(2008/11) November 2008

mittens & botties
i tried removing them but when i removed them and let bb goes without it during the day after the morning bath (wear back after night bath during bedtime) BUT bb hands and feets are cold ley....its ok not to wear still is it?

I dun pump in the night so cant advice you on it. At night I will latch my bb on direct, save time to pump, wash then heat up milk if bb cry for it.

During day-time, you should try to nap when your bb is sleeping in order to make up for the loss sleep at night.

For me, I can't. I got to handle a 16 month and a 36 days old. Not easy to get both to sleep at the same time. If it happens, I will need the time to prepare food for dinner, washing and ironing. I am looking after 2 all by myself w/o any help. 24 hours is simply not enough.
Once you are to the pattern, you will be able to handle well with latching and pumping at the same time.

I have stopped latching and pumping at the same tile liao. I have moved home after my confinment and really need the time to get bb to drink fast by giving bottle and after that just put her in cot to play by herself and drift off to sleep.

You are also using Avent Uno right? I have changed my pump to Ameda dual pump to save time on pumping.
^5, my 16 months is driving us crazy. I'm more busy with her rather than with bb. She is super cranky and cries a lot these day. Sometimes, she would simply hug onto my leg and refused to let me move.

She learnt to throw things whatever she can reach out for and behaving totally like a spoilt brat. It really a hard time attending to her. We tried not to scold or beat her as we do not want her to feel leftout due to a new arrival. However she looks so sweet when she is souldly asleep.
i went for e session on sat n she was really good that day aft that. didnt fuss at all whole day. but today she kept fussing, even w e leg shaking thing. cant wait for her next session on wed.

ur baby can drift to sleep on her own?? so good!!! mine gets cranky aft few mins n she wil start to cry..thats why i hardly hv time to do anything else coz i hv to keep attending to her.
peanut, my baby has the same problem. He is SUPER CRANKY during feeds too. We usually sit down and feed him .. and the moment he fuss .. he kicks or start to cry .. we have to stand up and feed him .. and have to "yao" him. Most of the time, I need to take 1hr to feed him. If he 'guai' on some feeds, he can finish it in 20mins. Think it's jus depends on his mood? It really needs a lot of patience to handle this baby.
haru, when using the IQ warmer, I will usually wait for a few seconds after the beep sound or i will put a higher milk level eg for 140ml of milk i will adjust the warmer to 170ml level instead and the milk will be just nice warm.. =D
Cranky during feeds - I tot jadon is the only one with such a problem, didnt know so many mums here also have the same problem...sigh. We have to resort to shaking him in the sarong and feed him at the same time. So its really stressful when bringing him out cause he will drink only 20-60ml and stop, then cry in a while to ask for milk again. Esp. when I go church, super stress!!

Avent warmer - Haru, I am using the warmer also, and the milk is also not hot. Infact, I have to adjust the warmer to 3 level up from the actual milk level that I am feeding. Abit disappointed with this warmer.
Thanks Bibi.

Haru> My appt is wed 11am, urs?

Cranky during feeds - Same here, dunno why drink milk also keep stretching, then dunno cry for what. The worse is after burping, he tends to throw up some milk. Every day fashion parade...
brocoli, maybe u can stop feeding him when he keep stretching n burp till he really burp out loud (carry him straight up n place his head on ur shoulders, easier to burp) den continue feeding and burp again after he finish..

yes i m using the avent warmer but mine maybe old model so v easy to use leh...i juz set to highest level (3) and abt 5 mins warm liao...in fact must monitor and take out fast else will be too hot.

i give bb pacifier in the day and i hv a combi rocker. just rock for awhile he will zzzz..... then at nite, swaddle tight tight he will zzz evev without rocker or pacifier.


sama sama.,.... throw things, scream, cry etc... she cries no matter where we bring her.... i really cant stand her. yday i only showered at 1am coz she refused to let daddy shower n feed her milk. we got home at 10pm and i need to express coz almost 9 hrs liao..... so she juz cried non stop refusing to drink her milk until i m free. i had to put her to zzz too and i dozed off until hb came in at 1am.... hiaz.... bb easy...its the big one who is soooooo difficult
iluvbli55 and dmk,

still keen to purchase the beco carrier from cozybabies? cos we can get it at $190 if we buy 3 pcs or more.

any other mummies keen, pls pm me asap to arrange ya. thanks!
Hi mummies, hope all of U are coping well.
Most of us already finished our confinement and some half way thru. Take care.

