(2008/10) Oct 2008

hi jane ...
yours oso ard the same LMP as me right? ... i oso .. i just tested with kits .. ranging from the most cheapo de to most ex de .. hahaha .. you put appt liao?

i never put appt leh, my cousin recom lawrence ang and she said dun need to make appt, just go ahead.
how abt u?
i got feel bad cramp for these few days liao

u got go family doctor to chk mah?
<font color="119911">hi jane, dun worry so much about cramping, coz i had it for weeks too. make sure no spotting, spotting/bleed must see doc le. actually no nid go family doc one i think. can juz go gynae direct</font>
jane ..
I never see any family doctor ... my frens say no need since i have been tested 4 times on HPT.. bad cramp? is it something like menstrual cramp? i read that sometimes it can be implantation bleeding .. but since it is a few days liao .. u might want to check with the gynea? Maybe call and ask?

No nid fix appointment? where is lawrence ang?
i got call &amp; ask le, he said nvr mind since no bleeding/spotting.

Lawrence Ang at sembawang Sun plaza. maybe i ll call next week see whether need to make any appt or not bah.. but my cousin said no need leh
hi jane, how bad is ur cramp ? is it on and off or always there ? normal clinic dont have the scan, is best to go to ur gynae to do a scan. cramps is quite normal at early weeks but if severe cramps is no good.

think you call him up better, orelse you might need to wait, i call the clinic up on wednesday and book and appt tonight
<font color="aa00aa">wah wah wah! i took a nap, came back the thread moving so fast liao! New ladies: welcome and congrats!

porky: from my understanding, sometimes after 7 weeks, besides being a able to see fetus, you are sometimes able to hear the heartbeat.

I am seeing my gynae on the next following Monday when it would be around 7 weeks for me. Only then he will advise me on the situation and EDD. So *fingers crossed*

Littleger: heard that the heartbeat sounds like galloping? is it is it? am quite excited but 25th Feb is such a long way away still!</font>
Wow, i didn't come into this forum in the morning and the thread is already going so fast and long liao!!!


I'm also seeing my gynae for the 1st time on 25 Feb. Me also excited! Even though this is my 2 preg. Can't wait for 25 Feb to come sooner!
Buffy: hehee... i also very excited.. my next appt still so far away - next fri! yeayea... u know when the first time i heard my bb's heartbeat... i almost wanna cried! Jus dunno how to describe tat feeling at tat moment!
i am going today, oso very excited...intend to bring my gal along for all my check up to let her see the whole process and slowly i can explain to her and let her know that another sibling is on the way and would like her to love them....
Hi AvrilMummy

I think it's a good idea to bring your daughter along.

I'm also thinking of bringing my boy along too.
<font color="119911">littleger>> me too!! haha i thot i was such an emotional mummy! but lucky never cry haha</font>
<font color="aa00aa">hello linda! I KS, 25th is my second appt liao! Ke ke ke ke... 'cos hor, it is the first time for me and hubby. after i used my first HPT and it showed positive, i woke up him (it was 7.30am on a weekend BTW) and he got a shock! then told me to test again with the second kit which i did so a few hours later. still, he was not quite convinced
, he wanted for us to see dr. ong hence i saw him when i was at week 5 for a virginal scan to see the position of the sac lor!

when my hubby saw the sac, it finally sank in! now, hor macham like wait very long before 25th lah! ai yoh!!!!

littleger: now i am getting even more impatient and excited!!!! heng, weekend is here so time will fly even faster. ke ke ke ke

avrilmummy: thats a nice idea! she can get excited and involved as well.
I've not tell anyone abt my preg yet (Not even my mum or MIL). Me &amp; HB thot to see the gynae to confirm first before telling anyone.
Anyone started having MS already? I'm feeling horrible ley... any method to make the puking feeling goes away? I don't have much MS for my first pregnancy.. this time round i feel kinda hectic.
<font color="aa00aa">linda: yah yah, such a long wait! nevermind, we will count down together ok!

littleger: oh, u experienced MS liao ah? you are 2 weeks ahead of me, so you should be around 8 weeks now? oh dear, i have not experienced it. but books say to eat smaller but more frequent meals to maintain consistent sugar level, soda crackers or something with ginger and perhaps smelling something citrusy?</font>
Mine hubby also don't believe it.

He lagi best. I show him the 1st test kit that has Cross to indicate postive. He ask me what is cross!? Then I bought a digital one that reads "pregnant".

He ask me what is that! (Nearly faint) after he see the sac, he finally acknowledge he did it.

Juz me &amp; Littleger
So happy and excited for you all. teared with joy le on bb heartbeat,..cannot wait for my turn liao!
so gancheong but must wait until 25 Jan then go see the progress... Bu Nen Den le
anyone will feel sudden hungry and full?? im not sure if not normal, sometimes i cannot determine if im hungry or full during night times esp.!
<font color="119911">littleger u got ms ah?? bu yao xia wor! i feel i oso a bit more nausous. i very scared will have MS. argh hoping that i wun have that symptom leh. the bloating and no appetite not enuf meh..??
u ladies think is ok to take lemon? citrusy and sour mah? mabbe will help?

everafter>> very normal. i oso cannot decide am i bloated or hungry. hungry oso dun feel like eating. bloated and uncomfortable. i hope this is passing phase...

all waiting for scan and heartbeat>> dun worry time pass very fast one! wish u ladies all the best! hope can scan and se healthy baby and hear heartbeat!! =)</font>
Buffy: ya lor... the feeling kinda suxs! yea.. whenever i got that kinda feeling.. i will find some light snacks to munch on.
I wanna take something sour but Dr Ong advised me to stay away from too cooling (liang) n sour stuffs cos of my blood clot problem. So from last week till now I don't really dare to touch sour plum ley!

