(2008/10) Oct 2008

i thought of running away and joining the circus. ok, kidding about the circus part. but i still think of running away alot.

actually the week i was severely depressed and thought of jumping, my friend jumped. he was 29, i went to his funeral and thought, damn, he needs a ciggie. they gave him a buddhist funeral and had pizza hut pizzas laid out on the alter. his folks were seemingly composed but heard from his buddy they cried so much they're just numb. i guess that stops us all from doing anything stupid, people who love us and whom we love and sometimes abit of medication goes a long way ;)

morbid things aside.. buffy, glad you shared. always thought i must be the manic depressive fool around. JJ is right, we must enjoy our lives and motherhood.

SAHMdom is doing me no favours though, like you.. it's driving me nuts. i love getting up and going to work, starting new projects, reading new research papers, teaching, lunching with colleagues, having new kids, working with academics.

right now, i love her but today i cruelly let her cry and scream because i was mashing her carrot. i was yodelling out, 'wat do u want mommy to do, i have to mash carrot for you then fix your milk feed.' my older relatives have been nagging me to stop carrying her because they feel that it's unhealthy but then how? let her cry until like kena tortured liddat? anyone feeling the same way? in the end i had to hug her tight and she was still wailing.

i type until feel like crying. sheesh. how can parents tell me the tods behave so well with me yet i cannot even change my own daughter in peace. didn't get to do any work today, very frustrating. read half way, she stop playing and fuss. carry, read half way, she wants to do something else. in tne end, wait for her to sleep at 3ish then went to wash bottles, do laundry, cook porridge, ate lunch at 4. i have this fear that i'ld raise a brat.. the same type that i vow never to give birth to after teaching certain monsters. is this karma?

on a lighter note, i want to get a money savvy pig from busybee. hahahahhahah
oh yah and the stupid hair loss,
i have to use the magic clean in my room twice a day, i'm dropping so much hair. if i don't sweep the flat at least once a week, floor feels carpeted after a fortnight. hurhurhur
<font color="#C24641"> Joanne
last time i was like u. but aft my granny passed away. i no long afraid of being alone. coz my granny died at home. the moment i reach home, she was laying on the floor n cold. i guess she was fainted. guess coz of this reason, i got a close contact with dead ppl. so not scare of being alone at home.

Have emailed you the pricing. Pls check, if you did not receive it, pls let me know..

Hi Pildough, hahaha... but stuff are really cute mah. Even I can't resist getting them for minibee! Will PM u oct mummy prices.

Kylie, saw yr mail. Thanks

Cheer up...you're not alone in this 'predicament'. There have been times where I wonder how have I landed myself in where I am now. I'm one who's afraid of commitment and dislike routine. Even when I was workforce, I never had to work so hard as what I am doing now. I'll get at least a decent off day for a 12hour work, where I can have uninterrupted 10hours of sleep... but being a SAHM is a continuous 24/7 job with no off or annual leave... Moreover, our schedule is dictated be our little ones according to their whimes and fancies. If she's in a good mood, I'll be able to complete my laundry at one go, otherwise, I'll be running up and down trying to entertain her and to steal time getting the chores done.

Having said that, I've no regret being a SAHM...just that I do miss the good old days of being carefree!
pildough- Mummy can totally felt u!! Sigh..Sometimes mu girl will fuss and wail dun kw wat she wans oso!! Ended up I will scream at her...and she knew I'm scolding her, she will cried even louder and bitterly...looking so 'ke lian' like tat!! *Sigh* Sometimes really hard for me to do chores oso...tats why I seldom log in during the day times...but not night times has been nightmare for me!! Cos she will wakie and cries many times!! Have to pat/rock her to sleep.... no choice...stuff boobs! There go my "free time"... So now even night time I oso wun be free! Double sian-ness* ;(

dumbo- My orders correct! ;)

kylie- Thxs for ur mail! ;)
hi mummies,
so zoned out the whole day.. kieran had fever due to teething... n luckily he's ok now... i practically sleep whenever he sleeps.. so, hardly had time to login... n now im super awake at this unearthly hour... *bleh* but nv mind, am watching the man u vs arsenal match now.. wahahahahah...

thanks dear! saw ur email.. will reply u!!

my order is correct!! tks dear!

busy bee,
have pm-ed u as well..

u have PM..

oh gosh, i've come back online to shoooop again!!!!! *faint*

re candles, i love them too!!! but honestly, i aint sure of its effects on baby... so, dare not burn any at all for the moment...

*hugz* last time i am also worried abt the older relatives saying on spoiling bb if we keep carrying them too much... but i reckon after sometime that i dont have to carry them thru their lifetime.. its only during their baby years and prob their toddler years that i need to carry.. n besides, there'll come a stage when they dont want us to carry.. but wanna walk on their own.... so, im carrying him alot... n while i still can tahan his weight, i'll keep carrying.. kakakak

kiwi, nicky, mousebb, rebecca, pildough, busybee,
u SAHMs are great!!! like what kiwi said.. its a 24x7 job... not easy at all!!!!
Morning mummies!

In bed still, packing the brat's clothings with her. Sigh I have resigned to the fact that the only way for me to survive is to sleep early.
Good Morning Mummies!!!

Hi Kiwi, I know what you mean, even when i was working in a a mega stressful job there was still down time but being SAHM am on constant standby and can't afford to slack off. People often say rest when the bb rest, easy to say if I have a helper but since I am on my own when bb rest means its time to catch up on chores. So by the end of the day I am usually exhausted...

Hi Forest, will check my email for your PM thanks!

