(2008/10) Oct 2008

I called CH & the lady (corp) said she will check if i'll be under new subsidy... so waiting for her call now... how can that be right?


glad to hear ur news, and good tat ur bleeding has stopped. u oso have low placenta huh?
dun worry too much just take well rest.

i also got low placenta, so scare dunno when ll be my turn bleeding *touchwood*
<font color="0000ff">Mummies,

Thanks for all the support and understanding ^_^!!

We are all just chipping in to do a small part, hopefully we can get it going! Although we might not know wat's the final outcome but the least we know we did try to fight for it!


No worries, I understand the concerns that some of the MTBs who are participating might have, it's naturally to have some doubts nevertheless. As long as our conscience is clear, we shdn't be afraid of anything
Really appreciate the hard work that you are putting in!!


worry is that u signed up for Dec08, so maybe they won't refund u..

right from start i told them Jan09.. so maybe u try ask them Jan09??
Which branch will you put your bb at? Harbourfront? heard is full lei... better that you re-confirm before you make a trip down..
i called &amp; she said can off-set the balance for next mth fee. yeah!

She said Harbourfront is full till july. Who is the man you talk to? I worry for you that no seat for you.
I never voice out much but I've followed thru most posts n appreciate ur effort n have sent u all the necessary details...anyway just to let u know that I appreciate ur effort! Thks!
Good morning Mummies,

I guess we are in "bad" mood over this baby bonus issue.
My colleagues have been taking turn to talk to me about it since this morning 9am. My boss is so surprised to hear I'm not entitled. He actually wanted to discuss with me how to arrange the 4th mth ML.
In fact, most of my colleagues thought I'm entitled.

Littlebluey, don't be upset. I knew you had put in a lot of effort for this.
Take care, ok.

Ruffles, please take good care of yourself. God bless you and your baby gal.
seems like alot of us in a bad mood. Cheer up! even though I feel blue too...

we support you all the way! I fully appreciate what you did for us... you made our voices heard!!! don't despair!
<font face="tahoma"> ruffles,
am here! glad to hear you're better. i almost got admitted to! i will be in Mt E too

went to the DS like you... signz. visited the DS before the actual action.

you going to stay till delivery?! wow.. that's long. yap my gynae also told me can bleed anytime... if spotting go clinic, if really bleeds... go straight to DS! </font>

hmm.. i spoke with Andy and went to the center twice. he remembers me leh.. if waitlist he wouldn't ask me to bring down cheque for deposit what.. nvm i go meet him on sat first lah..
I understand ur worries as I've got low placenta too...we must really prevent this from happening by having more bed rest whenever necessary...
<font color="0000ff">Elch/Jasminetea/Whitepaper

Thxs for your support !

My DH knows that I'm in a super super "foul mood" hahahaha..but he still can help me think of way to attack the weakness of the policy muhahahaha...

He was saying maybe we shd organise a session at the Speakers' Corner, wat a scene we preggies will create! hee hee..he said maybe those milk powder co(s) will come oso sponsoring milk drinks and definitely muz have ambulances on standby juz in case any mummies to be get too agitated or excited lolx ;p

He said those reporters will definitely have a "mayday" covering the event! hee hee

hahah u made me worry lah..

i called up the center manager the guy to confirm.. he said he promised me Jan already so confirm have space for my baby..

some more i went in May to look for him mah and he remember me when i called he even recalled i went down twice to look for him!! hahah so will bring cheque to him tomoro lor.. hahah u made me gan jiong... ;p
Andy is the principal of the ctr. Since, he said so, i'm sure you gotten a seat liao.
But, not sure you remembered that there's no steriliser so we have to bring milk bottles...
<font color="0000ff">My DH was saying we should at least target them more on the baby bonus as the maturity leave issue is not a gd one!

He trusts that alot of companies are shooting back to the PM.. regarding the extra mth leave.. which i understand.. cos 1 extra mth leave don really encourage ppl to produce more, instead more ppl will not wan to give birth instead as the long leave will affect their career.. and more companies will not wanna hire married woman anymore..

