(2008/10) Oct 2008

Everafter, I also think the warmer is not necessary too. Juz have to soak the milk bot in a cup of hot water will do.

Save table top space which we need for so many other stuff like the steriliser, breast pump etc

Heehee...bought a 3pcs pack bibs at mothercare at 20% off

Too cute & it's unisex so cannot tahan liao lah...
Hi pinky brain

I'm thinking of using NUK bottles with Avent steriliser too. Is your steriliser the Avent Naturally Express? Just wanna make sure they fit.

Anyone knows if the Medela PIS needs to go with specific bottles when expressing BM for storage?
Hi gals!!

Wah, spent so long waiting for detailed scan yesterday but all worth it! Bb confirmed GIRL!

all organs healthy - so fascinated that i could even see the 4 chambers of the heart and the valves pumping flow through top and bottom ventricles!

only thing is, bb has wide girth! aka kinda fat! 370g at 20 weeks, even though average is 300g at 20 weeks. heh. sonographer could see chubby cheeks (although we couldn't really tell - she really expert, can see a lot of things we cannot. she was going - oh yah, there's the bladder, there's the stomach, there's the kidneys, see your baby has a really nice face and there's the upper lip... we all stare until blur, just go uh, yah, okay, yah... pretend that we can see haha).

apparently bb has long limbs too! at 95th percentile range, even though both of us are kinda on the short side. Doc Wong said our bb has 'ang moh' proportions, but thankfully head circumference is average around 60th percentile phew. she said no need to diet, (i only put on abt 4 kg in total - so she said it means bb is absorbing very efficiently) just eat per normal since these are early days and she will monitor and advise as we go along.


thanks for the advise, I told the clinic and they will help me book Mt A 1-bedder around my EDD 11 Oct.


sorry to hear abt yr air tix woes... personally i'd take the separate flight from hubby since he can send u to airport and yr parents can pick u up from changi? it's a bummer for him to miss the detailed scan though - can reschedule? cheer up k? happy thots make for happy bb.

can send me yr blog add? [email protected]


medela PIS will come with its own milk bottles attached to the pump. so can just transfer to whatever bottles before giving bb. i hope to buy a PIS too, and have bought nUK bottles (set on offer came with latex teats which are supposed to be most like breast nipple so bbs love it - although have to change regularly when it gets worn out) so will be transferring.

saw the website that someone posted - PIS with backpack only going for 260 USD. with our fantastic exchange rate now will be super cheap like 380 SGD. but i think shipping will kill the good rate. sigh. sometimes i wish i lived in the states. maybe we can see if anyone organising spree...

sorry posted so long... very chiong hei.
hahaha... but not sure whether to chiong for steriliser cos warranty will expire earlier.

so since bb hypermart not offering much discount, best is to get from shopping centres? i went to robinson's but only got graco mainly... am thinking of buying capella... any idea where they are sold?
<font color="aa00aa">Dimpletot
Congrats on your baby girl! Oct thread have lots of prince and only a few princess!!!

Enjoy your weekend!

Actually have free tickets to the Singapore Flyers but my son has been running a fever since last night so cannot go liao... Have made appt with clinic to bring him go see doctor but bcos it is a walk-in, so need to walk for at least 2-3 hours. Still waiting for them to call. Sian!</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Dimpletot
You can get capella stroller from JL and also other departmental stores like Taka and kiddy palaces. I brought mine at JL last year during the GSS. You may want to check it out. Usually go to the one at marina square where there is a good range of baby stuffs</font>
Buffy &amp; Littlebluey,
Thanks for the advise. Sometimes i really cant help it but worry this and that.
have any of u start drinking those powder milk?
I dont know if i should start. Dr Ong says the calcium pills that he gave is enough. But some are telling me that drinking milk is good for baby.
Ms Pi:

I can understand your concerns. I am actually hoping to see Dr. Ong soon so that I can get an update on my little one. But like what some of the girls said above, different babies have different growth spurt. My Godsis put on very little even up to her 5 - 6 months but the baby had a growth spurt in her last trimester. :eek:) You can check with Dr. Ong about your concerns lah. You expecting a Mickey or a Minnie?

I am not taking powder milk at the moment because I take fresh milk everyday. It is my habit since young.
So at night, I drink a glass of warm milk before bedtime and interestingly, my bb seems to like it too 'cos she will stop kicking and next thing you know, we are off to dreamland!