I'm back from my mum's place today, had took bb with me so my hubby can get a break from us haha.

<font color="0000ff">kash</font>
hope u are better. My elder son coming to 4yrs old also getting cranky these days. We put him at my in-laws place over the weekend. Think he is trying to vie for attention with newborn brother.

<font color="0000ff">snnowy</font>
Wow, I am impressed by your milk storage. so far I only have 4 bottles of 100ml frozen EBM, must really jia you liao. Nice pics of the milk spa that your gal had. Thanks for sharing your experience on bf.

<font color="0000ff">brocoli</font>
U need the Fenugreek urgently?
I have stocked up 3 BN bottles, the GNC one, if U keen, can PM me. We can meet up ya.

<font color="0000ff">Bibi</font>
hope your rashes are better? U post that iherb website is not allowed in this thread ya cos that's referral selling and your acct maybe suspended if the mod knows about this.

<font color="0000ff">Jo</font>
hello long time never U post
Have to tried burping yr boy? Maybe can give a try.
<font color="0000ff">brocoli</font>
I drink 2 cups of coffee everyday since last week and I'm still bf ok leh, my bb seems ok too. I have slight backache if I walk too much but no numbness so far. U may want to see a Dr. for your back numbness.
<font color="0000ff">peanut</font>
ya I also always burp and burp my bb, cos crying then air will get in too. Sometimes, bb fart out the gas also.

<font color="0000ff">Bear</font>
Nice full mth cake U had but very pricey ya. I try to sleep in the afternoon, short 20min or 40min if my bb sleeps. At night, like snnowy, I do direct latch on using the side-lying position so it's easier for me and bb, we co-sleep on the same bed, I dun have to warm up EBM or pump at night, I find I can sleep sl. more like that. Or U can get extra set of pump accessories like what Fifi suggested, so U dun have to sterilize them at night.

<font color="0000ff">cutiemum</font>
Growth spurt is when the bb needs more milk due to their growing stage, like around 5-6wks, there's usually one growth spurt.
hi mummies,
glad to know I'm not the only one facing a crying baby! I'm already numb to baby's cries liao, but then MIL will be standing around observing, so I'll be damn stress! He also everytime latch on den after a while cry very very loud. N somemore his cry is very ke lian de lor, like i torture him like that. I've tried everything when he cries lor, but he just continue. And he still have very crazy feeding timings. I tot they suppose to have a schedule now liao.. And tomorrow he is going for his jab. Think i going to have a hard time liao...
<font color="0000ff">Sabre</font>
mine also nowadays latch on will cry and sometimes very loud and long, feeding is 1.5h to 3.5hr, i only give on demand, no schedule still.
U stay with your MIL? Is she pro-bf one? I'm stressed when I go my mum's place, she will keep saying my bm not enuff that's why bb keeps crying.
Bear, Congrats! You hv got a very nice full mth cake. My confinement will only be over tmr. Yeah!

Re pumping, I try to pump every 3-4 hrs now but when bb is cranky, sometimes it drags to abt 8 to 9 hrs ... At nite i supplement with formula milk. I think letting bb latch on at night while lying down is quite a good method. Since we can also rest at the same time. But i am worried tt bb will get use to sleep with someone beside ...

Haru, sometimes my bb will fall asleep herself after feed. Sometimes she will also be cranky and refuse to sleep. We try to burp her, or sometimes hv to carry her and let her sleep in our arm. Once we put her down in cot she will cry after a few minutes. This will sometimes go on till the next feed, and she will fall asleep after drinking, mabe too tired le. And yesterday, when she refused to sleep i let her latch on while lying down. So tired tt i also need some rest. And she fall asleep tgt with me ...

Snowwy, envy you! My bb seldom fall asleep in the cot one. If she really fall asleep, it is after feeding. If after feeding she still awake and we put her in cot, she will stay calm for a few minutes before she lost her patience!

Peanut, my bb also made noise while sleep. I noticed it is in the morning. But she never wake up so i din actually do anything. But just today i tried to change her diaper then she stopped making noise le. Maybe bb is unconfortable, too hot or diaper wet?
I'm staying with her. She don dare to say my bm not enuf, cos that time she keep asking whether is it baby never drink enuf den hubby told her straight that I've got enough milk.

