(2008/11) November 2008

wtan: yes, the stall is v impt u know. the other stalls in the mkt r all LOUSY. only snow mountain's one tastes nice.

Bear: good idea! but tt one, husbands cannot come along otherwise my husband will nag non-stop. remember i told u my MIL said if eat crabs, the child will be hyperactive?

enne: but v cute leh. i like unique names. all those john & tom so common. i also love to watch LOTR, only watched part 2 & 3 in cinema. then caught part 1 on tv last week. so i finally know what happened in the beginning, haha. your son's butt same as my son. my son was also wearing size M till almost 2.

Enne, your DOB so close to mine. I'm 4 days younger than you only.
Not too sure if drink milk before sleep allow you to sleep better and wont have bad dreams?
Yah sounds like so far my bb weigh most leh. 487g.
Hi Enne, you still have time to weigh on his weighing machine....so good....
I started to be a bit regretful cause he seems to be in a rush..every visit, we dun talk much..it's always hi how are you? then check baby, then say bye bye....the process took three minutes....like a factory way of operation.....do you have the same prob? I see him at cck.
Hi Ladies,

I've just register for the pre-natal class. Apparently, weekends lessons are still available starting 27 July. I will be joining the Sunday class 6-8pm.

Educator: Ms Rosalind.

Anyone attending the same class? Heehee

Electric breast pump are more expensive but save time and energy... Couple of my friends recommended Avent Electric Pump, user-friendly...

Mummies who are still working, HAPPY WORKING!
olwen-haha.. u know Elrond? my HB suggested this name if mickey but my thinking was next time the 2 bros watch LOTR together.. later the younger one say 'eeee how come korkor character so handsome but mine so so...?'. haha.. Now I so headache abt names lo.. hehee how abt u? got shortlisted any names??.. haa.. really.. frm the way I see my boy butt, dun think he will upgrade to L in the near future.. keke.. I always say he got his butt frm his papa, flat!!! coz mine is fleshy lo.. haha.
Nikki,Congrats on your minnie!

wow.. yummy yummy mooncakes! I love raffles hotel mooncake too.But tis year,wont get a chance to eat liao

I admire your indenpendent and determination ley.How i wish I can be half like u.
Ever since i hav my gal,i rely more on my hb.

Re: Diapers,
My gal used to wear nepia and huggies comfort dry.I love both of them.They can realli hold the urine well for my gal.
I tried pamper and leaks big time.Individual bb realli suits differnetly.

Me feeling sad and guilty since afternoon.My gal hurt herself on the table and have a big swell near the left eye.If i will paying more attention on her,will nt hav tis accident.
So heartpain to see her in tis stage.Even got my hb to come back from work to check on her *sob sob*
Yah lor...Dr Adrian changes thrice..first is 30 Nov, then 6 Dec then based on the down syndrome test..he change again to 3 Dec...aiyo...i really dun know wat he is thinking...most of my friends are under him, says he is good...but I feel he is not detail enuff...so i feel insecure...haha...learnt to accept it as time goes by.....
I suddenly got an idea while working. Lol. When mooncake festival comes, we shall all buy mooncake from different hotels and meet and share. haha. Think I must be crazy over mooncakes now.
Jo: my senior every year gives my son $2. same as your aunt lor

enne: so scary. like i said lor, try not to go out too much during tt mth. have u ever suspected u have a third eye?
Jo-we seems to have a lot of 'dog' mates here ler.. hehe I know.. alibaba is one of them.. me.. now u.. still got others I know. hee.

Auggy bear-4get to reply u hor.. me working at telepark wonder if u know?? where are u stationed? we can meet for lunch sometimes!

