(2008/11) November 2008

Jo, cookieoreo and Kash: Thks for the tips!! Will try them out.. Mabbe will try to massage him in the evening, hopefully will soothe him! Havent used the J&J oil that I bought.

Moomummy: My labour experience quite similar to yours! Felt that it was soo difficult to push for me, midwife had to cadjole and keep telling me the 'right' technique to push haha.

See that all the mummies are waiting anxiously to 'pop'!

Congrats to all mummies who had popped!

Nikki - Alibaba had popped, left 2 of us with same EDD - 18/Nov, waiting for our turns
finally finished one jap drama series!! haha..starting to feel a lil bored at home waiting. BIL just sms me to find out when baby coming out, make me more anxious.

i normally go out to get lunch..sometimes just drive to somewhere nearby. i live quite near holland road so holland v is my usual hunt.=P

hahaha!! my hubby is quite a fashionista so he is very picky on the clothes we chose for our baby. sometimes we go out and he already tells me "we are not letting our daughter wear that next time.." so you can imagine. daddy will be her best friend coz he will happily dress her up with all e nice clothes.hahah..

i can imagine e surge of emotions you felt during the delivery..very touching..
<font color="ff6000">moomummy</font>,
hehehe... me leaving BB to take her time lor. But at yesterday's check-up, gynae estimate BB's weight at 3kg. Wanna faintz liaoz.

Waahh... your gynae berry fierce leh. Of cos you crying lah. NO epi and trying to push BB out is no joke lor. *salute* that you able to deliver naturally w/o epi.

<font color="ff6000">Haru</font>,
heheheh.. your hub ssoo cute! Tink next time your gal will be the "Best Dressed" in your area.
Hi iluvbli55, no lah, actually i tink Dr Han not really that fierce usually. maybe that day he's extremely busy and plus that maybe he find me too much of a cry baby lor..hehe..dun worry lah. furthermore, he encourages mummies to go for natural unless ur case is a special case lah..
and yes, he speaks mandarin most of the time..u dun speak to him in mandarin?

Yah, i had to withstand the contraction pain for about 3 hours before i am fully dilated and the actual labour pain is about 25 mins lor..tell u frankly, the contraction pain is the most unbearable one i tink..

Haru, yep..no words can ever explain the emotions we go thru during labour..thus, we mummies are the greatest! hehe..

Dymples, haha..i was under no choice but to go for natural without epidural one..so i guess, he said those things juz to get me to sober up and push bah..actually, the midwife who was attending to me told my hubby that i'm actually coping well with the laughing gas(i can still take out my gas mask ocassionally, answering questions, signing forms and talking to my hubby during when i'm having contractions,hehe), since there was another mummy in the other room who was screaming her lungs out when she's having epidural...funny hor?go epidural still can feel pain meh?

Hi Milerina, thanks! no hurry lah..pai seh also..
YAY!!! i finished my module! this is the toughest module i ever done man.. so tough that the lecturer is buying everybody around of beer now.. i can't join them cos need to walk a bit.. me feeling crampy again..

Iluvbli55, my gynae is very modern even though he has been in this line for 40 yrs. he says the more we walk the less health probs we have. actually i only started walking like a penguin today. i dun have the pelvic pain but it started now. sigh..

DYmples, to men, a few mm too short is still ok.. to us gals, its a disaster!

Moomummy, ur gynae very scary leh!
Thanks for sharing your experience! Yah, Dr Han is pro-natural and also speaks to me in mandarin. So some terms he use quite chim and he talk very fast sometimes.

Yah, tink every labour experience is diff for every mummy. So touched to see bb, after being in our tummies for 9 months. But still very scared of labour pain. Contraction more painful or the cut more painful? Muz pray every day.
Bear, haha..no lah, like wat i've told iluvbli55,maybe i'm too much of a cry baby liao mah and probably he can't stand it lor..hehe..
Usually, when i visit him for regular check-ups,he's okie de. can joke also..
after my delivery, he visited me at my ward and he was back to his friendly self again and even commented that my bb boy is very cute and chubby..
iluvbli55, you are most welcome.

