(2008/10) Oct 2008

<font color="0000ff">Icylemon,

Tis morning I was on the mrt then there was tis A**H*** sitting beside me who open his legs widely.

Guess wat, since I was alrd in a "explosive mood" I used the sentence u previously said "Is there a need to sit with legs such wide apart, his balls very BIG ah??"

lolx ;p

pls don't get upset over it. Think for sake of bb, during preggie, crying is no good. bb will be affected... try talking to your hubby.

yes, i'm staying at Jmembina. I'm worried about the MBR door if the playpen can go in. But come to think of it, playpen can dismantle then stall inside at later stage too...
<font color="0000ff">Littlibluey,</font>
<font color="0077aa">WOW!!! u really said that to him ar? den wat is his react?</font>
Ruffles.. glad to hear that you are ok.. Must really take care ya...

Ribenali... how are u?? I thought u hv moved to yr mum's place??? ignore yr MIL ok...Don let her spoil yr DH n yr relationship ya...

I know some MIL can be so mean.. just pretend they are dead.. turn yr ear off from her voice ya...

If got anything can come and look for me ya...
i bought a convertible for bb. It can be adjusted ( 4 levels). 50" x 30"
External measurement.

I juz told my cousin abt wat happened and she feels like scolding bad words to my MIL. I got to noe a few frens who are not in good terms wif their MIL but after they knew wat i been thru, they start to realise theirs still not tat bad.

So u can imagine wat i had been gg thu. Tonite my hubby coming over to my mum's place. Will talk to him over this. As i really dun wish this to affect our marriage as we really came a long way here.
be strong, k? though we dunno what happened, but have a good chat with you DH. i dunno if i should say this, but both of you should cleave together and between u and ur DH, decide what is the best thing to do about your MIL. i strongly believe that your DH should come in to settle this issues with his own mom. no pt putting u thru so much pain. he needs to realise what you are gng thru.
<font color="aa00aa">Ribena Li,</font>
<font color="0077aa">ic.. tok to him better. let him noe hw u feel. better den u keep quiet n lettin dis matter to affect ur's n ur bb's mood. ^_^</font>
I went to her place wif my bro to pick my my bb stuff and she complaint to my hubby that i showed her black face. But when i need to move my stuff, how can she expect me to simile to her while moving the stuff. And b4 i left, my hubby reach home and he helped to carry the stuff to my car.

When i left, she cried in front of my hb and asked wat had she done that makes me unhappy abt her ( she still got the cheeks to ask him tat). The moment she cried( she noes my hb's weak pts-- he will get agitated when his mum or myself cry infront of him)my hubby started to blame me for showing a black face to her.

But I dun even face her while doing the packing. She still dun realise her mistake. After she told me she wanted a bb grandson rather than a granddaughter, dun she know that she had hurt me? and her small actions here and there tells me a lot abt how she dun like me and my bb?

She even tell me ( nt once but many many times) sheng niu er hen hao meh? ( gif birth to daughter v good meh?) Tat's really hurting lor. Plus the can food she feed me with.

tink they are the real "sore losers" lo! Know that they can't get it le come in talk nonsense!


cool down ya... i'm sure things will work out for you and your hubby. Lik wat u said, u and ur hubby have come a long way so dun let anything or anyone to come and destroy everything. But i gotta say, your mil is really sick!! Whats wrong with having a gal! #$&amp;*@#&amp;%#* She also female ma!
i feel for you. i think ur MIL also quite good with her wayang. but now, it seemed like its between u and ur husband. he needs to standby you. only then can you assume your plc as DIL. your MIL's conservative mindset will not chg, so dun be bothered by her. know that your bb gal will still be loved by u and ur DH.
you gotten a cot &amp; not a playpen.
TOld hubby but he prefers a playpen... /sigh he said if our girl grows taller in age 2, she can't sleep liao..

Don't bother about your MIL now. Maybe you should talk to your DH these few days... avoid complain about your IL but reason with him what you are going thru'.
<font color="ff6000">ribena,

some MIL are like that. two faced kind. you must be strong and win! don't give up your hubby like that. She do chu yi, you do shi wu! we support you! tell her she want bb boy go and give birth herself! wah liao - cannot stand this kind of feng1 jian4 si1 xiang3.

so you shifted bk to stay with yr mum is it? also good, must have people who really love you take care of you now.


thanks for yr comments on my letter - i pek chek and bo gam guan also. must vent.


you really very activist leh! clap clap! jia you, and thanks for all the effort - don't let some lousy people get to you. we must all jia you. but also dun get too agitated lah.... bb health comes first.</font>
<font color="0000ff">Ribena,

How can she be so callous! That's totally too much alrd!!

