(2008/10) Oct 2008

has just emailed you..
<font color="#C24641"> Jelly
i warn my cousin to beware of him. told them not to accept him.

u got tins wanna ask me ar?
think the ones u saw from joann.com are the big ink pads. Small square one should be enough. Dab it over your stamp. I also went to daiso and mwl yesterday!
Morning mummies...

Ya...want to ask what you use to bathe Nic? My boy got eczema and the doc says just use plain water leh, which I don't think is very clean...Kylie got BP on GAIA so I'm thinking of buying the Body and Baby Wash, don't know if it's ok to use on my boy or not...
no lah, bb wailing so gave up after hubs and I couldn't rock her and tire her out. Just fed.

The female prof from AVA on Chinese news show now wearing sports shoes with a suit! But her Chinese not bad...
Good morning!

I got jellypurin to get from me the waterproof type. haven ask her how much yet..hehe..wanna get some cheap one from Daiso and try too..
Gd morn mommies!

Had a long day yesterday - somehow got so all shagged out from bringing Victoria out for her 3rd 6-in-1 yesterday. Konked out the whole afternoon and then at nite KO again. Victoria is growing well though PD said she belongs to the petite group. PD said it would be great if she manages to reach to about 8+kg at 1yo given her very low birth rate! Am not too fussed about her size and weight since she is doing well and is healthy (most important). Plus, mommy gets to save a bit more on larger sized diapers and greater mileage for all her stuff like the jumperoo, high chair etc etc

Kylie mom - I love the Baby banz. Will get 1 from you + a case. Now still deciding the color - I love all!!

Busy bee - The personalised stuff you have on your store is amazing! I think it is never too early to read to your baby and what more with your own personalised books so our babies can relate to the stories more! Plus, all the SJ bags etc make us look cool now when we carry them
Next time, our bb can use them. So great mileage! Will drop you a note on the stuff I want to get from you. Now I urgently need the Snack Sac + Lunch box. The foc Abbott bottle carrier I have is falling apart!!

Baby Journal - I collected a FOC Baby Journal book from the library and am happily filling in the blanks. I thot it's rather a great journal!

PND - I don't think I got it, but like Pildough, I was very depressed about being trapped in the house with baby 24-7. Before delivery, I was even toying with the idea of being a SAHM. After delivery, I was thankful to get to go out on a regular basis and working gives me that 'freedom' and not to mention, financial independence. I can't imagine the amount of quarrels that will be generated if I din have my own keep.
<font color="#C24641"> Good Morning Mummies!!!!

HaPpY LaBoUr DaY!!

eee... y ur doc to dirty de...
like normal shower lor.. wet them.. den lather... den rinse off lor. how old ur boy? ard the same age as Erin? if yes, den does he know how to sit on his own? coz for me, all my 3 kids are using the GAIA. so Erin start to learn how to sit 'properly' on her own. so i put her into the baby bath tub, wet her. den lather the body wash den rinse off again lor.

huh?! cnt be de leh.. i can receive email leh... </font>

Busybee posted this earlier:

Dimensions of Snack Sac 7"L x 11"H x 3.5"W
Dimensions of Lunch Bag 10" x 7.5" x 3"

She said the snack sac can contain 3 260ml Avent Bottles.
<font color="#C24641"> kylie
huh?! so funny ar.. ytd i hve been sending emails to Eelyn leh.. ok leh.. she receive mine n i receive hers... hmm.... sot sot de...</font>
morn mummies,

Glad dat vic is growing well! she is such a sweetie!

Am looking forward for my sj too..shld i get lunch box too? Hehe...
hey mummies!!

Vicky is doing great!!

have made my order too!!!

Busy Bee,
the SJ stuffs are really niceee!! Am still deciding my final orders, which I'll email to you once am done!!! kekeke... :p
Thanks, cos i always confuse bbgoh and mousebb for some reason..:p

U asked me abt the babybanz bandana. I tried to email you, but the email bounce back. Anyway, it is out of stock at the main supplier's end.

Where u going to bring arielle for swim?
Btw, most of the mails that i sent you was bounce back. Anything u just sms me at 96620540..ok?
Hiya Mummies! Went to Ikea just now. Soooo crowded (so didn't stay too long) Was looking to get a nice bookcase for Minibee. Still deciding whether to get book case or the shelves with bin pull out drawers. As much as I would like her to be independent and take own toys out and keep them back, I am afraid the whole bin might fall on her.

