(2008/11) November 2008

Dun wish and envy! Just tell yourself SAMH is more tiring than working!Heavy responsiblity with no MC,leave and bonus! haaaa

Do you agree, SAHM???
agree agree...sahm stressed man..anything wrong, all our fault ho...cannot tai ji like in office haha.... most mummy want to return to workforce asap..

me too leh..had a maid for abt 2 mths then let her go before CNY. Same as you, feel happier without a maid as I don't have to Manage the maid. Although busy like a mad woman..esp now back to work. I also send #1 to CC liao... u looking ard for CC? But last 2 weeks nvr send her to CC coz her CC got 4 cases of HFMD
Sibei waste money leh...but better be safe then sorry loh...


how's shopping today? I went to Robinsons...AVENT 30% OFF!! can't believe my eyes...grab many teat 4 and bottle brushes... but the queue was so long until i came back to office almost at 3pm!! *pengz*


u FTWM too? siong hor... ur #1 attend CC liao?
tri_Angel-I thot of initially coz I wish for a girl but then after so much emotional turmoil, I got phobia liao.. so 2 is enuf.. unless god gift again, which I hope not, scared le.
kash-wo ye shi FTWM, wanna send my #1 to CC but MIL against it coz she say easily get sick lo.. so she is taking care of both for me when i'm working. I know not easy on her esp #2 needs special care.

how ur #1 adapting to CC?

robinsons avent 30%??? need member anot.. wah..
u sure to invite a lot of stares at traffic lights, ya?
eat bee hoon can get hipcups easily, got cof to wash down??

hi punggollian! your girl still at LV?
Jus sold our flat a mth ago, now looking for place to rent.

err, when u r a sahm, u will wish u were working!!
Sale jus today!

Oh you went robinson? Did u call bear they all?
Hee.. i fly them aeroplane ley.
I din go for shopping with them.Intend to meet my hb at united squ,go to toysrus.But my fren called and told me dun waste time wor.She said the toys are old and nothing special.So guess i wait for the FP warehouse sale better.

Yes hoping for #3 at 2011(rabbit)
But then got to see my hb's financial allow or nt... haaa
He might be jobless at the end of yr. So play by ears lor.

Ya my gal still at LV.She loves attending sch now.
Oh.. so where are u moving to?
Kash - im a wrking mum. hv enrolled my #1 in cc for next yr.

Tri_Angel - nt prepared for # 3 .. unless I've home
now stayin with inlaws .

Cookieoreo - hahaha,ya i think so... no bonus, kana complaint cant push away.. no lunch hr.. cant eat snake ..ops
happy.aiyo so sad..I need teats.. Toyarus got sale also har...aiyo i dont noe, if not sure chiong there...so near..hee
Me too, 2 bb. #1 is 28mths and #2 is coming 6months.. So far so good but life is much more busy and hardly had time for myself unless i arrange shui shui..

i was laughing when i saw u mentioned tessa dun want to get up from potty after she has done! Why all the childrens are the same? Mine too, after he had finished his biz, he still can sit happily and refused to get up to clean!
Hey, u sat lei.. can eat rice and beehoon in the car! I thought only bread and those finger food.. keke

u fly A380 aeroplane! Still wanna wait for ur news..

perhaps loh... i hardly have a proper meal one... if eat out, I have to feed my #1 and eat my meal at the same time. can be very stressful. At home also, I eat and feed her at the same time. agree, sometimes i get indigestion.
A380 aeroplane nice to sit ley!wakaka

No lar.I hv plan to meet my hb there.After i prepared and wear nice nice hor,my fren called me mah.She said long Q and the stuff nt gd de.She is my shopping khaki ,so knw my taste.She sais FP warehouse sales is so much better. But dun knw when FP sales is ley.
Enne - wat a GD TERM ! WAHAHA

Joyce - hw to plan shui shui ?

Kash,Joyce - same here leh. My #1 -oso dun wan to get up frm her potty after poo..strange

ur MIL really super leh...not easy to handle 2 so young... FTWM not easy. My dad also against the idea of sending my #1 to CC. But i insisted loh...


robinsons sale today only leh... 1 day special.


i think so but i bo chap. i do that at times eg if need to bring my gal to PD after work at nite..gotta rush like a mad woman coz still have to shower, pump milk before going.... so eat during traffic light... crazy hor..


no leh i din call anyone. was with 2 colleagues but both left coz they can't stand the cashier q. I was the only one who needs to buy things from nursery so i persisted.... nvr see avent 30% before. ToysRus nothing special. I saw the sunshine playhouse selling at $339. I bought last year at $230 leh....


strange hor, what's so great abt sitting on the potty...so smelly! hahahaa i always have to coax or scold her to get up.


which cc u plan to enrol ur #1?

cannot leh, wait she mess up the whole place i still have to spend time to clean up
Also, she will insist "mummy feed"....
Ask hubby to come back early and help out to feed, bath #1, then i clean #2 and get everything done then can go out liao

Hmm, funny hor,, i also dun understand them.. Moreover the smell is not pleasant! keke
Kash - i enrolled my #1 at my home nearby "my little campus" . agreed with u, my # 1 sure mess up the place.. end up gt to spend more time to clean up.. clean up everything everywhere .. sounds familiar ..wahha.. is one of the barney songs :p
oh u have 2 boys. Me 2 girls. would be nice if we can swap.. juz joking... haha.
I stop at 2 liao.