Blessed Mum-Yeah he's quite a chop chop gynae.. dunno izzit coz he got a lot of patients waiting?? Yeah like u say.. we dun stay more than few minutes inside his clinic de lo.. Sometimes wanna ask him things but ended up never ask..
Blessed Mum-so far no bad reviews abt him la.. but hor.. just to share.. for my first preg when I had labour pains but I can't natural birth due to low placenta and need to be rushed to TMC for emergency c-sect.. he still ask my HB whether I wanna go KKH coz of cost and facilities when its really an emergency, where got time to think so much?? I mean he called twice to ask lo.. as if dun wish to perform emergency c-sect on me.. maybe coz early morning also? duno la.. else apart frm that.. so far so good.. only too chop chop.

olwen-ur sentence sends shivers down my spine.. no ler dun think so ba.. touchwood.. maybe only in my dreams?? duno y lo..
Ha ha Enne, yah for my and hubby, we dun even know what to ask when we go for visit...

Hi jo, Enne and Olwen and Auggy, noticed most of you are mickey...i guess I will be joining the minnie team...only 90% confirmed gal, will confirm with gynae again...

Have you guys tot of names already...I tot of mine...if it's minnie, i call her evangeline Lee En Xuan....
my hubby also give me all the freedom i wan.. he's always the one staying at home and me hanging out with my frens.. tsk tsk.. and nowadays if its not too far and i ask him to fetch me he;s more likely to obliged... realistic man.. before pregnant he bo chap one
Blessed Mum-mine not 100% confirmed yet coz bb close legs at the last scan.. but b4 tat Dr Adrian saw a birdbird and my intuition tells me its a mickey.. I got names decided if its minnie but if its mickey I headache coz no names shortlisted yet!! Evangeline sounds fairylike.. En Xuan is nice.. her xiaoming can be Xuanxuan hor..
Enne, oh really, hmmmm that's funny....maybe he got another lady on the same day as you and he can't perform..so in the end did you get him to do it? yah too chop chop...my next visit, i dun care...will hog on his weighing machine.....
hi blessed mum.

There are more mickeys than minnies now. I only thought of English name. Will look for "suan ming" master to give names after bb is born.

Feeling bad backache now ... cant concentrate at work.
yah....good idea...xuan xuan..hahah...but i never thought of a mickey name.....so hopefully it is a girl cause my hubby likes gal...

Hi peanut..!
Blessed Mum-Yeah he did for me.. dun think so he got another patient on the same day.. coz early morning ard 6-7am ler.. maybe he still sleeping when my HB called him. haha. I even thot of changing gynae for my 2nd preg but on 2nd thots he is ok la.. somemore with my MS in first trimester I don't wish to travel for regular checkups..
minkybear and yen,
ya, its actually very rich. i love the little piglets too!

good point u have actually. i am hoping to BF for as long as poss. If my supply can go all e way for 3 years, think i'll still do that!hahahaah..

thanks for e info! think i need to check it out in e stores. at least have an idea of the possible ones that i can get.

oh man, does $2 red pkt still exists?? i think its just a true reflection of the person, i.e put $$ above other things including relationships.

welcome to the "princess club"!!hahahah...you will have lots of shopping opportunity oh!

understand what you mean. somemore we dont have a dryer at the moment, so it may nt be very practical. just thinkin if usin disposables all e way is gona hurt baby's bum.ouch!
Still on mooncakes ah! Jo, ur idea is a gd one. Pity Olwen can't meet up with us.

Blessed mum, haven't seen u in awhile. glad u are ok. Ya most gynaes are like that one.. they have so many patients to see. so just one in, one out chop chop. if u go on Sat even worse. so many ppl so little time.

Enne, ya our EDD very close to each other's. that's why when u said u can see ur bb's gender i tot i can see mine too. bleah...

Olwen, sure! nobody other than u, me,Minky and Peanut have said they wanna meet leh..