And during the weekdays when I am working, I take milk fruit shake about 2 - 3 times a week for tea. That was also my habit before I conceived lor. So hor, I am very "bu" already when it comes to calcium as these are on top of the 2 tablets that I am takin.

Actually, based on the books, a pregnant lady needs around 1200mg of calcium so at 2000 (with the 2 tabs we take), it is enuff 'cos not forgetting we get it from calcium fortified bread, cereals, some veg, etc.

When is your EDD? You delivering in Mt E / A?
Congrats on your beautiful princess, dimpletot! Medela PIS only has bottles to store the BM but you will still need to buy milk bottles if you want to bottle feed your bb...

I am also thinking whether to buy warmer or not cos the Tollyjoy one is quite cheap!
<font color="0000ff">Ms Pi,

I'm lactose intolerant so I can take milk but my gynae said it's ok, juz hv more intake of natural food

I am using the Avent naturally express IQ.

Also, i'm using the medela PIS breastpump. As long the bottles are not wide bottled neck, you can easily attached it to the breast pump. i find it really expensive to buy medele milk bottles. Nuk bottles do fit - not the wideneck ones. hope this helps.
hi ladies,

long time no chat. Was put on bedrest by my gynae coz of spotting. According to her, my placenta is lying near my cervix and bb is on top.

Thankfully, the bleeding stopped. But my detailed scan ytd still showed that my placenta is lying low. So gynae asked me not to walk too much and carry too heavy things.

She also said placenta will usually move about. But if it still remains low, then I cannot opt for natural birth le. I guess dat the mode of delivery doesnt matter loh. Wats more crucial is that bb is healthy.

He is now 20wks and 338gm le. During the scan ytd, he was very active!!
The scan took about 40 min wor. But apparently, many babies werent in gd position to be scanned ytd dats y there was a huge delay at the clinic ytd. Hahahaha...

There was this part, when I was lying on my side, facing the screen when bb actually moved and faced hubs and me! Den, he "waved" at us! Hahaha... Wasnt sure of that gesture until the radiographer told us also.
So amazing
Thanks Dimpletot, for your advice!

I book your girl first can? So many boys I scared he cannot find girlfriend! Kekeke
Congrats for your chubby girl

But I still dunno if the NUK bottles fit the Avent Naturally Express leh... nvrm, I go ask the sales people.


But hor, I am also bitten by the GSS bug leh. So I am goin to Taka sale later to check out the baby stuff.

We bot the avent milk pump and the bottle pack last week from JL. So going to check out other stuff like the steriliser, thermalware.

But, I have to be mindful not to walk too long and to protect my tummy from any bumps loh.
<font color="aa00aa">Mrs Chua
As what you gynae said, placenta will usually move about, so dont worry so much cos who knows it will move up! In the meanwhile, what you need most is plenty of rest. Both you and bb will be alright. Whether can go for natural birth anot is secondary, the most important thing is to have a healthy bb.
<font color="aa00aa">It's a boring saturday for me. Just brought my son to see doctor and according to the PD, there is a virus going around and it is a stubborn virus which means those who kana fever, the fever is likely to go on/off for the next 2-3 days. My son is likely to suffer from this virus and we are told to monitor his temperature closely. Cannot go shopping! Think I'm going to miss all the good deals liao! </font>
Yea, i hope that the placenta'll move up in time. But meanwhile, will act more like an old lady. ie. walk slowly, walk lesser, etc.

Yea, like quite a number of viruses going on. Mabbe the bad weather plays a part too? Jialat...

Yea yea, GSS sales.
Hi Buffy,
So far i have put on 5kg. Am only 16 weeks now.
When doctor told me baby is 150g i also dont know is consider average anot, only when i read the thread then realise seems small compare to the rest. But doctor say everythings looks ok so i think should be alrite, just that i tend to think too much..

Sometimes i am getting very confuse cause different people are telling me different things.
Doctor say i dont have to drink milk, unless i am not worried about putting on too much weight (which i dont want also). But friends are telling me that powder milk provide not just calcium. There are other nutients good for baby and i should drink for the good of the baby. So for now i am just taking HL milk other than the 2 pills.

I am expecting a Mickey.. EDD is 29/10
Havent decide on which hospital to deliver tho.
How about you?

if you clinic has informed the hospital about yr booking, u will soon rec a sms on the confirmation n soon the admission form will reach u..

