(2008/10) Oct 2008

pigment ink pads have more strong brilliant colours. Which I like. Not sure abt dye pads. Chalk pads are good for a technique called masking where u put a stencil andbrush the pad over it.

For stamping on photos and transparencies, u need stazon ink. Then must buy stazon ink cleaner otherwise yr stamps will ne permanently stained.

I saw them at the joann.com spree, the pigment ink pad is USD $3.49 excluding shipping yet. Is it better to get locally?
Hmm wondering if I can carry my girl and do pedi? Hmm. I bought a bunch of super pretty polishes but my feet are in bad shape. Will not do the polishes justice.
<font color="aa00aa">busy bee
You give mini bee such a nice nick name!
Can I give you my order on next week? Still deciding on the designs.</font>
I brought Marcus when i went for Pedi. Keke... i know alot of mummies will scream.. all the nail polish fumes etc. But, Marcus is still ok. Keke... Mummy need to be pretty even on the feet leh,
mummies, i am so angry.. the office mgr jus spoke to me say alot of pple feedback that i am using the small meeting room to pump milk and they cant use. i was so piss off... there r total of 3 small room 1 med and 1 large so why they cant use other rooms instead. as the room i am using hv a transparent door so i use A4 paper to paste so that it can cover me and i pump inside.. then the mgr tell me "if u wan to continue then remove the papers after each pump so that pple can use the room" i jus keep quiet.. i was thinking ok lor.. then the next day i jus paste back anyway i am wasting the office stationery and not mine own.. damn angry and sad like hinting me that i shld stop BF.
i also dun understand why they cant use the room with papers pasted.. and the small room is really small as in only a tiny table for 1 person usage if for 2 will be super cramp liao..

pasting and removing is waste my time mah.. not their time.. sighzzz

seriously not bcoz of shawn i really feel like stop BF liao coz my ss now only able to give him 2 feed nia.

then i also told the mgr say that now office got ard 5 preg lady so come end of the yr when they come back from maternity how.. will also need to use the room mah.. then the mgr say "by then see how lor".. wao lau.. so now i cant use la.. sicko
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer Bear
Cannot understand how come there are such pple? Cant they be more understanding? REally sickening! </font>
hi cheerbear - mayb u and the 5 pregie colleagues can gather and tell HR to make that room frosted so 6 of u can pump.

I told my HR that when me and another colleague preggie and wanted BF when return work. They did it.

More power in numbers...
Dear Mummies,

The CDs from the photoshoot are ready for collection and post, I shall post a batch of them out today and some on Monday.

Thank you so dearly for allowing me to capture some of your babies' moments.

Please drop me a comment on my work or service @ [email protected] and I will be glad to reply to them, Thank you once again!
she is an auntie so maybe last time dun encourage BF so will not understand how we feel.. but anyway jus finish pumping and i have already take down all the papers liao.. and told my colleagues abt it and they suggest that i bring a towel to cover.. but how to stick towel on the door? hmmm must think of ways this wkend.

wow ur co so gd ah.. coz of the 2 of u change the room to frosted.. dun think my co will be that gd coz doing this = spend $ and my co is those super meow one..
haha..my co is not great...initally the silly hr say use storeroom..luckily my colleage is 2nd time mum so know need power socket for pump...luckily no socket so hr bo pian then give us the meeting room. Also then was the big ho ha abt Spore needs more bb and govt encouraging..so hr wants to look good...
hi Kylie

I am a slient reader of oct mummy thread .. i am interested in the baby banz baby sunglasses but i have a qn here .. how do i measure the head circumferance? my PD measurement is 44cm during his recent 6.5mth check up in mid april .. is that the right way to judge the sunglasses dimensions?
my co not as gd as ur leh.

u selling bb sunglass? how does it look like? how much? might wan to get for my son
<font color="#C24641"> Cheer
dun angry. since he ask u to paste back the paper again rite.. n waste ur time rite? think it this way.. she is also wasting other ppl time. coz u see ar.. u pump. too at least 20min(i guess la) den u paste back n take out the paper. i sure u need to spend few min on it lor.. den other need to use the room n need to wait for u to FINISH PASTING or TAKING out the paper. den let it be lor.. if other col complain again n ur mgr ask.. den u qns her back la.. 'u ask me to take out the paper de leh... den?'</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer bear
Dont think towel can stick on the door cos it is heavy. Maybe you can bring those brown paper to stick on the door? </font>
Hi nanshee,

Yes, that's the measurement of the head cicumference. The Babybanz fits 17"-20.5" and the kidzbanz fits 19" to 21". Your BB should be wearing a Babybanz for now..

