(2008/10) Oct 2008

Good afternoon ladies

Hope all had a good lunch. I felt my appetite is going down as I'm approaching 2nd trim, back to my pre-pregnancy time. But I'm still loving spicy food.

Heee.. I never never follow strict confinement rules either.
My CL isn't as modern as Carole's one but I do things my own way without letting her know. :p My point is don't want to get into conflict with her 'cos she got her own beliefs but I'm not convinced of those beliefs. So I do it my own way lor.

Shampoo hair, accordingly to my CL can only wash once every week and shower alt days, wipe alt. day. But I will "die" if that is the case, so I hid myself up inside my room's bathroom to wash my hair alternate days and shower everyday. Heee.. I blew dry and came out like I never washed my hair. But I suspected she knew lar 'cos my hair like very clean, how can be one week washed once only. :p I used herbs throughout the 28 days for showering and washing hair. And the water I used is quite hot. I also closed all windows before I go inside to bath to make sure I don't catch cold. So far, I do not have any problem with my health. So this round, I'm going to do the same thing again. :p Only my hb is aware of this haaa..

Btw, anyone knew where I can get those cheap and good and reliable chinese herbs huh? I got mine last round from Fu Hua. Thinking if can get cheaper options this round.

Hi ladies - do you all still feel v tired? I feel so shag still. now 7.5wks. Can eat my breakfast at home, and then surf the net a lil and feel tired and go konk out. Normal??
Jasmine, any medical halls will have. they are very inexpensive. LOL... i dun ahve to hide from CL lor.. she very open. Though she has been CL for years, she is very PRO BF and also bothers about personal hygiene. Me too uses very warm water, cos i scare COLD.

ruffles... feeling tired is normal during the 1st trim.. so dun worry ya. me too can knock out from 1pm to 5pm.. whahaha...
Good afternoon Oct mommies!

Welcome bbhuimin

mousebb, I am also under Dr Adrian and also underwent c-section for my #1. Can i ask if its a scheduled c-section or emergency one? I had an emergency one..wonder if Dr Adrian is pro-natural birth anot.What is the age gap between ur current pregnancy and the previous one? Thanks =)
Jasminetea - i also love spicy food. Perks up my appetite. But after that hor, stomach hot hot one then a bit uncomfortable. But i still cannot resist spicy food!
I think the herbs can just get anywhere lor. Those neighbourhood medical halls shld have.

Carole - yar never wash hair!!...plus my SIL hair is those thick thick type one lor...I think she is crazy to not washh her hair for 1 mth. Actually i observed that even bfore she was pregnant, she dun wash her hair everyday..maybe every 2-3 days kind...and she bathe very fast...not like me, i take abt 30 mins each time...haahaaa!!

I am also always very tired. Now abt 10 weeks plus already. No choice. Got to take naps in office.
Hi hazeline,

Dr Andrian is pro-natural but not pro-epidural. Haha..he kept encouraged me to take epidural for my 1st one as no need to suffer but i didnt. I only had thigh injection + laughing gas and then i slept like a PIG liao...until i heard Dr Adrian's voice. He so suprised i didnt take epidural ....

In fact, the pain is bearable. For 1st time mummies, give urself a challenge and shld try w/o epidural....very good experience....hehe

I went to see Dr Adrian last night. BB 9 weeks, can see head, body, hand and leg liao...due date will be 21 Oct.

Altot this is 2nd one, i still feel very excited and KC. Felt so happy when i knew bb is well in my tummy...
<font color="ff0000">carole</font>, i didnt do a very good confinement for my 1st one. i really hope i can do a good one for this 2nd confinment.

btw, i bought the chinese herbs from the medical hall like wat u said in packet form but hor i didnt use leh. i still bath as per normal. i oso didnt eat alot of ginger coz tat time bf scare eat too much ginger baby will have jaundice.
Jess - the thigh injection can reduce pain one is it? Never heard before. Only heard abt epi and the laughing gas. Did the laughing gas make u nauseous?
Rachel's mummy - I also heard that ginger will cause jaundice. Anyway I am not a big fan of ginger

But did u eat those rice wine chicken cooked with sesame oil? If BF can eat or not since the rice wine contains alcohol?
Hi Jess,

Ya, i remember before he detected that i need to go for emergency c-section, i was 2-3cm dilated and he suggested me to take epidural. But i din coz wanted to try initially.

