibaba, ya i work fromhome.. kinda defeat the whole thing but at least i can lie down and dun have to walk so much.
noted.. but honey will cause me more phlegm as i already have some phlegm.

ya, will tell Gp that i am preggy if i am going. But currently is on mild stage, hopefully it can go away soon

Haha.. i understand how u feel. In fact during my 1st pregnancy scan, i will cry when i saw my bb thru the scan initially.. Maybe is really excited but i am quite emotional too

same here.. i will feel super nauseas when stand up after siting or lying for a while.. will need to have some food to munch.
Hi Bear, i heard good comments about Joycelyn Wong too. I call her up once but i dont like the attitude of one of the nurses. In the end, i cancel the appointment. I now go to LN Sim in TMC. She used to be HOD of KKH. I like her alot. very gentle and explain in detail. The way she handle my mom question make me like her even more. Very approachable.

Oh yes, my hb colleague say she is mother of gynae. What that mean, im not sure. True or not, also not sure. hahaha..
joyce, yup, i am very emotional too. esp i mc once before. Now its actually past the period where i mc prev, and i never saw bb move before. Make me even more emotional. Talking about it now makes me feel so blessed and emotional too.
Dreamyjo, thanks for the recommendation. I think she needs to be able to handle somebody like me. I guess it is one of the hazards of being a scientist, i need to know the answers, reasons and what is causing the bleeding!!! if u can't gimme any answers, don't push the blame to me and say i over anxious. wat i need to hear is reassurance not name calling...

must be exciting to see your bb moving


aiyoh..poor thing...hope ur indigestion will go away soon. I always suffer from indigestion so i can totally understand how uncomfy it is.


good to work from home. I work from home alot during my 1st pregnancy as i was lazy! hahaha...more like i can't fall asleep early so had a hard time waking up in the morning. Therefore, working from home helped. hope u can have more bedrest and work from home for a longer period.

no leh, i had bak kut teh last nite for dinner still.. juz eat slowly and chew on one side only... cham right... but me same as u, not a fan of porridge.


hope ur sorethroat will go away. try to drink some salt water perhaps? or drink some fruit juice...
bear, I understand as i myself is like that too.
Anyway, my current gynae understands my anxiety and try to answer my questions at best as she could. But sometimes they themselves have no answer but she is understanding. Although she advise that i can stop my weekly jab, when she see my worried look, she double check my last mc date and put me back on jab and see her weekly just to be on the safe side. If i continue to cramp or got bleeding, must see her immediately. She never say me gan giong or anything. The prev one i see always 'fu yan' me, avoiding my questions. She didnt tell me what the jabs are? She always seems to be in a rush and say thing like i should not mind a girl hor since we try so hard to keep the bb. I'm already very negative and she can say this kind of insensitive comments. When did i say i mind a girl. Every appt i had with her, i more depressed. Its seems like its my fault.
my #2 i seldom talk to him/her.. my #1 i remember seeing him wave to me when i was send in by ambulance from seng kang interchange and 45 mins waiting in A&E due to heavy bleeding..

that time when i was having heavy bleeding.. was admitted for 5 days and the doc keep telling preg bleeding is normal and the duno the reason! ur bleeding maybe due to infection? dat time i was bleed due to infection.. the blood juz flow out like pee..very scary lor..then lie there for 5 days no single doc tell me wat's wrong till i seek 2nd opinon outside and find out that i kanna infection.
u r so funny.. due to my job scope.. i need to move around alot.. thats what i fear.. but try to avoid it.. Luckily my boss still alrite.. understand..
Dreamyj, precisely... sigh.. i have no jabs and my hormone pills is wk by wk one.. if no more means no more.. damn sian... funny thing is i spot on my liner,then go back and rest. when he checks me, the spotting very mild.. may be he thinks i m crying wolf? this time though he saw the haemorrhage so he had nothing to say.

Hui, ya my gynae give me antibiotics too.. he said it could be an infection.. told me to take it... i m supposed to see him in a wk's.. just damn sian...
Lovedogs, thanks! Its really exciting and emotional moment for me. Its adorable to see it move head, body side to side and tiny round arms (i think arm lah, cant remember what gynae say liao) swinging up and down, like cartoon. so funny.

hui, your #1 gynae so funny. wave to you. Why you seldom talk to #2. Although i have no questions, i try to ask qns or she will explain the scan, which is the water bag, sac, placenta, yolk. Anyway, my memory so poor, cant remember. My prev gynae never bother to explain. Just pass me the scan say thing like water level so scary, bb not in perfect dimension. B**** Always scare me and never explain things to me, always make me leave even more worried than before.
No lah, my friend just said the gynae gave her attitude. Some people when can "click" with him, the whole process was very pleasant, but those cannot, will kena attitude. That's what my friend said. However, we cannot deny the experience of Dr Lim.

For me, 1st pregnancy is very important coz lots of qns and uncertainities. Since no package is signed with Dr Lim, you may consider going to someone who will make each gnae visit pleasant.
haa.. the #1 is my son not my gynae.. that time preg 12 weks heavy bleeding mah lucky scan liao bb still wave @ me..haa..Now i seldom talk to #2 coz partly biz with my son n very tired..

he got help u clean inside anot?
bear, I tried to call Joycelyn for appt but seems very full all the time. So I decided to see Dr Lee Keen Whye at Glene. I think he is good at least being very positive. Maybe you can consider. I can provide you the contact if you like. The nurses there are also very friendly and helpful.

I used to see Dr Chia Yee Tian at Mt E. cant click with her.
Hi ladies, I am back after mia for some time hahaha.

Hi bear, alibaba, haru, lovedogs,love bug, hui,jjmom and vincy...miss you all

Got something to ask you all....

Anyone of you now wearing your normal bras or we have to wear meternity bra..?..

Cause my fren talks about wearing bras with no underwire....

So now should I change to maternity bras as my current bras all have underwire... will it affect the boobies...?
Can I wear my normal bras with underwire until I can;t wear then switch to maternity bras?

What is the diff btween maternity and nursing bra?


Bear, pls pls rest....every time see that you bleeding...i got worried

Hi joyce, i think better not if you are at first trimester...cause it contains some chinese herbs which we better avoid for the moment....
Blessed Mum,
I no change to maternity bras at all for my 1st pregnancy. Only when delivered my ger, then use nursing bra to allow easy milk expressing/latching.

I see, I had mine from Killiney Kopitiam, not bad. But think too much no good coz don't wanna put on weight in 1st trimester coz 3rd trimester surely will put on very fast one.

Hi Joyce, Vincy an Lovedogs...thanks

Hi hui, you mean if we wear our normal bras with wire now till 3rd trimester, we will not get bad block ducts cause our booobies getting bigger with breast milk in it right? I tot it will so i so afraid and ask you ladies for opinion. so how?

Hi bear, I was thinking if you would like to change gynae too....gynae should be supportive towards you and not put you down or sometimes make you feel insecured.
