(2008/11) November 2008

fyi. normally i got my mc from gynae..

so cute.. moving around. hope that im able to share this joy tmr after the scan. Normally im doing normal tummy scan.. V scan only once when i was bleeding and gynae wana see bb heartbeat clearly..

Just drink some water prior to scan and dont visit the ladies b4 scan..this will aid in scanning..
alibaba... Hahaha.. me too! Feel disgusted with t food shown on TV. Worst thing is... almost everyday they got programme on food :S
Hi ladies, i m back...

The new gynae is nice. explained to me what's happening and wat i shd be expecting in the next couple of days. anyway he said the reddish/pink mucus is part of the haemorrhage so i m to rest. Actually he didn't tell me anything i dun already know. i still dunno which gynae to go to.. need to think abt it.

Thank you all for your prayers. Apparently my EDD has been shifted to Dec 1st.

I feel really sick now. Just now almost puked in the car. come home rush toilet but nothing came out.

Babyzel, i m taking at most once a mth... but my mum told me to take essense of chicken daily. my body is very weak.

Sumei, i m in Sci Fac.

Lala, that's why i say i cannot afford to stop my work completely.. i have to finish my degree.. sigh...
dun be too affected by ur boss ok? take e weekend to enjoy and relax ya!

all e best with e gynae! =>

hey PJ,
hmm..i normally just take soya milk, but cold soya milk.=P do you just microwave e normal fresh milk to make warm milk?

haha, u noe what? i didnt even noe how long is the full term until u mentioned it. what a blur person i am eh?

hey ladies,
today my appetite really not as good as normal. went to jap restaurant for lunch, couldnt finish my udon. but i ate some curry croquette. then boss forced me and colleague to eat ice cream with him. to be honest, until now i still feel bleh..think i will snack on my peanut butter bread again later. its become my comfort food for these few days.
welcome back Bear!
it looks like u are quite happy with e gynae u just saw. maybe discuss with ur hubby? =>
ya.. maybe can discuss with ur hubby this new gynae.. which gynae u see? Next time can put plasti cbag in ur bag juz in case u wan puke in car.

today no appetite ah? hmm.. tomolo will be a better day! i juz ate a pack of nasi lemak and a cup of pesi..
bear, good to know that all is well. see which you are more comfortable with then decide. The most impt is you must trust and click with the gynae. Have a good rest.

velvel, am with SMU. Starting next Wed. Hope all will go well.

2nd baby, really which school?
Welcome Carol and su mei!

Glad to know u are happy with your gynec.Do rest more.Choose the gynec that u are more comfort with.Most imprt is the trust and doubts that he can ans for u.

I was told tonic is better to start at 2nd trim ley.Previously i started taking tonic when my ms stopped coz dun wanna waste the good stuff lar

Re: food,
I realise my food intake is getting lesser each day.No appetitie to eat unless is spicy or sour stuff.I can finish a big pack of chilli potato chips as lunch.So sinful!

MS is like getting worse.Everytime wan to puke but nothing come out.
hi hui,
thanks for ur encouragement! ya, today is the first time not much appetite from early morning. but at least no merlion. => me going home to parent's home today for dinner, hopefully e home cooked food wil help stir up my appetite.

hey happy,
easy on e potato chips ya? maybe opt for the baked chips instead? once is a while is ok but not everyday oh..try to grab some fruits if u can.=> i think i am feelin like u, sometimes i will sit in toilet and cough cough, hoping to puke but always nothing comes out.

agree with others maybe u wanna discuss with ur hb which gynae to choose. find out u feel most comfy and confident with.


ur job requires a lot of moving around too? must take care leh... how r u with your boy's 1st BD party preparation? i have not even prepare the guest list leh.... my gal kicked me very hard in my stomach last nite while i wiped her... very gek sim...


hope ur appetite will be better tmr. for me, i have been feasting a lot. i had 2 plates of fried mee hoon as i add a lot of chilli.. now i feel so full. my waist line is expanding ...now also dunno what kind of clothes to wear to work to look "normal".