Just wan to share with u all, everytime i go out, sure will have aunties commenting why i didn't swaddle baby de. And they will say this one thing that gets on my nerve. "Must wrap him up, he WON'T feel hot de." So that day this auntie say this to me, somemore she said, becos it is very hot inside the womb. So I told her but he is having heat rash now, so how can he not be hot? And she can tell me there's nothing like that. All the old granny tales....
haru: my Avent IQ warmer oso like tat not accurate lik 100 ml milk from fridge warm under 115ml fridge option still v cold. When I choose freezer option the milk too HOT!

I tink must add to like 140ml fridge option..mybe btter very inaccurate...
sabre, i understand when u relate your story about some strange aunties coming up to u to tell u that u should do this or do that with the baby.

I get that a lot too cos my baby was out of his mittens and booties very early and when we go out, i just let him wear a short sleeve rompers and put him in the baby bjorn. Then aunties will come up and ask me if the baby will be in any difficulty. walau....it's pretty irritating. but obviously if my baby's neck is not that strong, i wouldn't put him in the baby bjorn mah. But apparently his neck is strong enuff (as affirmed by the PD) and that is why i will putr him in the bjorn lor.

Anywayz, next time any aunties tell u the baby will be cold...just say being cold is better than being too hot cos their brains get fried if they get too hot. I always believe letting babies get used to a colder temp is better. Even the bath water of my baby is not that hot.

i think the baby should try to adapt to our type of lifestyle rather than we adapt to theirs.
may i ask if any babies here are taking in about 180ml feeds now???????????????????????????????????

for the last feed in the night 10pm, my baby currently takes about 180ml and it lasts him till 3am.
morning mummies,
i had a good nites rest coz baby slept all e way til 7am this morn after her feed at 1am last nite. now she sleeping again, so i managed to do my laundry and eat my brekkie! phew!

thanks! i used ur tip and e milk warmed up nicely!

mine is at 830am. if not we could actually meet up and have coffee. => so this would be ur second session too ya? who was e osteopath you saw?

i will try that too. yesterday the lady at a maternity shop also suggested using lavendar shower for her to try to calm her down. but i guess thats only aft her bath time.

my baby dun really know how to suckle on pacifier and it keeps dropping out, hahha..i think she doesnt really like it too coz sometimes she will "resist" us putting it in her mouth. =P but still handy at times!

my baby also dun "give chance" when she cries. its super loud and also like very ke lian one..i always get stares when she cries outside in the malls, etc. =P i also dun swaddle baby when goin out unless its quite cold or in the mall, even then i use the receiving blanket to just cover her in the pram. e aunties also wil say, 'aiyo, baby scared cold' but i just tell them my baby dun like being hot. you are the mummy, you know best what makes ur baby comfy. dun care bout other people's comments. they think all babies e same.
Same same..I am oso more busy with the elder than the bb.My gal is like into 2nd time terrible two since the arrival of the bb.Screaming,crying and refuse to nap and keep disturbing didi when he is sleeping by pulling his hands and asking him to wake up.
I tried nt to scold her too but... at times she made me realli frustrated &amp; crazy and jus hit her hard.
I onli get to have peace since last wed after putting her into the CC.Now at least,i can have some free time.

Only NOW i can have 'me' time.Just finish my 1st tvb drama nia... keke
The yu ti tong xin, nt v nice ley.Very dragging i feel.Think there is a part 2 coming since there is no ending......
Wat show u watching nw?

Re: mittens/booties
I remove both at wk 5.But nite time,i will still put them on.
Mittens / booties - can remove mah?? I scared bb will scratch his face. Though I cut his nails, but still feel quite sharp after cutting. Is it safe? And his hands are cold after I bathe him, so not sure if he will be too cold without the mittens and booties.

Eyelashes in the eyes - Any idea how I can remove the eye lashes that is in the bb's eye?? Have been there for a week le, so irritating, dont know if the bb feels irritated or not.

sometime my bb oso cranky during feeds, wat i do to pacify him is that i will rock/ shake my legs abit while feeding him, n he will be ok.. Think cos he is sleepy n pek chek, that y will fuss during feed..