Happy, it is not ur fault. don't be sad ok? kids will sure accumulate bruises one. this is how they learn to be more careful in the future.
Jo-I will think of the name then ask the shifu to count the 'bi hua' coz I scare the names they give always not nice de lo.. so I think the name, shifu count the bi hua at most change the chn character, thats wad I did for my boy.

happy-Yeah dun guilty, my boy got countless 'accidents' liao, sometimes he looks like he's been in a gang fight coz of bruises on his face.. haiz. heartache lo but sometime he's too fast to catch him.
Hi jo, did you place a cushion behind your back...me too i keep having back ache too...but no matter how my hubby massage, still the same...sian!
Hi bear, Hi Haru, long time no see...

Yah my laptop spoil so have not been online for a long time.

glad this thread is moving very fast.

Hi bear, wow you all having a gathering?
*wave* olwen, I'm here.. took me an hr to read thru the posts n reply now =P remember i was complaining abt my rashes, yesterday was terribly itching that why hubby took urgent leave n went to see doc with me today.. doc also say due to pregnancy, hormones doing evil.. will not affect the BB.. whew, glad to hear tat but really not a gd sight now my tummy..
Hi Jenn, hope your rashes getting better....

Does anyone of you know where to get swimming costume for pregnant ladies? I am trying to find one....
woah. only few hrs nv log in aready so many updates. cant imagine if i nv log in for few days...

i cant join ur for lunchie @ central too -_- stay at sembawang & work at ulu woodlands area... Yawnz boring place...

me too.. had weird & scary dreams! duno izzit tink too much... once it's about pumping of breastmilk. pump til got blood. fainted..

btw jus curious. how ur know whether u have empty ur breast milk ah??
Jo u got backache ah? I got this sharp pain at my pubic bone. damn sian... i think its the way i sit cos when i walk not pain leh.. weird...

wah talking abt names liao. i have a boy's name but no gal's name. i find gal's names harder to find.

Haru, 3 yrs?! that's a bit unhealthy! for u and ur bb.. cos ur body's calcium will be continuously leached out. easy to get osteoporosis. also some docs say that when the child is aware of his surroundings liao, best not to breastfeed cos might need to some behavioural probs (or something like that).

Blessed mum, not me who do the updating. Its HUI!!!
my DS actually brought my EDD forward to Nov 11th but Dr Wong decides to stick it to 14th. when is ur EDD now? Cannot clash wor or else we've to be in same labour room with Dr Wong attending us side by side tsk tsk..
hi Bear,
hmm..well, maybe at least for a year??=P i hav no idea of whats the norm actually.hahahah..
Hi Blessed mum,
my sis also mentioned she would love to hav xuan in her daughter's name.. so i gues i better dun copy cat her tsk tsk.. Mayb i shd call my gal NiNi.. hahaaa.. la bi xiao xing's fren.. v cute name wor i find
Blessed Mum-nope yet, been looking forward to it but seems so long.. 18 July.. and u know my last checkup was last mid June.. so long din see bb.. feel worried but Dr Adrian scheduled for a check after DS so dun think I can go back to him now just to see bb??.. how abt u.. when's ur DS?
peanut00-something Ni also cute..Shini, Xiangni, Weini.. all the NiNis.. then if got mickey.. maybe something-xing?? hee..
my DS is on the 22 July...but seeing Dr Adrian on the 14 July....yah I so long never see my baby...oh yah when did you feel your baby kicking..till now I have not feel anything..is it normal..i kinda worried....this week is my 18 week.
Blessed Mum-how come Dr Adrian din schedule me for a check b4 my DS?? haiz.. I did feel something previously but recently seems dun have.. I also getting worried.. I feel like gog back to Dr Adrian but no scheduled checkup dunno ok anot ler.. wad reason to give? Say worried coz minimal movements?..

But hor for first preg, shd be ard week 20 and above then u can feel bb movements.. for 2nd preg.. we more sensitive thus can feel it earlier lo.. so u dun get too worried.
Wow, so many postings...

Haha. Yes, the next time dun noe is how long. Alot of ppl told me to keep the 2 kids age gap bet 2-3 yrs so that they can play together. 18 Jul should be ok for me to meet for lunch. Amoy, I'm fine too.