I jzu got back frm Century Sq..Spring having sales 20-50%..i bought 1 jeans and a few bottom, the jeans is onli 29 bucks! so cheap!

Went kiddy palace too, i compared the sterilser, Avent cost $171...while NUK cost $101..all aft discount liao..so i hv decided to get NUK since i m getting NUK milk bottles..

Mummies, enjoy yr shopping today!
<font face="tahoma"> hi ladies

congrats!!! you can start shopping already. so nice to have ger ger... so many sweet and pretty things to buy. </font>
Hi ms pi,

I understand what you mean. FYI, I only put on 1.5kg when I visited Dr. Ong for my triple test during my week 17!!!! And that was when he told me BB is 120gm and the first thing I asked was is that ok. He said average. I think there is a wide variance of average lor.

I am most likely to be expecting a Minnie and my EDD is 13 Oct. Like you, I have not decided on the hospital. Was thinking of gg for the tour first. While I like Mt E because of the good location, parking is an issue and I din have such a good impression/opinion of the nurses there. My SIL delivered on Boxing Day last year and I was there with her in early Jan to visit the lactation consultant. The consultant was nice but the nurses were so rude, curt and unbelievably unhelpful. 'Cos all we wanted to find out was if they can contact the consultant for us and she was already expecting us anyway. But the nurses just looked up and said very curtly 'we are v busy'. and just turned away to look at the files and ignored me.

Wah biang, how hard is it to page someone right? And that was not my only gripe, there were a few more. Hence, sigh... still cant decide.

My dear, dun worry so much OK 'cos I went thru the same thing. Believe it or not, I do have people NOT knowing that I am expecting despite I am 5months now 'cos I am that small. I have heard so many comments about my bump size - 95% commented small while why that 5% said VERY big. LOL. To begin with, already so lost liao. Then told bump is small by so many people, lagi more worried. Then I have 2 jokers who said VERY big. So, the comments vary so wide that I got even more confused. Now, I just refuse to listen to their comments. As long as my gynae said OK, then I believe should be OK.

My nephew was borned a bit underweight and now, 5 months later, he is over 7+ kg and looks like baby michelin! Hahahahahahahahahahaa...
So hor, really, dun pay too much attention to these people.

As for milk, if you really worry so much, then go ahead and take lor. There are other vitamins in the fortified milk powder - folate, magnesium, vit. b, etc. But I am taking the pre-natal vitamins from Dr. Ong as well as folic acid (5mg). So, I do believe that I am pretty well covered 'cos the prenatal vit consists of so many other things. Additionally, based on my triple test, I am borderline anaemic hence I am also taking 1 iron tab everyday. Heng that I have no issue swallowing tablets, otherwise, sure suffer. :p
Hi Littlebluey

Hope i am not too late. If possible, can help me order the milk bags, 2 boxes.
Me also a Oct mum to be. Cos i cant access this website in the office, can only look thru during wkends and hv a hard time reading the posts, hee hee...
Pls PM me the mode of pymt if my order can still be captured.
Hi all,
I was thinking of getting the medela PIS but my steriliser is Pigeon. Can the bottles fit into the steriliser? Was also thinking of getting NUK bottles but not sure if they'll fit into the steriliser. Or should I get the PES pigeon bottles? Are they as good as the NUK ones?
My last check-up at 16W4D, bb was 164g. So not much better than you. My gynea said it's okie. And I had not put on much weight, probably 1kg only and I am underweight to begin with. But my tummy is very big. Gynea also mentioned no worries. So I think everything varies with everyone. As long as gynea says that bb is healthy. Though I hope my tummy will not grow too big lah.

I stopped drinking milk since I get diarrhea, and it only started after preggie. So I only take the calcium pills, which I do hope is enough too.

Anyway, my EDD was 29Oct, but last check-up, EDD changed to 28Oct.

Congrats on the princess, And thanks, am feeling much better. Decided that I will just fly back alone. We should have expected all these problems, shuttling between 2 cities. Was just feeling so upset because my friend screwed up our airtix. Anyway, my sis will be going for the detailed scan with me, so at least I am not alone

Mrs Chua,
Do take care and rest more. Just be careful if going out. I am sure both you and bb will be alright. As you said, mode of delivery is not important so don't worry!

Today I bought a pregnancy pillow. Supposedly can support the back while sleeping on my side. Hopefully it works well. Anyway, I am so tired from my swim, managed 700m today. So probably will sleep well even without the pillow!