Mitten/ booties

Think shld be able to remove them when they are abt 2 mth or 2mth plus.. so as to train their motor skills...

thanks....recovered from my gastric abt 2 days back. have to say that BM ss dropped when i was sick for those few days.... still enuff for bb but no extra to freeze. managed to start freezing the spare BM again 2 days back... ur elder one also jealous har? did u send him to nursery? at least some peace when he is at school?


how did ur gal take CC? is it full day or half day? I still have not search for a suitable full day CC for my gal yet. But she will start 2-hr 3day week MMI next Jan loh... but i will even be busier coz have to send her and ferry her back... and have to bring my maid and bb along...

i am now watching The Gem of Life... am watching epi 44 halfway now... heehee


u need to hold the pacifier to your bb's mouth...it takes a while for them to learn how to suckle. When they start to suckle liao, u try to pull the pacifier out...so they will know they have to suck harder to keep it in.... learn this from a video...hahahahaa.....

Re: Sleeping overnight...

my bb broke his own record this morning... last fed at 12.40am,.... woke up at 8.30am!!! i fed him with 140ml of EBM at 12.40am... hope he can zzz longer and longer
however, i still lack of zzz due to number 1.....she kept waking up screaming.... ended up i only zzz for abt 5 hrs...
she is ok at cc.Din cry at all since day 1.I peek at her,she behaves so well in sch but once hm,start all her terror again.
Mine is full day.I know i cant handle well alone with a active toddler n a bb at hm :p

I just started the gems of life last night... at epi 2 onli... keke

wow, she is good leh... coz i heard many will cry. I am very worried mine will cry too... in fact, in the last 2 weeks, she has become worst... everywhere she goes, she will cry if we do not give in to her immediately. i am really sick of her tantrums.

btw, i also watched The Four...pretty good also leh.... Very sad that The Gem of Life will be Gigi Lai's last TVB Show
hahah, what an interesting tactic!!

i dun really dare to start watching my jap drama series as sometimes my baby can wake up suddenly after dozing off.

if i juz need to look after my bb boy, i couldhv slept for more than 7 hrs.... juz that althou my boy so good boy, i no luck to "enjoy" it due to my elder gal being so tough to look after... sad sad..

how come no zzz when bb sleeps wif u ?
Hi Mummies,
Just finished my confinement, CL has left and I'm left alone to handle bb. Got so emotional when CL left that day and I cried. She really took great care of me and bb and till now I'm still missing her. The house became so lonely with just bb and me when HB goes to work. She had even called me the next day checking if I'm coping fine.

<font color="ff6000">jynnsan</font>
You can try Bo Ying Compound(Bao Ying Dan) from Eu Yan Sang. It's for phlegm, vomitting milk, crying at night, fever, cold and cough.

<font color="ff6000">bb poo</font>
My gal hasn't poo yesterday till now, is it normal? I'm starting to get worried. Seems like after CL left, she behaves differently.
Haru> I'm seeing Adrian Lalani, ya 2nd appt tmr. I still feel stress when i'm out wif bb so i always rush home, dunno why so insecure.

Nikki> My bb poo every 3 or 4 days. Will ask PD tonite if that is ok.
<font color="ff6000">jynnsan</font>
I also standby 1 pkt Bao Ying Dan since I took over from CL just in case. The shop assistant will advise on the usage. Hope your boy gets better soon.

<font color="ff6000">brocoli</font>
Thxs, she has finally just poo! Phew.. a relief for me. I also called my CL and she told me that it's normal if bb don't poo everyday. I got worried cos during confinement, she poo everyday. It's good that you'll be checking with the PD, keep me posted ya.
I have the same feeling like you, wanting to get home fast when out w bb. Feel like she's so delicate. Maybe because we are 1st time mummies. Are you taking care of bb yourself? I'm taking care of bb by myself currently. Maybe that's why I cried when CL left. I feel that family support is very important, if there's someone around it's not so stressed.