when is ur next appt date with dr chan?
if u like home cooked food then sure will stir up :D

no lah.. juz in case nd to move coz we are shifting to bigger office this end month. me so far onli decide on venue and theme but haven book cake n buffet
Dun let ur ger kick u.. yesterday i have a big "tub" feeling in my womb.. machiam ppl knk on my womb from internal.. me wondering issit bb knk on my wall.. haa..

wah!!! so fast can feel baby moving inside u...very exciting
hard to avoid my gal's kick when i am wiping her leh.. .ask u ah...do u wipe ur boy at nite before bedtime? or do u shower him again?

i also juz booked venue... havent book cake and buffet. my headache is guest lists... dunno how many people to invite etc...
40 weeks pregnancy not divided like that. The division as follow:
1st Trimester: week 1 - week 12
2nd trimester: week 13 - week 28
3rtd trimester: week 29 - 40.

1st and 3rd trimester take 12 weeks each. Onli 2nd trimester is longer.
glad to hear that. Discuss with your hb and see how.. me too taking chicken essence on alternate day.. hoping to boost health.

40 week preg: I think snnowy is correct.

oic. hahahaa... thanks for clarifying. i really tot it is being divided equally leh... think last preg i only considered myself in 2nd trimester once i hit 13 weeks...so same as ur chart?
Val, sec sch in the west. How abt u? M taking 1/2 load! Fri is my off day.

I still got a long way to 2nd trimester. Nauseas... nauseas..
evening my grandma will shower him.. if i take care will wipe him

Anyone can help me.. where can i buy Pooh and friend deco toys on cake in Spore?
actuali i order alot from birthday direct for the part deco liao.. maybe i look around if dun have then i order from birthday direct

u too huh.....heehee... i juz placed my order from a spree only..now juz hope can deliver on time.

which day u planning the party?

i actually will prefer to bathe my gal before bedtime but many people told me not good to bathe them at nite... what do u think?
tr not to bath too late lah..easily get cold leh..i order twice liao so if this time i order the toys will be 3rd time
Hi ladies,

Ya will discuss with my hb lor... see how it goes.. Thanks for ur encouragement...

Val, u working or studying in SMU?

Hui, i usually shower very late.. that's the last thing i do lor.. or else feel too sticky to slp.. :p

Snnowy, thanks for the breakdown! I've got 6 more wks to 2nd trimester!!! so long... urgh!
2nd baby, i used to be on 3/4 load at a sec sch before i applied for NPL earlier last mth. can i find out from u wat yr 1/2 load consists of? can PM me if not convenient.
I guess everyone is looking forward to the end of the 1st trimester. Sometimes it hard coping with the morning sickness. But dun worry, I guess 2nd trimester will crept in without knowing. Jia You
Bear, glad that u change your gynae

Lovedogs, if u order from birthday direct spree, it normally takes abt 4-6 wks to arrive (to play safe). So it is better to order abt 1-2 mths before your bb birthday.

I now bath my boy after dinner too.. Cause i felt that he is too sticky not to bath. So normally i give him a quick bath.. Elderly also said not to bath at night, get cold easily but he is too sticky
2nd baby,
thanks for your info regarding tha maid. When is your maid's contract ends? Should be end this year right? Philipino language wise is better than indo lor.. i still remember u told me that ur indo maid will said yes ma'am, yes ma'am when u told her what to do, but end up then u find out that she dun understand at all. LOL
edde, I took 2 times NPL. One yr in yr 2006 and One mth in 2007. Changed to 1/2 load this yr. Currently I have 25 teaching periods over 2 wks (55 mins/period). No other commitments like form teachership, CCA, standing com.... which I requested just teaching periods. But knw what, I have 4 NT classes. My time in teaching revolves all NT kids! Wat does yr 3/4 load consists of?