Haha,u also realized that Dr Han speaks fast ah? me and hubby also noticed that too.. tat's why all of our regular visits ends very fast(less than 10 minutes):p

Contraction pain more painful or cut more painful? what cut are u referring to? u mean the cut below to allow the baby to come out or the c-sect cut?
Yah Dr Han speaks very fast, all my visits 5-10 mins only. Somemore, my hubby don't understand mandarin. During one of my visits, I heard other ladies oso waiting to see him complain say that wait so long, but see so fast.

I was referring to the cut at the V cuz u w/o epi. Or you don't need to cut?
Hello mummies!!

Backed from the hospital! What an experience!!

Here's my delivery experience to share :

6.30am Checked into Mt A. Immediately nurse brought me to my room to prepare me for delivery.

7.15am Pushed to the delivery room and wait for Dr A to arrive

7.30-8am The GA doc arrived, explained to me a c-section with epi. Then administer the epi on me. The pain was bearable, but give me quite a shock. At the same time, Dr A came and ask me to relax.

8am - Effect of epi....went into a trance for 5-10mins, then vomitted due to the effect of the epi. Lower body numb and Dr A say he is already operating on me...cant feel anything, except when he pull out the baby, can feel a tug.

8.07am - Dr A told my hubby that baby is out and ask him to take photo..keke...heard the bb cry, but still cannot see anything. Then Dr A say, ok, baby's out, wait I show him to you. Then the nurse carry the bb to show me. I am still quite blur due to the epi.

8.07am-9am Dr A and nurses doing the stitching up of my wound, while hubby follow the other nurse to the nursary with baby.

9am - Out of the delivery room to a waiting room, while the nurse keep coming to take my blood pressure and to check to make sure I am sober. Shivering start due to effect of the epi.

9.20am - Brought from the waiting room to the ward, still shivering, but sober, cant imagine what had just happen...the miracle of life!!

Anyway, the shivering stopped abt 1hr later.
iluvbli55,yah,waiting time to see him is always at least 1 hour one, then go inside, talk less than 10 minute, come out liao..haiz..

oh, that cut? i dun think u'll ever notice that pain coz the contraction pain is killing you and u have to concentrate on pushing out the baby mah.hehe..
yes, he did cut for me, otherwise i dun tink i can deliver lah..wahaha..i dun remember feeling any pain, just had a feeling of something snipping away..not too scary actually..
Btw, Jadon is 4.245kg and 54cm at birth. Very hungry baby, the nurses all tell me, he cannot wait, once cry only, must eat le...keke..

Now having sore nipples from him latching on...supply of milk is quite good, I think. Hope I dont get engorged. Will prefer to express then to latch on, so that I know how much he is drinking. In the hospital, he is drinking like 80-90ml every 3 hrs on top of latching on me for 20-30mins...so he is a heavy milk drinker...keke.
thanks for sharing ur experience! its very quick! and Jadon is a really big baby, with a very healthy appetite.=D

u seein Dr Chan this weekend too if you hv yet to pop by then?
Your delivery went well and you can see bb immediately!

BB Jadon has a good appetite and heavy milk drinker so cute. Wish can have a good ss like you.

How's your feeding with BB Darius?
<font color="ff6000">Haru</font>
Yes, he told me either see him delivery ward or this sat.. *waiting*

<font color="ff6000">Bear</font>
Your contractions slightly better today?

<font color="ff6000">Dymples</font>
Hee, still here ah?

<font color="ff6000">dreamyjo</font>
You have done a great job by carrying your precious Kayden to full term &amp; he is such a cute &amp; healthy baby.
The rest is not important, ya?

How did the appt with the LC went?
first we were hangin in there to wait til he comes back. now are actually can't wait to pop,ha! really hope baby want to come out before sat. rather not induce..
Hi mummies
I also went for my checkup this morning.. Sigh, still no signs yet. I am getting so bored with this waiting game. The good news is that baby is engaged and that he has grown quite a fair bit.