However, the baby bonus shd start asap, there is no excuse for delay..
pai sey...
i more gancheong than you lei.'

anyone bought playpen from CC? which is good? any recommendation? hubby prefers playpen than cot...
Ur hubby is really on abt it. Wah, tink we'll be on the cover page should we go to speaker's corner. But i heard it has been close down le rite?

I haven had a chance to tok to my hubby abt it. Had a rough time wif my MIL on tues and nearly want to file for divorce wif my hubby. heart pain ah. My MIL is really world class actress.
Thanks so much for all your efforts! Really appreciate, have joined the petition too. Haha...ur hubby so funny!

Please rest well. If u feel bored, just log in and chat with us here, take care!
<font color="0000ff">Ribena,

My DH knows that I'm very uptight and furious abt this issue, so he's trying to see if there's any loopholes we can "fight" back muhahahah...

Are u ok?? Juz ignore her lar, I believe the trust &amp; love btwn u and your hubby is stronger than the damage she can do! Such an "evil woman" ;p

<font color="ff6000">Hi gals,

sharing my letter that I am going to bombard many agencies, newspapers and maybe blogs with.


It is with severe disappointment that I am writing this letter. When it was announced yesterday that the implementation date would be 1 Jan 09 instead of with immediate effect after PM's NDR speech (Aug 08), 30,000 Singaporeans' hearts fell. Most if not all of these couples, pregnant with the 15,000 babies who will be born from Aug-Dec 08 (according to www.singstat.gov.sg), believed that surely they would benefit from the slew of generous new measures announced by PM.

However, all these hopes were dashed yesterday, leading to widespread anger, frustration and sleeplessness from mummies, most of whom are heavily pregnant in their third trimesters. This has exacerbated our discomfort and many have shared that their babies are restless and sense their distress. It is medically proven that severe changes in mood are translated through to the foetus through the release of hormones that are not healthy for the baby. Many made the effort to travel long distances to for the Meet-the-People session in Ang Mo Kio yesterday at 8pm, only to be told at 11:20pm that only those who were living in Ang Mo Kio could go in. Surely this could have been communicated earlier in the evening? But I digress.

Why should the implementation date be 1 Jan 09? The first to benefit would be those who are less than 4-5 months pregnant. Why are those who are more than 5 months pregnant be discriminated against? Put in a different way, are 5 months old foetuses more valued by the Singaporean Government than 7 month old foetuses? All who are already pregnant have responded to the government's procreation call in the absence of incentives. Shouldn't these couples be the first to be commended and rewarded? Are not all Singaporean babies?

The official lines taken so far are that SMEs need time to adjust to the 4th month of maternity leave. Appeals and mutually-agreeable solutions can be worked out in those situations. However, this line does not take into account multitudes more who work for MNCs and Government agencies who would not find it too difficult to adjust to this new policy, especially since there will effectively be 3 months of notice for all companies to hire staff in time for the 4th month of absence, even if implemented in Aug 08.

What adds insult to injury are that first-time mothers delivering between Aug 08 and Dec 08 will not receive the additional $1000 baby bonus, and $6000 worth of Government matching for CDA funds. We can only be first-time mothers once - why should we be deprived of such valuable financial help, in the face of record-inflation levels in Singapore? This is the only help stay-at-home mums are 'qualified' for as well. Surely the Government should not begrudge those who have sacrificed so much to provide the best care for their offspring the funds to ease pressure off single-income families?

On a related note, why should the IVF policy be implemented immediately then? It simply smacks of double-standards.

I urge the authorities concerned to reconsider before legislating the implementation date for the entire procreation package. The current government positions itself as a consultative one. To refuse to take in feedback and revise plans on such an emotive issue would alienate more Singaporeans, and precisely those Singaporeans whom Singapore cannot afford to entrench a lasting disconnect with, physically and emotionally.

