(2008/10) Oct 2008

don apply all together k.. apply 1 type at 1 time to c the reaction ya.. Hope yr bb will be ok soon...

They are all that my mum knows.. at least know where they stay in Indo.. I also don like bb being carried by other ppl lor.. but no choice i got to work mah.. else no money to spend.. kekeke... I think they are better that bbsitter that I don even know..

ya.. i got few nanny to rotate.. My mum help me to find lor.. so this sat the nanny go back and the new nanny coming on SUnday with my bro... yes, I'm chinese from Indonesia..

I'm not smart lah... I bought when got sale.. I only know they increase price after I asked my friend to buy for me...

Thicker liquid teat:
I intend to feed "chor be" from medical hall one leh.. I remb my aunt feed from btls, so I not sure need or not.. I think i save money lah.. if need, I cut his teat.. kekeke..

u can try calendura cream as suggested by other mummies here..
<font color="0000ff">yeah, I heard thunder …..

lili, I got the shampoo from my pd too. Did she give u olive oil as well?
The shampoo from pd is good enuf. N Apply Olive oil on the head everyday and massage either by hand or brush. They’ll fall off soon.
Ps. Did you shave ur bb’s hair?
My bb’s cradle cap gets well after shave as the crappy stuff comes off easier when brushing</font>
<font color="#C25283"> Tweety
i try tnt to take medi coz i dun wan to drug my Erin too. keke...

ic. ok, will go n take a look.</font>
nicky, bbgoh,

I also tried California baby calendula...but never see results yet leh...

THose I named I tried one at a time but only for a few days for each 1...I didn't 'cream' my boy with all at once la...haha...

Buy Olivin off the counter from pharmacy...it's pure olive oil specially for cradle cap, it's cheap too at around $5...my boy used it and it works wonder...better than the >$10 cradle cap shampoo I bought...
Tweety- Ic heee cos u hired nanny from Indo ma... tats why ws thinking are u an Indo-chinese! ;) Oh in this cease, then still alright since those nanny are 'hand-picked' by ur mummy one..... at least know their backgaround..;)
But tat means Varner has to get used to diff nanny looking after him? Is he ok?
Hope yr bb will be ok.. I think it's better to let her stay home than bring her to infact care for 1 more day to monitor..

U start yr lesson liao arh.. so fast?? I must jiayou liao.. kekeke.. Need to go BBDC to update status leh.. so ma fan..

my boy got cradle cap too.. I applied calendura cream every day after shower.. Now he fully recover... and it helps to grow hair too.. u might try???

okok.. thks..

oh ya hor.. u on BF...
<font color="#C25283"> Tweety
ya lor. if nt, i would hve go long ago liao. coz even if i see doc, doc will gve me those vry vry mild medi, so eat liao also no point. </font>
ya lor.. u scare me lah.. u name so many at once I thought u apply all together.. hahaha...

Yeah.. I'm Indo chinese.. hee..
ya.. that's the problem lor.. I normally will get those nanny to come 2-3 days earlier b4 the old nanny went back.. for this round, I take leave.. so I will stay at home to monitor and teach her lor.. troublesome hor???

I use calendura cream as moisturizer.. I apply on his face only... Calendura cream is from california bb.. available at watson... but buy from BP is cheaper..
yes directly spray on his nose. can sparay up to 6times/day. pharmacy staff said this is sea water not med so not side effect at all. very safe to use
calendula cream can help growing hair??? u never tell me. i should try haha
Salt water or sea water??
I also don know leh.. my nanny said she apply to his hair and said it likes growing.. hahaha.. today too busy so forget abt that.. kekeke...

i off liao.. bye
to answer bbgoh's post:

scootababy at Medela Service Ctr (Secom Ctr @ Toh Guan) is selling at $198, at Mums&amp;Babes is $238 (got 12% discount if you are a member). All designs avail at both places EXCEPT the plain black one.
oh yah...


actually I didn't buy much lah, but still managed to get the free delivery. it was so crowded with alot of strollers being pushed around... sighhh...

Bought some Avent stuff, medela spares, FP shapes thingy, pillow/bolster sets, weaning stuff, sippy cups from Nuby, baby clothes...
Whitepaper- Heee for the free delivery is how much above one huh? All items able to 'qualify' for home delivery?
Yalor think sure many pple v.crowded one..Think I will sling my girl when there and leave the pram in the car instead...
Me looking fwd to gng there!! ;p

Again, the fair (like the one at Expo) is good for mommies with newborn or if you haven;t bought cot, strollers (alot of nice ones, got 1 from Aprica I love so much but costs $1000+!)...
<font color="aa00aa">Whitepaper
Wow! You bought so many things! No point for me to go to the fair cos dont need anything
tweety - i started the lesson 1 mth back wor.. today 5th lesson liao... haha... jia you..

hm.. i should b gng to the taka fair tmr morning... anything to buy ar..

wa.. seems like those mummies who go to the fair r not back yet wor...
kylie or anyone who knows
How do you format a piece of text using two attributes? LIke if I want to bold and italic at the same time? How do I do it?
Hmm, Xinying has tried both and thinks that ergo is more comfy.
I think both are good and have their own pros and cons la. If you don't mind ordering from overseas, there are Calyx and Connecta which are also worth considering. Of course, Scootababy is abfab!
Hi Mummies,

Anyone looking for cheaper milk bags alternatives? Just in case you will be interested....

<font size="+1"><font color="ff0000">Blue Egg Milk Bag Pre-Order Promotion</font></font>

<font color="ff6000"><u>Standard Breast Milk Storage Bag</u></font>
Order 1 to 5 packets : S$8 per packet
Order 6 to 10 packets: S$7.50 per packet
> 10 packets : S$7 per packet

<font color="ff6000"><u>TS Breast Milk Storage Bag</u></font>
Order 1 to 5 packets : S$9 per packet
Order 6 to 10 packets: S$8.50 per packet
> 10 packets : S$8 per packet

Check out at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/581296/2233531.html.
thanks for telling me abt bumbo tweety.
PIS...gd leh, am considering...my collague bought PIS limited edition from first few yrs..promo price 699 i think... she also bought cot 2K!!
also wanna get sling now that i realise the one i haf no gd, but bb already so heavy, still can use sling ar...??
Just doing a little survey. Anyone has started weaning your little ones to solid already??? I plan to start in 2 weeks time when my baby reach 5.5m
heheee yalor... no more space... that time i bought the baby cubes from liblurry, do u think can use those to store bm as well??? getting v desperate keke