I also never heard of the tight injection before. Does it works? If so, i might try it this time. It is to reduce pain or to make u drowsy and wan to sleep? Haha..coz u said u fell asleep aft the jab =p
<font color="0000ff">Hi Ladies,

Hope everyone had a great lunch, it's raining outside now...so nice to take a snooze if possible -_-...


My next appt is tis coming Sat, looking fwd to it
My bb was born 3.16kg.

Mine was a scheduled one cos bb was still in a breech position at week 37. Upon checking with Dr Adrian that the chances of bb turning headdown is very slim, we decided to go ahead with his suggestion to take the bb out at week 38 before contraction starts. My boy is now 7 mths. Hence the gap age should be 14 months.
<font color="ff0000">Diane</font>, i ate the rice wine chicken. but before i eat, i pump my milk out 1st. after eating 2 hrs later i pump again.
Mousebb - wonder why bb cannot turn their heads down sometimes hor? I heard that for breech bbs, best to go for c-section and not natural, even though it is not possible.

Rachel's mummy - thanks. Will bear in mind the procedures. But then again so many things to remember hor? then my memory getting from bad to worst ....

Littlebluey - i had pasta arrabiata for lunch because it is spicy...wahaahaaa!! Now i am soooooo sleepy...cant wait for the long weekend to come then can zzzzzzzz...
anyone planning short holidays other than juz me who is going to HK?
<font color="0000ff">Diane,

Wah shiok hor! eat pasta hmm....*tempted* hahahahaha...

U going away to HK for holidays how to zzz zzz zzz....hahahhahaha...must enjoy and eat/shop in HK!!


I got a fren who was supposed to go for C-section due to her baby in breech position (transverse - meaning bb lies horizontally across the tummy), her gynae told her that most prob becos her pelvic is too small...her bb refused to engaged as she's comfortable in the position she is...but somehow it was a miracle when she went for her recent appt (suppose C-section is tmr de), her baby actually engaged, thus fufilling her wish of a natural birth.

She said she talked alot to her daughter and amazingly her little one really guai guai engaged wor!!

Tai Jiao orr!</font>
Was told of 2 possibilities:
1) bb too comfy in his sitting position until he refused to turn.
2) small pelvis and bb does not have enough space to turn.
Dr said mine could be bcos pelvis too small and poor bb has no space to turn. I guess this is quite true bcos my bb has BIG HEAD. At that time, my tummy also wasnt very big leh.
<font color="ff0000">Diane</font>, i had carbonara for dinner on monday night. after eating i threw everything out. now i suddendly feel like eating Aglio Olio.
Littlebluey - I mean "Juz Me" is going for a HK holiday...not me. haahaahaaa!! U very cute!!

Actually i also tried to talk to my bb, but somehow i bit difficult because the tummy is not obvious so the "feel" is not there. haahaaa

Mousebb - are u very small size?
Rachel's mummy - i love aglio olio too....but now if we eat hor, will keep burping garlic...haahaaa...so cant imagine bruping garlic while having meeting in office!
How i wish! Me about medium size bah. When i was expecting my boy, i put on about 13-14 kg but most of the weight went to my tummy and partly i had a lot of water retention.

Anyone of you have started to develop rashes? Over the last few days, I have lot of rashes 'popping' out. It happened to me during my last pregnancy too but it only happened at around week 28 lor. Now my whole body so itchy. Have applied calamine lotion and hopefully the rashes would go away soon.
Thanks hazeline, How was Dr Adrian's package? I wanted more choices this time when i decide on the gynae this time. Last time was DR WK Chan. She was very skilled but her constant remarks on 'fat' really gets on my nerves. Now i wanna try a male gynae instead. Any recommendations?
Hi Icy,
Ya, i knew rachel was born on 30dec 06
and yup, my boy can walk already, think he walk ard 13mths.. how abt rachel?

u mentioned that u didnt do well during your confinement period, me too.. maybe is our 1st baby and we tend to do everything ourselves..

Thanks for the articles on caffeine.. i am also worry as i must drink a coffee a day.

Anti-stremark cream:
think is good to apply early in order to prevent those unwanted stretchmark!