U, su mei, mummy, nikki and I have near edd and with Dr Wong.
Haha...Mayb we will meet in TMC labour room.
How come ur edd changes? Mine didn't change. I didn't see Dr Wong yesterday. She was with an emergency case so I'm seeing Dr Khi.
Hi peanut..ni ni is nice name....huini, xuanni, xinni, ruini, hahah..

Maybe mickey we can have ruixing, weixing, difficult to chose a guy name.
enne: hahaha! then u must hide the dvd away so they cannot watch it. but yah, orlando bloom v handsome hor

i already chose 2 girl's names & 1 boy's name. but my husband rejected the boy's name i chose (alphonsus) & said he wanted gerard instead. ok lor. but now i guess got to dig out the alphonsus & use it too. for girls, i wanted blaise and faustina. all saints' names. so we'll see which one my husband can live with. my son also has a saint's name - ignatius. like the church in farrer road.

hi blessed mum: thanks. minnie is nice. my son has been asking for mei mei many years. i really hope my one & only minnie doesn't become a mickey later

peanut: at least he is concerned now. my aunt always complains tt my uncle can't be bothered & just left her to go for all her check-ups alone. oh, my cousin is soooo cute. 10 mths old now & always smiling.

haru: y not u go to mums n babes at united square for info on medela pumps? they r v nice & they will talk to u for an hour even if u just buy something small like a bib.

guru Bear: 4 is enough to eat crabs already
Hi enne, Oh He did not schedule me...actually the last two visit was rescheduled cause one of the visit was pushed earlier as I got urinary tract infection so since then all the dates are push forward....if not, my visit should be after DS...Yes you can see him anytime, does not have to give reason or must be scheduled check up...just walk in anytime you wan....if you are worried, why not arrange a day to see him...
blessed mum, enne
yah lor i might hav something Ni for my gal's name.. then i normally run thru from A-Z to see if can tink of something nice. But then stil need to let fortune teller check if ok b4 confirming so hav a few choices.
olwen-wow ur kids have very special names!! Ignatius is nice.. erm his siblings names I dunno how to pronounce liao.. haha tats wad make it so special hor.. u r a christian huh?? my boy name some also duno how to pronounce then call him short form LEGO??? keke.. Yeah Orlando is handsome but his role in Troy spoil my image of him liao..
blessed mum, thanks =) FYI, mothercare sells maternity swimming costume though limited..

Enne, yup~ having rashes all over my tummy =/
this thread is really zooming..lol..i am almost breatheless in catching up..lol..

wow..so fast u all start sourcing for names ah..omg...i kinda hv a bad feeling before for my #1 then..so 1 day before i c-sect, i actually mass-sms my friends to get them to cast their votes on the names we hv shortlisted..then aft i gave birth..ask hb to consolidate the votes & broadcast to all the "choosen names by votes"..lol..

icic..thks for telling me it's small cutting..then in that case maybe i must consider finding a suitable one for my boy...he's rather active now & sometimes the diapers will fall off his butt & out of his pants..lol..it may takes a while for the butt to change from M to L..now my boy is machaim "fat" at the waistline but no butt kind..lol..headache..

icic..u help me chk out on Fitti Wrap (the one with the magic velcro tape)...see XL size is hw much..thks ah..

i understand wat u meant..i cant stand stalls that sell papaya milk with added water inside..taste so tapwater lo..argh..i rather they pour in more milk..or dun put ice..haha..

ouch..hope it doesnt swell as much..must try to keep a lookout on her..my boy also super active one..today blue-black here, tmrw blue-black there..every wk will hv "color" on the face one..

i think u can try those popular brands for newborn..since they might hv to change when poo..dun think it will hurt their bum as much..that time for my #1 in 2006..there's this brand doing some clearance sale..Fixies..so we stocked up 3 cartons..lol..it's pretty popular for sensative buttocks..but ex now ah..

Olwen, your names are so special and unique..sure in Singapore, not many people have that names...at least i heard of ignatius....I like faustina
