(2008/10) Oct 2008

Ya, i talked to bb every night, ask him to kick or move, but still...think my skin too thick le! haha...
When is ur lunch time? Try to eat something first, dun starve urself! Any chance to order hor fun for ur lunch?

I did ask him if there is any other kinda calcium pills available, he said no lei

I even tried looking ard outside but not much diff from the 1 I had (Caltrate 600) loh
Those outside r juz as big & chalky & melts in the mouth...*puke*
Try to look for sugar coated calcium pill, think they taste better, not chalky lay! My fren's gynae prescribed that to her after she complained!
my appt was at 11.30am... i think more or less, u will have waiting time too.. but also depends on how cooperative each mummie's bb are... hehe... when i had my OSCARS, it was really fast though.. also on a sat.. so, depends on luck lor!!!

my calcium pill didnt seem so horrible like urs leh.. but i also dont take it now, cos it just gives me bad constipation..

the pigeon bottles are available in Taka or BHG as far as I'm aware.. its no longer called PES.. cant rem what its called.. something PPS or PPRS.. :p :p.. just lookout for the yellow tinted bottles.. n u can ask the sales person as well..

Rachel's Mummy,
then u shd have hor fun for lunch? i dont like hor fun for abt a month le.. hahha.. think my bb doesnt like it... wahahhahaa

yaya.. i will sms u or post here lor.. kekeke... ;)

Yeah think there should be some better calcium pills outside, maybe can try GNC? Btw my gynae didn't ask me to take calcium leh, just said two glasses of hi-cal milk a day is enough. I usually take a lot of cheeseanyway so i guess i should be alright in the calcium side.
i only feel baby movement, like gas or butterfly when on week 20 so maybe u same as me slighty late
Thanks a lot, will look out for it. My cousin asked me to wait for Taka baby fair, said got good deals for baby stuffs. Called Taka this morning, but the staff said yet to receive any notice on baby fair, but most probably on Aug, dunno wanna to wait for it or not.

Really? Then at least i can rest my mind now, will waiting patiently for it to happen.

Do u all have foot pain/ache problem? Dunno why, I will feel the pain when I step on the floor after waking up in the morning. I have put on ~4kg, dun tell me my foot already cant support my weight now?!
hi littlebluely
sorry for the late reply .. can i meet you next week instead? Not feeling well this week with a running nose ..
Phtanus, Forest, Gioanna,
Thanks, mayb I go try asking from other clinic if they have better kind of calcium pills

Isetan also carry the BPA-Free Pigeon bottle, there is a tag on the shelf tat says it's BPA-Free
It's normal neck kind.
hi mummies ..

just wanna check if anyone is using Maclaren Techno XLR .. how do you find the pram?

or do you have any good one to recommend? Need to get something light and easy to close cos my parents in law will be helping to take care of my boy. Many Thanks in advance
Had Boon Tong Ji chicken & dishes with my co-workers, yummy...enjoyed it even thou I din take much
<font color="0000ff">Nanshee,

No problem ^_^ Hope u recover soon! Take more fluids and rest more ya!

If u want something light, can consider Capella or Combi.


Manage to eat your hor fun? me having tang yuen with almond paste now! ^_^

all mummies and babies are different. I only really felt my gal moved when she was 25 weeks.

Yes, I do hv the foot pain like you for my no 1.
As for no 2, got different set of discomfort.
i went to collect cream from gynae just around 11.30am .... just applied the cream. Vy ichy &amp; redness spot... /sigh..

is it common during preggie?

i experienced that when i got dengue in Yr 06. vy terrible experience...
<font color="0000ff">Lili,

Are u experiencing PUPP? I heard that there's such a rash condition during pregnancy and will only go away after birth? If your condition dun improve after the application of the cream, maybe u like to check with your gynae further..
IC, think I have to be more patient, hee...
Oh, u also have that problem last time? I am thinking to check with my gynae next Mon, tot maybe i walked too much le. Ok, thanks!

Yes, i have your no. But i will be free this weekend, will stay at home most of the time. So is better u decide the time. My place is very near to MRT station, just 5-10 mins walking distance lay! Hee...
Thanks Littlebluey, will drop u an sms on the day b4 for the time to meet up.

I had zai beehoon..eat like no eat like that..my bb has been kicking ever since b4 lunch! think he is not full also!
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

No worries
Hahaha..bb complaining that you eat not enuf! Go find something else to eat...


I hope that's not your condition, hope with the cream that your gynae prescribed the rash will go off soon!
i also experience some rashes at my tummy twice after shower..i wonder wat caused it..looks scary..all the red spots just on tummy area. But its not really itchy
Lili, Everafter, Trace,
May wanna look into your body foam, mayb we r more sensitive now so may need to change to a more gentle body foam. Or is it the stretchcream you applied, is it suitable for u? Mayb try to think back on when do u feel the itch &amp; find the cause to it?

Hmm...thou PUPP starts at later stage, mayb diff ppl diff bah, I also heard PUPP last till after delivery &amp; will spread from tummy to arms &amp; legs.
Hi Littlebluey

Nope... i didnt rec ur email.
I hv PM u my office email.. Easier to communicate since i cant access my yahoo email during office hrs.
Can u send to my office email instead.
Thanks ya.

mine not itchy,or mayb itch once a while...but its dry though...


could it b the food u eat? did yr gynae said anyhthing?
all while okay lei... using same stretchmark cream, same shower foam... food, nothing special or unusal.

hope will be gone soon. Else, have to wait till coming checkup on 21 June... now, will apply the cream &amp; try to control...
Gioanna, he's on night shift this week and on the way to work mah..so jus drop by to pass me the popcorn chicken! Aiya, he also concern when i told him bb keep kicking! must be not full! :p

I suspect its the stretchmark tonic oil. But..i only had the rashes twice, but still applying the stretchmark tonic oil, so dunno wat is the cause of it.
<font color="0000ff">Everafter,

Shiok leh! ke ke


Tht's really strange I sent twice somemore, nvm I go home and check my email tonite and send you another one ok


Refrain from scratching else later there will be marks all over, if really itchy use your hands to smooth over the area...

Still he is nice to want to do that mah. Sighs my hubby on business trip to HK, will only be back tomorrow evening. Home alone with my two kids.... sighs.
littlebluey, Trace
i didn't scratch it cos' it's painful when i do that.. just sooth them only...

i go apply another cream...
<font color="ff6000">hi gals! i went to rustic nirvana over lunchtime for a pre-natal massage. was quite good, but now I feel oily cos the lady said cannot wash off the massage oil!


How do they do the pre-natal massage huh? Do u still lay down flat? on lay side way when they do ur back?

I haven't been to massage ever since i am pregnant. Am thinking to go for it this weekened.