actually really Pei Fu those who have 3 kids... dunno how they can manage... me 2 already so tired!
Yeah.. same thing to me.. I also wanna let #1 self-feed, but the problem is when he saw vege, he refused to eat.. And i will insist he eat lor, so no choice we have to scoop and hide the vege so that he can't see. But at times when having dinner outside like fried rice, i will let him self-feed, cause he like fried rice and there was no vege inside.
Kash.. my hubby will help out . even if he doesnt my #1 will sure ask for him. cos she is veri sticky to papa. is juz tt sometime after dd everythin... shagged out liao.. haha
wow, yours for 2mth only? haha, gimme a five!
Looking for a CC but not finalised yet as i jus sold my place. Nowadays has lots of suspected case, better keep her away to be safe, ya..
which CC is she in?

will rent somewhere near my mum's at ghim moh. still looking out for a place to buy. u sold your place too?

tat's really gd she's enjoying school. i went to enquire last year for new intake, told me 2010.. i give up.. totally..
I oso have 2 - 5years and 6mths. but nothing beats Olwenlim, one 7 years and three 6 mths old. My mum helps me to look after when I am at work. I hired a maid to help her. It is very tiring cos' after work when I reach my mum's place is no rest. I only chill out at 10am when both girls are in bed.
i nv sell my place.. not even 2yrs how to sell? heehee.. i rent out my place.. & the tenant wouldnt continue contract mah. hehe.. now buy house not cheap leh. u looking for resale flat ah?
olwen is a our fighter
, so ashamed of myself when compared to her.

It's nice to hav someone taking care of hsework where your mum can concentrate on the kids.
Great to have them tuck in bed so we can hav OUR rest time hoh?
haha, sor sor.. where's your place ah? hoping to buy private prop if possible. Rental dips a little. My mum's ghim moh same blk asking price is 2KKK for 3 rm flat, can faintz!!
Mummies who are coming to my place on Friday, hope we will have a good time. Pls bear with my place as it's a little messy with lots of megan's things all over the place. Everytime I clear the place up, 30 mins later mess again.

Since gathering is at my place, I can provide hotwater, wetwipes, lotions, diaper (dryers and pampers active), changing mat etc. So no need to bring so many things unless you have other plans after my place.

I look forward to meeting all of you.

u have a maid? if no maid like me, by the time reach home after work, very bz hor... have to shower them, clean the floor, do laundry... by the time i shower hor, sometimes 11pm liao..then pump milk, pack for the next day, blow dry hair...after midnite...then 6 am wake up again...gonna die of lack of sleep..

spin, cookieoreo,

my gal enrolled into kinderland. so far i like the place very much. but hor, she only started on 1 Apr...then after 2 weeks, i stopped sending her when there was 1 case of HFMD... last case was last monday. But this week they close for 3 days for training... and friday PH...must as well dun send... so sendinga again next monday. hope my gal won't cry too badly when i drop her off.


i also prefer to feed myself coz faster. just that i can't have a peaceful meal. My hb is not that supportive as he really doesn't like to bring 2 kids out together without my mum tagging along. He will always ask whether can park 1 kid at my mum's place. I agree with him coz we end up so bz. My # 1 is really a terror leh... bring her out very very difficult to handle. She is soooooooooooooooooooooo notti!


wow!!! so expensive... u had ur 1st appt liao? when will u move out? Rent must be at least 1 yr contract rite? U plan to rent for 1 year? Which place u targetg to buy ah? heehee...


oh u rented out ur place? how come ur tenant doesn't want to continue. where u is ur place located?
cookie> my place at woodlands.. EM rent to my tenant oso 2k. haha.. ghim moh near city izzit.. so exp... private prop price cheaper now?
kash> my tenant is m'sian mah. they bot a house at jb.. so nv cont'd lor.. & i no intention to move in so soonn... Exp to reno.. bo lui..

i realise being a mummy.. left with 6hours slp nia.. panda....
Any mummies thinking of postponing their bb checkup at hospital as a precaution to swine flu?

My boi has appt at kkh on Monday. Routine checkup only. No vaccinations.

Should i play safe & postpone? I scared later postpone next appt date will be very much later. Still undecided.
i have an appt on Mon too, mine is 2.30pm. How abt u? My #1 going for his ultrasound.
I guess it shld be fine. Perhaps u can call kkh to chk for nxt avaliable appt & see how. Normally they are pretty packed..
Nxt wk is my 1st appt, have to move out by late june. I hate moving, it's a nighmare!!

Waahh, 2k is during 'gd' time ezit? very high!
Mine is in the morning at 9am. He has dietetics and eye appt. He cleared his first eye test. Monday's appt is a routine ckup at 6mths old.

As a preemie, he has many appts till he's 2 yo. He also got rehab, ENT along with his PD/Neonatology appts. He will be going for head ultrasound end of the month too.

Poor boy...

Poor mummy & daddy's pocket too. Good thing he is under subsidised but gets to see consultant & senior cons for his appt.
Those who have stuff to collect from me (except books which I'm rushing the supplier to deliver fast), please try to collect by this week (before the swine flu gets worst and it becomes inconvenient for both of you and me). Otherwise, post is another option.

Glad_gal has kindly consented to helping me pass stuff to those who are going for the 1st May gathering. Whoever is going and has stuff to collect from me (except books), please inform me. Please pay up first ok as I dun want to trouble her with collecting money.