Ruffles, You are doing a great job! Vicky looks lovely (for girls petite is nice!!) and most importantly she is healthy and has good appetite. Dun worry too much.

Thanks for helping to post the dimensions of the SJ snack sac and Lunch Bag for Karen. Yes, I myself am totally hooked on the SJ stuff.

Kylie, I am going to order the BabyBanz. Still deciding on colour!! hahaha....

Forest, got your email.... :)

Trace! Great weather to take Ariellle for her swim. Remember to take lots of pics to share! Lunchbox have Monkey design!!!

Any mummies have plans lined up for Mother's Day celebrations?
busy bee,
How much is the snack sac? Interested in the Dino. Wat are the 3 things at the bottom? The one that say you're dinomite
Hi Karen an XY,
The snack sac comes with a dozen "sweet notes"of encouragement so that Mom can send a little love along with lunch. The handy front pouch is great for holding Sweet Notes or special treats. I;m saving the "Sweet Notes" for next time, to "send" to her. My friend was relating to me how her son is always asking how come no mail for him, since Mummy and Daddy has mail all the time! So come christmas, they sent him a Christmas Card and he was delighted.

Will PM price to you mummies shortly.

As I am low on my stock, I will be restocking early next week, so do let me know which one catches your fancy so I can place order with Supplier.
Thanks Trace, Busybee, Forest for your kind words
Yeah am happy Victoria is healthy and doing well!

We just went to Tampines 1 - BAD MISTAKE! It's horrendously crowded. I couldn't push my stroller around without hitting someone. Lots of teenages and the shops also cater to this group. Uniqlo was extremely crowded and SO EX! God. It's like another Gap .. so ex when brought to SG. Told hb we will shop to our hearts' content at the Uniqlo in Tokyo when we go next year. Somemore the Uniqlo shop in Ginza is 5 storeys full of wonderful CHEAP clothes. 1st and last time going to Tampines 1. Left feeling so lousy and irritated. Tsk tsk. HB had to sayang me by asking me if I wanted kopi and said he will bring us out again tomorrow.

Trace - Have you gotten Arielle a nice float? I went to Toys R Us at Paragon yesterday and was scrutinising the various baby floats. They have 1 plain yellow one with back support for $7.45.. but it's very functional and not cute lor. Those cute ones with mushroom shade / flower shade costs $14.95 and don't seem to provide any back support although they say can. Plus though the weight limit is 11kg, I opened the float up to see and was surprised at the HUGE 'holes' for the legs! Seems like for toddlers 2yr and above leh! Then I went to check the swim shop at 5th flr Paragon. They have nice ones but all cost around $49! Too ex. Let me know if you found something nice and priced reasonably hor?!

Mothers' Day - Hummppph.. Dunno whr the man is bringing mommy out .. he said why need to celebrate. Sigh.
wow I was looking forward to check out UNIQLO, esp the tanks with built in bra. Now I think I will have to wait till the hype for Tampines 1 fade off before I head there. Hee Hee... I was grouchy too at Ikea cos no seats at the cafe so we ended up getting Macs drive thru!

Nice swim float.... I am also looking for a nice one. I'm eyeing the Submarine design which is similar to the mushroom one. But now that u mentioned that the support is not good and leg holes mega big. Got to look around again. The yellow is indeed functional but no shade leh! If you like the yellow one, can consider the Hello Kitty Wave shuttle on BP?

Mothers day celebrations....
Maybe he just say to sidetrack u then surprise u on that day?
Talking abt floats, the mummy that i gotten my pool from sells them too.

Let me go check her site. Remember seeing those cute mushroom ones. keke...
Trace &amp; Ruffles,
share if you find something suitable for our babies to float with k?

For mother's day, i am going to request to be left alone, i want the day to cut my hair, read magazines and sleep. But as if that'ld happen. pfft.
Pildough!! U so funny. Maybe I should request for that too!! hahahaa. Then they can come pick me up for nice dinner after a day of pampering an ME TIME!!

XY, thanks for the link, the giraffe #3 float will block Marcus' view!

Thanks joanne, Ruffles, Diane and other mommies who've shared,

we may have our ups and downs, we may act confident and feel like basketcases, we may be devoid of sleep, company, hope and sometimes proper nutrition, we may be in serious need for a manicure, pedicure, haircut, weightloss, massage, facial, make-up alcohol and good music with girlfriends, even a good job with flexi hours.

Share a quote i've read to try and convince myself that things can only get better.

The mother's heart is the child's schoolroom - Henry Ward Beecher

I'm glad for your friendships.