Hi Karen, about candles... not sure about effects on babies but I did hear that the use of essential oils/ aromatherapy has to be sparingly on babies. Pildough was looking at stuff from my e-store, TheBusyBee Personalised Boutique (www.thebusybee-store.blogspot.com)

Anyone keen on personalised music for bubs? I am considering whether to add on to my store, would like some feedback.
BTW mummies on FB, be weary on joining any quiz applications, know someone's a/c got hacked and can't access his a/c wt his own password.
I'm a sucker for all things personalised thus leading me to set up my store.

Just to share some thoughts abt stuff from my store....
Although the SJ bags are meant for toddlers, but I like that us Mummies can carry it for them now and when they are older they can carry the bags themselves. So good mileage out of the item. I am currently using the Snack Sacs to carry Minibee's milkbottles and food when we are out.

As for, the personlised books, they make wonderful keepsakes. I have customers who bought the books for their baby (kid is now in P1) telling me that it is still their child's favourite book! The latest title is Bye Bye Diapers, great book to help our little one to learn Potty Training with Elmo. Guess reading about themselves in the story with their favourite characters helps them relate better?

Yeah I love the Money Saavy Pig, its a good tool to ensure our little kiddos learn good money habits early (again targetted age is for preschoolers)....

In the pipeline, Personalised Apparel, Hairbands, Hair Clips and Accessories. Any requests for a personalised item, I will try to source. I love to hear feedback from the customer....

i have gotta carry my girl when i am online most of the time. Maybe u can do that, so that u can log on more frequently..keke..

wah, u still awake at 415am?
<font color="0077aa">morning mummies

the babybanz u all talk abt is sunglasses for baby huh? so young can wear sunglass mah?

ya, that's a sunglasses design for babies and kids. It has a Neoprene elastic strap to secure the sunglasses, have 100% UVA/ UVB protection , frame &amp; lenses are made of polycarbonate (shatter proof) material..
<font color="0077aa">busybee
yah my gal also when got sun's glare She 'siam' buey hu lolx

icic can PM me the price, i ll show my hb tonight hehe btw, i like the wrapz too </font>
really? so scary le..

i know what you mean. i also miss working and lunching with colleagues. and as for letting bb cry... i also cannot find it in my heart to not carry bb when she cries. even though everybody keeps saying to let her be.. they keep saying that if she's not hungry, diaper not wet or got poo don't carry her. but i cannot take it. she cry like so pitiful le.. and i think to myself, she will only stay this small once.. so i'll cuddle and hug her all i want.. hehe.. so now when i need to do something, i put her in her stroller and bring with me.. hehe..

does any bb shake their head a lot? mine seems to be doing it. starting last night. is it because she's teething?
<font color="0077aa">Joanne
yes, my gal is. especially when sleeping. i dunno wat happen too but queit long liao ler. i tot is her pattern </font>
Working mummies... endure... long weekend coming right up.

I agree that taking care of baby can get really taxing. Even my MIL is applying for "levae" this long weekend to head back to KL.
<font color="#C24641"> Morning Mummies!!!

yup! hmm... let's dun talk abt it.. ltr bbgoh hate me again... =X

ur MIL can apply "leave". US?! no way lor!! my "leave" is whn i'm showering lor!! but i still cnt shower in peace lor...
Rebecca, I know what u mean. Haha, if I am alone at home I can't even close the door when I am in the shower, just in case! Lucky, hubs gives me a "time off" to sneak a mani/pedi or hang out with my gfs.

Mousebb, I replied u.
<font color="aa00aa">So happy! My gal finished 2tbs rice cereal + 2tbs pear juice just now! These few days she seems to have very good appetite, drinks and eats alot!
<font color="#C24641"> busy bee
so good lor ur hubby... my hubby say mani/pedi... waste $$... but for me.. true la.. coz i do house work.. den the polish got chip off... waste lor..
Hi mummies

long time no chat!


Hey!!I am a sufferer too.Have been battling it ever since bb is out..the great thing is i can look damn normal outside but inside I was crumbling. Just last mth, my boy fell off the bed, I was soo overcome with guilt and I want to jump...really and truly... Then..I realised I have not done my will..hahaaa...anyway i have fix an appt to draw up a will...for peace of mind...i guess...
yup, made with love and laines carry tons of ink pads. I like the tiny square ones...

Wait for me on the sunglasses! Cannot copy and paste now... Will go see soon and measure hungry hippo's head...do Pm me price too thanks.
Kylie, I saw its $20 plus at Kiddy Palace (its the non toxic safe for baby type) that comes in Baby Pink and Blue.... If have lobang for cheaper version let me know.
U know my SIL taught me to apply some lipstick on her foot and make footprint. Effect is very nice too!
hugs. Take falling off bed as rite of passage? A few weeks ago mummies here were sharing abt that, many had same experience. Don't be so hard on yrself. All of us here are trying our best... Sometimes accidents occur.

Dimpletot, I call my minibee a little hungry hippo too!! Esp when she was still in my tummy! Made mummy eat like a bottomless pit. Now on the outside her appetite has tapered off but still a keen eater. Eats anything but hates her juices!

Diane, hang in there.... Dun do anything foolish. Realised PND is really common and a hush hush thing many new mums dun talk about. Well we are all here to support one another and share our experiences so dun be too hard on yourselves ok.

Baby and music.... I know I am late on my posting as promised on my blog. Will do so today. I have been introducing different types of music to Minibee. Today we are listening to the sultry smooth voice of Andrea Bocelli! I guess she likes it cos she fell asleep in about 10 mins into the cd!