<font color="ff6000">bb burping</font>
My bb normally does not burp after her milk though I pat her for very long. Tried sitting and also on my shoulder position still no burp. She gets hiccups frequently also. What could be wrong?
i am with Adrian too.=> yesterday was first time i brot bb out on my own to meet hubby aft work. was quite nervous as she woke up while i was driving n i was afraid she would cry. i had to sit somewhere at e mall twice to pacify her coz she was crying n she is quite a loud one,ha..
My girl too. Even after she burped, she will hiccup. Many people tell me to feed her water which I'm reluctant to. Hiccups I llike cos then she will not vomit.
Hi mummies,
Finally baby's jaundice lvl gone down liao. No need to go back liao..Yeah..

my baby don know how to suck pacifier too. Now training him, cos i find that he will try to suck his hand. Thats why i rather he suck pacifier.

Re:Mittens &amp; Booties,
I'm not putting the mittens for him liao, but still putting on the booties.

so envy u can still sleep 5hrs lor.. My boy is still waking every 2 hrs...Can't wait for him to have his own schedule lor...

I read before that breastfeed baby will wont poo so often later on. Cause all the nutrients is absorbed liao. Think they can go without pooing for up to 10 days de..

Its ok if baby don't burp. If u're worried den tilt her head to the side when sleeping, so she wont choke if she is going to vomit. U can try holding her upright for a while. It helps for my boy..
Hi ladies,

Long time didnt login liao. Think I should have come in more often, reading the posts made me feel that I am not alone with the problems!

My confinement ending this Sat, phew time flies!

Wow, you are on total EBM! What pump are you using? Im using the Avent Manual Pump, so tiring to keep pumping. My Milk ss still not very good, probably cos I didnt pump very often, only 2-3 times a day. I wanted to pump every 3 hrs but sometime attending to bb, no time to pump liao. Sigh...

My bb also make alot of noise when sleep. She is a light sleeper too. Got a hard time getting her to sleep but after a few mins, she will stretch or make noise and if noone is around to pat her, she starts crying liao. She wakes up every 1/2hr -1hr to stretch and start crying if noone pat her.. sigh! I slept with her for 2 nites and so tiring...

Recently she get very cranky during day time, keep fussing and wanted to be carried. Even when I carry her, she still cry and kick sometimes, dunno what she wants leh!

I also have the same prob pumping every 3 hrs cos my bb also like yours, sometimes refuse to sleep till next feed. Sometime after feed, she will sleep for a few mins then wake up liao, no time to pump!

Re: Burping
I have to keep burping my bb even after feed, cos she got alot of wind and last week she has been very cranky because of the wind. Gave her Infacol to help relieve but still got alot of wind so have to keep burping her...

Re: Wrapping up bb
Think the older generation all think alike. My MIL also like to wrap up my bb, scared she cold. Even in daytime, hot afternoon, wrap up till her neck! Till she got heat rash! So I tell her not to wrap till the neck cos she too hot mah, she says the heat rash is not due to that but due to me not taking enough 涼茶 during my pregnancy..what crap!
hi mummies,

last 2 weeks has been a large shopping spree for HB and I..we bought the following:

1. Yaolan - baby loves it and falls asleep really fast no need to carry and listen to her crying. $265

2. Winnie the pooh dreamshow - nice entertainment for curious baby as it casts nice pictures onto the wall with music as well $49

3. Philips Avent monitoring system - working well as can listen to baby cry in another room $250

4. Braun digital thermometer - would recommend all mummies to buy a digital thermometer (recommend braun!) yesterday as baby had fever due to vaccinnation. Very pek chek using the manual ones. $140

5. Philips Hi-fi - room cannot be too quiet therefore we bought a hi-fi $98

6. Lullabies for baby CD - Baby loves the soothing sounds of the music helps to sleep $13.90


my baby tends to do that only during her day naps. but night time she can normally sleep thru with no problems. i just tell myself it wil get better as she grows up. i was like lying and gettin up of bed every 15 min today when she took her afternoon nap coz she kept stretching or jerking from her sleep and then wil start whining. so have to get up to pat pat her..but at least catch some broken rest.haha..

wah,thats lotsa shopping! my sister's MIL did ask if we wanted a yaolan, but i think i wil try not to use except unless my mum needs it when she helps to babysit when i return to work. dun want her to get all stressed out tryin to get bb to sleep.

i am looking forward to move house so that bb can have her own room. she is currently sleepin in our room as the other room was previously knocked down to make living room bigger. now we have to hush hush everytime we go into our bedroom and take stuff, etc.