I think all gynae will say the same thing, Bye, see you either next week or at the labour ward yah!
yup, wil be waiting (if i still have not popped by this sat) unless otherwise advised by Dr Chan. =>

haha, ya..i am gettin bored at home. would very much rather see my gynae at labour ward soon!
Moomummy, i think ur doc was trying to calm u down also.. sometimes it helps when somebody refocus ur mind to the task at hand.. heeee...

Carol, thanks for sharing ur story! how's ur wound? U got gd ss leh! i also want!

Cookieoreo, eh my contractions a bit more painful liao.. hahaha but still managable.. not very regular leh... then having lotsa BH along.. so dunno how to count.

Sunshinekid, hang in there. my gynae seems pretty sure he will see me on Mon! hahhaah...
bear: ya contractions v. painful...i kept thinnking that it was huge tummy ache i wanted to go toilet to poo! LOL...
epi-csec> luckily me no side effect wor... ie shivering nope, vomit nope as well. my lower part was numb jus after 5-10mins. i even asked my gynae if she was cutting me up liao, and she said she's already in e process of taking her out!! ahahaa... I enjoyed e whole experience except my heart was pumping like mad.. And good ting abt epi-csec is you wont feel drowsy for e whole day so i was able to let her latch on me within 2 hrs aft delivery..

me also, can feel some small lumps near my armpit.. a bit freaked out dunoe if they're caused by milkducts or something else...
dun dislike bb kayden k.. he'll feel sad..
You're not alone.. some of my frens and sis also failed to let bb latched on them, but you can show your love in other ways as well, like tell him you love him, sing songs to him, lightly massage his face/body and also carry and hug him firmly so he can feel the closeness

Actually these few days after getting out from hospital i also feel emotional, can jus tear v easily.. guessed thats becos of hormonal changes and e lack of experience in handling e baby.. but i'm sure things wil improve..

COngrats minkybear, joyce and alibaba,
the list of "popping soon" is getting shorter!! heheee..
Minkybear, Joyce and Alibaba,
Gong Xi, Gong Xi... Lots of mummies giving birth today... Super easy day to remember... Must take good care... Hope to see you posting soon..

I think most of the mummies will go through that stage. You are not alone... You can always come and complain in the forum. Bb Kayden is very cute.. You just need to spend more time to understand his needs.
Thanks Haru, Iluvbli and Bear.

Surgery is really quick and every thing just went on like it was a dream.

Jadon's appetite good, keke...daddy and mummy need to work harder to feed him le. I am mixing breastmilk and formula, think I will die of tiredness if purely breastmilk and my nipples are really sore. Yet to find a really comfortable to latch him on...inexperienced!! Must practice more and hope he will be cooperative.

Bear - Wound is getting better now. Actually, 2nd day is the worst, but once you start to get down the bed to walk, it will get better. So die, die, 2nd day also must come down the bed. Cant see the wound yet, still can feel abit of pain esp. when laugh or cough, so got to be more gentle lor. But can sure walk and move abt without much pain le. Now its the torture of confinement. Kept having to wash my hands with tap water, which my mum is nagging me, but, need to breast feed the baby mah, so got to make sure my hands are clean!! No bathe for the 4th day le...in the hospital still not so bad, cause whole day aircon and no need to do anything, but at home very warm!! If whole day aircon, cannot imagine the electrical bills at the end of the month...keke..
Peanut - good for you, I got the side effect man from the epi-csect., was vomitting on the operating table but after vomitting, I was fine le. Then shivering for an hr and vomitted 4 times in the ward also. Guess my gastric really sensitive to the medication. Only manage to latch on the bb on the 2nd day's night, lazy and not in a hurry to do so...keke..

Here's Jadon's pict taken with my hp.

KaRen-my csect next monday! Am getting nervous. When is urs???

Sabre-You opting for GA or epi??

Carol-wah thx for sharing.. got side effects de har.. hopefully I won't side effect.. I a bit scared ler.. I ask Dr Adrian scary anot.. he say no ler.. haha.. Jadon looks so CHUBBY!!
Hi Carol,

Thanks for sharing ur experience! its very quick! next Thu is my turn... keekee~~~ Hope everything will be fine for me &amp; my gal...