Ribena Li
I dunno wat happen between you and MIL.. perhaps i miss the earlier post, threadmove too fast liao..Just to share.. I also "half-stay" with my MIL she is main cargiver for my kids. My MIL will go home on wkend but weekend I see her everyday.
I cannot agree with her in many ways too and she also sometimes one face in front of my hb and when hb not around, she will say nasty things to me.
One of the mummy say is rite.. it's difficult for your HB to take sides, not forgetting he is her son after all.
What I learn is.. go by the soft approach with HB, do not bad mouth so to speak( even tho it's the truth abt MIL) in front of HB, try pillow talk to him.. tell him how sad you are blah blah..
becos speaking anything bad abt MIL to HB, personally wun work HB might think you are demanding and his mother is the victim...
SO if MIL know how to act... you be a better actress. DUn turn sour with HB ok, cos he is the person you will live happily ever after with.

And u feel sad.. come share here.. we will be listening!! dun get too sad with MIL, dun let her affect u and bb.
<font color="0000ff">Dimpletot,

Compare to others, I'm just playing a small part nia, since we are alrd in it, muz as well go for it 100%!!


Wat u say is right! We muz be smarter than the MIL else we will lose the battle becos putting HB in a difficult position oso very jialat!

<font color="ff6000">Ribena Li,</font>
<font color="0077aa">i agree wif wat cookie said. since she like to act. den u play along wif her. ur hubby is in the wrong too. he shouldn point finger at u by blamin u. tell him to tink logically, smilin a packin at the same time?! ask him to demo to u lor.. do it in front it his in-laws lor. or do it in front of his col. see wat will they tink abt him. </font>
your MIL is really @#$%^. Must remember dun act tough with hB ok even tho he sided MIL cos MIL cry.. then u do the same trick.. you cry also la, say where got? say you were having cramp then with big big tummy how to be smiley. U tell him.. u also wish can smile but u are in pain.. and say why MIL think of u like that.. and CRY!!! I know you hb will be torn but at least he dun blame u.

Is MIL going to look after your bb next time? if not.. then good chance not to bring bb back to see her..kekek ( so mean..) since she dun like gal anyway.
Tell you ah... Gal are GREAT!!.. they always mummy's heart and so so sweet

tell you.. next time you hb will sure dote on your bb gal.. cos they are always daddy's gal.
My MIL din comment anything or encouragement or happiness when I had my elder gal...
I think she prefer Boys..but who cares.. but now she doted on my gal la...

Even now my #3 is gal.. she behind my HB back told me.. oh IDEAL is to have 2 boy and 1 gal...
But I just tell her off.. IS IT?? But I like gal le... I'm SO HAPPY #3 is a gal :p
Hi mummies...

Wah, the mood here still very explosive.

Ruffles, please take care and jiayou! Now you better listen to doc and bedrest as much as you can. Think the fees in MT E not cheap le.

Ribenali, hm...mmm hope u dun mind me saying this. Pls dun ever mention the "d" word in front of your hubby. Relatively unhealthy to the marriage. Not worth because of ur MIL and go to the extend like tat. I agree with one of the mummy saying it's difficult for your HB to take side , afterall HB is her son. I like cookie's idea about soft approach, and usually man will buy that. He is the man that is going to live with you and your kids for the rest of the life, not your MIL. Let ur MIL play her own "wayang" show, think she too free or wat. Now just take good care of ur little one and try to resolve this issue with hubby asap. Sometimes, once a while, we be XIAO NU REN a bit also good... heheheheh! But one thing la... I can say ur mil very " Ku BAO" ( carrying baby ), dun worry abt ur DH, he dun mean what he says. Just take it as a lousy day. Dun bother!

Dimpletots, ur letter very power...!