My BP is up..http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2405310.html?1241072368

It's has an adjustable velcro that is made of neoprene material. The lenses and the frames are made of polyacrbonate material, lenses block out 100% UV A and B.

U can look at the range first, then PM me what you want, then I can quote u the price..thank you!
is troublesome for me mah.. not for her.. she only use the mouth to say nia.

bring brown paper? 4get it.. i will use the copier paper and paste. anyway i am using the office stationery.. then waste it everyday by throwing away and paste new one hahaha

the sunglass so cute.. let me go think shld i buy.. scare buy liao my son dun like to wear and my hb scold me waste $ again.
thanks Kylie .. let me decide the colour and get back to you
btw, is the retro white easily dirty?

i realise that the retro white for kidz brandz is having sales at their official website .. if my fren is interested .. is it sold at the discount rate or otherwise at your blog?

U have to train them to wear &amp; they will get used to it. Just like wearing hats..

Below is from the FAQ section:
<font color="119911">How do I teach my child to wear Baby Banz?
Wearing sunglasses, just like wearing sunscreen or fastening a seat belt, is a learned phenomenon. Kids learn fast, but if you don't teach them to wear sunglasses, they will never learn. Here are some of our suggestions on how you can get your child to love wearing Baby Banz.
1) When you first put Baby Banz on your child they should be in the sun - not indoors.
2) Make sure the polycarbonate lenses on the sunglasses are clean. If not, clean them with a lens cleaner and soft cloth. If you don't have lens cleaner, soap and water will do. Just don't dry them with an abrasive paper towel.
3) Center the sunglasses so the nose piece rests on the tiny bridge of the nose and the straps above the ears. Adjust the neoprene strap to be just tight enough so that they don't slip down, but not tighter. If they are too snug they will not want to wear them.
4) It is normal, especially for infants, to try to pull the glasses off at first. But the more you put them back on and encourage them to wear them, the easier it gets. Start your child as young as possible. Remember that wearing sunglasses for 5 minutes the first time is wonderful. It's a new experience so build the time up gradually

Unless your friend can buy directly from US cos' they do not sell/ship to individual in singapore. I am afraid even after the sale, the BP price is still slightly cheaper cos' you must take into account of the shipping too.

The discounted price is only applicable to Oct mummies leh..but do PM me your order, i see what i can do. By the way, yes, white is easily stained and may get yellowish after a long time. So, do think carfully before choosing white colour..
Hi mummies,

Anybody planning a stay-home public hol and weekend coz of the swine flu? Dying to go out on weekends...but now having 2nd thoughts.. Urgh!! Thanks to the pandemic
<font color="aa00aa">Cheer Bear
Since your office dont mind you to waste money then you can use as much as you want! Haha!</font>
Really, that's great! will go there and have alook if got time.

Any mummies that going to daiso, laines or MWL, pls let me know. Wanna ask you to help me get the ink pads..thanks!
Saw that you also have BP on GAIA, I'm interested in getting the bath/shower gel, may I know if there's any special price for Oct mummies? Hee...
Forgot to ask if the bath gel's suitable for my son who has eczema? Saw a doc last week again for his eczema and this time round doc advises us to just use water on him...no soap, bath &amp; etc...

oh yes, thanks. Is there a lot of brands? I just need it to be able to stamp on normal paper..
if you are going, pls help me get a pink colour.


As far as i know, the GAIA products are good for eczema. Of course it will not cure it, but having lesser preservative and natural ingredients minimises the flare up. However, it also depends on each individual whether it will be better or not. Maybe can check with rebecca when Nic eczema flare up, he uses it or not..or just use water..

jelly, eLch,
Will PM u the price..