A sizeable portion of the 30,000 parents affected by the implementation gap will be approaching our respective members of Parliament and lobbying them to raise this issue prominently in the coming Parliamentary session. If most of us were not so physically unwieldly, the first demonstration application to NParks at Hong Lim could well constitute a mass of irate pregnant ladies, who see yesterday's announcement as a real kick in the teeth, at a time when we can least afford it, emotionally and financially.</font>

Okie will check my personal email when I can

I'll try to purchase all orders tomorrow and send them out by Monday

Rather busy recently so appreciate all mommies who had ordered to have some patience waiting for the products hor... sorry sorry.
Really very sad over MIL issue and had been crying for the whole day and nite on tues. juz hope she will wake up 1 day.

i totally agree with you.. with the 2days' childcare leave we get this year, 1 month maternity leave extra only means extra 18working days which we can still accept if they dun grant us...

hard to swallow part is the $7K ah...
Oh dear! What happen? Dun let that woman affects the relationship btw ur DH and u. Please take care, think of ur little one. U have our support!

it's okay hahah drag too long already from May till now so naturally i was worried also lah..

yah u mentioned before abt the bottles part.. jus gotta bring more bottles bah bo pian..

i bought babycraft playpen from OG and CC sells it as well.. $139 standard cos everywhere i go also sell same price for babycraft.. controlled price maybe..
Littlebluey, Your hb is very cute
But what he said is correct about the ML's part. However, there isn't really any reason to wait to implement the baby bonus as well.

Ribena, so sorry to hear about ur MIL. Don't let her affect u too much. Rem your little one inside will be affected by your mood as well. It is never worth to divorce our hbs due to in-laws' problem. So don't let her come in between you and your hb ya. Talk it out with your hb in calm manner and I'm sure the love between you two are strong enough to overcome this issue.
I'm really tired of her nonsense and seeing her putting up wayang in front of my hubby and me. She is one kind of good mother in front of him and other face in front of me.

I told my hubby that it was never my intention to snatch her son away from her. If she's really unhappy abt it, i can return him to her and i really surrender to all her evil doings. I juz want to focus on bringing up Claudia and to gif her the best i could.
you got cot/ playpen? what size is that?

the brand babycraft, good? size? can go into MBR later?

most size is 28"/ 30" for playpen..
<font color="ff6000">Hi Mommies!!!</font>
<font color="0077aa">waitin to take ur lunch? me ltr got a chk up. scannin too. excited!! dunno hw my bb doin inside?!</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Ribena Li,</font>
<font color="0077aa">though i dunno wat happen between u n ur MIL. but can understand hw u feel. feelin so helpless n like fightin the war alone. as wat <font color="ffff00">dimpletot</font> is right!! dun let ur MIL win!! i'm sure ur hubby will understand hw u feel. juz tat both u n his MIL are his love ones. it's hard for him to really side either one. dun get sad. cheer up!! share ur prob here.. we are ur listenin ear!! ^_^
*huggies* *kisses*</font>
Little bluey
Ur hubby very funni. Eh…so give names only once hor…else got duplication.

Btw, dun get so workup over this…must remember to take care. I was fuming when I heard abt the implementation date. Fr yesterday till this morn, my tummy aching. Dunno is it BH ……but now better when I get the matter off my mind for a while.
<font color="0000ff">Ribena,

Dun be defeated!! U alrd know her pattern, why get soo upset over her, ask her go fly kite! Am sure your DH is understanding to know wat's going on. If u think u will feel better sharing your woes with us, pls do so, dun keep it bottled up! We are all here to support you!!


Your letter is pack with punches! Very Very gd! Post it to all media and forum and blogs!!


to me and hubby, babycraft appeals to us the most.. cos the colour matches our baby room the most.. our room colour is Kiwi Gold, which is a bit of light greenish colour.. so the baby craft colour is exactly matching in a light limegreen colour!!

ur house at membina right? we're quite near each other and new flats shd be abt same size MBR, so shd be okay i think to fit in the MBR.. i have king size bed and 2 bed side table and built in wardrobe and i think still can fit in but maybe limited walking space...