Littlebluey, dun let those ppl affect you... i think they may not be local and thats y they can say things so easy... usually angmoh will suan ppl like that.

well said. Also hor, they givning pro rated incentives to foreigner babies but not our Singaporean babies u know...how ironic rite????
Hiaz.. why is this bb gender issue always happen in the older generation? Wat's wrong with having girls??? Faintz.. My mum also kanna bomb by me many times until now she dun dare say boys are better etc...
Hi mommies!

I think it is so ancient that to date, most people still feel that boys are preferred than girls. I hated it when people started asking me if i was expecting a boy or a gal, and when i said gal.. to get responses like, "oh..nvm next one will be a boy".. or "oh its ok la, girl also can.." or simply.."nvm la, healthy can already.."

in the first place, i am so happy it is a girl! i will have so much fun with her! even though they dont mean any harm.. its like.. What the XXXX?!!
<font color="ff6000">Mommies!!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">me gtg liao.. need to prepare to go for my scannin n check up liao.. byee~ cya!!! ^_^</font>

ya i read the thread too...that jbrown rite? Wah lau think he/her just sour grapes because the kid is already born. I think he/she missed our points totally. I feel like asking him/her to !@#$%% off!!
<font color="ffff00">Mummies!!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">they always tot that havin boys can help them to continue family tree. but tink abt it. no gals hw to gve birth? i hate women who said that havin boys are better den havin girls. didn they tink abt it that THEY are oso GIRLS/WOMEN/LADIES?! sumtimes i really find that older WOMEN tok w/o tinkin. or should i say brainless?!</font>

becaue the older generations think that boys are still the more superior gender...my mil also like that..kept asking abt gender of bb during 4 mth in pregnancy. So irritated by her and she made remarks like "if gals how?"..wah lau..pissed me off totally. When we finally confirmed the gender to be a boy, she smiled until i cannot see her eyes..#@$%#@#@$

so irritating rite! for me, they are harping on it only because my hubby's family has no boys at all.. he has 4 nieces! and his siblings close factory liao.. so pinning their hopes on me.. haha! they asking when 2nd one is coming already.. lol. they do not mind having girls.. but just hoping for boy if possible la.. carry on family line!!??

anyone following this thread?


so irritated by jbrown's attitude!!

this jbrown doesn't have a case to fight at all for her case (since she delivered way before the NDR), no precedence set for back dating to beginning of the year, so just sour grapes hoping more ppl in the same boat as her so she can feel better hahah...

she's irritating but she shd be the last person we shd be angry abt now cos we have better things to do and fuss abt.. dun waste our energry on such ppl who only makes our blood boil!
Ribenali.. I know yr sadness.. don think abt that k.. don let her affect yr relationship and importantly yr bb... Once u move out every thing will be ok ya... I seldom go back my MIL place since I move out alr.. I know she don dotes me or my bb also.. so I won care.. That's good also.. next time she won expect me to take care of her coz she also nv take care of me... be strong ya.. take it easy...
dumbo, lyndx

i have been following the thread wor. haahaa i think that jbrown is hoping that we all dun get it lar...anwway i think she is full of crap...wahahaaa!! how dare she call us sore losers!
But yea lets concentrate on wat we shld be doing
I am glad we are all united in this!
diane and all,

there're bound to be such "opposition" parties (like jbrown) in such situations who give seemingly "big talk" and preach when they clearly know whatever they say/ fight, will not impact them.. jus irresponsible remarks..

look at it this way, who's the real loser in this case? the ones with case to fight for and truly trying to fighting for or the ones who doesn't have case to fight for and trying to dissuade the rest from doing so?

leave them alone the more they wanna piss us, we shdn't retaliate anymore. that'll make them shut up eventually.
Hi mummies,
Been reading the thread but not posting for some time. Just went for check-up last saturday, boy is 1.5kg at 29+weeks. Then Sunday suddenly I have hemorrhoid. So swollen and painful. So Tueday was off to gynea again and yesterday went to the hospital. So have been feeling so pain and moody this few days. Then yesterday after reading the news and the 7k, felt even more sian.
oh dear.. don't let ur MIL affect u and ur hub!! its really not worth it!! keep calm, and dont cry ya.. it'll affect Baby Claudia's mood too.. like wat everyone else has said, we're here for u whenever u need a listening ear.. can always sms/call me ya!! *hugz*

ur letter is great too!!! like whitepaper, i can feel my emotions stirring up as i read ur letter.. think our G really didnt consider our feelings at all... !!