Joyce, her contract ends 31 Dec. Frankly, she has improved alot on her English. But my gal dun wan her to carry or look after. In the end, we are tired out.
2nd baby, i took 3 mths NPL aft my #1 too, then return in Term 4 last yr. took 3/4 load this yr. full teaching load + co-form + department work. still cant cope
thus NPL again.
hi ladies.. one week nv log in so many posts le... been attending course so no internet access..
now in my week 10.... just went to gynae on thursday again coz not feeling well.. he say i gt gastric.. i say "huh, i got eat leh.." he say is like that one...

bb now only 2.1cm... now 9weeks and 4 days...

i very jia lat.. no appetite for most food except fast food!! die sia... so unhealthy.. i tried eating those normal food but eat abit want to vomit le... haiz... dunno how sia..

i left 2 to 3 weeks to 2nd trimester... i already gained 2 kg.. is it normal??? ;p
2nd baby,
oic.. ya, it will be very tiring if shannyn doesnt want her to look after nor carry.. Most likely i will be hiring an Indo maid this time round, arh, think of the language also xian, luckily i can still communicate in simple malay
hi gals

Bad news, had a silent miscarriage, Baby with no heartbeat. going for my d &c soon.

all the best to all of u
Doc will just do tummy scan for further scannings. Also looking fwd to next appt so i can see bb, very impatient haha. So managed to see ur bb today?

Update on ur bb after ur appt. will be very interesting on their progress. I'm not taking any tonics now, dun know wat to take also...

Once a mth is fine. U better est well and keep stress at a minimum. Hope all is well for u.
*hugs* jazz2, take care

2nd baby, cannot. must report on the dot and do remedials some more, every wk must stay back 2 days coz every mon is contact time. stupid rite. my sch is damn siao on coz this yr first batch of O levels students.
Do take care. Can always try again.

I also have a mild disgust for all kinds of food. When I see food in blogs or on tv or in the newspapers, or even reading about it HERE, I feel so disgusted. And I LOVE food. I really hope this phase will pass soon.

2ndbaby, Edde
I'm also teaching. And since I'm first time mum, I'm still taking full load. I really pei-fu all my colleagues who went through pregnancy teaching. It's so tough. I don't mind sitting at my desk and marking, but when I have to go in and use all my energy to teach, I feel very tired. Wish I could take ML all the time. Sigh.
Hi mummies,

I just received my order from babycenter, and it's too loose for me @ the
underbust area.

This is the Original Nursing Bra -Plus, in S.
On the product info, it says that S is good for 32-36, C-D. But I think it's
will be quite loose
for 32 (i'm a 32).

You can view the product at

Designed with care in Canada, Made with pride in Mexico.

Would like to sell at SGD$50.
karen, i went thru my first preg with full load too, and its very heavy load. my MS was very bad that time and i practically vomitted into plastic bag at my workstation. so pai say. halfway during lesson wld also run to the toilet to vomit. very cham. now i think back, its really tough then. took a lot of mc and felt so guilty. u take care!
Gd morning ladies,

Jazz, sorry to hear that. do take care ya?

So many teachers mummies! it must have been a handful trying to balance ur pregnancy and a classful of naughty students!

Welcome Mama gene!

I have stopped bleeding gals! I passed out a clot on sat and haven't bled since.. so happy!
morning all MTBs!

Babyzel, yup..see bb today. 9 weeks and ~ 33mm long. Can see the head and bottom..tiny toes and fingers growing too..everything is good.. Phew! Endure another few more weeks and 1st tri is going to be over..

Jazz, Do take care and build up your body for next try..

mama gene, i started applying it when im in 7 weeks.. cos i realised i cant wear my jean.. so got abit worried and start applying it..

Bear.. Thats great!! I passed out the clot too..and no more clots in the womb.. Gynae said must not allow anymore clots to form.. so must take care also..
Bb rash cream -
can any mummies recommend ? currently using the bb johnson one. but so DIFFICULT to find in the mkt. I give up ,thinking of getting other brand.
Bear, tat's gd new.

Su Mei, me also at abt 9weeks4days, bb measure at abt 30mm. Saw him/her waving hands...so happy. Next appt will be taking the tests liao but also means near end of 1st trimester...yeah! can't wait...