Mummies or MTBs,
Any good brands or effective cream to recommend?
Mousebb - my tummy itchy too. Have been using Clarin massage oil for the past 2 days. The oil is sample from clarins because i bought their stretch marks cream.
hi mummies,

these few days so busy and had a hard time to follow all the posts.

went to dr adrian last nite.. bb 10 wks liao.. can see heartbeat but maybe i lying down so cant see leh.. but my hb say got la.. so happi

bb fair
is this fri-sun at expo hall 6 if i rem correctly. think i will go see see on fri since is a PH.. huurrayyyy!!

think i will try my veri best not to use coz i scare of needles leh.. every time see needles will faint lor.. hope will jus use laughing gas.. my fren wife with dr adrian too then she stay in single bed and use laughing gas onli pay cash 1k reasonable hor..

i seldom have dreams coz too tired liao.. but recently have bad dreams and i told my hb.. then he say bad dreams will not be true la.. haha anyway dun hope to be true too

ad adrain did say that if wan to use plaster can but i never use la.. then that day was having super backache and use yoko yoko then after that saw the label say preg cant use.. then i was like sh*t but heng use abit onli.. then rest of the times i use axe oil to ask hb to rub my back if pain.

wash hair
the old pple will usually say cant bath for one mth but think i will jus tahan 1 wk the max.. cant stand dun bath and wash hair think i will go crazy haha

beansprout pillow
think like wat carole say got pple do and sell so think i will buy for my bb.. anyway my mum did say she will do one for bb too but using green beans.. she say last time i like alot but i cant rem at all.
u at how many wks liao? me 10wks oso tummy veri itchy leh.. so bad that i hv to put some axe oil to cure the itchy if not i will scratch and become red patch.

dr adrian package is 550 can pay using 2 instalments will include all normal medicine like multi vit and folic acid but it does not includes hormones pills. of coz also include scan at his clinic and consultation la.. which i think is veri worth lor.. coz one consultation is 80 and sign the package is unlimited consultation.
bbhuimin, Dr Adrian's package is quite reasonable. Package is $550, natural delivery is $950, c-sect is $1,150. Including 1 blood test, normal scans during visits and medicine (for preg and other times when you visit him when you are sick).

mousebb, ic, i heard breech position most of the time is c-sect. Glad that Dr Adrian is pro-natural coz i heard of some Drs who prefer c-sect as it is easier for them to plan their schedules.
Diane - i did engage a malay lady to do the wrap for me for both pregnancies. i find it rather useful. I'll probably go ahead and book for this pregnancy too. it did help to get rid of the air from my uterus and there was some pretty obvious results.
btw, i was looking through some of the threads and came across quite a few on engaging certain confinement ladies. check it out as some mommies had very bad experiences with some of the CL and they actually list down the details of the CL.
just got home from Gynae, little fellow is now 3.32cm. growing big. Started my Anenatal package today and will be doing the scans for bb's neck for DS on 7April.

Diane, oh no... u better stay ahead, who knows jumping hair lices! whahahaha

Rachel, i ate tonnes of Ginger. I hates Garlic and ginger, but CL make Ginger so nice till i cant resist it. Find a good one even if you have to pay slightly higher.
<font color="0000ff">Cheer Bear,

The site sells very pretty beansprouts pillow! Do u know how much they are charging for one? hee hee :p</font>
Hi Cheer Bear,
Yup, im with Dr Adrian, CCK branch =)

If i remember correctly, you are from the Sengkang branch rite? Tik alot of ladies here under Dr Adrian is from Sengkang. Except for Storeberry. Anyone that I missed out? =)

Ya. At first, i only used laughing gas and it didnt really help then the nurse suggested thigh injection + laughing gas. She said these 2 worked well together. But you must know the techq also. Take a deep inhale of laughing gas before the pain kick in...can ask ur hubby to monitor from the chart. before going up, take a deep inhale....so when it reaches peack...you "mabuk" liao....

I really fell into Zzzzz...until gynae come. Hope 2nd one will be as smooth as 1st one.

* Thigh injection - inject Pain relieving drugs into your thigh.
Mousebb - i am using the sample massage oil now. Haven start on the cream yet. But the oil seemed to be able to relieve my tummy itch leh.

I let u know if the cream is good once i start on it ok?
Hi Diane,

you started to have tummy itchines ? Oppss....i heard some mummies are quite serious and need to get doc to prescribe medicine.
Hi jess

ya lor...dun know why so fast leh..yesterday i kept scratching in office then my colleagues said i very disgusting...wahahahaaa!

But now slightly better after i apply the massage oil. So keeping my fingers cross

Cheer bear - I am only 7.5wks but itchy already. Feel my tummy sticking out a lil too. Maybe am bloated. Am using Mustela Intensive Action. So far helps to soothe me..