Hi Enne,

my csect is next Thu morning... me too... Hope everything will be fine for me &amp; my gal... U must Jai You hor... btw.. what time is ur csect??
morning mummies,
just cleaned e floor and did e laundry..wished there was more stuff to do at home to keep me busy while i am still waiting..hahhaha..

Enne and KaRen,
wow, you both must be looking forward!! enjoy e next few days with hubby oh.=P

so now you are also just waiting? gynae says might be within next few days?
Morning Mummies!

Your bb is so chubby and having sweet dreams, hee.

I have been having contractions, i tink, since last night. But it's not very strong till now. Scared will be false alarm again
KaRen-Mine is in the morning 7am.. urs??..

haru-Yeah lo.. excited yet nervous yet a bit scared yet happy. keke.

amooks-NICE I also wanna do that ler.. but my #1 never do wor.. like a bit unfair to #1..

iluvbli55-maybe COMING soon.. kekeke.. careful ah.. u at work or at home now..
iluvbli55,I'm trying my best to breastfeed my boy but the problem is he only likes to latch on to my right breast and not the left side one leh..whenever i try to latch him on to the left breast, he gets extremely agitated and cry non-stop.so in the end, i can only express out the milk from the left breast and bottle feed him lor..dunno why like that leh..
And also, my milk supply not very good. can only max pump out total 50ml for both breasts at one time, sometimes lesser..been drinking lots of fluids per day to increase milk flow.tink i have to find more ways to increase my milk supply liao..

Bear, yeah, i agree with you. the gynae definitely has his reasons for ticking me off at that time, but i also very much in pain mah..hehe.. :p
Just went for my check up yesterday. Gynae said baby not engaged yet so I guess the waiting game will be longer for me. Hehe..

Discussed theoption of natural birth vs c-sect with gynae and I decided to try for netural. However gynae said if baby is not out 6 hours after labour start, it would be an emergency c-sect liao. Hope baby will co-operate.

Wah!!! u still can clean the floor... me cannot lor... bath for my gal also got problme...

Yeah!!! can't wait to see my gal.. keekee~~~


Wow... Very NICE lay... last time not like this... How much U paid??


Wow.. so early!!!! what time U need to reach Mt A?? Mine is 8am..
KaRen-Yeah lo.. I told him between 7am-9am then he set for me 7am. haha.. need to reach 6am. I delivering at TMC ler.. hehe..
Very nice, next time BB will be happy to see it!

Everytime false alarm. Luckily never go hos last night. Must wait for other signs... So disappointing.
But next mon, it's your turn. Have you psycho urself? To be mentally prepared?

That's strange. Only latch on to right side. Don't give up! Keep on latching and pumping, they always say more demand, more supply.
Jia you!
heheh, thanks!

Karen> i paid $128 for it.

Carol> oh u opt for epi c-section? i went for GA at 9am and i was breastfeeding by 3pm. I dunno why people always say GA will make u drowsy till next day. i was awake after 45mins and practically awake the whole day. i heard that epi have side effects, so it's the vomitting and shivering huh? how u think of Dr Adrian's stitching? i wonder when will the wound heal. now i still a bit scared scared.
Bb Jadon vy cute &amp; chubby!! Does he looks more like u?

Ooi, your 'nesting' instinct here ah? Scrubbing floor? hee..

Wow, such a nice birth cert for keepsake, ezit only at TMC?? So niceeee... I wan...
Darwin really looked vy boyish.. Somehow, the photographer hav a 'way' to make them open their eyes..
cookieoreo> i think they have such photo services @ a few hospitals. i also wondered how they make babies open their eyes! my boy still refuse to open his eyes in the day time! are u ready to deliver?

where have Bear gone to..... ?
Re: Mummies waiting to pop
Hmmm, just a thought.. Thread seems so quiet nowadays. Those popped too busy, haven pop yet so 'free'.. (like me!

Hee, im all ready to deliver but bb still reluctant to come out, same as Haru..

ya hoh.. dun tell me she delivered alrdy?? Bear, bear, where are uuuuu...

What's the name of that company ah? Glen has that too but not so nice.. Mayb I can call them..