It seems that I am the only mummy that has not bought anything for bb? Anyone else?
Any idea if Taka carries Maclaren Quest Sport? If so, I'll make a trip dwn to get it cos there's 10% + 10% till tml...

Me too have nt buy a single thing for bb yet...hee...
Congrats on bb girl!

Mrs chua
Do rest more and maybe u can get ur hubby to buy bb items for those u intend to buy. Let ur hubby do the job. Hee. Take care meanwhile.

NUK bottle
For mummies getting nuk bottle, what teats u using? I confirm w friend that pigeon teats can fix nuk bottle but size must be small one. Anyone buy pigeon teats here?
So if get Avent steriliser, nuk bottle can be use?
Hi Buffy,
My friend who delivered at Mt E before told me the nurses there are quite nice. Maybe u are just unlucky that day. But i heard that Mt A has better equipment than Mt E theres why cannot decide yet.

I am taking the pre-natal vit plus folic and calcium pill too. And i have problem swallowing the calcium pills cause they are too big for me. I have to use a pill crusher to crush it to powder form.

Thanks for the advise. I am a first time mum and had a MC before. So always tend to worry this and that.

Hi pinkimum,
I too have not brought anything for baby yet. My sis and sil going to give me lots of stuff cause both of them had a baby boy before too. But i am still tempted to buy when i see cute stuff. But now still early. Maybe when 6-7 months then will start buying..
<font face="tahoma"> Hi Buffy,
I delivered my boy at Mt E. The nurses are quite nice. The midwives and the lactation consultant are great! The problem is the carpark... super expensive!

I went into delivery suite in the middle of the night, hubby too gan cheong didnt think of alternative parking. The cost of carpark for 1 day amounts to $60+!!! Other than that, I like Mt E
<font color="aa00aa">Good morning Mummies!

! You are only 20 yrs old? Wow! You are super young! We have the same edd. Which hospital are you going to deliver in?

Good morning
! You are very early on a Sunday morning! My son used the nuk latex teats last time, but I found the colour of the teats change very fast. In the end changed to silicon teats for him but the silicon teats seemed too hard and he had to suck very hard.</font>
Where do you place the pregnancy pillow ah? Sorry, me being a bit dumb here.

Dont think worse of me. But I'll feel safer if I am ard when shopping for bb. Hahahahahah!

Taka is having great sale! Most Pigeon pdts r goin at 20% off and 10% further for TSC members! Siao siao

So during the shopping, I dropped hints @ hubby dat some we may not need to buy yet and when the time comes and I m being confined, he can come out n buy himself. He was like so scared/reluctant loh! Hehehehe ...

Spring having sale?! Hehehehe... Tempted to go later also leh... Jialat...
morning mommies,
Detailed scan : its confirmed a baby boy!! couldn't be wrong (that's what the lady said..hee) glad to see that bb is growing well..really an active boy manz...
went shopping @ Topshop and bot this romper that says "Welcome to the Mickey Mouse Club" aiyo, too adorable to resist..heee
Milk Bottles : me bot Pigeon + the steriliser..my mum kept recommending pigeon..say its good etcc...might get the NUK teats though (cos i read that its pretty good and that it can be used on pigeon bottles too)
<font color="0000ff">Morning Ladies,

So many posts hee hee had a hard time catching up

For those who wish to update their details I can only do so on Mon when I return the office becos I dun hv the spreadsheet with me now *hee hee*


Taka carries Maclaren Quest Sport, I saw it ytd, it's going for 15% off and + another 10% off for members, so go for it!

Mrs Chua,

Just have more rest and dun worry too much, everything is gonna to be fine ^_^


Hope your child is better now, no worries abt missing out on the sales becos it's ongoing til July leh

Ms Pi &amp; Buffy,

Congrats on your Prince and Princess


I've sent you a PM alrd


No worries, u can still take your time to shop for bb, no hurries


NUK bottles can be used in Avent Steriliser

Hi Edelynn,

You are really young! *envious*</font>


Has anyone bot the sterilizer yet? We r tinking of the avent that keeps the items sterilized up to 24hrs. Wondering if it is value for money...

for those mummies using Medela PIS, wats the difference btw :
1)MEDELA Pump In Style Advanced Breastpump BackPack
2)MEDELA NEW Pump In Style Original Breastpump

did u all carry this pump to work? Is it tedious?