Jlow: Ur hubby really very "blur" ley! hahahaha... My hubby also another funny guy. FOr my first pregnancy, I oni tested once and it showed positive (very faint + sign) and he never ask mi to test 2nd time n believe i was pregnant! Den this round I tested the first time and it showed very clear positive but he dun believe and ask mi to test 2nd time!*pengz*
Juz Me: not i wanna scare u... i didn't really have MS for my first one also... my first one quite easy, just not much appetite n very tired, tat's all. Now this time i felt so diff! The feeling suxs! But gynae said it's good to have MS.. means the pregnancy is normal and good. Why must we women go thru all these hor?

I not MS le ut I always feel nausea or fan wei especially when I take bus or after a meal. I carry prumes(Suan mei)..It always helps to subside the feeling.

Not sure how true it is but I read and it says people with motion sickness will feel it earlier and I think it also mention Vitamin B6 will help to minimise the MS effect. Anyone can advice if this is true?

Does anyone get sensitivie with smells too? Is that a kind of symptom too? some scent can make me feel nausea le.. Not sure is it me Think too much!?
Jlow: same same! I always feel fan wei after my meal (esp dinner)! Den during the day, will suddenly have the feeling of puking! Den i will try to "ren"! Den faster find sth to eat...
hi hazeline: We are same same goat and having no, 2. hope to hear more from you.

littleger: thanks for sharing. I am keeping my finger cross hoping to see and hear good news next wk when i see gynea.
I feel hungry and full very fast. Really have to take small meals throughout the day cos too hungry or too full, I'll feel nauseous. Sometimes no appetite but bo bian, eat for the sake of bb.
We not allow to take apple cider hor..

Buffy: what time is your appt? I make the earliest appt hoping to catch the early bird...hee hee

Now my hubby more excited than me. Ask me what to see next time and keep reminding me the next appt date. hahahah
Hi storeberry: thanks, as for me taking 1 hormone tablets per time, 3 times a day, this is to stabailise the pregnancy. touch wood, no bleeding. you take care too.
Sometimes when I smell the usual food that my mil cooks, esp carrot soup, I also feel very nauseous...Food that taste nice previously, now no longer taste good. Arrrghhh...
<font color="aa00aa">jlow: hahhahahahaaa... now that you mentioned, my hubby also asked "what does that mean"? I had to show him the legend on the stick and then the box. *fainted*

littleger: ai yo yo! i am so afraid of MS also. i keep telling myself that maybe i end up with my mummy's genes 'cos she did not have MS for any of her pregnancy at all. once in a while, i get a bit queasy and i will just take smaller bits - hopefully that would help in the digestion 'cos less air? maybe can try that?

hey ladies, for those on hormone tablets, may i know how much yrs cost? i threw away my receipt accidentally but i remembered my jab plus med, the bill came up quite high. is it that ex?</font>
<font color="ff6000">jollycow, hey we must be reading the same book. about how to reduce MS. but thankfully I still have no MS.

Only have the bloated feeling. but I can feel bloated but still hungry leh! esp when sitting down feel very fat. But definitely hungry by 1030pm if I didn't eat enough breakfast. </font>
<font color="aa00aa">jlow: oh yah, book says Vit B6 is good for that. but if i am not wrong, our pre-natal vit already has B6 so that should help a little.

precious/jlow: also, yah, with pregnancy, the senses change so more sensitive to smell. i must own up. yesterday while resting at home, one of my neighbours made shrimp paste chicken. wah biang, i can smell it even when i am sitting in my study room!!!! i kept craving for me until really cannot tahan,
i bought from the zi char stall. ate a few of the middle joint, the rest gave hubby!</font>
Buffy: Nevermind...so we can hear your good news at night lor... :p

Littleger: He super bo chap type but now got BB, can really feel the difference lor.

Now if I tell him His son is hungry, he will readily help to get some snacks! feel like a Queen le! hahahha
Wow shrimp paste chicken wing, yummy.
My neighbour above and below always cook curry. Now I got phobia of curry smell because the "fragrance" is too strong liao. I used to love the smell but now, no no no
Littleger, the feeling of being a Queen is definitely great. cos I feel it too! My hubby who does not help me with washing clothes and ironing is doing the job now. yeah...BB wan sui
Precious: hahaha.. that's good. I'm still doing my own ironing n washing cos hubby aldy did the vacuuming n mopping.. so not so nice tat to ask him do all.
hahahah Ya, so priviledged :p somemore no need to do housechores.

Until the gender is confirmed, gal or boy, I call "it" "son". I think it's less bias than calling daughter lor. just my thinking la..

I love gal more, but because it's the 1st one in his family, I think he prefers a son.... I promised him last time until a son is born, or else the factory will not stop..very stress now..

I am. So I hope his army was late for the party..
But if boy also champ. He will be spoilt by his family for sure! I need to stock cane now! hee hee
